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virge ago

So.. wait. Was this always about Pizzagate?


IMO yep.

pizzagate researchers abandoned/questioned the Q narrative months ago.

Many shills desperately gatekeeped via pro Q posts detracting from genuine independent research

this led to researchers abandoning the platform and serious momentum being lost in the investigation, and probably infighting within the shills and shills vs researchers

virge ago

I could see the logic here. The Qews are being manipulated like the lemmings they are away from real, legitimate things happening in the world. Their stupidity is being weaponized like a moth to a flame.

grace8 ago

R you smoking crack or just ignorant of the Q community you claim to know enough to judge! Lemmings don't dedicate multiple subs and chans to the collecton of the news and research revealing deeper truths about our government and society. Its like you have never been on any Q subif you think the Q crowd is isolated from the real events in the world, Did you know that yesterday a Portland city office had a bomb scare? That Austin has passed a law making it legal to camp anywhere within the city limits? That Putin has exited the INF treaty with the US. That today is Julian Assange's birthday. That a volcano is under threat of eruption since yesterday in Hawaii. That yesterday there was a Russia sub fire, an Earthquake of 4.0 in Alaska. Gold has spiked to an all time high and the market gained 500 points yesterday. Lee Iococa died yesterday at 94. That Google is not blocking anti-vaxxer, anti Cancer and anti-GMO webstes. How many did you know? Which one of us is cut off from real events?

This is the most grossly inaccurate , no plain out untrue, statement i have seen a user post on the net for some time.

virge ago

Which one of us is cut off from real events?

Click my user account. Look at my submissions. Realize you're barking up the wrong tree.

Fucking Qews. Lemmings.

grace8 ago

Did you not just say Q crowd is cut off from real life events. How do you justify this statement?

virge ago

Did you not just say Q crowd is cut off from real life events. How do you justify this statement?

Your entire movement relies on you staying at home doing nothing and expecting the Government to fix itself.

There is no greater ignorance than that.

grace8 ago

How much more educated can a group get on world events than the q community??? We have learned their comms, we have educated ourselves on a variety of government failures, policies, procedures, and the people who are working to take away our democracy. Learned an entirely new history of the 20th century. We have considered and anticipated work That is more than 80 percent of people walking around in the US today. Q folk could out talk on world events, political scene and politicians. Your wrong.

grace8 ago

Ridiculous. So your point is if we marched in the street and killed people we would Be LESS ignorant?

Or if we had multiple social events with parties every weekend we would be less ignorant. If we went door to door proselytizing we would be less ignorant?

Define Ignorant: destitute of knowledge or education. How do any of those activities make me less ignorant?

Q told us to wait. He did so because people were thinking they needed to do something radical. In a democracy, we wait for our politicians to resolve failures of our gov. How are you doing anything different than just that? Rn't you just waiting? Your posting here. We are posting here? R you in the militias, military, government, press core?

virge ago

Ridiculous. So your point is if we marched in the street and killed people we would Be LESS ignorant?

Of course not. That's insane. Very few people here go so far as to even consider this course of action. Did I say something to give this impression, or were you internalizing that? Be intellectually honest, I'm merely curious.

Define Ignorant: destitute of knowledge or education. How do any of those activities make me less ignorant?

Ignorant. As in generationally. As in a whole lot of American parents fucking lied to their kids. And that generation after them had to learn the truth and decide how to raise their own kids. And so on. So here we are - with a broken family unit, statistically, struggling to wake up.

All I even need to illustrate my point are the last half of Eisenhower's farewell speech when he signed off by giving the biggest middle finger the Military Industrial Complex has ever seen in all recorded human history. JFK after him rode a wave of populism in a post-Eisenhower MIC warning, and look what happened to him.

When I say ignorant, I think you guys are just behind the curve and grasping so badly at someone else doing the hard work that you've simultaneously boxed yourself into a corner of desperation. Ergo it's demonstrably true that Americans were warned, and simply didn't listen.

Q told us to wait. He did so because people were thinking they needed to do something radical.

