10259544? ago

You da man!

10259271? ago

It ain't PG. It's Mighty Yet Infinity.

10259148? ago

Cheers blood but that was not my point.

10259094? ago

Yo dickhead! Ask any of the people that I pinged or any of your people who I am? Nobody knows, strangely enough. I'm just a cunt that is here to stifle your tiny cock. Soon come...

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

no and this will be much easier when alts arent necessary to circumvent censorship, even though i've never broken a single ToS agreement.

10259182? ago

Aaand you admit to being sane. Do you remember the vidoes that you sent me?

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

yeah im not sane and nah not interested.

10259237? ago

I almost believe you.

Crensch ago

I'm aware that MYG is a shitstirring troll, and I'm aware that @Millennial_Falcon has been attacked as a mod since he was first modded, along with every other mod of PG.

The mods that had actually done something wrong were removed. If someone can present a decent case against MF, I'll take a look at it, but this shit happens constantly.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

You mean attacked after the hostile takeover of the subverse between you and Kevdude, the faggot /v/ProtectVoat mods, and turned what other pizzagaters call and I quote the "sub became a word prison aka truth hider". Which is 100% factual.

You and your pedo mods are getting attacked for protecting Pedophiles, especially the ones on this very website.

Crensch ago

8/10 would read again.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

9/10 would deflect again.

Crensch ago

2/10 would not Freud again.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Crensch is one of the pedo mods Gab, most pizzagaters already know this. Fake upvoats don't really work on them

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

rompom is one.

10259007? ago

I'm so young that you shouldn't be saying this. Luckily my Bertie Bunckle taught me well and I am the gen that comes after this bunch of weak art motherfuckers to topple you. Jew.

10258886? ago

I did. Can you help?

ExpertShitposter ago

Hey romp! It looks like the secret jew amalek is trying to subvert the anti pedo movement by redirecting traffic to a new sub that he could mod since all his attempts to infiltrate pizzagate have failed.

Good thing the jews are arabs and therefore wipe their asses with their fingers instead of toiletpaper so we can smell them from 10 subverses away!

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Nice try schlomo. 2 years and all of a sudden you are anti-pedo. No one is going to buy it and pizzagaters already noticed you, shroomcloud, gabara, and a couple others are extremely suspect.

Just look at how you all gather in one place to downvoat! that is more than enough evidence to show coordination, this is a daily occurence.

You actual pedophile jews facade is running thin. It's easy to show pizzagaters how pedophiles have taken over that sub. I suspect no one doubts it.

ExpertShitposter ago

Haha you massive faggot, i am one of the most anti pedo people on voat. I'm the one who got mass downvoated when i suggested that loli drawing lovers are the same as picture posting pedos and should be given life long exile from society or death for being what they are even if they never actually touched a girl IRL.

YOU LOSE BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

Bullshit. It's an act and it's obvious.

you joke about the pedophile coder of Voat and are disrupting Pizzagate just like all co-opposition does. You are just like the kikes who waved nazi flags in charolettesville

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL you brain damaged idiot, you linked to nothing. Sucks to be you, saving random shitposts from 3 months back that are literally nothing.

You must escape from inbred mountain.

Schlomo_Kikenburger ago

FuzzyWords is the coder for voat on Github, who is a tranny pedophile that you guys white knight for, and you all gathered there.

It just shows that im not making anything up.

ExpertShitposter ago

Kill your self niggerlover, you have no proof of that. You admitted that the info about the tranny thing is false, and you never had anything else to being with you maximum JIDF arab.

You_are_a_bitch ago

blah blah blah hang yourself you fucking pedo.

I Firmly stand by the fact the coder FuzzyWords is indeed a pedophile autistic tranny https://archive.fo/pCwMZ /u/FuzzyWords

ExpertShitposter ago

Your mental illness and virginity is no match for my vodka and metal.


You lose broterer.........egergergher

10258935? ago

I knew you knew. <3

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Oh you are the tranny, now i remember.

Ping the rest of the SRS fags.

10258798? ago

Transvestite? Lol! Done.

10258646? ago

And the JIDF should fuck right off.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

Pretty difficult when they have been snagging mod positions on a few subs, and even have their own circle jerk sub /v/RidersOfTheReich

10258698? ago

Come on man you know I'm an easy upvoat because I believe in the sites motto but the riders are just trolling. If you keep calling people a thing then that is what you get, even if it is just satire.

ExpertShitposter ago

Good thing we control SBBH, one of the most blocked subverse on voat right after FPH. You see, by shitposting random jokes and hitler memes in a sub blocked by everyone, we are on our way to swing the opinion of voat to the left!

Mick ago


ExpertShitposter ago

His mentall ilness never ceses to amaze me. I would pay 1000$ for a picture of his obese basement dwelling ass, just so i can verify what i already know. Good thing i have vodka on my table!

Oh look i can still tojpe at this point!!!

Ae mik, what up?!

Mick ago

I'm just sneaking around reading the massive amount of trolling that's going on around here today. It's great :)

10259582? ago

Thanks for noticing.

ExpertShitposter ago

Did you catch me, gabara , and shroomcloud become "mega Christians"? https://voat.co/v/SoapboxBanhammer/2072103

Mick ago

lol JFC

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

No one called them white nationalists or nazis, it was obvious they are SRS jews. I'm just tellin the truth. Interacting with them makes it obvious, also considering they directly are involved as pizzagate mods and SoapBoxBanHammer users and ProtectVoat

10258762? ago

Can't you 'member that video you sent me when you were MYG? When your first tactic was to just be horrible to people? Do you even know who you are talking to? Shall I ping 'srs'? Man, pay attention please.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

nah dont remember that. And i wasnt horrible to everyone, jsut a few certain shills who still remain butt hurt to this day.

I bet i can guess the video tho.

10258792? ago

Go on then while it is still quiet.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

ill cross post this later, just wanted a post i can reference

10258836? ago

So you don't recall the video, probably because there are more than one of you. I'll cross post that later.

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

it was a kpop video

10258877? ago

You.Dumb.Fucker. I ain't even sayin' until everyone is on this. All of your upvoats belong to me, which is something worth thinking about until the restrictions come in. You may be fucked...

MightyYetGentle1488 ago

be quiet tranny

10258920? ago

Are you truly trying to limit my speech or are you just beleagured and out of tactics and personal ideas? I'd like to know. Don't forget the vid...