pittsburghisapedoden ago

Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword. Matthew 26:52

theooeht ago

Hmmmmm ....

Like your choice of proverbs. Very apt.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Pretty soon no one will want to speak up about PG. Think of what is happening to Assange. He released the podesta emails which for the most part put pizza in a totally different context. The overlords play for keeps. It reminds me of a mop up. Thanks for bringing this to my attention. You and everyone here are such great researchers.

theooeht ago

Thanks so much. Agree that there are a lot of great researchers on Voat. Some of the posts are truly amazing and have answered a lot of questions as to what is going on.

As for Assange, we owe him a debt of gratitude. While I already hated Skankles and The Manchurian Candidate, the emails drew back the curtain and revealed way. And the handlers/overlords do not play around. I really do believe they just needed a couple of stakes in our hearts to get complete control and Skankles winning the presidency was one of them. Re: what is happening to Assange, I keep remember those last few tweets. The one that featured PAPER PLANES and him escaping the embassy by means of a disguise. If our POTUS is the man he purports to be, and the kind most either think he is or hope he is, he will not let Assange fall through the cracks. The picture of Assange in the back of the van speaks volumes.


Doesn't look upset to me and he certainly would have been if he didn't know something that we don't know.

I can't say that I trust the plan totally. I don't know what's planned, but out POTUS is promising big doings coming soon. All I can do is hope. So thanks for stopping by and reading this post.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Whether Assange was part of an intelligence agency or not whether he is an actor or not, concerns I've had in the past as I also have for Snowden, does not take away the fact that he when he released those emails in 2016 he said someone will be going to jail. We got the emails I couldn't make any sense out of them and then someone picked up on the pedo language and that's when I believe all this began in terms of serious acceptance of what conspiracy theorist have been saying for a long time. So yes we definitely owe him some gratitude and yes I will definitely went to jail unfortunately it was him of course we were all looking forward to seeing Clinton in jail that's what I was looking forward to do you remember the release the hype of the release? I remember staying up it was like 2 in the morning or something. Now it doesn't take much to convince people that one of the elites major crimes against humanity is the treatment of children. Something which in the past people with just roll their eyes.

theooeht ago

Yes, we disagree on points, but not on wanting Skankles locked up.

I think the thing that most people are forgetting is that Assange wasn't relying on those emails for his information. We relied on them and we read them and decided for ourselves what they meant and what they didn't mean. That's what objective news reporting is about. This was hampered by the use of jargon, but it didn't interfere with Assange's take on things because he knew everything. It's the difference between reading an online exchange between a pedo and a victim he's grooming and actually being in the room when they meet up and observing everything that happens. Assange was the latter. He knew every little thing of what Skankles and the elite cabal have wrought over the years. He knew what was going on in The Manchurian Candidate's White House as concerns those Johnny Depp Wonderland little boy parties. And the $66,000 hot dogs shipped in from Chicago. Top that off with what happened to friend/associate/tipster Set Rich. What I'm saying is that no one was more vested in Skankles being jailed than Assange. Hence prompting her ''drone him'' suggestion. Should that be ''Arkandrone him''? Not sure, but what I am sure of is that he knows all and he's key to busting this thing wide open.

Wazhappenin1 ago

And Ecuador got is 30 pieces. And uk has washed its hands. This will be DJTs litmus test. Should prove interesting.

If i was a defense lawyer I would be tripping over myself to represent him.

theooeht ago

Yes, I would also.

As for the countries mentioned, we don't know anything yet. Assange posted videos as Ecuador being helpful. They were enigmatic, but the thrust was that. As for the UK, it could be US intel (the white hats this time) picked up something big planned for Assange. That would require everyone to move quickly. Right now, it could just be that the safest place to keep him is on ice in a maximum security prison.

So we don't know. Everything is conjecture, and this story can be twisted fifty different ways. But why would he run those videos? This was just before he went dark. Lots of people go dark to keep safe so maybe Ecuador ''forcing'' him to go dark was part of it.

