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letsdothis3 ago

Further connections between recent deaths?

On your post about Linda Collin-Smith:

Several speakers talked about the problems with the juvenile justice system and the Arkansas Department of Human Services

Voat related posts re Arkansas Department of Human Services:

Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...


The Girls Shelter is a residential program for females 12 – 17 years that have been court ordered out of their homes. We provide a homelike environment while teaching them life can be much more positive than they are used to living. We are run by a 21 member Board of Directors composed of community members who share a positive vision for these young women. We are licensed by the Arkansas Department of Human Services.


Before joining DHS, Gillespie served as a Principal in the Washington D.C. office of Dentons’ Public Policy and Regulation practice and a leader of the firm’s Health Policy and Health Insurance Exchange Teams.

Dentons Law Firm Chairman Peng Xuefeng + Chief Executive Elliott Portnoy + Brandon Ransley Organised Crime Fraud Bribery “Forensics Files” * CPS “Criminal Prosecution Files” *** QUEEN’S SOLICITORS FARRER & CO PARTNER JULIAN PIKE

On my post about the recent death of Mary Max:

Another 'suicide', wife of pop artist Peter Max with connections to the Park West Foundation, partners of Michigan Department of Human Services and the Prince's Trust International -

Since its founding in 2006, Park West Foundation has partnered with the Michigan Department of Human Services and other agencies to provide counseling, education and support for foster youth and those aging out of the system. The foundation was founded by Park West Gallery Founder and CEO Albert Scaglione and his wife, Mitsie, who serves as the foundation’s executive director.

...and here is an interesting article I just dug up about human trafficking in Michigan ..

here's the Scagliones with Billy boy

The Park West Foundation and its co-founders, Park West Gallery Founder and CEO Albert Scaglione and his wife, Mitsie, are honored to become founding board members for an international charity founded by Prince Charles.


...The group is led by partner David Hryck, formerly U.S. Head of International Tax at Dentons

Dentons Law Firm Chairman Peng Xuefeng + Chief Executive Elliott Portnoy + Brandon Ransley Organised Crime Fraud Bribery “Forensics Files” * CPS “Criminal Prosecution Files” *** QUEEN’S SOLICITORS FARRER & CO PARTNER JULIAN PIKE ...

theooeht ago

Yes, CPS seems the hub of ripping children out of homes. The fact there's no real oversight continues to amaze me. There's case after case of children who are actually being abused winding up dead all because CPS failed to take action. But there are no repercussions for it. Nothing except, perhaps, a flashy news story that goes away in a couple of days. With the outrage gone, CPS returns to business as usual.

carmencita ago

It all started with the Family Act during Clinton's reign. Walter Mondale and Newt Gingrich take the blame for pushing and getting it passed. There are parts of it that allow them to do what they do. They are allowed to collect money for each child they place into a home. Think about it. Many of them are placed many times. Those Children are on a merry go round just to make money. @letsdothis3

theooeht ago

It's a dreadful piece of legislation and the ones being hurt are the children.

I can't believe everyone will turn a blind eye to child abuse in order to make a buck. Although, there are probably those that don't. Most likely they're the ones gotten rid of so all the workers and staff will be on the same page.

Our POTUS has to do something.

carmencita ago

I and a couple of others, @fogdryer and @new4now did a few posts on Child Trafficking and Organ Harvesting. In Chicago DCFS they have a system going with teen girls like a birthing farm. Many are raped and then the babies are taken. Sick beyond words.

Benkitchen105 ago

Many high-profile people from Ark Connected to UK via Clinton inative. Massive ties to charity, art gallery's, roths, and royals

carmencita ago

Also Rainbow Cultural Harden through NXIVM. Connected through the Bushes and the Clintons. As many have said on here this goes way deeper than many think.

theooeht ago

OMG, no!

That is beyond depraved. I'm always struggling for words to describe how horrible these things are. I so hope these people get what's coming to them. I fear they won't, but I've been wrong before.

carmencita ago

Yeah for real. Going through a tough move right now or I’d have time to post the old info. I was amazed at finding it even knowing how depraved Emanuel is. My friend lives there and is saying that things will be kept as horrible as usual even with new mayor. They want to keep business as usual so they can keep lining their pockets. Depravity is a good description of what they are doing to the people that live in those hoods. I keep track because of my intense hatred of the Emanuels. Rahm since his Clinton days Zeke since he was architect of the Affordable Care Act and Ari since finding out his horrid past in the CDAN Bl. Sorry for the rant. Hard to stop when it comes to them.

theooeht ago

Don't blame you.

The frustration has to come out. These people are so obviously scum. I think seeing them locked up and put away will relieve a lot of this. Just to shove a paper featuring their conviction will be great to have in your pocket or purse. Run into a lib, and just whip it out and say, ''There and there and there!'' It'll be rejuvenating. :Like a decade spent at the best spa.

letsdothis3 ago

It extends beyond CPS... way beyond...

theooeht ago

Oh, no doubt.

But CPS makes it so easy for them to get a steady supply of victims.

letsdothis3 ago

Another similarity - Mitt Romney, Dyncorp

from Linda Collins-Smith post :

The Arkansas DHS Director Cindy Gillespie, who is being paid around $250,000 a year, failed to show up at the last audit committee meeting and didn't really answer questions during this meeting....Earlier, Gillespie served as a senior advisor to former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney

DynCorp and Halliburton are controlled by Bain and Co and Dick Cheney and Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney and Bain Capitol, owner of Domino's Pizza, accused 4 years ago of child trafficking and torture camps disguised as "tough love" programs.

Mitt Romney and wife Ann connected to pedophile entrapment ring; high level Mormonism is Luciferian and has covered up pedophilia and child trafficking

from Mary Max post: DynCorp, Centurion Aviation linked to Human Trafficking, Secret Prisons, State Department and CIA

Yep, and here is an interesting article I just dug up about human trafficking in Michigan. Why did I dig this up?

When I heard about Centurion Aviation above, it connected a few dots for me... Devos also created (and runs with an iron fist) a massive annual art event here in Grand Rapids called ArtPrize that is a well-known hot spot for sex trafficking each year; so much so that groups warn females not to go to the massive event alone...

Basically, underage teens are enticed or sometimes forced to become prostitutes during the event, many are used by high-profile 'clients' that are in town for the event, and I have seen many times quite young looking women dressed provocatively entering the Devos property. Not children, but teens/college girls. I used to live with a friend right down the road from one of Devos' homes.