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twistedmac11 ago

Fucking lol, here we go again. What was the point of reposting this?

Crensch ago

Oh, in your case it's how you showed up to defend ES constantly (linked in the post) and now you're once. AGAIN. showing up when something happens to admonish the mods here.


A) You think your previous actions weren't wrong.

B) You think ES isn't bad.

C) You have no sense of shame.

D) You're linked to ES and others that share a desire to subvert this place

E) You're being paid to subvert this place


F) You're just here to troll and don't care about this place.

And after all, Your last submission here was 9 months ago. So what are you even doing here?

Screenshot just in case.


twistedmac11 ago

Oh, in your case it's how you showed up to defend ES constantly (linked in the post) and now you're once. AGAIN. showing up when something happens to admonish the mods here.

I'm showing up because you keep dragging my name into this. Someone disagreeing with the mods doesnt make me ES.

Let's go with A. I don't agree with how mods have been acting and Q is a bullshit psyop.

And after all, Your last submission here was 9 months ago. So what are you even doing here?

Yeah, my last submission - posted shortly after your initial sticky accusing me of being an alt - that got derailed by bullshit accusations of me being ES. Why would I bother continuing to make submissions? Not to mention, that has no bearing on my ability to have an opinion or say something when you continue to drag me into this.

Crensch ago

Let's go with A.

So you think defending ES consistently and attacking the mods was OK. Got it.

twistedmac11 ago

At the time, I didnt believe ES to be doing anything wrong. Sure, he was/is arrogant as fuck and loved (still does) to toot his own horn, but I agree(d) with his premise that Q and pizzagate shouldn't be mixed together. Notice how I've not once stated anything positive about him since his rarepeeks alt was exposed? Thats because I saw your actual proof (as opposed to proof based on hearsay or confirmation bias), and I don't agree with having alts at all, much less for consensus cracking. This is why I don't have alts. I also didnt agree with the behavior of the mods for multiple different reasons. So, did I side with someone you don't agree with? Sure. Am I going to grovel or beg for forgiveness because you're just now showing legitimate evidence of him doing wrong? No. Does that make me him, or working with him to subvert the community? No. (To be frank, I've often wondered the same thing about you and the mods, but I digress.) Have I explained myself a million times? Yes. But you and the others will continue to smear me and say what you want, so I'm honestly not sure why I bother. I guess because I've invested so much time and energy in pizzagate, and because pizzagate was what opened my eyes up to what's really going on in the world. I don't want to let go of that, and I definitely don't want to be pushed out of it. But I'm not going to continue to try to contribute if I'm just going to have to defend myself constantly, which is why I've not been as active lately.

Crensch ago

Am I going to grovel or beg for forgiveness because you're just now showing legitimate evidence of him doing wrong?

Just now? Are you quite retarded?

Does that make me him, or working with him to subvert the community? No.

It makes you wrong, but somehow that gives you no pause in this matter? Kek.

That fact alone tells me plenty about you, and it should tell anyone else reading this plenty about you. You were fantastically wrong about someone the mods were right about, but you're totally cool with admonishing the mods this time, too. You think this is the only thing NOMO has done? Just because the mods - who watch this shit constantly - have not yet made a megathread on all his bullshit, you think it's ok to admonish us?

Now, for two very subversive usernames, you've defended them while admonishing the mods. If you're not one of them, you're incredibly stupid.


twistedmac11 ago

Okay, sure, I was wrong about him, but again, you had no actual evidence of anything, and I dont just go believing things without proof. That's called being smart. When I see someone making points that I agree with is getting shit talked by mods without proof, no, I'm not going to side with mods. All I had to go on was what was physically in front of my face - not confirmation bias or hearsay. Now that you've actually provided some proof, look! Magic! I admonish him. Amazing how that happens.

You think this is the only thing NOMO has done? Just because the mods - who watch this shit constantly - have not yet made a megathread on all his bullshit, you think it's ok to admonish us?

When did NOMO get pulled into this? Have I defended him? All I said was that it was hypocritical for mods to ban people for what he did, when you regularly do that and worse. I stand by that statement.

Again, I don't agree with the mods. That doesn't make me one of them, nor does it make me stupid. I shouldn't have to agree with you guys to participate here without constantly having to defend myself.

Crensch ago

All I said was that it was hypocritical for mods to ban people for what he did, when you regularly do that and worse.


Show me where I do what he did, or worse.

Link me to it.

How stupid do you think we are?

I shouldn't have to agree with you guys to participate here without constantly having to defend myself.

Nah, but you could let people that actually pat attention to what's going on do what they do without commenting when you know fuck-all about the subject.

twistedmac11 ago

Show me where I do what he did, or worse.

I don't need to link you to all of your comments where you regularly insult pizzagate users. Don't play dumb.

Nah, but you could let people that actually pay attention to what's going on do what they do without commenting when you know fuck-all about the subject.

"Trust us, goy. We know what we're doing." Yeah, I'm good. I don't let other people do my thinking for me. How about just not expecting others to blindly follow what you say without evidence?

Crensch ago

I don't need to link you to all of your comments where you regularly insult pizzagate users. Don't play dumb.

Insults? That's worse that acting like ESOTERICshade 2.0? You faggot kikes will try any angle to get what you want, won't you?

"Trust us, goy. We know what we're doing."

"Well, they were right last time BUT WHO CARES BECAUSE I GET TO CALL MODS JEWS."

Yeah, I'm good.

You're really, really bad at this.

I don't let other people do my thinking for me.

Given your inability to understand the concept of track records, perhaps you should consider doing so.

How about just not expecting others to blindly follow what you say without evidence?

How about you pay attention to what's going on instead of hopping in and admonishing the mods without asking for the evidence? No, that's far too much for you to do! You're busy! Doing... nothing?


twistedmac11 ago

Insults? That's worse that acting like ESOTERICshade 2.0? You faggot kikes will try any angle to get what you want, won't you?

It has the same result in the end, except yours more blatantly pushes people away. So, yeah, I could see how that would be worse.

You're really, really bad at this.

I think you misunderstood what I was saying there. I wasn't saying I'm good at this, I was saying I'll pass on letting others think for me.

Given your inability to understand the concept of track records, perhaps you should consider doing so.

Nope. My track record is fine. I'm not always going to be right - no one is - but that doesn't mean I should let others think for me.