juhos ago

I have had some faith for Trump but Feinberg connection scares me. Is Trump just a part of power struggle inside the elite mafia? In that case this is lose-lose for the people.

endview ago

Just research all of the times Dyncorp has been involved in child trafficking and misconduct. I am copying these links to you from a citizen researcher who I don't want to identify, but you can look at George Webb's notes for additional info.







DynCorp is a subsidiary of Cerberus Capital Management, L.P., a US-based private equity firm with ~$30B under management. They specialize in "distressed investing." . Founders: Steven Feinberg William Richter . Key Executives: http://www.bloomberg.com/research/stocks/private/snapshot.asp?privcapId=139449

trivia: Cerberus is the three-headed mythical guardian of the gates of Hades. . Cerberus Offers to Buy G.E.’s French Consumer Finance Business June 23, 2016 . LONDON — General Electric said on Thursday that it had received a binding offer from an affiliate of the private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management for its French consumer finance business.... . https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/24/business/dealbook/cerberus-offers-to-buy-ges-french-consumer-finance-business.html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FCerberus%20Capital%20Management&action=click&contentCollection=business&region=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=collection&_r=0








There is alot out there about Dyncorp

EDIT: There is also a movie about Kathryn Bolkovac who is a Dyncorp whistleblower The movie is discussed here : http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2011/08/05/kathryn-bolkovac-the-real-whistleblower-on-human-trafficking-in-bosnia.html

You can watch the movie on Hulu.

AnUnconcernedCitizen ago

Aren't practically all of these PMCs involved in this kind of shit? Remember that Blackwater scandal a while back where a couple whistleblowers came forward about mercs using child prostitutes?

justwanttohelp ago

No it's apparently so information doesn't get compromised, say a laptop computer with sensitive (or maybe incriminating) information

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Lou Von Thaer... CEO for both DynCorp and LEIDOS...

Freemasonsrus ago

Don't forget that these people are like circling sharks. Just bc he had a fundraiser doesn't mean he isn't playing that side for a reason. I'm quite sure after doing business in NYC for 50yrs DJT is very aware of who is truly a friend and those who are foes. He's no dummy.

Freemasonsrus ago

Ha! I didn't see your comment before I said virtually the same thing. The "no pic" thing is eyebrow raising though. No reason to be secretive with that type of business when above board. I know someone who owns a large company like this. I'll ask him what he knows about it.

Freemasonsrus ago

Firms like that would have many different businesses under the parent organization. On its face a business like that would buy failing businesses and flip them, sell them for profit. So those businesses under management change over time as they buy and acquire new projects. That alone (the Little Tykes) is not suspicious at all. However, it's obvious Dyncorp is a treasure trove of illegal activities.

OrwellKnew ago

Wow, something from Wikipedia (aka CIApedia)

Feinberg has been described as "secretive" in The New York Times.[12] In 2007, Feinberg told Cerberus shareholders, "If anyone at Cerberus has his picture in the paper and a picture of his apartment, we will do more than fire that person. We will kill him. The jail sentence will be worth it."

justwanttohelp ago

maybe we should search for Dyncorp/Cerberus employees who are now deceased?

jokersmild ago

Bite your tongue, a Jew would never be involved in kiddy fucking.

justwanttohelp ago

Yeah checked most of Little Tykes all I found was them (or a company with a similar name) building playgrounds in Oklahoma. Basic Google search will pop it up in the news section. It was actually posted yesterday... but I think Little Tykes is a dead end. Feinberg should be of interest, but according to the video I posted earlier Dyncorp is very secretive, so there may very little information regarding him?

Also, I did notice the three headed dog Cerberus, but didn't want to get into 'conspiracy' stuff that would seem woo - woo

carmencita ago

The people we are investigating are woo woo. They do woo woo stuff. Satanic rituals, cannibalism are all pretty strange woo woo stuff. They are guilty as hell of doing strange things. I have thrown all that stuff out the window. I am keeping an open mind and am not afraid to admit that I am looking at and investigating some pretty woo woo stuff. Dyncorp is big and can be pretty scary. We must tread cautiously. He sounds pretty hot headed and they have hacked Pizzagate. Too bad they are not hacked.

tjarco ago

Google search results for: steven feinberg site:voat.co/v/pizzagate

is Steven Feinberg the same as Stephen Feinberg?

Beaucephus ago

Cerbrus invests in a lot of businesses and if they either funded a large majority of the startup, or bailed Little Tykes out of a bad situation, they would retain majority shareholder position and thus, own Little Tykes with some form of agreement in place to get paid back for their investment and allow the operator to return to a majority stake after doing so.

In other words, Cerebrus funds a ton of projects and it would be more odd to not see something in the toy sector than to see this.

You can chase the lead, but I don't expect it to go anywhere.