Let's hope there is a plan and that it works.

Wazhappenin1 ago

Very interesting perspective I like the optimism

theooeht ago

I think it's derived for how crucial he is and those videos. If he hadn't posted them ... I don't know what I would think. Maybe that's why he did it. Maybe not. But remember the Harry Lime videos? He's out and about with his cat. Embassy cat. ???? Yes, I'll keep positive.

Wazhappenin1 ago

I honestly don't know what videos you talking about. I don't watch videos and I probably just ignore them when I saw them posted here. But I'll take your word that they're crucial thanks

theooeht ago

No. these were videos posted by Assange on his Twitter account. It was his twitter account and it's the one that got shut down and the one he put the encryption key on

It was a couple of months before Ecuador cut off his communication that he started posting videos. Paper Planes was one. Song is by MIA. Then came the Harry Lime music and Harry Lime in the alleyway being discovered by following the cat. Then there were hints to soccer and him being on the Ecuadorian soccer team. Then there was this really interesting one about him changing his appearance with make up and leaving the embassy anytime he wanted.

Sorry you missed them. They might not have been deleted who knows. Set the dates for maybe the last six months before Ecuador pulled the plug just to be sure. But I think Paper Planes had a couple of submissions on Voat. I might be wrong there. Could have been another forum.

carmencita ago

Another one that knew too much. With his checkered background would not be surprised if he was involved in her death. This is certainly a strange set of circumstances. Do these people really think they are going to be allowed to live after being their henchmen?

theooeht ago

I know exactly what you mean. Especially if he there was more to that ''assault'' on Philip Smith, Linda Collins-Smith's ex-husband. Were they leaning on him to ''handle'' his wife? Did they have something on him? I'm still wondering what he did to get barred from judicial jobs.

carmencita ago

Whenever THEY are involved it is always a mess. A conflagration of never ending rat lines and happenings that are almost impossible to figure out. That is how they roll.

theooeht ago


It's their calling card. It's why we can tell all these deaths are connected. It has their signature all over it!

carmencita ago

I dream of the day that Hill and Bill get what’s coming to them. Many want them to hang from the rafters but let’s get real. Doubt it so I just want them locked up to the point where they can’t run their operation from jail cell.

theooeht ago

Oh, yeah, no!

I don't want them hurt. I want them locked away and for everyone to know exactly what they're like. I want incontrovertible evidence to prove what they've been doing. It's hard to believe it will happen. I see absolutely no progress. None. Oh, wait ... yes, I did see progress. That article about what's going on in Arkansas is very heartening. Things are just taking time because of the Deep State and because the press is no longer independent. They're propagandists for the elite cabal. It gives one a distorted view of what is actually going on. It's why I follow our POTUS on Twitter. I want to hear what he and people like Jim Jordan say.

carmencita ago

My Dear God letit be true that things are beginning to move ahead. Yes truth is hard to find now with the MSM deep in their pockets.

letsdothis3 ago


32 year old aide to California Governor Gavin Newsom has died. 'natural causes.'

Voat posts about Newsom:

The Thousand Oaks shooting and Governor-elect Gavin Newsom. Family ties with the Getty family, Nancy Pelosi, Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore.

Pedophile Symbols, Alice Waters and Slow Foods USA/International

Newsom is a former mayor of San Francisco. Apparently he and Alice Waters were involved in spreading toxic sewage to gardeners in San Francisco. It was known as the Chez Sludge Scandal. https://www.prwatch.org/news/2010/07/9330/gavin-newsom-hopes-leave-his-sludge-san-francisco

carmencita ago

Pelosi? Her father was connected to organized crime


Nancy Pelosi’s father Thomas D’Alesandro Jr. allegedly was a “constant companion” of notorious mobster Benjamin “Benny Trotta” Magliano and other underworld figures during his political years in Baltimore, MD. D’Alesandro was a Congressman for five terms from 1938 to 1947, and Baltimore mayor for three terms from 1947 to 1959. Magliano was identified by the FBI as one of Baltimore’s “top hoodlums,” and he widely was acknowledged as the representative for New York’s Frankie Carbo who made his bones with Murder, Inc. and later became a made guy in the Lucchese family. The allegations are included in D’Alesandro’s recently-released FBI files which Friends of Ours has obtained pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act.

