absurdlyobfuscated ago

I'm about to make an announcement about the rule and would also like to include an invitation to a few people I'm considering adding as moderators. Are you interested? I'd very much prefer people like you who have been around for a while and whose values line up with the core principles of voat.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I'm in complete agreement with that set of standards, and based on that the only thing I think this place needs to formalize is the prohibition of untagged NSFW content. It's a universal forum standard, well understood, and objectively enforceable. I'm implementing this now. Thank you very much for the input.

obvious-throwaway- ago


toobaditworks ago

How do you know he isn't an alt and all this was planned to try to add new rules and get them put in as mods?

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever comment by @toobaditworks.

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heygeorge ago

No gore/animal torture/abuse, no porn posts. 1 post = deleted/ban

NSFW or gore must be tagged in comments.

think- ago

Thanks, Kev.

toobaditworks ago

I do. Special needs to keep infiltrating Reddit cucks off this site. REAL ANSWER You faggot marxists aren't taking this site.

toobaditworks ago

I saw no spam even if they spammed it was taken care of with the rules in place and downvoats. Don't give more power to a group that 'saved the day' from something that was never a problem in the first place. That's how cunt reddit mods gain power in the first place. They create a problem in secret then step in and become the saviors of that problem. Everyone cheers them on then they gain their power and destroy us from within. Don't fall for this shit.

toobaditworks ago

No fuck that. It's a system sub for a reason. Those people flooded the frontpage with content and drowned out other default subs. If anything they need to be de-modded forever. Downvoating the content was great but their brigading the frontpage was not needed and should not be glorified. I never saw one gore post because it was all downvoated. They are breaking rules by doing this. Imagine if the gore community did the same. The frontpage covered in gore. No fuck that.

Elder_Maxson ago

You posted gore to v/aww. You don't get a say.

toobaditworks ago

I didn't post any gore you fucking liar. PROVE THAT! I posted no gore you piece of shit lying reddit cuck. Prove it or get the fuck out.

Elder_Maxson ago

Looks like you died to hide it by deleting it, but I searched archive.is and someone archived it! http://archive.is/UVGNG

toobaditworks ago

I never deleted it. I never hid it. They act like faggots they get faggots.

toobaditworks ago

Notice how all my posts are being brigaded and downvoated by the brigaders. Fuck them. BAN THEM!

@puttitout we have brigading teams infesting voat. Don't let this happen.

15333876? ago

5 mods on a system sub might be overkill, If not me I'll ping whoever absurdlyobfuscated picks

SearchVoatBot ago

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LisaScienceQueen ago

I'll mod!

Elder_Maxson ago

I like your posts. Keep it up!

hardshaft ago

Post as much cute stuff as you want, but please don't make it a crosspost from Reddit, or something I saw 2 hours ago on another website. If you want an upvote, make it personal, make it relatable and most of all, make it original.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/AnonTalk submission.

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obscure_waterpipe ago

What else should this subverse formally prohibit?

Yourselves, of my frontpage. I blocked you guys ages ago.


Fuck you and fuck your rules. Free speech is of the utmost importance and you dumb niggers want to throw it away for fucking cutesy animal pictures

think- ago

Imo there should be a clear rule that pics of nude underage people / children is child porn (well, it actually is), and the user will be banned immediately, and reported to the admins, who in turn will inform authorities. This is, in my understanding, a Voat wide rule already, and this is how we handle child porn in v/pizzagate (I'm a mod there).

Then please create a rule that prohibits posting gore. People who come here would like to see cute pics, they shouldn't stumble upon gore. And please also create a rule that gore comprises pics of tortured and dead animals.

So basically, in order to avoid the recent spamming attacks, you'd just need three rules:

1) Posting child porn (pics of nude underage girls or boys) is not allowed, the user will get banned immediately, and will be reported to the admins, who will inform US authorities.

2) Hentai pics (child porn anime) is also not allowed, the user will be banned immediately.

3) Gore pics are not allowed, the user will be banned.

4) Pics of tortured or dead animals are not allowed.

@KatHarzSo @gabara @srayzie @Shizy @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

My understanding is that posting NSFW in a non-adult sub, whether as a submission OR a comment, is already grounds for removal and banning.

think- ago

Yes. I think v/aww shouldn't accept NSFW posts at all.

@KatHarzso @gabara @Artofchoke

gabara ago


15332929? ago

It's a slippery slope. Most goats - despite the fucked up content don't want censorship - if we nsfw it apparently it'll never hit front page. A compromise though someone has to pay attention to the fucked up content and yes I could do it but even I detest seeing those pictures in their context.

think- ago

Most goats - despite the fucked up content don't want censorship - if we nsfw it apparently it'll never hit front page.

Well, but still people will the thumbnail pics on v/aww, when they come there to relax and see nice pics. So imo this sucks.

And just referring gore to the right subs isn't censorship imo.

15333243? ago

It's good we all finally discussing it. We'll work out the kinks and it may suck for awhile - but in the end it will work out for the better and the goat community will grow. Can't give those lowlives too much to bitch about or else they won't shut up - and I bet they're waiting for their content to be deleted so they can be like "system sub is deleting stuff this place is like reddit and hates free speech reeeee".

gabara ago

I agree

think- ago

@kevdude @Artofchoke: please see parent.

jammicsmith ago

PLEASE DON'T CENSOR AT ALL!!! (except illegal shit like kiddie porn).

Not going down this route is worth whatever is required. From my end, as an end user, I'm willing to deal with occasionally seeing something that makes me uncomfortable to keep free speech unconditional on voat!

Can we just flag the content? At whatever point a moderator would choose to delete the posts or ban the user, instead flag the post as "mod-del". If you would ban the user, auto-flag any posts by that user as "mod-del". Then allow users an option in their profiles to auto-hide any posts flagged as "mod-del".

We already have the ability to flag posts, this would require adding an option to flag users per subverse and auto flag posts per subverse based on the user flag. It would also require an additional checkbox in our user account "hide 'mod-del' flagged posts".

This doesn't censor anyone, but gives every user the choice to not see these posts. We can have our cake and eat it too! Well, except for @PuttItOut that would have to make a few code changes...

Thereunto ago

That was a well thought-out response, Dial Indicator.

