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antiliberalsociety ago

Hey, fake white nationalist... You owe us answers.

Pay back your donors you fraud

Source of the pic (He deleted the video after I made this)

List of ignored questions:

Just look at them

You mean to tell me they're all right wingers? (He went and deleted them after this post, but in time they will reappear)

The post where I discovered his GoFraudMe wasn't even closed yet (he finally shut it down after I called him out)

He admits buying rifles with the money

Despite it being specifically against GoFundMe rules, listed as fraudulent activity

And he lied about being unemployed by his own admission

The irony

Not the first time he was called out

Could it be because you support communism? (He had to edit that he hates it after being downvoted)

And recruit unsuspecting followers to the kike owned honeypot gab?

Where you are ever so popular?

It's like you want the left to have an easy target on us yet they don't try to silence you in your rants...

Was the purpose of your discord server to give them more ammo on the right?

And your posts on here calling for violence another Jewish trick?

Or a carefully worded post giving the left something to use that's all too easy to take out of context

And calling for violence again, and again, and again, and fucking again, pushing the idea of civil war which the Jews want because a fractured nation is easier to conquer? Then we wonder why conservative sites are being shut down all the time; it's because of shills like you sent in to discredit them.

Funny how you went to college for THEATER:

Sean Sweat was born in Fort Hood, Texas. Both of his parents were commissioned officers during the Vietnam War era. After graduating college with a degree in technical theater and a minor in theater history, Sweat joined the U.S. Armed Forces.

Might explain why you're always advertising your channels like jewtube and promoting yourself.

After calling him out, he called for censorship on Voat

@TexasVet Any luck with contacting the FBI over calling out your fraud?

The backstory

His fear me! threat

Immediately after he says he's going to because fee fees and mental anguish.

Even though they're corrupt

Bonus: His pledge to Reddit

His whine video that got 79 views out of 1,000 followers and posting it on Voat, Reddit, Gab, Facebook, Twitter, and God knows where else. This is the video he claims debunks my accusations yet he cherry picked everything I was saying and didn't answer to shit.

If this isn't a clear picture.... Here's some examples of Sean Sweat's personality:










I could go on but you get the picture, he is every definition of the word FRAUD.

TexasVet ago

I have asked you to do a skype call with me that we could record for everyone to see. Wherein I would answer all of your accusations one by one until you got tired of it. You will not do it because you know that I can debunk everything except the one issue that started your obsession with me. The ONLY thing I am "guilty" of is buying a rifle with the excess money given to me on gofundme. So man up and do this. skype with me while I record it all uncut and uncensored. End this once and for all.

googlewatch ago

He's a shill for Israel. I should have saved the post. He like completely will not criticize Israel.

TexasVet ago

Who will not criticize the Jews? Me? WTF you talkin about?

googlewatch ago

No. I upvoted you because you're right. antiliberal society won't criticize Jews. Of all of the accounts on Voat that I'm most sure is a shill, he's the foremost. I hate that word. People bandy it around. But get him to make a statement about Israel, it's his weak point.

You're welcome.

Crensch ago

No. I upvoted you because you're right. antiliberal society won't criticize Jews. Of all of the accounts on Voat that I'm most sure is a shill, he's the foremost. I hate that word. People bandy it around. But get him to make a statement about Israel, it's his weak point.

  1. Day. Old. Account.

googlewatch ago

You're a fucking nigger.

Crensch ago

Does this burn your ass?

The salt is delicious.

googlewatch ago

Does this burn your ass?

You talk like a 12 year old. 4chan isn't this bad. Worst user on this site, worse than Dial Indicator.

And you're a pizzagate mod, can't make this up.

Crensch ago

You talk like a 12 year old. 4chan isn't this bad. Worst user on this site, worse than Dial Indicator.

Coming from you, that's a compliment.

And you're a pizzagate mod, can't make this up.

And you pretend to know what's going on. Kek.

Crensch ago

How does it feel to fail so hard you have to use a link to my comment as the only thing in yours?

Crensch ago

Pretty pathetic. Kek.

Crensch ago

How does it feel to suck this bad at life? I honestly want to know.