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Honeybee_ ago

Haha, it's so funny the stuff some of these crazies say, and they defend their poorly written, unsourced fake news blurps, let them go away to another sub, maybe they can join the new deleted v/pizzagate post website with Corey!

freshmeat ago

I thought pizzagaters were more intelligent and look into things more than most internet lurkers. Tell me what you believe is false in what I've said and we can discuss it. I only speak the truth.

/v/Pizzagate was subverted long ago <-

You are being lied to by all of the PG mods, Kevdude and PeaceSeeker

Vindicator ago

Not a single one of these submitters, with the exception of @gamepwn who was mentioned in one of them, is a pizzagate researcher who has contributed serious content or participated in helping with other researchers' posts. Gamepwn disagrees with the current definition of what is "pizzagate related" (a possible connection to elite sexual abuse of kids) and thinks we should allow ALL pedo-related material. He's a good guy who contributed a lot to the sub; but his view is not the majority view.

When @Crensch polled the user base about this issue, there were just as many folks who wanted to prevent flooding with posts about irrelevant lone-wolf pedos as there were folks frustrated at being limited to posting only about topics with a plausible connection to the elite.

These posts are evidence that people who give no shits about pizzagate or those who research it want to try to use our slide-preventing ruleset to throw shade at Crensch, @kevdude and those who helped the community establish it.

Keep talking freshmeat. Your intent to disrupt and discredit just comes more clearly into focus.

gamepwn ago

What is going on? Mentioned in what? I try to stay focused on the elite most of the time these days but when I first started my posts were my small scale. Now I try to hit everyone from the Franklin suspects to the Dutrox to Disney to Dan Shenider. A year of researching all this really changes your view on the world.

Vindicator ago

Don't worry about it. I only pinged you because it's rude to mention someone and NOT ping them. We've got a guy here with a username that is a pedo reference, citing a post that was a response to one of your old posts in which you comment, claiming pizzagate mods are trying to suppress research. See the parent to my comment. He tried to use you as evidence. It's probably our friend PGisStupid aka Rob Robertson. Same BS, different day. No worries.

gamepwn ago

Ahh. In those days the mods under M_F were horrible. They would delete threads with close to 100 upvoats and dozens of comments and I had gotten banned at the time for making a post about the Oxford Scientists saying its ok to kill children post birth and reposting asking why it got deleated and was banned for spam. I actually do have a respect for the current moderators and I've seen a lot of researchers come back now. Before I joined a year ago I lurked the forms for about two months when I discovered pizzagate. Funny I found out through a spelling error of something completely unrelated called gamergate. For example I had completely misjudged you Vindicator when I got into a fight with the mods about the watch people die thread on Reddit and Voat. It was funny you had called me a concern troll and I had cursed you and alot of the mods. Now? I see you as a friend and a great moderator. Millennial falcon was being a dictator. The glitch is true I've been noticing it to about the upvoating nd downloading but I believe will be fixed soon. I think everyone who has been here in the past and left should at least come back and give the new moderators a chance. This is one of the most horrific topics in the world pizzagate affecting everything we know and Society. As researchers we're all down at one point to get into a fight with one another and we do have people from Media Matters and share blue Paid shils will also attack this forum. That comment was made in anger and having to wait to get myself unbanned at the time.

freshmeat ago

At least im making you shills actually have to work, this is a serious matter as is apparent from your motivation to even try to fuck with me.

Not a single one of these submitters, with the exception of @gamepwn who was mentioned in one of them, is a pizzagate researcher who has contributed serious content or participated in helping with other researchers' posts. Gamepwn disagrees with the current definition of what is "pizzagate related" (a possible connection to elite sexual abuse of kids) and thinks we should allow ALL pedo-related material. He's a good guy who contributed a lot to the sub; but his view is not the majority view.

I don't use your sub on Voat, and haven't for a year. I don't know the drama and only hear about it through the grapevine. Serious researchers have abandoned Voat because of you guys (which worked as intended) so I frankly dont give a fuck abou tthis. Point is, it's ran by shills and it's misleading people intentionally. This is the same thing that happened with many other things such as /r/The_Donald which i spoke about here on a now censored account.

When Crensch polled the user base about this issue, there were just as many folks who wanted to prevent flooding with posts about irrelevant lone-wolf pedos as there were folks frustrated at being limited to posting only about topics with a plausible connection to the elite.

It was Crensch and Kev and SBBH who created the fucking problems you made all your broad rules for that has killed the investigation exclusively to Voat. It's still very alive outside of this site and I refuse to bring the remaining shills on the site into the most up-to-speed circles. I can't imagine anyone who is trying to seek out the evil people who MOLEST CHILDREN could put up with your censorship and rubbing elbows with known agitators and deep state agents, so I have no idea who uses you kike subverse.

These posts are evidence that people who give no shits about pizzagate or those who research it want to try to use our slide-preventing ruleset to throw shade at Crensch, @kevdude and those who helped the community establish it.

All of my account history shows how much of a problem I think the pedophiles are, especially the ones who are on this site like the mods of PG. it's documented in /v/realProtectVoat

Keep talking freshmeat. Your intent to disrupt and discredit just comes more clearly into focus.

I merely want to make sure that the God honest people who are trying to end the CP problem are aware of when they are being mislead by liars and decievers such as yourself.

Burn in hell mother fucker.

Vindicator ago

I don't use your sub on Voat, and haven't for a year.

So essentially, you are admitting you don't know what the fuck you are actually talking about.

LOL, case closed. :-)

freshmeat ago

I know that PG on Voat isn't legitimate. It was a large audience cut off to the real investigation and it's obvious because if you followed PG outside of Voat you would know many major youtubers specifically say that.

It's a truth prison, no one should waste their time in your sub and should move on with the rest of us to investigating without cancer mods and censorship that you partake in.

Vindicator ago

LOL. Wrong freshmeat. No YouTubers say that. Name them.

freshmeat ago

been awhile since you logged onto this alt hasn't it cresnch

think- ago

ROFLMAO - you can't even spell @Crensch's name right?

So in fact you don't know any single YouTuber who says v/pizzagate should migrate. LOL. What a poor way to concede that you lied.

And since when are you a pizzagate investigator? => see your comment above:

and should move on with the rest of us to investigating without cancer mods and censorship that you partake in

Please don't hesitate to share the fruits of your brilliant anti-pedo investigations with us anytime, roflmao!

Oh, you can't? Because you never investigated pizzagate? In fact you've never been to to v/pizzagate for more than a year now? Too bad....

....but then just stop bitching about pizzagaters. Create your own anti-pedo sub when you don't like elite pedophiles to be investigated.

Pro-tip: Stop posting beastiality, it undermines your credibility. And join an AA group, substance abuse interfers with your ability to think rationally (obviously).


freshmeat ago

shit man you should try your comment over

think- ago

I think it's perfect! :-) :-) :-)

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Prove this instead of just linking to random posts.

freshmeat ago

How can it be proven unless I am a dev for voat?

AndrewBlazeIt ago

Proving positive assertions are on the person making them.

Figure it out or fuck off.

freshmeat ago

Dont avoid the question, how can i find out what they do in private IRC's unless im in them? or am a dev?