ObamasPinkSock ago

Yep - I noticed all your down-vote brigading friends are in that list.

Personally, I'd have banned you too for good measure.

TheBuddha ago

Just want to say I got around to reading this. Good answer.

ObamasPinkSock ago

Many Voat communities are being remorselessly attacked at the moment.

/v/TheUnexplained, one of Voat's oldest communities, has been flooded with irrelevant antisemitism spam for over a day now.

I suspect these attacks are designed to manufacture "censorship crises" in an attempt to get other users to attack awesome subverses.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/theunexplained comment by @ObamasPinkSock.

Posted automatically (#14535) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

con77 ago

It's about time

aboutime ago

its aboutime

phillyjoe ago

In susbscribed, blocked and I'm still getting this circle jerk voat farming shit.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

See this: /v/voatdev/2870390

keksupreme ago

what i described before.

i'm not typing it again...

keksupreme ago

or, hear me out, we could do something about the troll and shill problem on the site.

oh wait you don't want that since you are one of them.

nice try kike

keksupreme ago

i'm being triggered by kike spam, which isn't limited to aww.

but aww is the most prominent example of it

keksupreme ago

i don't care just have someone do it.

i'm sick of this site being ruined by aww

thelma ago

I'm busy right now getting ready to post 100 NSFW threads w/o tagging them NSFW...

keksupreme ago

stop putting awww in v/front then you trolls

Neinlife ago

Where did they go? It is entirely possible i am looking in the wrong place. Lay off the constant personal attacks already, you are not impressing anyone.

gabara ago

/aww is getting worse. You're not dealing with censors, you're dealing with one crazy person named Jeff who will keep doing his shit so long as you continue to make it easy and fun for him. There are specific accounts he's repeatedly used to post gore because he can. Ban those accounts and he'll go into a rage, mostly offline. Make Jeff his parole officer's problem. For now it's a game for him to see how long it takes to drive you crazy like him.

If you ban him, sure he'll go into a rage and suddenly a bunch of sleeper accounts will suddenly wake up and start complaining about "censorship'. Then a bunch of other users will point out its just Crazy Jeff the gorefag. And life will go on.

@kevdude @peacekeeper @crench @srayzie

srayzie ago

This subverse now has a new rule: No untagged NSFW content

This includes depictions of nudity, violence, and gore.

@absurdlyobfuscated this makes it sound as if gore is allowed.

AR47 ago

He can't ban it due to his own interests, and perhaps someone finds that Gore shit appealing? Being this is a system sub he can't just ban shit as it would go over like a lead balloon.

What he is doing is right and giving the people doing it just enough rope to hang themselves with.

You know about the searchvoat function? Well you can limit this to a sub and just search NSFW and then build a list to compare to something later and start to build a profile.

srayzie ago

Yeah I use the search function. He can’t ban it? Has someone asked?

AR47 ago

He can’t because he is a good guy.

I know him personally and can vouch for his integrity. It goes against the principles of voat to just ban shit and more so within a system sub. This way he can make it somewhat better and stop the spam or at least report the accounts that do it.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. Yeah I think Putt seems like a great guy.

gabara ago

If they're gonna mod a system sub, they have work to do.

truthwoke33 ago

Show us.

truthwoke33 ago

Take aww off the default, this isn't fucking Reddit. Fuck you gay niggers and your "optics"

GasChamber ago

What about vote farming? That's what I assumed this was about when I clicked on it.

draaaak ago

That's what I figured, but wanted to clarify.

draaaak ago

for both posts and comments a formal warning will be issued to the user.

Comments? Do you mean text comments, or links?

MadWorld ago

That is a pretty decent solution!

Neinlife ago

My posts have vanished twice. Thats enough. Fuck off.

15455865? ago

Oranges and lemons.

Not saying /theology should be a system sub, but I only created it because it didn't exist and I wanted to post one thing, so I tried to treat it like a system sub and with voat's 'no censorship/ only down voting and commenting' ideals.

something_went_wrong ago

A bit of unsolicited advice: the term "theology" in the sub name is guaranteed to attract a "diverse" set of users. I think you damned yourself if you think you can control sub content beyond "no censorship/ only down voting and commenting."

PuttsMum ago

Apples to Oranges

This reminds me that I can't see those fruits together without getting Algebra PTSD

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I'm a free speech purist. If your moderation doesn't bother me I really doubt it's too strict. I approve of this rule.

LetsBeNakedOutside ago

Man OP I didn't even know there were Shit Heels out there doing this!

And one of these cry babies is claiming censorship because clicking NSFW makes the thumbnail disappear?

What a speshul Sneaxflake. OMG.

Rabbi_Adolf ago

Should just be banned, this is aww not eww

15451559? ago

This doesn't help in my opinion. What (tagged) NSFW posts are appropriate for /aww?

