17141188? ago

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17115705? ago

Blackmail is like FISA, it works both ways. Furthermore, you can be blackmailed even if you have done nothing wrong, it may be you have to toe the line just because you have been told ¨Do this or your kids may have serious health problems¨.

17048760? ago

Murkowski cheated in her election with Dem deep state help

17047463? ago

Deep State blackmail always ends with murder. How do you expose that? There are no coincidences.

17052629? ago

You gotta wonder if/when we will start seeing a ton of suicides in PedoWood. This is going to be dicey. And who will take over? I just don't watch much tv anymore, but I guess Hwood could just die out and be a relic of the past, relegated to the Myspace Space. Entertainment will be from instagram and youboob.

17047283? ago


17046672? ago

Better yet anon, why not arrest the puppet masters like difi? Isn’t that the REAL problem?

17046133? ago


17045926? ago

Every RINO Republican should be exposed whether they are being blackmailed or they are just in it for the money , voting along the Democrat lines. They should be ALL be exposed. Peace Y

17052639? ago


17047877? ago

Two from my state were just exposed. Siding with Dems against the Emergency Declaration. New vermin in the swamp. I wonder why they are so desperate and spineless. What dirt hangs in the balance. No one gets to Congress without being a master at mutual blackmail. These Congress critters are all vile, viscious and capable of violence. That includes violence against the American people.

17052660? ago

To your point - every time someone says, "OrangeManBad!!! ooooooooh" I just say - has it ever occurred to you that everyone is saying that because he has something on all of them and they want to distract you from their own vileness and corruption? Hmmmmm?

17045847? ago

I agree but keep in mind NOT ONE SINGLE FUCKING PERSON has been exposed, charge and arrested yet by Q or Trump.

NOT A SINGLE FUCKING ONE, and you think they're going to target a loser like Lisa Murkowski? Come on.

17047997? ago

Ah, so much enthusiasm; so little patience. Take my advice: don't ever play chess; you will lose.

17052726? ago

2+ years Q has been playing "chess", and not one move.

Pray tell. When is the next move? Why wait nearly 3 years into Trump's term to make a move? Why not do it during the midterm elections so that he can pass laws that can, you know, actually help the USA? Why allow illegal immigrants to vote? To trap the democrats you say? Then why hasn't anyone been arrested? To show election fraud. OK, it's been more than 1/2 a year after the election, where are the election fraud charges or court cases?

Where is the FISA? Where is the martial law? Where are the Jan arrests? Whatever happened to "Red October"? Whatever happened to June 2018, the month the whole world will know the truth? Whatever happened to "MONDAY!"? Whatever happened to Nov 11, the month the country will re-unite?

All you can do is insult me, but why not instead debate me. If you're so intellectually superior, I should be an easy target, right? Right?

Where are your facts? Where is your truth? Where is your evidence? I can go down the list of things that Q said that have never come true. Nothing ever happens. Name one significant deep state member that has been charged or arrested? Name one corrupt FBI/DOJ/Judge that has been charged for their actions against America? Name one media station that has changed their tune and now reports the news fairly. You know I could keep going, but the fact is, ~2+ years later, NOT ONE THING has changed due to Q. I dare you, name one area where Q's army has "taken back" from the deep state/MSM. You can't, because there isn't any.

Checkmate, my friend, you lost.

17045556? ago

I agree. Sometimes, what they're ashamed of isn't nearly as bad as they think it is. Exposing it might set her free.

More celebration in heaven over one sinner who repents...

17045210? ago

I doubt there's any big "dirt" on Murkowski - she's being controlled more like MK Ultra if you ask me. It's written all over her face. She's a very weak person subject to mind control and intimidation - you can tell.

17047041? ago

Amazing that u can surmise all of that.

17048418? ago

Merely sharing an opinion - that's all. Only my impression of Murkowski. She's got that glazed look in her eyes like so many MK Ultra people we see. But her family has all kinds of corrupt history supposedly, so who knows.

17048449? ago

Anything’s possible.

17045067? ago

That picture with her and Frankenfeinstein makes me sick to my stomach...weak

17044890? ago

Yes. Or cut her Feinstein strings and give her her REAL chance like what seems to have happened with Graham...

17044570? ago

Would be perfect way to get Sarah in like flin.

17043750? ago

Would love to get rid of that deep state / globalist RINO.