Once a family is connected to them, they are always connected. Did Nancy ask for a favor?

theooeht ago

There was a tweet going around last night that claimed Pelosi had a six- or seven-year affair with JFK. It's how she got her start in politics.

Let that sink in ... implications should follow.

carmencita ago

Wow 😮 Amazing. Wouldn’t doubt it but from her looks now Hard to Believe! He also had a long affair with Gene Tiermey who came to his funeral. Now she was a Stunner.

theooeht ago

He probably had affairs with every woman that consented, but I did fine it interesting.

Yes, Gene Tierney was gorgeous.

theooeht ago

''Natural causes,'' eh?

Yeah, I'll believe that one as much as I'll believe Seth Rich's death was a robbery gone wrong.

I'll have to do some digging into her background. Got to be some major dirt there.

i_scream_trucks ago

how the fuck does a motorcycle tyre blow out.

im going to give you the sole example of where i know a tyre 'blew out' and im talking about BARRY SHEENE having a massive accident at Daytona testing experimental tyres. He was at 200kmh+ on a banked speedway, the tyre expanded and jammed up against the frame throwing him off.

he survived.

he woke up literally with his foot next to his face but he survived.

this is sus.

theooeht ago

Great example.

How? How does it happen?

i_scream_trucks ago

tyre blowouts happen when the tyre has been driven around underinflated.

the walls flex backwards and forwards and weaken eventually blowing out. this happens a lot on cars because people are dumb and dont do anything about slow leaks etc and keep on driving, the car pulls to one side and they dont worry about it. TRUCKS are a bit of a danger, trailer tyres blow out a lot and if you were on a motorcycle next to that then youre in trouble, that shit can take your head off.

to get that happening on a motorcycle you would have to be riding it around for months with almost flat tyres which would make most motorcycles unrideable anyway and there is far far far far far less weight on those than a car or truck. so i just dont see it happening. if it did, what would happen?

Well - a front blow out in a straight line you either drop the front end or it jams up and you go over the handlebars pretty heavily maybe get the bike on top of you afterwards, either way, its one of the more serious falls you can have, wrist snapping, back and neck slamming against pavement, not nice, you probably wont walk away but youd have to be doing light speed for it to instantly kill you. On a corner? You would lose the front end and lowside, which would be sliding out of the corner, easily survivable unless you slide under something coming the other way, normally just hip or leg injuries, maybe arms, rarely a heavy enough knock to the head to seriously fuck you as long as you have a helmet.

Rear end? well youd just lose the back end, around a corner youve got nothing to grip so you wont high side (rear end slides, grabs, flips you over, pretty bad, not as bad as front or rear impact) on a straight, highly likely you could actually keep the bike upright and bring it to a stop even if the wheel is locked up (again, Sheene, banked corner, 200kmh, heat expanded the fuck out of an experimental tyre and it expanded into the frame, nothing really strange about it, just very unlucky)

theooeht ago

The whole thing is bizarre. And, the thing is, that with all these people turning up dead ... including 32-year-olds from ''natural causes'' ... I wouldn't believe anything other than they're cleaning up loose ends. The timing is all too coincidental.

i_scream_trucks ago

a job i have recently resigned from involved motorcycle accident management and im a rider myself (although only of 5 or so years so not especially experienced)

theooeht ago

No wonder you sound so knowledgeable.

Good to have an expert on board.

Think you explained everything very well.

i_scream_trucks ago

any time.

