SearchVoatBot ago

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DeathToMasonsASAP ago

All these shooting events are staged hoaxes and I don't suspect any were even false flags. This goes back to Sandy Hook and possibly even Columbine. They even made domestic propaganda legal back in 2012 by repealing the Smith-Mundt act. So it is not even illegal to lie to us in the "news" anymore, and being that it is propaganda, they don't need to disclose that it is propaganda. All media is run by CIA, they are even in the NFL. It is after all televised.

carmencita ago


carmencita ago

OK Thanks. I thought maybe it was connected to a shooting as well, maybe not. Always the Clintons.

Piscina ago

CDAN said that Kutcher runs a string of brothels. I don't know how he gets the women into the country.

YogSoggoth ago

As usual, you have done everyone's work for them. The only thing I can add is that there was a similar program to the Chavez incident (probably caused the flesh eating bacteria on lettuce and other crops in the marketplace at the time) in Sarasota County, Florida. They called it affluent waste, farmers were encouraged to spray this on fields, and there were brown rings on the trees after floods. They said it was treated. Sure I have said this before but, Panisse is a culinary specialty from a region in northern Italy, but it is equally known and appreciated in south-eastern France. It is made from a base of chickpeas which are fried or baked. Slang for we cook small children.

gogogogostop ago

Excellent research!

septimasexta ago

"I looked up Gavin Newsom: Newsom is a former mayor of San Francisco. Apparently he and Alice Waters were involved in spreading toxic sewage to gardeners in San Francisco. It was known as the Chez Sludge Scandal. "I knew I was on to something last night when I posted about Alice Waters and Slow Foods Usa/International. This woman has ties everywhere. Here is her Instagram again. Just look at who all she is pictured with. Obama, Corey Booker, Gavin Newsom, Willie Brown, Bill de Blasio, Al Gore."

Two names should be added: Diane Feinstein and her husband Richard C. Blum. Blum has been involved with Nepal for years (a back door to China) and set up AMERICAN HIMALAYAN FOUNDATION (501c3) which has educational programs to help keep girls from being trafficked. This region still has a high trafficking rate.


"Erica Stone and the American Himalayan Foundation Talk About their Experiences Running an NGO"

"As part of the Global Poverty and Practice Lecture Series, the Blum Center for Developing Economies was delighted to host Erica Stone, President of the American Himalayan Foundation, who shared her experience as a leader of a major non-profit organization in a presentation entitled, “Do Good, Be Kind, Have Fun: What it’s like to Run an NGO and What it Takes to Create Positive Change.” Stone, also a 5th degree black belt, a former chef at Chez Panisse, and a UC Berkeley graduate, began by explaining the inherent complexity of running an NGO."


"We do have a presumed identity. The Daily Caller discovered that a Feinstein staffer named Russell Lowe, listed on the senator’s payroll as an “office director” as of 2013 before he was let go, matches the description of the Chinese asset.

It appears Lowe continues to operate freely in the United States. A year after he was removed from Feinstein’s staff, Lowe spoke at a conference on Chinese investment in California. In October 2017 he visited a South Korean publication’s office with former Rep. Mike Honda (D-CA), indicating he still had access to political figures."

letsdothis2 ago


Truthseeker3000 ago

Interestingly, Kimberly Guilfoyle is now dating Don Trump Jr.!!! Much older than he is and odd to say the least. The Getty families on the other hand are all beyond messed up, especially the under 35ish dependents. Pia Getty who is now divorced has some fucked up kids who refer to citizens as “vermin”. How lovely.

letsdothis2 ago

Yes, another interesting link to the Trumps.

letsdothis2 ago

A list of organisations represented by the Podetsa Group:

Lots of interesting companies they represent,including:

Walmart, Airbnb, Refugee Council USA, Human Longevity Inc, Synthetic Genomics, Kindred Healthcare, Sotheby's Holdings

Airbnb and POLARIS (creator of the National Human Trafficking Hotline) have teamed up to fight against traffickers before they turn rentals into "pop-up brothels". Uh Oh.....

carmencita ago

Rehoboth Teachh is a Gay Mecca. The place is swimming with them on Weekends and Holidays and yes many live here. Joe Biden has a place there now and he loves some Ice Cream place there that we have researched. He heads to the Boardwalk that is a Gay Pick Up place as well.

auralsects ago

I literally laid out the pizzagate area of interest, and of course the OP was deleted by the cunt moderator and the img links got shoahed

luckily I have a lot more

you are a real coward for not Naming the Jew. nothing you post will ever have any significance because of it. You're Alex Jones-tier.

letsdothis2 ago

Despite your insults, I often silently welcome your contributions due to your large knowledge base.

At least I don't look like Alex. Lol.

