Shes2FAT4ME ago

I can't upvoat you but can comment, huh. Trying to use logic on a moron like diesel is a waste of your time dude. Just sayin.

SearchVoatBot ago

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MadWorld ago


[-] Hfjeidijrneiisifj -3 points ( +0 |-3 ) 2018-12-18 11:11:35 (Ref:

Fuck off srs cancer

MadWorld ago


[-] Hfjeidijrneiisifj -3 points ( +1 |-4 ) 2018-12-18 11:12:39 (Ref:

By removing troll comments from his own sub? What a power hungry subversive fuck he is. By God he should be hounded and brigaded off voat

Hfjeidijrneiisifj ago

Fuck off srs cancer

diesel4420 ago

I want to try and talk to you but it like talking to a fish. For some reason you can grasp the concept of rules and what happens when the rules are broken. It's not as fun to respond to your comments when its require a negative IQ to respond.

diesel4420 ago

I'm going to have fun with you kevdude. Buckle up Fucklehead.

Seriously I cant believe just how fucking stupid your comment it. You are certainly in a league of your own when it comes to being a supreme dumbass. First off, the "O" by my name says otherwise. It actually means I'm the owner. So yeah, I am the owner. (O=Owner) Now just because I didn't create it doesn't mean it's not mine now. For example, Let's say you buy a house. You didn't build it so does that mean that the people who built it still own your house? No! Of course not. It's the same fucking thing Fucklehead.


Now for your second statement. If you bothered to read the fucking rules you will see that I clearly put in a special rule just for such an occasion. Here is the rule - Racist or hateful comments have no place on this sub. This includes the use of the "N" word. If you aren't sure what I mean by the "N" word, then it's safe to say it would be best to not post a comment at all.

The owner and moderators of this sub have the right to break this rule when dealing with hateful individuals.

As you can see I made it clear that I have the right to break this rule. Good job on looking stupid. That must be extremely embarrassing. I bet your mother is so proud.


I have been on Voat and a member of theunexplained for 3.6 years. I've been the owner for at least 2 1/2 years. It's not like I came right under people's noses. I've been here for a long time my little Nazi snowflake. I know you're just upset that you and all your racist ass buddies don't get away with saying hateful shit in my sub. You motherfuckers are such fucking BABIES. I wish a there were pacifiers big enough to shut you assholes up but that is wishful thinking.

Shes2FAT4ME ago

My god I can't decide if you're a liberal, snowflake, soyboy or just a nigger! 😆 "As you can see I made it clear that I have the right to break this rule" And you have the tenacity to call @kevdude stupid? Again, 😂🤣😅😆! A faggot takes over someone else's sub and then puts in rules to make himself a tiny tyrant! That's laughable! And then you call people out who call you on it! I hate when people use this term so ill be downvoting myself for this but you are the definition of niggerfaggot! Note all the double digit downvotes to all your comments. The "Ruler" of unexplained is a loser niggerfaggot in his own tiny kingdom! 😆😅🤣😂. Sorry but you're making me laugh! "Good job on looking stupid". Did you read your own comment? The entirety of your little baseless rant is the definition of stupid and hateful. You violate your own rules but more importantly VOAT rules. And not just by being a "N" faggot. Btw, the "N" word is NIGGER! NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER! Or you.

SearchVoatBot ago

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diesel4420 ago

Alright @Renatus. Let's battle, now that I cleaned up all the bullshit you and all your Nazi buddies spammed in my sub. So basically you're bitching about me deleting comments. I bet you were one of those fucking kids that cried until you got your way. Well I have news for you kid, this is not one of those times.

I clearly have rules posted for this sub so whether or not you have read them, they are still enforced by me. If I feel that a comment is racist or hateful then I will delete it. That is my job as a moderator. You can complain and bitch all you want but it doesn't change the fact that this sub has rules and when the rules are not followed something is done about it. To me it sounds like you want the right to say hateful bullshit. You certainly have the right to do that but not in my sub. I'm sorry that you are such a turd that you feel like you don't have to abide by society's rules or in this case the rules I have for this sub. All I can tell you is Sorry, Go Fuck Yourself, and grow the fuck up. Oh Wait!...Eat a dick. I forgot that one.

Shes2FAT4ME ago

Pot calling the kettle nigger, oops sorry, darkie, darkie. @renatus made a completely legitimate not to mention correct inference that calling the Jews the worst monsters in your post was an opinion related to the topic, not a racist response jackass. You don't belong on voat as this is a community of free speech. I know this will have ZERO effect on your thinking as multitudes of voat'rs already explained this to your 75 IQ brain but it doesn't hurt to repeat it for people who may be on the fence. There's a differential between making a racist comment, (read THIS comment) and legitimately posting an opinion, "Jews were the worst monsters in the bible". While I don't have enough personal knowledge of the bible too agree or disagree with that, I do know the difference between an opinion and a racist/hateful comment. I'm curious, why would you start a thread about monsters in the bible, on voat of all places, and not think you'd get some of the comments that make your nappy hair stand on end? Which, btw,renatus did NOT do.