Locked_Account ago

Motorcycle wrecks aren't accidents, they are inevitable eventually.

Gopherurself ago


letsdothis3 ago

Further connections between recent deaths?

On your post about Linda Collin-Smith: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3260668/19041502

Several speakers talked about the problems with the juvenile justice system and the Arkansas Department of Human Services

Voat related posts re Arkansas Department of Human Services:

Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...


The Girls Shelter is a residential program for females 12 – 17 years that have been court ordered out of their homes. We provide a homelike environment while teaching them life can be much more positive than they are used to living. We are run by a 21 member Board of Directors composed of community members who share a positive vision for these young women. We are licensed by the Arkansas Department of Human Services.


Before joining DHS, Gillespie served as a Principal in the Washington D.C. office of Dentons’ Public Policy and Regulation practice and a leader of the firm’s Health Policy and Health Insurance Exchange Teams.

Dentons Law Firm Chairman Peng Xuefeng + Chief Executive Elliott Portnoy + Brandon Ransley Organised Crime Fraud Bribery “Forensics Files” * CPS “Criminal Prosecution Files” *** QUEEN’S SOLICITORS FARRER & CO PARTNER JULIAN PIKE

On my post about the recent death of Mary Max:

Another 'suicide', wife of pop artist Peter Max with connections to the Park West Foundation, partners of Michigan Department of Human Services and the Prince's Trust International - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3271685

Since its founding in 2006, Park West Foundation has partnered with the Michigan Department of Human Services and other agencies to provide counseling, education and support for foster youth and those aging out of the system. The foundation was founded by Park West Gallery Founder and CEO Albert Scaglione and his wife, Mitsie, who serves as the foundation’s executive director.

...and here is an interesting article I just dug up about human trafficking in Michigan .. http://www.thetimesherald.com/story/opinion/columnists/2016/01/20/human-trafficking-real-problem-michigan/79055920/

here's the Scagliones with Billy boy https://imgur.com/a/jBRg07Y

The Park West Foundation and its co-founders, Park West Gallery Founder and CEO Albert Scaglione and his wife, Mitsie, are honored to become founding board members for an international charity founded by Prince Charles.




...The group is led by partner David Hryck, formerly U.S. Head of International Tax at Dentons

Dentons Law Firm Chairman Peng Xuefeng + Chief Executive Elliott Portnoy + Brandon Ransley Organised Crime Fraud Bribery “Forensics Files” * CPS “Criminal Prosecution Files” *** QUEEN’S SOLICITORS FARRER & CO PARTNER JULIAN PIKE ...

theooeht ago

Yes, CPS seems the hub of ripping children out of homes. The fact there's no real oversight continues to amaze me. There's case after case of children who are actually being abused winding up dead all because CPS failed to take action. But there are no repercussions for it. Nothing except, perhaps, a flashy news story that goes away in a couple of days. With the outrage gone, CPS returns to business as usual.

carmencita ago

It all started with the Family Act during Clinton's reign. Walter Mondale and Newt Gingrich take the blame for pushing and getting it passed. There are parts of it that allow them to do what they do. They are allowed to collect money for each child they place into a home. Think about it. Many of them are placed many times. Those Children are on a merry go round just to make money. @letsdothis3

theooeht ago

It's a dreadful piece of legislation and the ones being hurt are the children.

I can't believe everyone will turn a blind eye to child abuse in order to make a buck. Although, there are probably those that don't. Most likely they're the ones gotten rid of so all the workers and staff will be on the same page.

Our POTUS has to do something.

carmencita ago

I and a couple of others, @fogdryer and @new4now did a few posts on Child Trafficking and Organ Harvesting. In Chicago DCFS they have a system going with teen girls like a birthing farm. Many are raped and then the babies are taken. Sick beyond words.

