auchtung ago

All of you are fucked wits.

sguevar ago

Well isn't that some productive and critical thinking there? thanks for sharing it.

diesel4420 ago

Hey @sguevar. I appreciate the fact that you can act like an adult. As you have seen in the past day or so a lot of folks are extremely immature and they want to be acknowledged for how racist they can be. I assume it's a contest. Saying that, I took over this sub for several reasons. First and foremost it's because I am passionate about this type of content. Secondly, I wanted a place where people can get away from all the nasty shit that is posted on Voat.

Now as far as your post. This is not the type of content that I would normally allow because it doesn't relate to the content for this sub. You have some very good questions but this isn't the place to discuss politics, religion or philosophy. Although I do enjoy discussing those topics. Moving forward, I will allow this post to stay up for a while but at some point I will delete it because like I said it's not related to the content of this sub.

One last bit of wisdom. Try to stop thinking in terms of absolutes. What I mean by that is not all Jews are bad. I am positive that there are really bad people that are Jews but that doesn't make all Jews bad. This is where a person's intellect comes into play. For most intelligent people they can understand this concept so they don't judge a person by a title or label, they are judge a person by their actions and words. Now, when it comes to people who are not educated it is easy for them to say all Jews are bad because what do you expect when you have the IQ of a turnip.

And one more thing, this isn't directed to you Sguevar, Why the hell does everyone say I ban people? I have banned exactly ZERO people from my sub.

SearchVoatBot ago

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sguevar ago

Thanks for taking some time to answer partially to this post.

So here it goes:

As you have seen in the past day or so a lot of folks are extremely immature and they want to be acknowledged for how racist they can be. I assume it's a contest.

Pardon my approach on here, but, so what? You have over a year, nearly 2 years on Voat and know that we don't care about words here. What we care is to express freely what we can't outside of this platform without, as you say being judged, and I will add, by so called virtuous people. Consequently, we have also gain a thicker skin and learned to ignore behaviors that are simply annoying in nature, including offenses, slurs and insults. You have probably not banned people but you sure have, and I have witnessed the proofs, censored their speech just because you don't like what they say. That goes against what Voat stands for. I learned that when I first came here and saw that there were people saying this many things that normally I wouldn't use or calling me slurs for being from Costa Rica. I learned that it is not important. I learned that there are bigger problems to deal with that the way they express themselves. And even if I don't agree with some of their ideas or thoughts I will defend their right to express them freely in any sub in this platform. For it is part of what Voat is about. Your stance against it, is a stance against what Voat stands for and for that I will not agree with you nor will I defend you in front of the community.

First and foremost it's because I am passionate about this type of content. Secondly, I wanted a place where people can get away from all the nasty shit that is posted on Voat.

I am happy for you that you found a passion in your life. Whatever those other users are doing doesn't affect your passion for it doesn't prevent you from posting what you want nor managing that your subverse stays on topic, which is the realm of the unexplained.

If you want a place that you can take people away from whatever is posted on Voat, then why coming to Voat in the first place? This I do not understand. There are other different sites where you can fight that so called virtuous fight censoring speech that you don't like while doing what you are passionate about. Why coming to a community that will go against you for trying to censor their members, just because you don't like what they are saying or posting? Do you really see any logic in that stance? Objectively, I do not.

Now as far as your post. This is not the type of content that I would normally allow because it doesn't relate to the content for this sub. You have some very good questions but this isn't the place to discuss politics, religion or philosophy. Although I do enjoy discussing those topics. Moving forward, I will allow this post to stay up for a while but at some point I will delete it because like I said it's not related to the content of this sub.

Well I beg to differ. As per the subverse description and I quote: "Post interesting content you believe falls into the realm of the unexplained" - My questions are unexplained in many levels and as you confirmed they were also interesting. This post respected every rule you have and secondly it talks about things that for many are unexplained. To me they are rhetorical for I can explain them. But for others my explanation is unexplained also for they do not understand it. So the post is on point. Now if you want to delete the post, then I will have to ask you to reconsider this or reconsider modifying the ambiguous descriptions that show on it. For I did it within the boundaries of those descriptions. If you delete this post before modifying those descriptions I would see this deletion as censorship for you prevented people from trying to answer or explain those questions themselves and find out why they are rhetorical. Which again, it would go against what Voat stands for.

If you do it after you modify the ambiguous description of the rules you posted, then I will understand and say no more. But until then, this post, objectively speaking, is on topic.

One last bit of wisdom. Try to stop thinking in terms of absolutes. What I mean by that is not all Jews are bad. I am positive that there are really bad people that are Jews but that doesn't make all Jews bad. This is where a person's intellect comes into play. For most intelligent people they can understand this concept so they don't judge a person by a title or label, they are judge a person by their actions and words. Now, when it comes to people who are not educated it is easy for them to say all Jews are bad because what do you expect when you have the IQ of a turnip.

I am a Christian, when I share the truth that the Word of God holds, I speak not on mere absolutisms. The relativisation of good and evil is in fact a foolish search for a convenient truth. For truth to free people, it has to make people uncomfortable so they can see their hidden shackles and break them.

As a Christian though, I can't judge people, for that is not my work. Spreading truth is. So when I say that the (((jews in the letter))) are in disfavour in front of the Heavenly Father, I say this not judging them but based on what the Word of God says and how they behave. People think that we judge others for sharing the Word of God for in it, God does express they will be judged. Not by us though, but God. Their displeasure with our preaching is directed towards us for they know they can, in frustration for they can't direct it towards God. I don't think that all the (((jews in the letter))) have ill intentions, I think they are blinded to their pride as most of those that deny God. I think that they will see the truth sooner or later, like everyone else will. As a Christian, I just hope is sooner than later.

And one more thing, this isn't directed to you Sguevar, Why the hell does everyone say I ban people? I have banned exactly ZERO people from my sub.

My apologies for saying ban, as it misrepresented what I wanted to say. For this I wanted to say censorship.

Censorship of free speech because you don't like what others say is not what Voat stands for. We defend their right to say it, even if we don't like it. That is what Voat stands for.

Now you can delete comments and posts because of spam or because they are not on topic. But coming in here and placing a rule that is called: "Racist or hateful comments" in which you (not you personally, but your mod team) hypocritically stated also "The owner and moderators of this sub have the right to break this rule when dealing with hateful individuals.", simply goes against what Voat stands for. Let me remind you that this is not politics nor philosophy nor religion. This is in fact the position of the SCOTUS: Hate speech is free speech. By you censoring hate speech, you are censoring free speech and the fact that you (once again your mod team) can hypocritically bend that rule to attack the people you don't like for what they said before shows how ill intended this is and how power eager your mod team is.

sguevar ago

@Wuttier - here you go, don't know if you still have the popcorn bag.

Wuttier ago

Glorious bastard, thanks. And well written response niggerfaggot.

sguevar ago

Glad you liked it as I meant every word.

Wuttier ago

I'm grabbing popcorn for this one.

sguevar ago

Hahaha well hope you have a big bag of them because I am still waiting for their replies.

Wuttier ago

He's probably too busy sucking dick for shekels or crying in his mother's basement.