EvaEverywhere ago

Can you update your post to show that it is Waters who gave Alefantis the monogrammed towel, hammer and Moloch machine postcard. Not the other way around. This post is the best red pill to present to my friends because nobody finds it clever or funny, just gross. Pizzagate is not about pedophilia, it's about "people who make sacrifices in life"!

realityisinsanity ago

The Canaanites/ Phoenicians were famous for their purple dye made using cannibalistic sea snails. They also were believed to be cannibals themselves. The song "Purple People Eater" is about them. The one eye is a reference to the pineal gland/ third eye in which anal sex is done to "awaken" it. Purple also symbolizes royalty due to it being illegal for commoners to wear in ancient Rome. Prince, the singer died during Beltane season in late April 2016 and his signature color was purple. He was sacrificed to Ba'al, the Canaanite god whose name means lord. That is why purple is associated with royalty. The royals are even rumored to have purple blood. These are demons disguised as humans.

auralsects ago

Pegasus Bookstore across from Extreme Pizza over subway lines.

YogSoggoth ago

The symbolic characters Columbia who represents the United States and Marianne, who represents France, the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor and many other characters and concepts of the modern age were created, and are seen, as embodiments of Libertas. Many have surmised that is the origin of the logo even though it came from a supposedly Norse woodcut. Phoenicians sailed from Africa to Ireland and worshiped many gods that they carried in their travels. Baal was the main god of course.

carmencita ago

San Fran is turning into a modern day Babylon.

Oh_Well_ian ago

San Francisco United States of America

I just returned from Walmart to pick up a few items I forgot ( only store open ). I saw a White Couple plastered in Illuminati tattoos, late 50's, w/ 4 adopted Black kids who were all under 10 years of age.

I immediately thought of the Hart Lesbian couple who I firmly believe were trafficking those kids. It's EVERYWHERE here in Florida.

YogSoggoth ago

The third sign is the matching t shirts. Seriously, you should have taken pictures with dates for future evidence.

carmencita ago

Florida is really messed up now. I think there are certain areas they have chosen to infest more than others. Cali and Fla. are chosen states for sure. Yes, I believe they are probably everywhere, but more so in those 2 states. That must have been a Freaky Sight!

Oh_Well_ian ago

They were all well dressed, the wife a bit of a clothes horse and fighting back the years with the dollars, if you know what I mean. The man kept calling the oldest one 'son', which was obnoxious and smacked of posturing.

This Walmart is not typical. There are no deals. The meat is more expensive than our favorite specialty butcher down the road with far better cuts. Beer is also more expensive than even Publix. My point is, this an affluent area and incomes must be significant. I can't even comprehend how a couple that age could rationally adopt children that will be graduating college when they are pushing 80. Why would you spend your retirement on that level of a social cause? I don't buy it.

Something struck me. I think the children realize eyes are on them for a whole number of reasons, especially lately. I think they like it. I think they like it a lot at that age, especially from strangers who feed into the SJW narratives. Their entire parade through the store felt like a Star Trek episode. Where the crew would land on a planet with aliens that were 95% human and a 5% who knows what. You only find that out at the very end of the show.

carmencita ago

Sick Sick Sick. The Illuminati Tats are a Red Flag for sure and the part about calling the boy son, that is really odd. Would he not call him by his name? Evidently there is no closeness, for that is something you would call a friend of the boy possibly. Yes, you are correct this could have been a cc of that family. Frightening.

auralsects ago

no they're pretty limited geographically.

Shizy ago

Heyy, look who it is, ole cock sucker. Oh wait I mean auralsects! 😂😂😂. You're just so damn witty! But really, my favorite is still anything from your Donkey line of alts. Why the change to a cock sucker reference? Trying to tell us something Donkey boy?????🖕🏻

carmencita ago

Roseann is a serious Kabbalah follower as well along with Madonna and other questionable HW stars.

carmencita ago

Look what's right near Cooks https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cooks-Company-Produce/158869794145572 Look at the map Zuckerberg Medical Center and Art Center and Family Dog Center (Charity) WOW. That's the name on the truck. Cooks Company in San Fran.

YogSoggoth ago

Open a link with Alice Waters pictures. Then open one with John Waters (Sleaze director) pictures. Compare the earlobes, hairline, and nose. I have not found it yet, but there is a family connection.

carmencita ago

Ugh. John Water's bf was Divine, the Drag Queen. Waters is a Sleaze Bucket. A long time I thought Alice was doing a good thing, until I got red pilled and saw her with JA. I would not be surprised if they were distantly related. I checked out his wiki and he does not have any siblings.

YogSoggoth ago

I am sorry if I told you to look at 0*****, but cleanse your brain with non-nestle water and read my post again. Alice and John are related. I could be wrong, but I have a 75+% of being right, usually. Really? John's BF was Divine? I did not tell you to read that, and now I will have disturbed sleep. OK, from now on only read what I tell you to read. That is some sick stuff.

EvaEverywhere ago

I've always found John Waters' stuff to be interesting though some of it I avoid because it goes to distasteful. His aesthetics are very similar to the hipster Satanist artist/bands we keep running into. Devine seems to be the inspiration for the class of trash trauma-inducing gender clowns with "sprouts on their heads" that are invited to read stories in public libraries. Drag queens are problematic in many ways but when I formed a drag king band I was able to observe how beneficial it was for my gal pals to explore masculinity through costumes and stereotypes. Interesting if you are an adult who understands general psychology. These absolutely terrifying drag queens doing some of the DQSH, are not appropriate for children. Lucy Flawless seems adorable but how is Little Miss Hot Mess anything but a traumatization tool in the same vein as T0ny P0desta's art collection...


carmencita ago

You know, it just occurred to me too that she could have had it scrubbed somehow being that she has always been connected with school children and schools, not wanting to be connected to Sleaze and Divine.

carmencita ago

Wow. Well, it could be true actually, even though his wiki does not include siblings. But again, they could be half brother and sister, cousins. Yeah, Divine was pretty Sleazy, but that's what John likes it seems. If you read his wiki about his early life, his mother was a little wacky and very permissive, I believe. That could account for the Sleaze.

YogSoggoth ago

I have been wrong before, but too few to mention.

carmencita ago

Yeah, I know what you mean. I am a pretty good judge of character, my husband even admits it. I am rarely wrong. Hmm. Well, then they are hiding this for a reason if you are so sure.