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19178756? ago

The Shriners, Freemasons Royal Order of Jesters, the Lucis Trust, the United Nations Alliance for Civilizations and DynCorp Lucis Trust used to be on Bank of England's sponser webpage. Lucis Trust wrote a book about the UN meditation room. Order of Jester Masons have to be VERY RICH.. They pay for the social evenements and host parties for Masons.. you need to have access to very big and very exclusive addresses..

19179399? ago

YeP just a shortlist of some groups going to jail.

19212472? ago

Im the op for that comment. This level of people dont go to jail. But its nice to think its true. Masons are Luciferians but 90 percent of them are ignorant. The change happened at the end of the 20th. Not to be mistaken with vulger satanists who are just confused Jews or bad Christians.