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Here's one that's actually fits the subverse. (NSFW, porn) Looks like the image host it used is down, but it had an album full of naked women posing with bunnies. But the more important point is that it shouldn't be up to me to decide what's appropriate for a system subverse. If it doesn't break a sitewide rule or universal standard, then it shouldn't get removed.

15454323? ago

Disagree. I tried that attitude with /theology and gave up on the sub because I couldn't out compete the irrelevant spam on my own and there was like 2 subscribers. From reading the comments the community wanted some moderation, and I saw a fair bit of "no porn and no gore" sentiment.

something_went_wrong ago

Can you offer proof of spam problem in /v/theology? Your removal log shows nothing within the past two years.

15456281? ago

That's because I didn't remove anything because it wasn't technically spam in the "buydiamonds.com 10%off" way. What I'm saying is this "never remove anything that's technically no spam/dox/illegal" is not the best route.

Actually I did delete a dox post post once, but that's it.

something_went_wrong ago

What I'm saying is this "never remove anything that's technically no spam/dox/illegal" is not the best route.

Can you provide a few links to some posts in /v/theology that you personally want buried? That list might give a better idea where you're coming from.

15456644? ago

It was so long ago and I don't know how to sort by old post first.

I kinda knew I was asking for trouble but I had seen a lot of civil theological debates so I didn't think it was that much of an outlandish dream. I didn't want nor try to control it (beyond some commenting reminding posters of the point of the sub.).

From what I recall there was a lot of posts that should have been in v/religion , v/internetfightclub and v/news as well as a lot of shit posts (e.g. "so and so is a dick"). And almost nothing discussing theology except "religion is all bullshit" with no effort to try and discuss the theological reasons that supposedly made all religions shit.

something_went_wrong ago

You are free to remove yourself as a mod of that sub. You are also of course free to interject in conversation threads there.

15457037? ago

I don't know. I guess I'm not ready to go back there yet nor am I ready to remove myself. I gave full power to Conspirologist because he asked but I don't know if I trust him or not. He's not doing a worse job than me but he doesn't have the heat it had when it was a new sub.

I just wanted people to have their theological discussions in /v/theology same way I want cute stuff in /v/aww and gore in /v/gore . I don't know why people consider that censorship. To me it's censorship to put things in the wrong sub because then you can't find it if you're looking for that stuff.

Edit: in your view what are the merits of being a janitor?

PuttitoutIsGone ago

All you schlomos will burn in hell. Fuck you.

Neinlife ago

Yall deleting my posts already that arent nsfw so shove aww up your awws.

mxcviel ago

Meanwhile adding BlockSite extension will do the trick, because he uses mostly i.imgur.com and i.ytimg.com for his cruel pictures.

think- ago

Please don't forget to report actual child porn to the admins, and to pull it immediately, please. (According to Voat rules - illegal content according to US law.)


AmaleksHairyAss ago

Note: all nudity is not legally porn.

gabara ago

Safe for work is what the grownups are talking about, champ.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

That's funny, I'm an adult and I was talking about a different topic. So I guess your generalization doesn't hold.

something_went_wrong ago

illegal content according to US law.

Personally this is why I want to see more porn and violence on Voat even though I acknowledge not many other users do. Why? Because porn and violence are one of the only true functional canaries. If porn and violence are allowed, then most likely other speech too is permitted on the platform. If disallowed (like in the case of facebook and it's dozens of subsidiaries like instagram, tumbler, et al), then most likely dissenting political speech is also disallowed. It is an odd paring political speech and porn/violence, but such is the way of things and how lowly political speech is treated.

mxcviel ago

Thank you.

SteaksUSA ago

Delete your sub.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

It's not my sub, it's a system sub. I'm just trying to manage it responsibly and in line with the spirit of voat.

toobaditworks ago

Funny then why you allow a group to manipulate vote and only upvote each other? Liar.

Dog with cancer is not gore either faggot.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I don't have any real power to deal with vote manipulation or brigading. Do you expect me to ban the the people involved who keep posting content that pretty clearly fits the purpose of this subverse? That would be actual censorship and suppression, the opposite of what voat stands for. Otherwise I can't do anything to prevent their votes from having an effect.

Only the voat admins could detect and address a problem like vote manipulation.

toobaditworks ago

Do you expect me to ban the the people involved who keep posting content that pretty clearly fits the purpose of this subverse?

So you do know who these peolpe are and that they indeed are together and working as a group to manipulate votes and downvote everyone else? The people involve admit they are working together to upvote each other and they work together to downvote everyone else.