SparkS ago

yeah well... fuck fawwgs... not a hater but fuck all these fucking pussyfags who brings fawwgie things on the front page.. fuckem and fuck those mother fuckers woth their news also... and fuck niggers too... bunch of mother fucking hypocritical reatrds..

Shartdownunder ago

And my friends, this is how you introduce control on voat.

  • Create sub

  • Bombard sub with posts and in sub shilling until it floods the front page. (Not hard just set up multiple accounts or pay an organisation to highly inflate its upvoats initially to make it jump on the trending section.

  • Act the fool and tell other people if they don't like your engineered front page content don't click on it. ( I'm just a normal white person posting normal white person things Goyim)

  • Wait until everyone's looking then introduce an engineered false flag attack. ( "this is sick, why would anyone do this?, there must be crazy dangerous people here.)

  • Push controls onto your sub and claim you have no choice but to protect yourself. (Look at me me follow goats, look at what bad people have done to me, I must protect myself)

  • We are here
  • Flood other subs and push similar controls and moderating. ("Look fellow goats, maybe we should put in controls to protect ourselves as well." "I Agree fellow goat, Remember censorship saves lives")

  • Common sense goats speak up. ( "ah, sorting through shit and crappy opinions is the price you pay for free speech")

  • The ban hammer comes and Voat is lost. (" you can't say that, your wrong and disgusting, your literally egging on these dangerous people, Ban! Ban! Ban!")

Make no mistake.

If v/aww isn't a engineered attack on voat it will be the initial cancer that will spread and take this site down.

15333525? ago

Assuming this sub was created by user but instead it is a system sub and the only Jews here are the ones supporting gore and child pornography being submitted here.

AEndtoThemForever ago

This is the correct response. This is a coordinated effort to bring Voat under jewish control. Ignore the posts, don't acknowledge them, keep trackers on the IPs the jews are using and follow them home.

ChiComs ago

I dont think people should get banned until maybe 3 gore posts. Mainly because every 7th grader will do it once and no need to break the spirit of voat other than deleting the submission.

smokratez ago

The jew trannies of soupdoxretardhammer taking over awww. Is voat retarded enough to let it happen?

silic0n ago

I hope I never have to see another gabara post.. kill me now!

uvulectomy ago

I'll agree with the people in the "Saying 'put your content where it belongs' is not censorship" crowd.

While I'm here, I'll say I do enjoy seeing stuff from here make it to the front page more often. It's a welcome break from the darkness we're surrounded by on a constant basis. With that in mind, however, I think posters using Plebbit-style baby language (doggo, pupper, kitteh, bunneh, etc....looking at you @gabara) need to be kicked in the taint until they learn how to speak like functional adults.

gabara ago

The Pupper doggo talk is intended to make it hard to live for the gore poster.

15333541? ago

Bleh even I don't like the cutesy baby talk, Gabs, but I tolerate it.

gabara ago

You'll note I stopped.

15334702? ago

I've been busy as of late so this morning I finally caught myself up on the topic at hand.

I haven't noticed cuz I been too damned busy shooting up towns with John for Dutch or getting into massive bar fights with Lenny. My nephew spoiled me and it's been years since I couldn't put a game down... in fact it was the first game I couldn't stop playing.

drstrangegov ago

awww....we hate you too!

Deplorablepoetry ago

I like the how you used integrity to describe VOAT.

your efforts are appreciated and I would like to offer an opinion but I don’t have one....., (first time ever)

I’m confident that you will (or have) come to a solution that will indeed uphold the integrity that you speak of.


ScientificRacism ago

I can't even wrap my head around this nonsense. Why do we even have fucking subverses if we can't ban Gore from a subverse like v/aww

If you end up listening to the minority of people screaming about censorship when there would be absolutely no censorship happening, you're making the wrong choice.

The people posting gore will still be able to post gore to Voat. They're not being silenced. As it stands I have v/aww blocked and unsubscribed and that's not even because of the gore, that's because of the people trying to "balance" out the gore. I don't want to block any default subverse. However I'm at the point where I simply don't want between a third and half of every post I see on Voat to be kittens.

Anyways, this shit is getting way too retarded. You shouldn't even need to ask this question. It's gore being posted in v/aww.

The only people fighting this are people who want to damage Voat as a whole.

redpilldessert ago

I had this exact problem posed to me for the alternative right sub.

I love you for how you've presented this to us all. Whatever decision you make, I'm not going to mind too much, but I think what you've done is pointed out a more fundamental problem which affects all subs, and Voat in general.

Honestly, in a perfect world, we'd leave it to the downvotes. HOWEVER, v/aww fans may absolute detest seeing such content. Therefore my proposed solution is to leave it to the downvotes, but also where u/PuttItOut (sorry for the ping) employs a system where users can create a threshold (either site-wide, or for each sub), so that they can say: "Okay, only show me posts OVER -5 votes" or "only show my posts over 0 votes", or "only show me posts over +5 votes". Those who are more brave to battles the stormy waters of trolls can have the threshold set to very low, whilst those who are more sensitive can set it to say, +5 or +10.

ScientificRacism ago

I have yet to see anyone explain how this effects freedom of speech though. Voat is a freedom of speech website. And banning people who post gore to a specific subverse that's oriented towards the polar opposite of gore does not impede anyones speech. They're still able to post gore to Voat. They can create a subverse, or they can post it to v/WTF or other subverses where it's relevant.

I don't understand how you can reach the conclusions you're reaching, because if that's the case why even have subverses? Why aren't we all just posting to v/whatever?

redpilldessert ago

Because subs gain momentum and being banned from a popular sub is going to bias its content, no matter how minutely. I think gore is utterly out of place on this sub, BUT I'm talking about a principle here, a principle of downvoting which fundamentally makes almost ANY kind of moderation unnecessary.

And banning people who post gore to a specific subverse that's oriented towards the polar opposite of gore does not impede anyones speech.

And so does banning someone who posts the wrong opinions to r/news on Plebbit. Yes they can create their own sub (or post on say r/politic or r/worldpolitics), which is better than nothing, but we want something more than than just "better than nothing".