SchlongKeyhote ago

from my big, thick knowledge base and even longer memory

recall this post

WikiLeaks invitation to J Podesta

The new ExD of Slow Food USA and wife will be coming from Brooklyn as are our guests as well as daughter Savannah

savannah knell daughter of Kim Larson+ Gary Knell

arent u English? Don't know Simon of Trent? u know we periodically expelled and pogromed entire Jewish communities for sacrificing children -- until precisely the moment women had influence on public affairs?

don't you feel guilty allowing this to continue?

carmencita ago

Rob Reiner is also connected through the talent agencies He has a daycare in Perris Ca. roughly 2 hrs. drive from Thousand Oaks. It's across from that Railway where some guy in a SUV tried to run down some Children.

darkknight111 ago

I know that general area pretty well. I can tell you thay Thousand Oaks is THE capital of the biotech industry.

The local ecosystem there is chapparel (think Mediterranian climate). Fire is a regulatory factor in such ecosystems. Said information is most certainly being used as part of the cover up regarding the current fires there. They are most certainly DEW.

letsdothis2 ago

Another good find.

From that Pelosi event article:

The party is being hosted by Heather and Tony Podesta of the Podesta Group, one of the most influential lobby groups in Washington. In addition to Amgen and Novartis, PG's clients include Boeing, Lockheed-Martin, Raytheon, RehabCare Group, Google and Walmart.

TrustTheTruth ago

Where were the Podestas MADE?

Where were the Emanuels MADE?

Where was Chuck Schumer MADE?

Where was Anthony Weiner MADE?

Where was Robert Byrd MADE?

Who are the Knights of Pythias?

Who are the Committee of 300 and Council of 13?

Who controls the Club of Rome, Knights of Malta, Royal Order of Jesters, Atlantic Council, and Trilateral Commission?

Who are the Pilgrims Society?


septimasexta ago

I'll take "Who are the Pilgrim Society?" for 100.

"In the late 1800’s, the Illuminati began to reconfigure its outward face. The higher levels started creating innocent sounding cover organizations to hide their meetings behind. In 1901, the Astors contributed toward the creation of the Pilgrim Society, which was the cover organization for American & British 6° Princes of the Illuminati. I believe at least five Astors are now members of the Pilgrim Society. The Pilgrims had recently included David Astor, John Jacob Astor 8th, and William Waldorf Astor 3rd. And during the 1970s, Baron Astor of Hever was the President of the London branch of the Pilgrims. This implies that Astor of Hever was at least the next level up in the chain of command. The Astors also have been very prominent in the Group’ which is Britian’s equivalent to the Skull & Bones Society in Britain, the Astor, along with about 20 other families dominate the Group, just as certain families like the Whitneys in the U.S. help dominate the Order of Skull & Bones. Again, as was earlier pointed out, the key to understanding Satanism is the bloodlines." Pilgrim Society: Incomplete membership list

letsdothis2 ago

Samantha Cameron, the wife of ex-Prime Minister David Cameron, is related to the Astors via her mother. The Camerons are part of an elite group of people called the 'Chipping Norton set'. We've done a few posts on them.

TrustTheTruth ago

What were the first Corporate Nations ever created?

Both Bill and Hillary Clinton are Pilgrims Society members.

So is Donald Trump.

What is The Biggest Deal of Trump's life, where did it happen, and what is it for?

What is the World's Most Valuable Resource and where is it?

Where are the Majority of the Majestic 12 from?

What did Trump call "the 8th Wonder of the World"?

What did Trump say is "the most incredible thing I've ever seen"?

septimasexta ago

Butler, Nicholas Murray

Check out this listing. HUGE!

letsdothis2 ago

Great find!

letsdothis2 ago

Gordon Getty

Getty is one of the nation's leading venture capitalists and philanthropists. In 2002, he donated US$3 million to the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation, a charitable trust. He is a major fundraiser for local and national Democratic Party candidates, and has contributed to the campaigns of Nancy Pelosi, Willie Brown, Gavin Newsom, and John Kerry.

Among a number of professions, Getty is a classical music composer whose compositions include the opera Plump Jack, Joan and the Bells, piano pieces and a collection of choral works.

On April 1, 2015, it was reported that Getty's son Andrew Rork Getty died at his home in Hollywood Hills of what was initially classified as natural causes, although coroner's officials needed to wait for the results of further examination and toxicology tests before making a final determination.[8] The coroner eventually ruled the death as accidental

Dead oil heir Andrew Getty had serious medical condition made worse by stress caused by ex-girlfriend who discovered his body

Paramedics found Getty bleeding from a 'traumatic injury to the rectal area'. His ex-girlfriend, identified by local news outlets as Lanessa De Jonge, made the 911 call on Tuesday afternoon

LA County Coroner believes Getty died from natural causes or an accident

darkknight111 ago

Found this while continuing my investigation into the Judith Barsi case. Marking the relevant stuff. Seems the Pedowood suspects and suspected Hollywood luciferians seem to share talent agencies. Creative Artists Agency works with Steven Spielberg, Brad Pitt, Oprah Winfrey, Tom Cruise, Nichole Kidman, Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Meryl Streep, Drew Barrymore, Robert De Niro, Jimmy Fallon, Madonna, Sean Penn, Jim Carrey, Tom Hanks, and Jared Leto. Creative Artists Agency campaign donations for 2018.

letsdothis2 ago

Another agency mentioned in that link: William Morris Endeavor (WME)

New target from /pol/ - Jeff Kasky

Look at this: Found info in linkedin on Jeffrey Kasky could not give link, it is a banned domain. He was in the Music Entertainment Bus. with William Morris Agency as Agent/Trainee and more This guy is a all over the place. He uses every angle to move his adoption extra curricular activities forward. I just can't get over how much this father and son are involved in. A finger in every pie.

