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letsdothis3 ago

Senator Linda Collins Smith vs ARDHS part 1

The Arkansas Joint Performance Review Committee met Wednesday, December 9th, 2015 1pm at the Arkansas State Capitol. The topic was the corrupt & scandal filled Arkansas Department of Human Services (ARDHS). Besides allowing out of state and dead people to sign onto our Medicaid System, ARDHS has also been involved in the government kidnapping of children.

Senator Linda Collins Smith vs ARDHS part 2

Comment on that video: I've read that she discovered the Arkansas DHS kept 2 sets of books for the federal grant for Child Protective Services and that $27 Million was missing, possibly filtered through...THE CLINTON FOUNDATION and/or some of its shell companies. Oh, I so look forward to justice. This woman, Linda Collins Smith fought the good fight. God Bless her. My heart aches today.

Voat related posts re Arkansas Department of Human Services:

Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...

A list of child abuse organisations that might require our attention.


The Girls Shelter is a residential program for females 12 – 17 years that have been court ordered out of their homes. We provide a homelike environment while teaching them life can be much more positive than they are used to living. We are run by a 21 member Board of Directors composed of community members who share a positive vision for these young women. We are licensed by the Arkansas Department of Human Services. Monitored by the Fort Smith Fire Dept and Sebastian County Health Dept. We are subcontracted through Comprehensive Juvenile Services since 1977 and a United Way Agency since 1982.


Children in Crisis Arkansas’s overloaded foster care system

In 2007, a 10-year-old girl from Fort Smith named Ivy Brake became the responsibility of the state. Her mother, Ivy recalled, was loving, sweet and unstable. She struggled with substance abuse and chronic health issues for most of Ivy's childhood. She periodically got clean — once for a year — until, when Ivy was 10, an old boyfriend returned, and her mother started using again. Ivy and her 12-year-old sister, Kristin, left to stay with a relative, but soon after they arrived, the police showed up, asking questions about their life at home.

The police, Kristin said, were going to wait for the girls' grandmother to come take them from the relative's house, but the Arkansas Department of Human Services' Division of Children and Family Services (DCFS) got there first. They took the sisters to the Fort Smith Emergency Shelter, a short-term residential facility for children awaiting placement with a foster family. A juvenile court then held a probable cause hearing to determine whether the children should remain in DCFS custody.

Relatives told Ivy that her grandmother, who lived nearby, and an aunt in Texas both tried to get custody of the sisters but were told that they didn't have sufficient space and that "that wasn't what was best for our lives." Instead, Ivy began a long chain of placements in foster homes and group residential facilities:..

letsdothis3 ago

Arkansas Senator Linda Collins Smith questions ARDHS on medicaid money

The Arkansas Medicaid Audit Subcommittee met on Monday August 8th 2018 9am at the Arkansas State Capitol. The committee tried to get answers as to how millions of taxpayer funds were lost during implentation of Arkansas Obamacare named at first The Private Option, The Arkansas DHS Director Cindy Gillespie, who is being paid around $250,000 a year, failed to show up at the last audit committee meeting and didn't really answer questions during this meeting.

Before joining DHS, Gillespie served as a Principal in the Washington D.C. office of Dentons’ Public Policy and Regulation practice and a leader of the firm’s Health Policy and Health Insurance Exchange Teams. Earlier, Gillespie served as a senior advisor to former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, where she led the Commonwealth of Massachusetts interactions with the federal government and oversaw development and implementation of the Administration’s executive branch initiatives, including playing a leading role in the development of Massachusetts health reforms.

DynCorp and Halliburton are controlled by Bain and Co and Dick Cheney and Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney and Bain Capitol, owner of Domino's Pizza, accused 4 years ago of child trafficking and torture camps disguised as "tough love" programs.

Wow, very interesting.

Iam7777777 ago

Vice YouTube has a Romney-mexico video. An entire Romney town.