ScientificRacism ago

No, you're a fucking kike. We have subverses for a reason. Posting the polar opposite of what a subverse is themed for strictly to harass the moderators and most active members of the community is harassment. This website doesn't run itself, and it's real easy for you to sit back and pontificate about your principles when you're not doing the work of sifting through pictures of mutilated corpses.

Even taking principle into account. They're not being silenced. They can post their shit on Voat still. End of story.

And so does banning someone who posts the wrong opinions to r/news on Plebbit.

The fact that you're comparing posting pictures of mutilated corpses in v/aww to posting the wrong opinions in r/news is utterly ridiculous and you fucking know it.

17 submissions to MeanwhileOnReddit

Meanwhile you're a fucking Redditor. Can't make this shit up.

redpilldessert ago

when you're not doing the work of sifting through pictures of mutilated corpses.

I sympathize with you here. That's what the threshold idea is for though, and in the end, the trolls will get bored, and have their karma reduced to zero or worse.

Meanwhile you're a fucking Redditor.

Check me out over there, look at my posts and comments. I like to redpill people, and some subs here are too quiet right now (I'm trying to change that). I like to be in places where people are disagreeing with me.

Your arguments of censorship are like Reddit mods, but obviously less (or far less) extreme. Apart from illegal stuff, moderators SHOULD NOT be needed if the voting system works correctly and as intended. Normal people who just want to see cute stuff should simply set the threshold to a high number, and call it a day.

ScientificRacism ago

I like to be in places where people are disagreeing with me.

If that's the case, I'm amazed you haven't been shadowbanned. I'm the same way in general, but Reddit is such an insufferable pile of shit that I'd rather comment on Youtube videos. At least my comments don't get deleted there.

Your arguments of censorship are like Reddit mods, but obviously less (or far less) extreme.

I don't even think they're in the same ballpark man, but you've made up your mind. Apparently removing content aimed strictly at harassing people and making the life of those who operate the website hell, apparently that's not malicious, apparently that's just the same as sharing your opinion on r/news. I don't know, that's kike level bullshit. They can't take the website down, so they try to make it as terrible as they can so people just leave. I already blocked v/aww due to all this nonsense. I don't want half my damn frontpage being v/aww posts because people are trying to "fight back" against pictures of mutilated corpses. On the other hand I don't want to miss out on conversations like this one we're having right now.

Again, why do we even have subverses? They're thematic. They're meant to help organize the website. The reason I'm not on 8ch is because it's an chaotic pile of unorganized shit. Voat brings a bit of sanity to the chaos, I feel it's what most people whether they realize it or not actually like about Voat.

In general I agree with you though, in 99% of instances it should be up to the votes. The whole gore posting thing wouldn't even be that big of a deal to me if it was happening in other subverses where it went against the theme. It's that they're doing this specifically to v/aww to have the greatest possible shock effect on people that they can. I'm for freedom of speech, not freedom to harass people and hide behind it being your speech when you're not even saying anything.

redpilldessert ago

To clarify, it wouldn't bother me that much if they went ahead with the gore ban. But to be honest, it just gnaws at me that mods should have to worry about censoring and banning people in the first place. It's an ugly solution to an ugly problem.

Did you catch my edit in the previous comment where I said:

This stuff should be automated, and not left to arbitrary bans. I suppose the lower their karma is in a sub, the less frequently they can post. Maybe a polynomial relationship would work well (delay time between able to create new posts = sub karma (downvotes)^2 or ^3).

Can you see how that would have the effect that you want, but by going about it in an automated and systematic way? These things shouldn't be binary, but on a scale which allows for grey shades (and hell, posting gore is gonna get heavily downvoted to allow for very dark shades).

ScientificRacism ago

Honestly man, I view downvoats as a bigger threat to 'freedom of speech' than banning people posting gore to v/aww

Downvoats regularly silence users on Voat. We have several regulars with massively negative ccp and all they're doing technically speaking is "posting the wrong opinions to v/news"

If you think Voat doesn't have some version of Reddits hive mind, well, you're being a bit naive in my opinion.

For instance when I first showed up here a few years back, my original account received a lot of downvoats on a regular basis because I personally disagreed with a lot of what people were saying. At the time I was pretty against racism. Because I had never been part of a community that wasn't heavily censored. If I came to Voat now acting like I did three years ago i firmly believe my account would be in the negatives for ccp, and that might have forced me to leave ( the restrictions for negative ccp are pretty heavy handed ). I never would have been red pilled. I can't help but wonder how many people like me we have chased away because they were regurgitating their programming and we downvoated them because they're cucks.

So yeah, banning people from v/aww for posting stuff with the goal of harassing people just doesn't feel like a freedom of speech issue to me. Who knows. Maybe I'm still just a brainwashed cuck.

redpilldessert ago

Fair points. Bear in mind though my formula would apply to each sub independently.

I agree that left-wingers are in danger of being overly-censored now, and I suppose in that regard, comments should be punished far less heavily than actual posts.

ScientificRacism ago

And yeah I could definitely see there being ways of automating that sort of thing like you suggested, I'm just worried it would end up catching people who are far more innocent than individuals posting gore in v/aww. Instead of just penalizing situations as they arise we would be implementing something that would most likely work, but could still potentially get undeserving randoms caught in its net.

ScientificRacism ago

I guess ideologically speaking, I tend to lean towards penalizing specific instances of behavior and that's why I lean towards simply banning them. In my mind it's a clear cut situation, they're not attempting to say anything of value and that's from an objective standpoint, they're doing it strictly to harass people and I'm not against harassing people because fuck banning "harassment" but when it's to the extent of posting mutilated bodies... I don't know. For me it's the same as CP. I don't disagree with CP because it's illegal for instance, I disagree with it because the whole situation enrages me on a fundamental level.

The idea of trying to trick people who are wanting to decompress and just see a cute picture into looking at mutilated corpses... Fuck man. That's some shit. I'm all for trolling, even in pretty extreme ways, but there's just something about this that irks me in a pretty unique way.

redpilldessert ago

I suppose I've always been heavily against permanent bans because even the worst trolls can change for the better even if it takes months or years

ScientificRacism ago

Well it would be subverse specific, and Voat is the sort of community where people could honestly PM the mods that banned them months later and apologize, and they would probably get unbanned. I could see there being a system in place where people can appeal bans after a certain amount of time and then be placed on a probationary period or something, where if they repeat the behavior etc etc -- but again I'm only talking about really really specific circumstances that I even support banning people in the first place etc.