Another alleged Crisis Actors of the Florida School Shooting - Cameron Kasky

David Geffin financed a school for kids on the UCLA campus

Geffen can be connected to Rob Reiner and Stephen Spielberg. He went from working in the mailroom at The William Morris agency to "quickly" becoming a talent agent? Is that pretty typical for people working in the mailroom?

Degenerate UCLA professor dies during bondage mummification session.

'A California university professor died during a bondage session at the home of a Hollywood executive that went horribly wrong.Doran George, 48, was found dead inside the home of Skip Chasey, an executive for Hollywood’s William Morris Endeavor agency and known in the BDSM (Bondage, Discipline, Dominance and Submission) community as “Master Skip,” on Nov. 19, 2017.

William Morris Endeavor Entertainment (affiliate of Silver Lake Partners)

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @letsdothis3.

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letsdothis2 ago

Good point. Some voat posts for Creative Artists Agency:


Career[edit] Prior to founding Endeavor, Emanuel was a partner at InterTalent and senior agent at ICM Partners (ICM).[6] He began his entertainment industry career as an agent trainee at Creative Artists Agency (CAA).

Emanuel has hosted fundraisers for the Democratic Party.[18]

Controversy[edit] An April 2002 lawsuit by agent Sandra Epstein against Endeavor Agency brought forth accusations by Epstein and other Endeavor employees against Emanuel.[19] In the court filings, Emanuel is alleged to have allowed a friend to operate a pornographic website out of Endeavor's offices.

Art philanthropy[edit] Emanuel has in the past been active on the board of trustees of P.S. Arts, a Los Angeles, California-based nonprofit organization that works to bring art education programs to Southern California schools. He has also helped the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, establish MOCAtv, a dedicated YouTube art channel. In 2012, he joined the museum's board.[

What was Alyssa Milano really up to?

Alyssa Milano is illuminati. She, and her husband (who was probably her handler) worked for the CAA (Creative Artists Agency). She was the talent, obviously, and I believe he was an agent there. The headquarters in LA, from an aerial view, is nothing but masonic symbols.

Motherlode Addendum: amfAR Prostitution Ring Raises Money for Clinton Ukrainian Vampirism and Occult Ritual at MOCA

"That there’s a powerful homosexual clique in the entertainment industry is no secret. Perhaps the most infamous “outing” of Hollywood’s Gay Mafia was that by former Hollywood powerhouse Michael Ovitz, “the man who once was king.” In 2002, in a series of interviews with Vanity Fair magazine’s Bryan Burrough, Ovitz blamed his downfall on the vicious backstabbing by Hollywood’s Gay Mafia.

Note: Ovitz is a Hollywood talent agent who co-founded Creative Artists Agency (CAA) in 1975 and served as its chairman until 1995, after which he briefly was president of the Walt Disney Company from October 1995 to January 1997.

According to Burrough, a “driving factor” in Ovitz’s decision to do the Vanity Fair interviews was his “burning need to name names, to throw light on the shadowy Hollywood cabal he believes did him in. He calls it the Gay Mafia, though several of its ‘members’ aren’t gay, and much of what he says about these men is nasty and unprintable. In Ovitz’s eyes the cabal’s demagogic leader . . . is [David] Geffen, laying waste to all Ovitz held dear, spreading rumors about his family, at the same time he was poisoning the business deals that would have saved AMG [Artists Management Group]—all things Geffen denies.” Geffen’s partners in crime, Ovitz alleges, include former Disney C.E.O. Michael Eisner, the New York Times, and Ovitz’s onetime protégés at the Creative Artists Agency, Bryan Lourd, Kevin Huvane, and Richard Lovett."


Newsom attended Santa Clara University = Jesuit_Catholic

This is the OLDEST university in California.

He married Kimberly Guilfoyle at Saint Ignatius Catholic Church on the campus of the University of San Francisco

University of SF= Jesuit Catholic

Ignatius of Loyola (the chapel they married in) is named for the founder of the Jesuit Catholic MILITARY order

Guilfoyle is now dating Donald Trump Jr.

Guess where he went to college...

Georgetown...THE preeminent Jesuit university

Notice a pattern yet?

letsdothis2 ago

Yes. And Newsom spent a semester in Rome during his school years. Wonder if he visited the Vatican?


University of San Francisco (where Newsom Married Guilfoyle) protected Pedophile Priests

letsdothis2 ago

Another great post from @quantokitty Nancy Pelosi/Dems Tried to Pass Legislation to Stop DA/Police from Investigating Human Trafficking

It was this report that was responsible for removing massage parlors from being under police control and putting them under the jurisdiction of Public Health. Yeah, that's why there are so many and why the police don't do anything about them. I'm thrilled about that--not.