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Piscina ago

Op has a sad and pathetic life spending all his time on this.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is probably OP.

The longer @crensch leaves this thread up is just pure evidence of the total butt hurt I put on him. We all laugh at his little internet power madd ass every day. The butt hurtin I put on him is epic. I took him to the dance, slapped him around, and then pull the plug and drained him out.

Oh man, it was fun :) I slapped him around just like little punk internet bully deserved. It was great.

thewebofslime ago

He works for and that is the entity that paid srayzie for GA. She miraculously paid off debts that had been sitting for years, while she, herself, sat on her ass for years and continues to do so. Nothing terrifies these people more than the idea of GA or PG becoming a system sub and, of course, they hate doxx, because it might expose who they really are and who they really work for.

Since this thread is clearly a dishonest presentation to give everyone the illusion that crensch is actually capable of finding a shill, it is a fairly clear telegraph that crensch is, himself, a shill.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Shizie ago

He works for and that is the entity that paid srayzie for GA. She miraculously paid off debts that had been sitting for years, while she, herself, sat on her ass for years and continues to do so.

You better hope you can back that up.

thewebofslime ago

Like when you falsely accuse people of being a pedophile?

heygeorge ago


theoldones ago

why the fuck did you crawl out of your hole, you doxxer?