Thyhorrorcosmic103 ago

Id say tag it appropriately and let the community do the rest. No need to do anything else. I understand your frustration with the autists though.

blumen4alles ago

Nope hadn't seen them, went looking, Hitler would not be happy... Sick fucks

HyperbolicGasChamber ago

But @plank0 is a pedophile kike faggot that was spamming loli hentai porn in mass on Voat, I still remember.

smokratez ago

This is a takeover. Voat is too dumb to do anything about it.

toobaditworks ago

Yep and they are brigading the replies that mention it.

draaaak ago

I think that if someone posts gore or animal abuse in v/aww they should be banned from the subverse, on the spot, no warnings, no temporary suspensions, no questions asked, no second chances.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

The posting of gore pics in v/aww is not free speech, it's weaponized propaganda deliberately used to disrupt the community. Said people should be banned on sight, and remove the disruptive posts. This is not censorship, it's community policing, and it is perfectly legitimate.

The proof of non censorship is simple, anyone who wants to post off topic posts is free to start their own community within which to do so.

The Reddit example of this is how the censorship started - well, that's how Voat started as well. Site owners can censor if they want to - they can also lose their customers too. That's the civil law, and it remains valid even here.

redpilldessert ago

it's weaponized propaganda deliberately used to disrupt the community.

I'd hate gore on this sub, but you sound like Plebbit.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

I've no love for Reddit - they sold out to Jews who now use it to push an SJW agenda. That's their loss. They also ban free speaking subs that go off the narrative - something that has exactly nothing in common with what has happened here.

Policing a sub denies no one their ability to speak freely. It is more proper to view it as one user's freedom ends where another user's freedom begins. The line MUST be drawn somewhere. The borders of that freedom are defined within the sub, as our civilization has always done, even encoded within the law itself. Property rights, etc.

In the case of Reddit, they would deny you the ability to have a forum in the first place. That does not happen here... and it does not apply to banning a deliberately disruptive user either. Their freedom to speak and gather with like minded individuals is fully preserved. They even let those loli fucks skirt the boundaries of what is legal, which, as distasteful as that is, does also prove our commitment to freedom.

Law, order, boundaries, reasonable restrictions on freedom, are in fact the building blocks of greater civilization. They are what keeps us from anarchy. This is why they are attacked by our enemies. The posting of gore here is not about freedom of speech. It is about undermining our social stability. It is an act of war upon us that must be met and defeated without hesitation or mercy.

redpilldessert ago

You may be interested in my response here: https://voat.co/v/aww/2884069/15325043

CrustyBeaver52 ago

That is indeed interesting. Perhaps a trial test run of that concept on a sub has merit.

thelma ago

Fuck I cannot read all that.

BULLETS - use them

Hydrocephalus ago


ScientificRacism ago

Yeah, the people that don't like pictures of mutilated animals, we're the jews. That's rich.

And of course you're a SBBH flunkie. Of fucking course you are.

Hydrocephalus ago

This post is about making sbbh mods of v/aww so your crticism of them seems misguided.

15322237? ago

Thank you.

I get that this being a default people don't want it over modded. But if we have no order, that is a form of censorship.

If I and others start posting cute kittens to /v/politics and every other sub and we drown out important posts in other subs the problem will be much worse and the chaos will cause people to be censored because relevant posts in a sub will be missed. It is a form of spam to submit to the wrong subverse. People may block the sub and fracture off into new subs where their posts are seen even less.

I agree with fuckingmockies, the sapling pic may be better placed, but maybe it made someone say aww so leave it and let the votes decide. Maybe it looks like a bunny if you tilt your head or something.

But anything that is not a G rating should be removed from aww. Keep a modlog for transparency.

Gore and NSFW content should not be imposed on those browsing an innocent default sub like /aww, and especially not without warning.

toobaditworks ago

Just stick to the rule of not allowing the brigading of a sub. It's common sense if a group of people starting posting off-topic pictures in a picture sub that there is a group of people brigading the sub. Ban those users for brigading. This can be a voat wide rule. It's not censorship when you are protecting the site from being over run. The answer of course is to downvoat and flag those posts as brigading. The wrong answer is to enact more rules or to brigade the FRONTPAGE WITH FUCKING CATS.

incellivision ago

You posted gore. Your argument is invalid.

toobaditworks ago

I never posted gore. My argument is valid.

incellivision ago

Oh, you were the gay porn poster. Just as bad, you degenerate

toobaditworks ago

I posted one link to show how gay they were acting. But it's OK for them to create a group to brigade and post in aww and rig the upvoats to get aww to flood the frontpage. They are posting as a group and using vote manipulation DAILY.

Gay porn isn't against any rules. It's awwful.

inthemickoftime ago

You did post gay porn: https://voat.co/v/aww/2861042

toobaditworks ago

That's not gore. I did that to protest the marxists brigading the frontpage with cat pics. Free speech. Gay porn is awwful.

inthemickoftime ago

@absurdlyobfuscated, please note how this user thinks posting gay porn to v/aww is appropriate before considering any other "complaints" they may have.

toobaditworks ago

@absurdlyobfuscated, please note how this user thinks it's ok to post gore images to pretend there is an attack on v/aww then create a brigade of users to post and then upvoat each others posts in aww to flood the frontpage and then demand they be mods in order to take over default subs.

Moe_Szyslak_111 ago

Keep your damn aww bullshit off the front page. Grow the fuck up.


I strongly recommend @HateCumbuckets he has been nothing but quality mod in the subverses I modded him for, and he has a good balance between following the rules and giving people the benefit of the doubt. @clamhurt_legbeard and @Empress can also vouch for him.

15333402? ago

Even I vouch for @hatecumbuckets

DannyRand ago

15342484? ago

Shut up, danny, everyone knows I'm @gabara's alter ego.

DannyRand ago

I'm @gabara

gabara ago


15347859? ago

Shut up, alter ego, everyone knows I'm the REAL Iron Fist.


LOL there's no way anyone who read our comments would think that lol.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

[Member for 1 month]

Wow. Cool story.

think- ago


clamhurt_legbeard ago


Bobwillneverdie ago

Rules for speaking on a free speech forum? Isn't that what down-votes are for?