17043445? ago

No, I don't think so. Maybe. But I think the point is, this is why women shouldn't be in government, because they get scared. More Vets should be running for office.

17043047? ago

Thought i'd get this off my chest. I never wanted to use hell hole sites like 4chan, 8chan, voat. But then reddit shadowbanned me for life for no reason, literally no reason, 4chan was cucked by faggot mods who's feelings get hurt too, and 8 is even compromised. Hell voat is fucked too. I'm just sick of authoritarian fascist mods, admins, hell i hate authority i hate the police and feds and spies i hate censorship i hate big tech.

17047138? ago

We object to the use of the phrase "urine-soaked hellhole" when you could have said "peepee-soaked heckhole"

17044608? ago

Getting banned is very frustrating. When Reddit banned the Q subs, it was so shocking to see fascism at work in real time. When the crooks go down, ending big tech fascism has got to be next on the agenda.

17043045? ago

How about we take her down in the meantime as well?

17042742? ago

She's been keep(?) moose in her back yard. That's why she likes Dianne Feinstein so much. She looks like a male moose.

17041290? ago

Oh my God you’re so right! It’s disgusting watching that bully Diane & that spineless murkowski whimpering in the corner. Unless dirty di is threatening harm to murkowski’s family, she’s got no reason to cower.

17041248? ago

Your dumbass means Maine, right????????

17041197? ago

Something to keep in mind. The DS has dirt on all of them. The DS has been blackmailing politicians have been blackmailing each other for so long, nobody knows where to turn or how to act.

The only wildcard is Trump. All his dirt is on display, not to mention ten times as many lies against him.

Think shooting the hostage to take away his value to the hostage taker. Once the dirt is on display, it either destroys or becomes meaningless.

17040984? ago

The Murkowski family has been corrupt for decades. Ask Sarah Palin.

17040607? ago

Tick fucking tock! Indictments coming in {getDays(currentTarget - now())} day(s), motherfuckers!

17045120? ago

Any day now! We really mean it. Don't worry about all the other times we said it for the last two years.

17047969? ago

Correct. The purpose of "Q" posts is to goad the ds into hasty actions, which they will regret. Disinformation is necessary. Those of us with a brain cell know to dismiss such posts until "future proves past".

17040543? ago

And Susan Collins...and Collis...and maybe Nikki Haley?

17041739? ago

And Justice Roberts. Why don’t the good guys play this game and put Pelosi and Company out of business?

17041851? ago

I'm not sure we aren't playing this game. I see how the Dems are quickly becoming out of touch with a majority of Americans. A year ago that wasn't true. It was all Russia...all the time.

17041106? ago

Haley is going to be history soon enough. I would love to Murkowski, and Collins bite the political dust. Maybe, they can swab jail cells for their next careers.

17040387? ago

Her family has a tradition of being disappointing and flirts with failure for not only conservative Alaskans, but conservatives throughout the lower 48. Hawaii is... le sigh...


17052566? ago

Yes, Hawaii is lost. It was good when Sparky Matsunaga was in charge. He kept the extremists at bay. But once Sparky died and Daniel Inouye took over as the Godfather, all was lost. Don Ho was the Waikiki Godfather, his hanai (unofficial family connection) brother was Larry Mehau, the godfather of the Big Island - http://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/story/30823608/despite-criminal-probes-and-godfather-allegations-mehau-was-never-charged/

Now we have Mazie Hirono. What a POS she is. She was a POS from day one when she got into office. Former Gov Neil Abercrombie was one of the originators of the Progressive Caucus in Washington (also a known communist to those of us who were close to the situation)...but you just couldn't fight it there. Everything is so convoluted and so many of the people are such sweeties who just don't know crap. I asked one lady once why she voted for one of the corrupt politicians, "Oh, you know he is such a nice boy. He used to deliver my newspaper. So I trust him." Good LORD woman! But what can you do? Actually, the mafia-connected former Mayor of Honolulu, Frank Fasi, probably did more good for the state than anyone. He was sort of a benevolent dictator and an abusive husband, but he loved Hawaii and her people and I think he kept a lot of people in check. But it is a lost cause here. Gun control is off the charts. The school system is worse than Louisiana. So many people afraid to speak up even if they know something. "Retribution" is a favorite bugaboo in Hawaii ... "Oh we no say nothin' because Retribution, brah!" