endview ago

I posted https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1562363 and I got the information from George Webb's slides in which people are helping with the investigation. I copied the links from Diane Barton, a contributor. Don't make up things that aren't true - with no facts to back them up. I thought I was helping. I am not a shill nor am I Steven Feinberg. Don't accuse people who post of underhanded things. Check it out first.

Zorox ago

Better watch out or the raging mod might remove this. Dyncorp not related to pizzagate according to him. Deleted my post/link about dyncorp. Think im done here on this site.

The mods dont care about the investigation, they care about getting their rocks off while they randomly click the delete button.
A deleting circle jerk.

Good luck. :-)

BertieMcDuffy ago

maybe you should try the pizzagateuncensored one?

carmencita ago

In Greek Mythology Cerberus was the three-headed dog o Hell that guarded the gates to the Underworld.

pizzainvestigator ago

Check out his wiki page. Threatened to KILL any of his employees if their picture or picture of their home was posted online. Check out Cerberus website - no pics of management. George Webb said many mass shootings will probably include a dyncorp ex employee... dallas police shooting did at least. Worth looking into further over the past 10-20 years.

AreWeSure ago

Cerberus made a $43,264 campaign contribution to Hillary Clinton.

Cerebus did not do that. Corporations (and unions) are banned from donating money directly to candidates or national party committees. Steve Feinberg did not do that. Individiuals are limited to 2,750.

Cerebus donors gave more to Republicans than to Democrats by a more than 2 to 1 margin and at the presidential level also gave $40,000 to Republicans or almost as much as to Hillary.

However, these are all made by individulals. When you make a donation you have to include your employer. That is how Open Secrets has this data.

Stephen A Feinberg himself leans Republican in his contributions and [supported Trump] since at least last summer (http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/06/meet-the-wall-street-titans-who-back-trump.html))

part of the small band of financiers publicly throwing their support behind Trump — others include investors Carl Icahn and Wilbur Ross, Cerberus’s Stephen Feinberg, hedge-funders Robert Mercer and Anthony Scaramucci, and former Goldman Sachs executive Steve Mnuchin — even as many of their peers question whether doing so will prove to be reputational poison.

Fundraiser cost $50,000 a ticket.

Donald J. Trump is holding a fund-raiser in New York City next week to be hosted by a who’s who of the financial world, including John A. Paulson, whose hedge fund made billions betting on the collapse of the housing market.

Joining him are Stephen A. Feinberg, the secretive financier and founder of Cerberus Capital Management, ........The joint Republican National Committee and Trump fund-raiser will take place on Tuesday, at an undisclosed location in the city, according to an invitation seen by The New York Times. Tickets are going for $50,000 a person, though the hosts are paying $250,000 a couple.

AreWeSure ago

In August he was named as an economic adviser to the Trump campaign.

Ahead of an economic speech Donald Trump will deliver in Detroit on Monday, the Republican nominee released a list of economic advisors that includes hedge fund managers, bank executives and a cigarette manufacturer.

Steve Feinberg The founder of Cerberus Capital Management, Feinberg’s company manages more than $30 billion in investments and is headquartered in Manhattan. The firm has deep roots with Republicans. Former George H.W. Bush Vice President Dan Quayle is Cerberus’ head of global investment. John W. Snow, George W. Bush’s Secretary of the Treasury, is the firm’s chairman.

waxdino ago

When you look at what other CEOs have donated, <$45,000 is a pretty small amout. It's also an oddly specfic amount.

remedy4reality ago

The 'Best People' ?

I hope Godfather Trump is keeping his friends close and his enemies closer.

unclassified ago

The level of corruption in the US Gov. is beyond imagination.