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

I was waiting for the voice of sanity to appear.

Let the downvoating decide or /v/aww can migrate to pintrest.

ScientificRacism ago

So the sane thing to do is subject the moderators of v/aww to regular gore posts instead of banning the people who are maliciously trying to undermine Voat?

If you were interested in modding a community oriented around cute pictures, how long would you stick around if you constantly had to sift through pictures of beheaded kittens and other disgusting shit.

It's real easy for you to start talking about sanity when you're not the one that has to sift through that crap.

The best part is absolutely no one would be getting censored from Voat. They would all be able to post their degenerate bullshit in subverses that are themed towards it. That's sort of how the website is structured, and why it's structured that way.

fuckingmockies ago

It's not really a censorship issue, it's a categorization issue. If you can just post anything anywhere, why even have different subs? Just delete all subs and have one big free-for-all sub.

I'd argue that the title of any given subverse is an intrinsic rule of that subverse.

Besides, anyone is free to check the mod logs, and the admins have stepped in before to remove corrupt, bad, inactive, or inefficient mods at the request of the community. Let the mods ban gore. If they fall down a slippery slope, vigilant users will hold them accountable.

Subverses have mods for a reason. Let them moderate.

Thereunto ago

Think long and hard on what you are going to do here. Censorship is a slippery slope.

  1. Fix the ability for users to block the subverse.
  2. Enforce NSFW tagging as appropriate.
  3. Have moderators tag the title with additional labels "off-topic" "gore" etc.

ScientificRacism ago

It's not censorship. Absolutely no one would be silenced. The users affected would still be able to post their gore pictures to Voat. We have themed communities for a reason.

Thereunto ago

It's not censorship. Absolutely no one would be silenced. The users affected would still be able to post their [content] to [the internet].

If removing 'undesired' material isn't censorship, what is? Look at the origin of the problem and find solutions from the root cause (e.g. blocking the subverse doesn't successfully remove its content from a user's feed). Ban trespassers, but don't delete material after the fact. Use pre-existing mechanisms to bury undesired content (nsfw labels, downvotes, etc.). FPH does a great job of posting clear rules, letting downvotes deal with offending content without removing it, and banning offending users.

Removing content makes sense where you are legally obligated to do so (or where content unacceptably expands business risk). Removing content does not make sense only due to a sense of a "safespace violation" or a contradiction of preconceptions of what the content should look like. If someone was offended because they saw "aww" and assumed it was for adoration with a muddle-duddle title like "cute pupper doggie doggo", how do you plan to spare someone's feelings when more subverses are made with names like "awww" or "aaww" and have declared rules to allow gore posts? Are you going to take control of that sub and delete its content too on the notion that titles and names imply an expected content type? Where does it stop?

Alternatively, if you advocate for the ability to properly block subs and implement sub-specific content control through tagging features, you will avoid the entire fallout of a bad solution for a complicated problem. Please think long and hard on that.

NassTee ago

Reacting to trolls is what they want. The way to get rid of trolls is to ignore them completely.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

And downvoating.

or block /v/aww like I do. Gore should be marked NSFW of course. But the kittens. Fuck the kittens.

green_man ago

The rules should act as a guideline for downvoats since this is a default sub. Please don't resort to reddit style moderating, not because I like gore, but because it would be sacrificing the principles of free speech on which Voat prides itself. Now, if there was a way to move gore posts to /v/gore, which I just found out existed while writing this reply, I wouldn't have an issue with that. Another alternative would be to tag these as "Gore" or "NSFW" as a warning. Honestly though, if you start reddit moderating the assholes doing this win. They'll be able to point and say "Look, Voat claims to be free speech but they're really not!" and even worse it will confirm that they can actually manipulate us into compromising our values by acting like that. Yeah it's a bullshit tactic, but don't give into it. /v/aww seems to be their test bed, stand your ground otherwise they're just going to move on to whatever their next target is and do the same thing.

That said, I personally have only heard about these recent gore posts and have not witnessed any. I'm guessing these really only appear in /v/new which I never really look at. I would like to thank everyone that has been downvoating these gore posts so diligently as you have been doing an excellent job. I grew up in the early days of the internet so that type of content doesn't really bother me so going forward I'll make an effort to look for and downvoat the new gore posts here. Eventually whoever is doing this crap will get bored and give up if you stay the current course, however this post definitely gave the perpetrators a moral boost since they now know they're getting under mod level skin.

Broc_Lia ago

I'd be happy to help if you need it: I'm rather a fan of the sub. That said I haven't personally noticed any of the trollposts so you guys are either already doing a really great job or I'm not seeing the problem.

I'm usually active GMT evenings.

toobaditworks ago

Exactly. That's why the rules don't need to change. They are trying to gain power on default subs the way they did on reddit. It all starts with letting them in the door and letting them make new rules. For all we know they posted the gore pics on alt accounts. The way they brigade together it seems they are all getting orders from somewhere.


Broc_Lia ago

I don't see "no gore" on a sub like /v/awww being an issue. It honestly doesn't belong here.

toobaditworks ago

Thing is i never saw it. The system worked appropriately without changing any rules or giving power to some sketchy users who seem a lot like redditors.

Broc_Lia ago

I see what you mean, but I think it's better to have clearer rules for a sub rather than more ambiguous ones. So a specific rule against gore is better than just generally trying to cover it with "off topic."

toobaditworks ago

What about Al Gore? What about tipper Gore.

Broc_Lia ago

Are you arguing Al Gore is cute?

NotHereForPizza ago

How deluded of you...

Flirp ago

What's the point of having subverses if everything is a free for all? Cute stuff in /v/aww, gore in /v/gore it's that simple. Why complicate things. Are we becoming as retarded as reddit now, trying so hard to not be like "them". Thought we were smarter than that guys.

SparkS ago

im telling u one trick pallie... gore can be in aww but aww cant be in gore... even if there are no explanations about posts in those subs thats how it should be... the rest is random bullshit for reatrds...

redpilldessert ago

Why not leave it to the downvotes though?

brandon816 ago

  1. Downvotes doesn't remove it from /new.

  2. The people persistently posting this type of content are doing so regardless of downvotes.

think- ago

Why not leave it to the downvotes though?

