millennial_vulcan ago

NEVER FORGET Gavin's ex wife is now in a serious relationship with...


@Shizy @Oh_Well_ian @carmencita

LMAO. Pillow talk must be fun!

millennial_vulcan ago

He ALSO f**ked Paris Hilton and no doubt still is was a major cokey hokey head!

Think he's kinda hoping folk would forget those, LMAO!


@Shizy @Oh_Well_ian @carmencita @lamplight @Matt_Helm

carmencita ago

WOW. There is no more Don't Kiss and Tell. It's all over the place now. No more secrets. Newsom is in Hot Water. So is Don.

Oh_Well_ian ago

geezus… I had no idea!

She divorce GN after he screwed the wife of his campaign manager.

'His wedding last year to Siebel, a cousin of wealthy software entrepreneur Tom Siebel, was a step towards restoring his tattered image. (Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin ferried guests in their private jet to the wedding site on a Montana ranch.)'

Shizy ago

Yes, I just saw that!!!! Crazy!

MAGARunner ago

Charlie Hallowell trained at Chez Panisse. He is a disciple of Alice Waters.

Shizy ago

Wow! Great post. Well done! Gavin Newsom is bad news in a pretty boy package.

auralsects ago

lmao typical retarded-cunt comment. this lead has been conclusively solved and wrapped with a nice little bow by me: IT'S JEWS AGAIN,



Oh_Well_ian ago

Newsom is currently the front runner for the next Governor of California

Are_we__sure ago


And slow food is not hers. It's not even American. It started in Italy.

Pizzalawyer ago

I agree with most of your comments on the slow food movement and Chez Panisse. Why do you you comments get buried and lurkers are forced to press "show" in order to read your comments. This is censorship. I know nothing about the sludge scandal but would never eat food fertilized with human waste which is full of pharmaceuticals and residue from birth control pills which contribute to hormone disruption. (Hmmm...does hormone disruption explain the proliferation of homosexuals and transgenders??) Anyway I think a critical.eye is good to have here on pizzagate. I regard all posters here as sincere but sometimes there is faulty logic and great leaps of faith followed by indignation when they are corrected by a more informed participant.

millennial_vulcan ago

kill youself

truthdemon ago

Are we sure ? Yes we are sure....whose side ure on .. Still selling the left field right field ..lmao.. There is no left or right in the pedoempire... ..only sociopaths

EricKaliberhall ago

How's Brock doing? Still on suicide watch?

derram ago :

Meet one of Hillary Clinton's biggest donors in California. They hardly ever talk politics :

Barack Obama’s 13 Greatest Restaurant Moments - Eater

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