allonthesameteam ago

Well done! The way you laid things out and explained your speculation are applaudable. This is what journalism used to look like. Your calling?

theooeht ago

Hey, thanks so much! Appreciate the good words.

Have no idea whether it's a calling or not, but it is fascinating where things lead sometimes.

I'm really just trying to contribute to uncovering what is going on. As you said, journalism used to do this and we could rely on them to be all over these subjects. But now they only push ''the narrative,'' and it's a shame.

So thanks again for reading and your kind comments.

auralsects ago

Oxy was about targeting, addicting, and killing WHITE PEOPLE because the Sackler family is Jewish.

Admitted in internal emails

The opium trade of the 19th century meanwhile which devastated China was of the Jewish Sassoon family

BumpMeansCoke ago

Child protective services is always coming up in these investigations of suspicious deaths of politicians or other connected people. People who investigate CPS around the nation wind up dead a lot.

theooeht ago

Well, child trafficking and drugs are the two biggest drivers of cash.

Not surprising that they'd get rid of anything that threatened that cash flow.

Fadia23 ago

Well done!!!

theooeht ago

Hey, thanks!

Appreciate the read.

Would like to know more about that non-meeting with Pelosi and who else she saw in Washington.

Fadia23 ago

I hopemthe media wont Bury the story and ärmellos learn more. This is highly suspicious. Did you know HRC's younger brother passed yesterday? Interesting, don't you think?. Someone is cleaning house, that is for sure.

theooeht ago


There's also a U.S. Commerce Commission official that was shot in a murder/suicide. She was hosting a trade conference in Uzbekistan which has one of the worst ratings in human trafficking. But @think- doesn't think it belongs in pizzagate.

Oh, there's also a German politician that was shot .... five days ago was it? Part of the Angela Merkel crowd. Supposedly, a young lover shot him .... or so the story is.

Fadia23 ago

It will be an interesting (suicide) weekend. I bet Merkel got rid of him.

theooeht ago

Must have known something ... or been susceptible to being targeted to talk and spill what he knew.

Fadia23 ago

It's Sunday night and as fas as I know no other "suicides" so far this weekend...

theooeht ago

Just remember that Linda Collins-Smith's body wasn't immediately recovered. Decomposition had set in making it difficult to identify her so ...

We'll see.

Kellyanne Conway's husband was going nuts as were a couple of other folk. I thought it was hyperbole when others were saying they were scared, but they really are panicked.

Fadia23 ago

They sealed the investigation of those two senators. That stinks to high heaven. I must have missed what Conway's husband said. What happened? What did he do???

theooeht ago

Oh, and there were a couple of videos. One showing Linda Collins-Smith cross-examining a CPS official about why they don't let grandparents have custody and instead give the kids away to strangers. Really breaks your heart. She was the real deal and very serious about straightening out the corrupt system.

Senator Linda Collins Smith vs ARDHS Part l Testimony

There's also a Part II

Fadia23 ago

This is my worst nightmare if they took my daughter from me. This is so horrible!!! They steal children to provide for Pedos and Satanist. So SICK!!! Ever since Trump became President you see pop up news that Pedos/human trafficers have been arrested. Never happened under Obama that treasonous snake.

theooeht ago

It's true.

Someone put together a bar graph showing the number of pedo/human trafficking arrests. Even in the first couple of months there'd been ten times the arrests than for The Manchurian Candidate's whole presidency. And it's got to have grown like crazy since then.

Yes, having your child stole would be a nightmare. No doubt. It's why it was so important to have someone like Linda Collins-Smith championing the cause and fighting for parent's rights. Our POTUS has to do something.

Fadia23 ago

There is so much to do for President Trump. The swamp is deep.

theooeht ago

Yes, but the worldwide vote is crucial.

People are waking up and elected allies friendly to him and his administration. It's what's needed because this won't stop until it's globally purged.

Fadia23 ago

I agree.

theooeht ago

Yes, it does. Hopefully, our POTUS and the DOJ won't let them bury this story. As for George Conway, he went crazy calling our POTUS ''mentally unwell''. Here's the quote:

Y>ou’re not “presidential” at all, period. You’re mentally unwell. You engage in bizarre, irrational, self-defeating behavior, which prompts criticism of you, which triggers more bizarre, irrational, self-defeating behavior. You would have been fired from any other job by now.

Fadia23 ago

Oh yeah, he's panicking BIG TIME!!!!