JoeMontana ago

What sadness? I am crushing jews in the name of the Lord. Your life is about worshiping my cock.

JoeMontana ago

Now your we is not white nationalists? You are admitting you are srs finally?

JoeMontana ago

Stop worshiping my cock. Lose some weight so you don't die from the beetus.

ExpertShitposter ago

True brother, Jews like @9-11 aka @MightyYetGentle1488 aka amalek don't go to heaven.

JoeMontana ago

Where do you think you will go after you die satan dick sucker?

JoeMontana ago

Why did you get a big mouth again. Didn't put tell you to shut up?

ExpertShitposter ago

Putt is a sbbh member. Has always been. Why do you think we get away with it all?

JoeMontana ago

I know. I find it hilarious how srs is funding and operating a pro white nationalist forum. Aren't you the laughing stock of all your fat ass butt buddies?

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL, we are the whitest and most hardcore nationalists on this website. And we are really good at exposing jews like you. The bible says gassing you is ok since you are a thread to the very existence of man kind.

JoeMontana ago

Lol. You're such children.

JoeMontana ago

I don't need to read anything to know you are a faggot.

ExpertShitposter ago

@JoeMontana claims he fears god, yet he masturbates to porn? Fake christian.

JoeMontana ago

I don't even watch porn. You are confusing me with a degenerate like you.

ExpertShitposter ago

God is watching you amalek, and he doesn't like what he sees. Jews don't get to go to heaven.

JoeMontana ago

I'm not a jew. Guess you are one. I am not amalek either. Is this the best you can do with your life? Worship my cock?

ExpertShitposter ago

Worship my cock?

I know you would like that but sorry....i'm not gay. I follow the bible, unlike you who talks about cocks and trannies, and accuses with no proof.

JoeMontana ago

You fatties have been worshiping my cock for 2 years. Fight the beetus instead. Or die young. I don't care.

ExpertShitposter ago

2 years? I thought you were only 2 months old and not an alt of the 2 years old myg/amalek! Rekt you faggot. Thats ok, we already knew who you were.

JoeMontana ago

Yes, you have been worshiping my cock for over 2 years. You have no idea how to be a man. That's why you are obsessed with me.

ExpertShitposter ago

LoL at pussy virgin basement dwelling mentally ill amalek!!! I can smell your alts from a mile away. At leas you learned not to try to deny it when you've been cought nigger.

ExpertShitposter ago

Welcome brother.

ExpertShitposter ago

I know a larping christian when i see one you satanic jew shill. I know who you are amalek.

JoeMontana ago

I am a God loving and fearing country boy. The thing you linked to is another srs fattie.

Anson ago

You will get aids then dead

ExpertShitposter ago

@smokratez would you please explain your immature behavior?

heygeorge ago

His alt @JoeMontana isn't banned, could have commented here. It's not like this band of jackasses should be judge mental of that type of behavior.

ExpertShitposter ago

@JoeMontana is too much of a Satan worshiper to hang around us true Christians. Just like @9-11, the satanic jew, posing as christian. (9-11 is a known alt of @MightyYetGentle1488 )

JoeMontana ago

I am a true believer of God. You've got some shit to say about me srs fattie?

ExpertShitposter ago


I am a true believer of God.

You are a satanist. Sane as your alt @9-11

JoeMontana ago

You worship cock and satan. I am not an alt of 9-11. We don't even talk about the same things.

Antiseed117 ago

I like em