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thewebofslime ago

It seems clear to me that there is a movement by a small group of people to target those who participate a lot in these topics, but do not believe in Q. I like the Q movement, I just know that Pamphlet Anon is on video showing that he was using Q's tripcode.

For that reason, I consider Q people as a good source of researchers, but they are being led to "prove" things outside of the scope of the standard rules of evidence.

Getting people emotional produces results but it also compromises rational thought. The Pizzagate movement needs rational thinkers who are willing to report leads to law enforcement in enough volume to force them to take a look.

ESOTERICshade ago

I like the Q movement, I just know that Pamphlet Anon is on video showing that he was using Q's tripcode.

Ding! Ding! Ding! I think that video has been around at least a year maybe. I showed it to the Voat Q Headquarters Management in many threads and talked about it a lot. All I got was crickets... They know that the Qanon phenom is a bunch of fake bullshit. That leads me to believe they are either

And lets not forget srayzie's merch sites. and finally went down not too long ago and I don't think I ever took a screen shot of it. But, here is here new site

  1. Merch peddlers
  2. Or getting paid by somebody to sew confusion and disinformation into the info stream.

Either way they are grifters without a care for accurate information. I am proud to have raised the alarm bell about this lot of grifters and disinfo peddlers. I am also glad zyklon b took careful aim, and knocked some of them out of the game, at least for a while....I am sure they are not really gone.

thewebofslime ago

That site gave me a chuckle.

Lansing-Michigan ago

webofslime........if you think this stuff is funny, you are sick.

ESOTERICshade ago

I see you got your own flair. Consider it a badge of honor. He flairs people he can't "destroy" in a conversation because his behavior is so damn horrible he ain't got a leg to stand on. I've never seen him "destroy" anybody anyway, in spite of his many bold claims.

ESOTERICshade ago

The last site she had was selling Rayban sunglassesl and all sorts of other shit. I should have taken a screen shot of it. That site was and its dark now. Its gone.