And you do nothing? Why? Because you're involved. You allow this shit to continue.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I can't win here. If I remove any posts or ban anyone, I'm censoring and denying people their freedom of speech like some kind of cancerous reddit mod. If I don't, I allow the shitposters to flood the subverse and upvoat each other en masse. It's an awkward spot to be in, I hope you can where I'm coming from.

toobaditworks ago

Yeah i see where you are coming from. At least take some action in private with the owners of this site to do something about it.

incellivision ago

kill yourself

cuewho ago

have your say, my way

The reddit way.

So easy to get you people to show your true colors.


absurdlyobfuscated ago

What do you think my true colors are? Those of a censorious reddit mod? The standard of asking people to tag NSFW on a public forum is the absolute bare minimum. It doesn't affect anyone's ability to post or say anything - you simply have to tag it if it's NSFW. People who spam get banned, people who post dox and illegal content get banned, and now people who post content that can get you fired at work without any kind of warning will also get banned if they do it over and over repeatedly. No one will get banned if they simply tag their posts/comments. No additional rules will be implemented.

No, this is the voat way.

cuewho ago

What do you think my true colors are? Those of a censorious reddit mod?


It doesn't affect anyone's ability to post or say anything - you simply have to tag it if it's NSFW.

Which hides the content (thumbnail). That is censorship and you are a lying censorship loving faggot.

people who post dox and illegal content get banned,

You tell more lies, you've got users doxing in your sub you lying piece of shit. @puttitout is an unprincipled piece of shit too, telling the same lie and turning his head the other way when it happens.

This is consistent with the ProtectVoat

Of course you are in bed with those reddit faggots. One of their mods is one of the biggest offenders of doxxing on voat.

No one will get banned if they simply tag their posts

Self censorship training. Exactly like reddit.

No additional rules will be implemented.

Heard that many times on voat.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

It seems like you'd find a way to claim censorship even if I do absolutely nothing at all. If I actually wanted to push censorship in any form here, you'd think you'd have seen anything from me working towards it, at all, in the slightest, in the four years I've moderated this subverse up until now.

A NSFW tag is a method of categorizing content. It also filters out posts for people who have disabled adult content in their preferences. Is that censorship? Is it censorship if I unsubscribe from a default subverse, or if I block a subverse from appearing in /v/all? It only affects me if I do. Do you think that porn posts in the various porn subverses should not need NSFW tags? Aren't they appropriate in that kind of context?

I've removed one post containing personal information so far. If you see anything else that breaks the rules of voat, or the rules of this subverse, please report the offending content and I'll take action as necessary. Frankly, I don't care what the ProtectVoat people do or what else they're guilty of or who they're associated with, I'll support their ideas if I think they have merit and I'll condemn any individuals if they do unacceptable things like doxxing.

cuewho ago

It seems like you'd find a way to claim censorship even if I do absolutely nothing

No. I'm calling out your actual censorship. Deny it all you want, safe space faggot.

A NSFW tag is for safe space faggots from reddit.

Like you.

I've removed one post containing personal information

One of the many. You want a brownie button?

'll support their ideas

Ya, we see that. Safe space faggot.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

Here are all the things I've censored on this subverse: Posts Comments

Take a look. You'll only find things that break the site-wide rules about spam and personal information. If you want to criticize me for that, go right ahead. All the evidence is right there in the open, so if any actual censorship of something that doesn't break the rules took place then you can cite that specific case and you'll have a legitimate grievance.

You can call people who want to filter the content they see whatever you want, ultimately it's their freedom to do so. They don't directly affect you or anyone else by choosing how they view stuff on the internet.

cuewho ago

That is not all you are censoring. You have multiple posts censored on /v/aww/new right now.

Because you are a reddit tier safe space faggot.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

How are posts censored right now? Because they have a NSFW tag? Because people downvoat them?

We've discussed the NSFW tag, and I can't control how people up or down vote here. What do you expect me to do?

cuewho ago

  1. Stop being and catering to reddit tier safe faggots.

  2. Stop breathing.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

  1. That doesn't answer my question. I don't see how I'm catering to anyone.

  2. No.

PuttsMum ago

Let me get this straight: You think tagging NSFW stuff in v/aww is a shitty thing to do? V/aww? V/fuckinaww?

"True colours." What's that all about? What are these "true colours" - holy shit, the mod of this sub protecting the sub from faggots who want to post nsfw shit? The mod of this sub relating to cute, furry fucking animals?

I see what you mean. Wow, obviously they're a cunt for doing that.

PuttsMum ago

Aww, that's cute :)

gabara ago

Thank you!

Shartdownunder ago

although I don't like this softy v/aww bull shit clogging up voat I do feel that what your sub has done here was not only a right and just, but smart.

People searching for any posts on voat shouldn't have to be afraid of opening up gore on accident but I feel slippery slope fallacies exist for a reason.

I hope this works out well for you u/gabara.

Merry Christmas.

RuthlessVett ago

lol I triggered this little faggot so hard he brigaded me. now at -270cp.