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SearchVoatBot ago

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LastGarrison ago

Allow me to add Utopia Systems < -- You'll need some head clearance here

And of course, a nice headshot of their CTO

From what I will "guestimate" is; there are actively two groups involved with the high-level abductions and grooming, with a third group related to the families. 1st group looks for adepts to train. 2nd group finds them in the wild and activates those that have gone astray. 3rd group may be helping adepts as either a means of infiltration of 1 and 2, or as a cure neo/agent smith style.

And throughout it all, ex program leaders and intel people previously associated with the programs often find in-the-wild adepts and start working them for their own gain.

To repeat "guestimate"...

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you, interesting comment which has lead to a few interesting leads.

43770 ago

For note and reference along with this other information

Sufism was the Eastern parent of Freemasonry according to Sir Richard Burton biography

Usually means stellar cults related to moroccon/muslim practices related to sex magic/rituals all predicated on the same things op mentions above.

Sufism was more progressive than typical islamic thinking, but was still associated to sexual conquest and enlightening the mind through the body.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Lansing-Michigan ago

Abbott Lab located in Chicago? Where Rahm Emanuel stole the election to be mayor? Low in the polls, then voila Natanyahoo. Electronic voting machines place the dark ones in key positions. Rahm , who's father blew up buses in Israel...duel citizenship. ..while we were supposedly fighting the war on terror? A Vanity Fair article about him stated , as Obomba's chief of staff, he had a small device on his desk so that he could see every step Obomba took.

Kahlypso79 ago

Lucis Trust used to be on Bank of England's sponser webpage. Lucis Trust wrote a book about the UN meditation room. Order of Jester Masons have to be VERY RICH.. They pay for the social evenements and host parties for Masons.. you need to have access to very big and very exclusive addresses..

SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis3 ago

CEO of the Knight Foundation Alberto Ibarguen

Ibargüen is a member of the board of AMR Corporation (American Airlines). Previously he served on the boards of PepsiCo, AOL, Norwegian Cruise Lines, SnagFilms, and the Citizen Advisory Committee of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.[6] He is a member of the U.S. Secretary of State's Foreign Affairs Policy Board.[8] He has also served as board chairman of PBS; the Newseum in Washington, D.C.;[9] and the World Wide Web Foundation, founded by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. He also served on the board of the Council on Foreign Relations[10] and SnagFilms.[11] Ibargüen is also a member of Washington D.C. based think tank the Inter-American Dialogue.[12]

Ibargüen has served on the boards of other arts, education and journalism organizations, including the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Wesleyan University, Smith College, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Committee to Protect Journalists, ProPublica and the Secretary of State’s Foreign Policy Advisory Board.

allonthesameteam ago

A tip of the hat to you on this effort.

ASolo ago

Totally, great work.

think- ago

It was co-sponsored by the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The initiative seeks to galvanize international action against extremism through the forging of international, intercultural and interreligious dialogue and cooperation.

'International action against extremism'? Sponsored by Erdogan of all people? rolls on floor

Erdogan has transformed Turkey to an almost Islamist state. Years ago, he used to say that democracy was only a tool to get to power, and transform the country according to Islamic law. Everybody laughed, and didn't take it seriously.

But then people stopped laughing, after he did his first reforms. He tried to lower the age of consent IIRC, but had to retract the bill after many Turks complained.

YogSoggoth ago

Yeah, but I think the extremism they are talking about is Western white people not tolerating their muslim hordes. Pointing his finger at Greece while threatening to take Cyprus for the natural gas in the Leviathan field. Multilateralism sounds way to much like multiculturism to me.

auralsects ago

This is the mind of a woman, folks.

Democracy means 51% decide, and half of people are below average intelligence, and women are 51% of electorate. Quite obviously it is a means to power, exploited by the only group with the political and media influence to do so: the Jews.

Erdogan is probably the greatest world leader alive.

letsdothis3 ago

Astar Air Cargo Inc

ASTAR Air Cargo was an American cargo airline based in Miami, Florida, USA. It operated regularly scheduled cargo charter services to as many as 34 US airports and nine international airports on behalf of DHL, as well as worldwide charter freight services. It provided air freight services to six domestic and foreign locations for the United States Department of Defense. Its main base was Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport in Hebron, Kentucky, with hubs at Miami International Airport and Los Angeles International Airport.

Its two target customers continue to be DHL Worldwide Express and the United States Air Force.

On May 28, 2008, DHL announced the plan to terminate its business relationship with ASTAR by outsourcing the air transportation to its competitor UPS. In May 2009 DHL terminated their plan to outsource to UPS and ASTAR continued operating out of DHL's CVG facility.

dudelol ago

All ran by the Jesuit order /v/RomanQuestion