No, I don't want people to stumble upon gore in this sub. They come here to relax and to see cute pics. They shouldn't be confonted with gore at all.

Artofchoke ago

I have yet to hear how that is unfair in any rational way. If we said NO GORE on Voat, that would be censorship. Saying put your gore where it is expected isn't remotely akin to censorship. Buttheads. :/

think- ago

Saying put your gore where it is expected isn't remotely akin to censorship. Buttheads. :/

Yes, exactly.

ChiComs ago

NO ONE HERE has been banned in over a year ! really : https://voat.co/v/aww/about/log/banned

Maybe its time to ban repeat offenders.

I say dont ban users until they cause three deleted posts. but the posts better be low effort outright shock gore, or overall too poignant (animals in death fights, reminders of the food processing industry, animals with maladies).

ScientificRacism ago

So why even have subverses? Why isn't Voat just v/whatever?

grandmacaesar ago

Until recently, I clicked on /v/aww posts for eye-bleach after seeing/reading disturbing content or to ease my mind after a long day.

So what does everyone think about adding rules prohibiting gore, animal abuse, and disturbing content?

Sounds great. There's already a subverse for that stuff... /v/wtf.

What else should this subverse formally prohibit? What do you think the moderators here should enforce, and what rules would justify the removal of a post or comment?

If it makes a person say, "Aww, that's cute and/or sweet," keep it. It it makes a person say, "Wtf?" or "That's fucking gross!," delete it.

Try this. And we'll trust the mods until we can't. At that point, we'll again try to get /v/aww off the default list.

2nddammit ago

Deleting non-tagged NSFW content from a default sub is completely reasonable when the content is off-topic to the sub.

think- ago

Imo on a sub like v/aww there shouldn't be NSFW pics at all.

LostandFound ago

This is the correct answer. I feel like we're seeing the start of awwgate, just one more rule in this default sub just one. Then post gore in the next sub..

Nuke non NSFW tagged content enforce the system that's there.

con77 ago

that bunny looks miserable

15318929? ago

"We have a problem with shit posting so will add mods from the shit post sub SBBH."

gabara ago

SBBH is who is posting all the legit content. Your argument is invalid.

15320010? ago

Scot adams just mentioned this troll style in his latest video. Did you learn it from there?

fuckingmockies ago

There's a difference between off-topic posts and something that is completely and knowingly antithetical to the content of the sub. If anything could be posted everywhere, there would be no different subs, just one all encompassing sub. I guess it wouldn't even be called a sub at that point.

In short, if someone posts a picture of, say, a sapling, that might be better suited for v/nature or v/trees, but it's not antithetical to v/aww, so that shouldn't be censored.

Gore and porn, however, should not be permitted. Delete the posts and and ban the users.

If you want to embrace the spirit of transparency, sticky the modlog once a month for people to review.

iDontShift ago

If you want to embrace the spirit of transparency, sticky the modlog once a month for people to review.

this is how we prevent abuse.

why not a site wide thing? fuck secrecy in an open forum.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

My upvote doesn't mean I agree with you. But I do.

chirogonemd ago

Agreed. If there were any kind of ostensible purpose to the "rebellious" posts - other than to just disturb the intended content for the sake of it - I'd say let's discuss what the point could possibly be. But he had no point. None at all. The point of categorizing content on this site is to better organize and make access more efficient, i.e. people can get what they want where they want it. Flying in the face of those norms, and doing it with no bigger message in mind, is just creating noise.

Banning a person from an individual sub for this doesn't constitute censorship. This person had their chance to speak and demonstrated they were saying nothing, just poking at the sub with a stick. It's not a free speech issue at all. The user is free to post gore stuff in a gore sub still. And again, if there had been any kind of underlying point to it - perhaps some political response to horseshit moderation or something - it would have been another thing. This wasn't that.

Artofchoke ago

I agree with this. Saying 'put your content where it belongs' is in no way censorship.

ChiComs ago

Mod delete? ... yes, thats their job. Mod actions are not hidden on voat because voat has tools in bottom right of every page. But...

I dont think people should get banned until maybe 3 gore posts. Mainly because every 7th grader will do it once and no need to break the spirit of voat other than deleting the submission.

toobaditworks ago

No this is how reddit was able to silence political posts when Ron Paul was running for president. It's where "It's Happening" meme came from. Ron Paul was making frontpage. Reddit in an effort to stop this made a "new rule" that content needs to be where it belongs and sent anything about Ron Paul to the gas chambers.

toobaditworks ago

6 downvoats from the 6 brigaders mentioned above who want to take over.

Artofchoke ago

You don't see a difference between political memes and literally textbook definition HORRIFIC images? There's no slippery slope here.

toobaditworks ago

It happens slowly over time. You give up some and they gain some.. then they attack again with something else. "What did we do last time to combat this?" they ask.. well we made a rule banning this... ok so we'll make another rule banning this new thing. And over and over again they attack with new things each time banning them. Over time we become Reddit.

vaeax ago

the only people who don't understand that gore doesn't belong on aww are autistics who have a problem with authority and no concept of social rules. there's nothing wrong with banning people for posting gore in an aww sub.

and i say this as a gore and guro aficionado.

Keknado ago

Doesn't it stem from people trying to block /v/aww and the option not working? If that issue is fixed I think much of the expired cuties pics would stop. Admittedly, I'm probably not as informed on the issue as others.

HillarysBackBrace ago

It is always the strangest thing to see you handlers try to handle voat

Goathole ago


and weird mentally disturbed freaks have the right to use this website,

Wait what? there's weirdos here? No way.

What else should this subverse formally prohibit?

First they came for the gore, and I didn't say anything because I don't like gore.

Next they came for the horses, and I don't have horses so

Then they came for the raccoons and they're vicious conniving little bastards with a touch of cute so.......

Then they came for dogs and dogs are butt sniffers so.......

Then they came for the kitties and I'm the only one who likes kitties.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I really do agree with that sentiment, I've seen the slippery slope of adding rule after rule and before you know it you can barely say anything without getting censored. I wouldn't ever want to contribute to the rise of active censorship here. Thanks for the input.