Benkitchen105 ago

Many high-profile people from Ark Connected to UK via Clinton inative. Massive ties to charity, art gallery's, roths, and royals

carmencita ago

Also Rainbow Cultural Harden through NXIVM. Connected through the Bushes and the Clintons. As many have said on here this goes way deeper than many think.

theooeht ago

OMG, no!

That is beyond depraved. I'm always struggling for words to describe how horrible these things are. I so hope these people get what's coming to them. I fear they won't, but I've been wrong before.

carmencita ago

Yeah for real. Going through a tough move right now or I’d have time to post the old info. I was amazed at finding it even knowing how depraved Emanuel is. My friend lives there and is saying that things will be kept as horrible as usual even with new mayor. They want to keep business as usual so they can keep lining their pockets. Depravity is a good description of what they are doing to the people that live in those hoods. I keep track because of my intense hatred of the Emanuels. Rahm since his Clinton days Zeke since he was architect of the Affordable Care Act and Ari since finding out his horrid past in the CDAN Bl. Sorry for the rant. Hard to stop when it comes to them.

theooeht ago

Don't blame you.

The frustration has to come out. These people are so obviously scum. I think seeing them locked up and put away will relieve a lot of this. Just to shove a paper featuring their conviction will be great to have in your pocket or purse. Run into a lib, and just whip it out and say, ''There and there and there!'' It'll be rejuvenating. :Like a decade spent at the best spa.

letsdothis3 ago

It extends beyond CPS... way beyond...

theooeht ago

Oh, no doubt.

But CPS makes it so easy for them to get a steady supply of victims.

letsdothis3 ago

Another similarity - Mitt Romney, Dyncorp

from Linda Collins-Smith post : https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3260668/19042067

The Arkansas DHS Director Cindy Gillespie, who is being paid around $250,000 a year, failed to show up at the last audit committee meeting and didn't really answer questions during this meeting....Earlier, Gillespie served as a senior advisor to former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney

DynCorp and Halliburton are controlled by Bain and Co and Dick Cheney and Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney and Bain Capitol, owner of Domino's Pizza, accused 4 years ago of child trafficking and torture camps disguised as "tough love" programs.

Mitt Romney and wife Ann connected to pedophile entrapment ring; high level Mormonism is Luciferian and has covered up pedophilia and child trafficking

from Mary Max post: DynCorp, Centurion Aviation linked to Human Trafficking, Secret Prisons, State Department and CIA

Yep, and here is an interesting article I just dug up about human trafficking in Michigan. Why did I dig this up?

When I heard about Centurion Aviation above, it connected a few dots for me... Devos also created (and runs with an iron fist) a massive annual art event here in Grand Rapids called ArtPrize that is a well-known hot spot for sex trafficking each year; so much so that groups warn females not to go to the massive event alone...

Basically, underage teens are enticed or sometimes forced to become prostitutes during the event, many are used by high-profile 'clients' that are in town for the event, and I have seen many times quite young looking women dressed provocatively entering the Devos property. Not children, but teens/college girls. I used to live with a friend right down the road from one of Devos' homes.


dundundunnnnn ago

Dead or faked death and in hiding?

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

I mean- It doesn't make sense that'd he'd be riding a motorcycle If he knew he was at risk to get suicided.... So either he knew he wasn't at risk, It was an actual accident, or he faked his death.

theooeht ago

My guess would be dead.

Knew too much. And most likely a minor player in the scheme of things.

Scoundrel ago

Bingo, the multiple husband/wife combos in the news give it away.

letsdothis3 ago

Follow the wives. I've sort of worked out the business relationships between the two when corruption is involved and the front companies that the wives set up to cover for the spouse's corruption.. could work the other way around I'm sure.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

projectspeak - https://archive.is/7rxCP

arkansasonline - https://archive.is/VmOmu

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Why did you put Susan Collins Smith when it is Linda? That is confusing because there is a politician from maine named susan collins.

theooeht ago


Just changed it and it is confusing. I was in such a hurry to get it up ... still can't believe this.