NeedPolyGF ago

Your OP near bottom link to doesn't work, because you have a period before it. You should put a space before it.

BB-3 ago

You misspelled Cerberus every time as Cerebrus.

Mad_As_Hell ago

I found a reference to Mulet in this Wikileaks e-mail

Hillary accidentally referred to him as Eduard Mulette according to this Guardian article

Mad_As_Hell ago

Wow, looked into MINUSTAH a bit more and found this, allegations of UN soldiers raping a Haitian teenager:

DevilintheDetails ago

UN/ rape/ france (in your article) reminded me of this article

BeezleyBillyBub ago

Stephen A. Feinberg will be Trump's Economic Advisor and be responsible for Trump's Mexican Wall, if you can imagine that. If we really did drain the swamp, there'd be no one left.

Beaucephus ago

I was thinking about that. Who better to "Drain the swamp" than the guy at the top who knows every shady character out there? It's a stretch, but it's also the only logical way to actually do it. Give Feinberg some form of pre-shitstorm pardon, then bring him on to start cleaning house.

Lets hope that's what this is. He's acting as Tumps top Advisor and not actually in a directly active role.

Fingers crossed.

Odaat ago

I'm crossing my fingers with you! I can't bear to think anything else.

BeezleyBillyBub ago

Fucking awesome work.

tjarco ago

you could add that Feinberg is linked to PG through these threads.. - I ment THESE threads &

Beaucephus ago

Sorry, early and running short on time. In what way do those link him?

tjarco ago &

please remove the other two because I was confusing Feinberg with Scheve

Beaucephus ago

Cool, updated. Thanks.

tjarco ago

ow shit I think I messed up two names, let me dig for the posts I was intending to link.... sorrryyyy

Beaucephus ago


Candygram_for_Mongo ago

The ultra-rich and powerful can get whatever they want. Epstein and Clinton are proof. That's why I am not ready to give up on Pizzagate.

crystalclearme ago

archived to this point

Beaucephus ago

links not working for me

Beaucephus ago

I posted it the link on one of his videos. Lets hope this post stays up.

derram ago :

Delta Tucker Holdings, Inc.: Private Company Information - Bloomberg :

Lou F. Von Thaer: Executive Profile & Biography - Bloomberg :

Stocks - Bloomberg :

George C. Krivo: Executive Profile & Biography - Bloomberg :

Gregory S. Nixon Esq.: Executive Profile & Biography - Bloomberg :

The DynCorp "See No Evil" Monkey | The Huffington Post :

British firm accused in UN 'sex scandal' | World news | The Guardian

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