Goathole ago

They'll get bored of it eventually. I also think posts like this actually encourage them.

You do good work here and it will outshine whatever crap they try and pull.

Artofchoke ago

It's not censorship to expect users to adhere to the sub topic.

Goathole ago

SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE BRILLO CAT LOVER. You have no power over me, I do what I wanna do.

TheKingOfOphanim ago

^^^ @absurdlyobfuscated consider the source. Don't be fooled by a well know troll.

Goathole ago


I need tee pee for my bunghole!

Artofchoke ago

LOL COONS ARE SO SOFT you would DIE from the softness!!!

Goathole ago

I can picture you brushing them, yer ma good pookie and yur my prettiest penelope. we'll kill all the mean people that make fun of you later <evil maniacal laughter>.

Artofchoke ago

Quit peeping in my damn windows, ya creep

HateCumbuckets ago

After some thought, I agree with not removing posts, it starts a downward spiral. What if it was at least tagged nsfw?

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I intended to run through the posts and tag them as NSFW, just haven't had time. Thank you for reminding me, doing that now.

Artofchoke ago

They don't belong here. It isn't censorship to say hey, put your Superbowl coverage in the Superbowl sub.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

This is where downvoating comes into play.

ScientificRacism ago

Again, you're not the one having to sift through pictures of mutilated corpses so the rest of the community doesn't have to.

These people are free to post their degenerate bullshit in subverses where it's thematic.

fuckingmockies ago

If this were people posting Baseball stuff in v/football, that'd be a problem for downvoating to fix. But people deliberately posting content that is not only off topic, but as maliciously antithetical as possible is a separate issue entirely.

Artofchoke ago

I'll do that, certainly, but gore has places to go, and it isn't censorship to ask it go there.

15318904? ago

You could create a custom gore flair

auto_turret ago

I'll go right to their house, and kick them in the nads.

Hydrocephalus ago

Remove nothing but blatant spam and CP. You said it yourself, deranged freaks and weirdos need to be able to use voat.

ScientificRacism ago

Yeah, and absolutely no one here is talking about censoring people from Voat. Why exactly are you insinuating that's the case? Those deranged freaks and weirdos will be able to create a Subverse, or post in any of the numerous subverses that allow that sort of shit like v/WTF

Artofchoke ago

Why? This is a sub for cuteness. They are free to put their content in Voat - in the correct categories.

Hydrocephalus ago

What if I think gore is cute?

brandon816 ago

If the content is NSFW, then it belongs in v/nsfwaww, not on a default sub.

And realistically speaking, it would fit in better with v/eww anyway.

Hydrocephalus ago

You're free to have your downvoat then. Default subs should not be censored except in cases of illegal content.

Ashra ago

then maybe you're a liberal...

Flirp ago

You must be one of the autistics @vaeax was just talking about. You so edgy mate.

Hydrocephalus ago

Voat is full of autists, we are the backbone of the internet. Also, edgy? 1990 called, they want their insult back.

NotTheMeanest ago

IIRC edgy was a compliment in the 90’s... only became a slur in the 00’s.

Artofchoke ago

Then you, with your bizarre definition of cute that is in no way represented by the definition of the word cute, should crate a sub for your weird interpretation of the word cute.

I'd never censor anyone. This is about appropriate categorization.

Hydrocephalus ago

It's about you not wanting to see something and demanding it be moved somewhere according to your tastes.

Flirp ago

No, it's the fact you are miscategorizing content, removing the content & asking it to be posted in its correct category is not censoring. Sad that this needs explaining.

Hydrocephalus ago

Not as sad as your desire to remove posts you find offensive. Although if you're looking for a safe space I hear twitter lets you have stuff removed because it gives you the feelbads.

Artofchoke ago

Do you want pics of dogs in costumes in your med school sub? I don't want them in my raccoon sub. They don't belong there. There's no order?

Hydrocephalus ago

I'm not going to keep arguing, I'm against removing posts for any but the most extreme reasons, especislly in default subs. I get that you don't want to see gorein v/aww and I agree it isn't the best place for it, but I think the best way to keep censorship from keeping in is to keep a hard line, especially in default subs.

Artofchoke ago

I see your point.


Hydrocephalus ago

Lol, wè are a poor example for the rest of voat. Nice talking to you again though.

VicariousJambi ago

On one hand they're free to make their own gore subs.

On the other you have to be careful with starting a trend of censorship.

As it is I dont think theres enough gore posted to justify adding rules. They get immediteally downvoted to hell. If the bots were worse and they had the upvotes to be seen my view might change

ScientificRacism ago

On the other you have to be careful with starting a trend of censorship.

Oi, found another retard.

It's not censorship you stupid piece of fucking shit. What is the point of even having subverses if anything can be posted anywhere? It's the entire fucking point of having subverses. They're themed.

I seriously can't wrap my head around how fucking stupid some people are on this website.

VicariousJambi ago

no u

ScientificRacism ago

By the way, Tool are NWO faggots and 10,000 days was their shittiest most low effort album of all time.

VicariousJambi ago


ScientificRacism ago

You listen to musicians that create band names by combining the words pussy and lucifer together.

absurdlyobfuscated ago

I really don't want to start a trend of censorship, and I know first hand how a few basic rules can spiral out of control into a huge oppressive list of things you can't do. I've seen it on reddit over and over.

Quite a few seem to agree with keeping it rule-free, as I expected. Thanks for the input.

neogag ago

Stop being a cuck. Enforcing sub rules is not censorship. You're trying too hard to be "enlightened" to the point of retardation and dysfunction.

It's not complicated.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

oppressive list of things you can't do

Then dont make such lists.

Go for the perpetrators informally. In every group, members EXPECT the leader to go after the enemies of the group. Formal codified laws not necessary. Thats why the position of the leader exists in the first place. Why would voat even have the feature of subs and mods if not to channel and ban hostile content?

We absolutely can not have free speech for the same reasons we can not have open borders. You can not at the same time oppose the latter but favor the former.

In short, our main enemy isnt censorship, it is LEFTISTS.

As long as leftists or muslims, or jews, or any other group than right-wing white males do not get control over voat subs, censorship directed against THEM is perfectly ok. The same way we need the police force, the military, borders, you also need censorship to fight propaganda and psychological warfare.