Consider seriously for a moment the radical possibility that he realized you guys were getting a bit too big of a Freedom boner, and the message was a sharp slap in the face for the extreme. Wouldn't it be up to you, individually, to decide when that silence has gone on long enough?

If you think you are going to remain prepared, I'll share some wisdom. First, it's possible. If so, bravo and congratulations.

With that out of the way, some of us have been on the Internet doing gray-area shit since the 90's, or even before in the ARPANet days. We've seen, quite literally in the truest sense of the world, hundreds of Q's come before this one. It's new to you, and because it's new to you those of us who've been through this roller coaster before know exactly how sweet that taste is, and just how sour it can become.

What you think insult is a mistaken warning. I tell you that if I could share any words of wisdom with myself in the past it would be to not ignore a more experienced warning. Even if it means you desire or simply opt to internalize it, as we humans are oft want to do.


I'll just quote some of the most important things Eisenhower said:

"Only an alert and knowledgeable Citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense, with our peaceful methods and goals - so that Security and Liberty can prosper together."


"As we peer into society's future - we, you and I, and our Government, must avoid the impulse to live only for today.. plundering for our own needs and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our Grandchildren, without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want Democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent famine of tomorrow."

In a democracy, we wait for our politicians to resolve failures of our gov.

Reality check, we're a Representative Republic, not a Democracy. This is pretty important. On top of that, you're wrong. Allow me to quote something else for you:

That to secure these rights [to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed; that, whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute a new government, laying its foundations on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness.

- Declaration of Independence


Who am I, you ask? I am just an individual. I've learned to accept the failures of those who came before me, and appreciate that it took many sacrifices for me to be where I am today. I cannot stand by idly and watch you either allow yourself to be trapped in a delusion of grandeur, or become a victim of something that surrounds you to control you in ways I do not believe you fully comprehend.

I want to free your mind from the prison it's in. I want to remind you the power you wield not in violence, but in common purpose and shared manifest destiny. You don't even need the guns, but if they're taken then it will probably be too late.

grace8 ago

You appear to be trying to throw a lot of words out there without much relation to the point you made. This means you realize your wrong and cant rebut the point directly. Its a rehash of things already knwn well by the Q community.

R you sure your not burned out by previous leakers/movements to have the energy to pursue one more. So you want this experience to be the same as the ewxperience you and others had in the 90's.

The difference is this time q is not a leaker. He is a spokeperson for the war against the DS and he is posting both at the express direction of the President of the United States and the Military commanders who are part of the war on the DS. This has NEVER happened B4. If you go to 8chan and look at the Q proofs that show you where Q posted and then Trump tweeted something similar exactly a set number of minutes later. This happened around a hundred times. In ever smaller minutes apart until they are second apart.

You have my sympathy. You have been disappointed by failed attempts in the past to remove the powers behind the governments who control the world in reality. But there has never been anything like this. Tell me when Saudi Arabia has turned on the DS. Tell me when a president has signed an exec order freezing their assets. Tell me when a president has come out and named them and said they would be locked up. Tell me when a president has stood in front of the press with a large group of generals and said this is the calm before the storm and then the spokesman comes forward talking of taking out the DS and he posts by that same name.

You want us to be wrong because you were wrong in the past and decided not to follow Q because you wrongly assumed he was like the others. He is not. YOur resistance now is about your ego getting bruised if we are right and you failed to figure that out.

virge ago

Anything is possible.

grace8 ago

Please take a look at this link. It's very quick. Tell me if Q is just a LARP how you explain this?

virge ago

I honestly don't think you would believe me if I told you how I came to my experience, so it wouldn't make sense for me to explain the entire process.

I am not trying to convince you of anything. I am merely playing devils advocate for the questions I would ask if I were in your shoes.

grace8 ago

I am confused. R you saying you wont read a 5 minute link? I'm not asking anything about your experience. You have called Q readers stupid lemmings. I am asking you to read a 5 minute link and explain to me how you can explain that in any other way than that Q is working for Trump and posting in co-ordination with him.

This seems to happen when I bring up this point. Suddenly unbelievers want to change the subject.

Let go of the past and evaluate this just based on this link and the present circumstances.

virge ago

This seems to happen when I bring up this point. Suddenly unbelievers want to change the subject.

What you are observing is both of us realizing we have different ideology. Some will try to change your mind. I, on the other hand, am very familiar with being amiable with people of different ideology.

In the end, we still seek the same goals. You don't need to understand mine for me to admit that.

I read your link. I've read it before. I'm familiar with a lot of content. I might surprise you with just how much. I'm a data guy. It's what I do.

grace8 ago

I do not know how many times Trump has posted using words that q just posted minutes before. I know it is greater than 30 and less than 100 times. Is there any explanation other than they are coordinating. The gap between Q's posts and Trumps tweets became less and less until they were posting almost simultaniously. But Q people are just stupid lemmings who are gullible.

virge ago

I think we've already concluded to agree to disagree.

You're putting words in my mouth at this point, and I've been around the block enough to know there isn't much point in having a conversation if you cannot separate individual situations and dialogue from broad blanket statements of the community.

grace8 ago

Your exact words:

I could see the logic here. The Qews are being manipulated like the lemmings they are away from real, legitimate things happening in the world. Their stupidity is being weaponized like a moth to a flame.

Which one of us is cut off from real events?

Click my user account. Look at my submissions. Realize you're barking up the wrong tree.

Fucking Qews. Lemmings.

virge ago

Damn snowflake, let me run to Home Depot I have a safe space to build yah'.

grace8 ago

How many snowflakes do you know who read PIZZAGATE on VOAT! WOW! I dont think you quite thought that one through. Its late. You must be tired! Go and rest.

virge ago

What the hell does Pizzagate and you being easily offended and unoriginally controlling about it have to do with each other?

grace8 ago

You have no argument to support your suppositions. We play at different levels. I'm not interested in your repeated effort to save face by attacking me rather than using any kind of logic to address your original points that Q readers are stupid ignorant, lemmings who are isolated and unaware of events in the real world or your rejection of Q in the face of repeated tweets that mirror Q postings within minutes of Q posting. If you can not [resent any reasonable argument then I'm done here. Id rather sleep!

virge ago

Reasonable. Ha ha ha.


grace8 ago

Snowflake???? Every post you make astounds me. Snowflake, Add it to the list of amiable name calling.

If you are confident in your opinions and beliefs there is no need to resort to name calling. If you have no winning argument to support our beliefs then you try to distract with insults,name calling and such. I suggest you consider why you believe what you believe if you cant win an argument with a fucking stupid lemming. I think were done here unless you have some real argument to present.

virge ago

I think were done here unless you have some real argument to present.

We've been done for the past dozen posts, but not for the reasons you declare. I'm sure we'll bump into each other again.

grace8 ago

Amiable???? you called me a stupid lemming, a fucking Qew. You judged us as if you were the Lord of the land and all wise. But you can not give me any plausible explanation for this link. I have used no swear words and only spoken to you with logic and addressed your believe that because leakers failed to fulfill your dreams that Q isnt real. I have not called you any names.

You seem to have some problems seeing both me and yourself accurately. Let me clear that up. I have not experienced you as amiable.

So you read the link and have no reply.

virge ago

@crensch @kevude @womb_raider

There are much more dangerous predators that have been playing with all of you.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Vindicator ago

You'll notice no evidence is provided for any of the claims being made.



will you ever unblock me and answer my question as to why Pgaters should support Pro-Trans politicians?

virge ago

It was noted, yes.

SearchVoatBot ago

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WhiteRonin ago

Haha! If @crensch and @vindicator or @molochHunter really knew you.

You really are a sneaky fucker.

Time to take the challenge bro! But of right you ain’t got enough money. Clean looking truck.

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yep against Beaners and Towelheads

just like Bush did.

virge ago

Useful idiots are wild on both sides, then.


mhmm. dont get high off your farts.

virge ago

Now you lost me.

WhiteRonin ago

You’re easy to befuddle!


Democrats Bad became a drug for Conservatives, but they were too sanctimoniously smug to detect the rot in their party.

They got high off of "#winning"