WE DID NOT FORGET - Utopia Systems - "imperator" Tina, Hannah, Bannon, Huma, GCHQ - MI6 - Scotland Yard - CIA - NSA (QRV)
submitted 5.7 years ago by 3137298?
We await your final effort https://imgur.com/a/7DkVUlU
You are cowards and liars
You have destroyed independent agency for artificial dependency
[email protected]
How many children have disappeared?
How many have returned as robots and abused slaves?
University of CIA ?
How long have you been destroying our gifts and replacing them with your 'network'
We await your final effort
18091740? 5.7 years ago
This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @LastGarrison.
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17799593? 5.7 years ago
Hey Q want a be go to reddit where your bullshine might sell
17806343? 5.7 years ago
We shine on all platforms
Truth is enlightening
18091740? ago
This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @LastGarrison.
Posted automatically (#34176) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.
17799593? ago
Hey Q want a be go to reddit where your bullshine might sell
17806343? ago
We shine on all platforms
Truth is enlightening