Artofchoke ago

It isn't censorship to say move your content where it belongs.

15318155? ago

Hey I can cover the night shift no problem. I won't bring unprofessional behavior here but also won't censor myself elsewhere.

TobaccoPete ago

Said the banhammer guy. lol

15319135? ago

You've been a member for 6 days how do you even know what a banhammer is?

Humansized ago

Clearly somebodys alt.

15319264? ago

Yes but who's?

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Mine, fuck you. JK <3

draaaak ago

<3 looks like a fart cloud

TobaccoPete ago

You are correct. This is my first six days on the internet.

Artofchoke ago

Aww is for cute pictures. It's right in the name. I can't mod, to see the gore is too disturbing, but @KatHarzso and @HateCumbuckets are both people of integrity that could be entrusted with this job. Thank you for addressing this.

toobaditworks ago

Fuck this. This is how the reddit fucks takeover subs. Little by little they gain acceptance by combating fake bullshit that never was a problem in the first place.

Ohh now they want to be janitors.. now they want to be the mods... yeh fuck that shit. NO

Artofchoke ago

Sir, I'm not asking anyone to stop posting their horrific images of cruelty and death. I would NEVER do that.

I'm asking them to put the images where they belong, ideally behind a NSFW tag.

There's NO censorship happening here.

toobaditworks ago

That's exactly how Reddit got away with it too. Same thing... You can't post about the 4th amendment here. We made a sub where only you can post about the 4th... Reddit already did this. Now you want it here. Fuck that.

Artofchoke ago

I agreed to the compromise of NSFW tags. Is that acceptable to you?

toobaditworks ago

Depends on what is NSFW. This entire site is NSFW. Every post is about Jews and Hitler. I doubt many people can talk about Jews at their work. You gonna NSFW every post about Jews and Hitler??

toobaditworks ago

Gay porn is cute pictures though for some people like katharzso's dad. I once heard him whisper "aww a penis".

15333285? ago

I think you're mistaking your mother with my father which is understandable - they're both whores.

toobaditworks ago


15321866? ago

I believe janitor gives option to flair things, so if anything have an option to flair gore/trollbait as nsfw would help this situation in my opinion.

think- ago

I think it should be removed, not flaired. If there are clear rules 'no gore' allowed, it's ok. People who would like to post can look up the rules first.

I think that's especially important since people come to v/aww because they like cute pics, and want to relax a bit.

When they see gore, it's really offputting, and they might not come back to the sub, for fear to stumble upon gore again.

And btw, I'd love to see you as a mod here, Kat. :-)

toobaditworks ago

defaults don't have mods fuck you gtfo

think- ago

Well, v/aww obviously has already mods. :-)

Fuck yourself. :-)

toobaditworks ago

Wrong. It's a system mod. You dumb fuck.

system [O] absurdlyobfuscated [M]

think- ago

Well, your submissions to v/aww have been incredibly popular, no wonder you don't want mods here. grin

toobaditworks ago

I don't post there.. only the time when /v/aww users were brigading the frontpage with cat pics. If they posted goats I would have no problem but they went with cats... REDDIT OPERATION. You were probably involved?

Artofchoke ago

I would accept NSFW tags as a compromise, provided the titles are not misleading.

70times7 ago

How bout 1 rule.

Gore = nuke

Simple stuff.

redpilldessert ago

I like, 0 sub-specific rules, more Voaty.

Hydrocephalus ago

I disagree, voat should be as free as possible. If you don't like gore downvoat or ignore.

70times7 ago

Be pretty easy if it wasnt a default sub that is farmed to get it up to the front.

Hydrocephalus ago

Don't care. Voat isn't reddit, we have shit here people might not like, even on the front page. Instead of censoring how about you toughen up a little?

70times7 ago


My reply is to the op.

Scanned over his 1000 word thesis regarding what he's gonna do about gore, and cut out all the bloat.

This isnt reddit. Maybe instead of trying to censor me you toughen up a little?

Hydrocephalus ago

So you agree censorship is bad, good. Gore on v/aww it is!

70times7 ago

If thats the case it should be dropped from default.

Anarchy doesnt make ya cool.

Being cool means following all the rules.


Hydrocephalus ago

Being cool means following all the rules.

Alright, now I know you're joking. Anyway, more gore!

70times7 ago

After decades of the stuff, sadly i dont share your enthusiasm.

Youll burn out on the stuff the older you get.

But to ops thread, no need for some master game plan or battle strategy.

If its unwanted by the community, jus nuke it.

Noone is going to come to freaking v/aww and see the rule "no gore" and start freaking out.

It is actually a pretty reasonable rule for a sub dedicated to furry cute things.

Flirp ago

I agree, it was cool and exciting to watch traces/faces of death & going to rotten.com as a teen but then I matured and found the stuff to be really disturbing, offputting and simply not good for the soul. When I did see and watch this stuff I felt being desensitized and not in a good way.

70times7 ago

Yeah, when the adult empathy for living things develops it pretty much turns off that part of you.

Strange how woman have it from childhood basically but men dont get it till 20, 30 years later.

Mild curiosity remains of course, but the immersion in it, the experiencing it through their (the cameras) eyes or even the victims holds little pleasure now.

Just sad now. And on a deeper, "evil" like you say.

Can count on both hands the clips id would like removed from my head.

Hydrocephalus ago

I disagree, after decades of the stuff, including a fair amount of IRL gore in my life, I still like to look at it. Default subs shoupdn't "nuke" stuff, that way lies censorship and faggotry.

fuckingmockies ago

Societies cannot exist without rules. The Rule of Law is, perhaps, the finest concept ever devised by man.

You are doing the equivalent of saying, "But if we ban rape and murder, before you know it shoplifting will be illegal!"

Hydrocephalus ago

Hey, don't clutch those pearls too hard, you'll break your necklace!

Flirp ago

Good god, you sound like a pathetic teen looking for validation. I would feel sorry for you if I gave a shit.

Hydrocephalus ago

I don't feel sorry for you, I just laugh, you thin-skinned censorious faggot.

70times7 ago

after decades of the stuff, including a fair amount of IRL gore in my life, I still like to look at it.

sure buddy

Hydrocephalus ago