SearchVoatBot ago

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absurdlyobfuscated ago

Speaking as a moderator who has been around here for a while, I would like to suggest that you try to take a more neutral, objective stance when dealing with community outrage and witch hunts like you're seeing now. Combativeness and insults will only further the outrage and make people feel like an even greater injustice and abuse of power has taken place. What you should do, if you want to maintain the rules and standard of moderation, is spell out exactly what constitutes a rule violation and explain how specific examples are "hateful" in clear terms. Do so without casting personal judgement or insults; condemn the actions and words, not the person. And don't make special exemptions for yourself, people generally don't like hypocritical behavior.

ObamasPinkSock ago

I never would have found this awesome community if it wasn't for the shill who posted this attack.

TheUnexplained, like almost every other Voat community, has clearly defined rules.

Rules are necessary to keep the content valid, which is why /v/aww removes religious debate posts and why /v/debatereligion removes puppy picture posts.

Keep up the FANTASTIC work diesel4420!

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Actually, aww does NOT remove off-topic posts. For the last month the sub has been dealing with trolls posting gore and I still haven't removed a single one of their posts. It's a system subverse and those should remain as censorship free as possible. Only things that break site-wide rules get removed.

However there is a good argument that a non-default subverse should curate content to keep everything on-topic. Keeping with the spirit of voat, any rules to that effect need to be minimalist and very clearly defined. In my opinion, this place shouldn't have or need any rules about "hate" and entirely subjective language. Having an exemption for the moderators is laughable, too.

ObamasPinkSock ago


Eight hours ago /v/aww implemented new rules.

Here, you can read all about them yourself:

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I wrote that, I'm quite familiar with everything going on there. Note that it does not say that anything will get removed for breaking the rule - only content that violates voat's site-wide rules will get removed, which has always been the case. That post simply establishes a rule under which bans may be given for violating a universal forum standard, after issuing multiple warnings. Check the mod log for removed posts and comments, you won't see anything related to the new rule there.

ObamasPinkSock ago

The post and comment mod logs are full of spam - a tribute to TheUnexplained mods.

Renatus ago

A submission explored monsters in the Bible. A commentator expressed his genuine and legitimate view-point that he felt that the Jews were the worst monsters. The comment was censored.

Do you comprehend the ramifications of censoring free speech, it's consequences and how/why it might be abused?

ObamasPinkSock ago

Taken out of context.

Your shill friends have been spamming this community for days in the hope the mods would clean-up your mess so you can manufacture a "censorship crisis" and encourage people to attack.

Go fuck yourself.

Renatus ago

The mod is censoring perfectly legitimate criticism of Jews by misrepresenting submissions and comments as "hate speech" or "racist". It's disingenuous and irresponsible.

My expectation of honesty, intellectual responsibility and freedom of speech doesn't make me a shill.

ObamasPinkSock ago

This community, like almost every Voat subverse, has rules, even if that makes you sad.

If I post pictures of kittens, that will be removed just like your irrelevant Jew spam or irrelevant cooking recipes.

Sorry shill but you can go fuck yourself.

Renatus ago

The rules weren't broken. That's precisely my point. In the context of a conversation of pertinence to monsters in the Bible, a user proposed the Jews.

  • That's not against the rules.
  • It's not spam.
  • It's not racist.
  • It's not hate speech.

It's an objective, contextual and valid statement of fact.

Shes2FAT4ME ago

Using logic on a moron is like talking to a liberal, a waste of your time.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Even though claiming that Jews are the worst monsters is true, it is also the definition of racist, you retard.

Renatus ago

"Jew" isn't a race.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Fuck off shill.

olieman ago


Hfjeidijrneiisifj ago

By removing troll comments from his own sub? What a power hungry subversive fuck he is. By God he should be hounded and brigaded off voat

ObamasPinkSock ago

If you look at the new posts to this sub, you'll see it's been spammed attacked with nothing but irrelevant bullshit for the last 13 hours.

This is an attempt to manufacture a "censorship crisis" by having the mods clean up all the mess.

This is an coordinated attempt to get Voat users to down-vote brigade this community.

Renatus ago

He began censoring perfectly ordinary Voat vernacular.

You're right. He is a "power hungry subversive fuck".