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letsdothis3 ago

He's also a member of the Afterschool Caucus :

Afterschool Caucus – Afterschool Alliance

On March 3, 2005, Members of Congress announced that in order to build support for afterschool programs and increase resources for quality afterschool care, they would establish the first-ever Afterschool Caucuses in the Senate and the House of Representatives. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN); and Rep. Nita M. Lowey (D-N.Y.) serve as current chairs of the bipartisan Caucuses.

Voat posts re Sen. Lisa Murkowski :

Is Lisa Murkowski's (R-AK) dad a pedophile? by @Eov382

While the information in that thread was not substantiated, Murkowski is certainly a controversial figure:

It's Time for the Blackmail DS has on Lisa Murkowski to be Exposed

Remember this little interplay with Feinstein during the Kavanaugh hearing ?

Sen. Tina Smith :

After Mondale lost a narrow electionto Norm Coleman, Smith began working as the vice president of external affairs at Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

Financial disclosure forms for Minnesota senator Tina Smith, a still little-known lawmaker who inherited her seat last December after Al Franken resigned, reveal an investment valued at between $500,000 and $1 million in a hedge fund based on the island territory of Bermuda, one of the world's most notorious tax havens.

The offshore asset is held by her husband, Archie Smith, an independent investor who had a prolific investment career working for various funds—he was once named the Wall Street Journal's stock picker of the year.

AP in trying to defend her financial interests, adds some interesting details in this article:

THE FACTS: The Housley campaign’s claim that Smith profited off the opioid crisis through investments is misleading. Smith’s husband, Archie Smith, is a successful independent investor, focusing largely on health care and medical companies.

Housley’s ad claim is based on two of Archie Smith’s investments — one in Abbott Laboratories, the other in Johnson & Johnson that are listed in the senator’s financial disclosure forms . The forms reveal the Smiths are worth between $5 million and $12 million.

Smith’s husband has between $250,000 and $500,0000 invested in Abbott, which marketed OxyContin until 2002. The painkiller has been blamed for escalating the addiction crisis that has left more than 340,000 Americans dead since 2000. But Archie Smith only acquired the stock last year, well after Abbott Labs quit marketing OxyContin and had divested it’s involvement with the painkiller Vicodin in 2013. He received the stock when Abbott took over Minnesota-based St. Jude Medical Center last year, which he had initially invested in, Smith’s campaign said.

In 2014, the hospital opened the $255 million Northwest Tower,[3] which along with the Southwest Tower built several years earlier, created beautifully-designed, private patient rooms. Key areas of expansion included three entire floors dedicated to maternity services and another floor encompassing 14 "smart" surgical suites, including a "hybrid" cardiovascular suite with robotic c-arm imaging, and a dedicated neurosurgery suite with intraoperative MRI. Additional surgical technology includes da Vinci surgical robots as well as the superDimension robotic system for lung cancer treatment.

I reckon we need to take a closer look at St. Jude, specifically St. Jude Children's Research Hospital :

Nita M. Lowey :

Lowey strongly considered running for the United States Senate in 2000, but stepped aside when First Lady of the United States Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy. [2] Lowey was considered a top contender for appointment to Clinton's Senate seat after Clinton was nominated to be Secretary of State, but in a December 1, 2008, phone interview with the Associated Press, she stated that she isn't interested in giving up her senior seat on the House Appropriations Committee.

Her voting record on mass surveillance earned her a "D" on the Stand Against Spying Congressional Scorecard, which was created by a coalition of organizations and individuals from across the political spectrum advocating for transparency and an end to mass surveillance.[

Early in her Congressional career, Lowey sponsored an earmark for the purpose of "dredging the Mamaroneck Harbor."[7] According to the local newspaper, The Journal News, the dredging was proposed because "the harbor was becoming too shallow 'to accommodate the larger yachts.'"

She was strongly critical of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment, which places limits on taxpayer-funded abortions in the context of the November 2009, Affordable Health Care for America Act. Because of the rancor and disruptions which marked so many of the so-called Town Hall meetings held in the summer of 2009 to discuss Health Care Reform, Lowey chose to present her point of view on Health Care Reform in a telephone conference call, the effectiveness of which was questioned by some of her constituents.

Lowey Celebrates Planned Parenthood Victory -

septimasexta ago

Looks like Congressman Schiff has had his hand in many pies. Thanks for the extra research and connecting it back to Big Pharma. Regarding free speech, here are some other interesting developments: (Trump's Free Speech Executive order)

septimasexta ago


septimasexta ago

A good You Tube review of original story:

"...Standard Hotel, Adam Schiff, Helicopter Crash"

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

11 hours and the vid is gone. Those fuckers.

septimasexta ago

All that does is CONFIRM our suspicions. LOL! I guess they think it is MSM "fake news." TAKE DOWN ALL OF CNN WHILE YOUR'E AT IT!

Wonder if Buck's fishing is named for the Congressman's friend and DNC donor named Buck.

Never forget, THE TRUTH WILL OUT.