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LastGarrison ago

Allow me to add Utopia Systems < -- You'll need some head clearance here

And of course, a nice headshot of their CTO

From what I will "guestimate" is; there are actively two groups involved with the high-level abductions and grooming, with a third group related to the families. 1st group looks for adepts to train. 2nd group finds them in the wild and activates those that have gone astray. 3rd group may be helping adepts as either a means of infiltration of 1 and 2, or as a cure neo/agent smith style.

And throughout it all, ex program leaders and intel people previously associated with the programs often find in-the-wild adepts and start working them for their own gain.

To repeat "guestimate"...

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you, interesting comment which has lead to a few interesting leads.

43770 ago

For note and reference along with this other information

Sufism was the Eastern parent of Freemasonry according to Sir Richard Burton biography

Usually means stellar cults related to moroccon/muslim practices related to sex magic/rituals all predicated on the same things op mentions above.

Sufism was more progressive than typical islamic thinking, but was still associated to sexual conquest and enlightening the mind through the body.

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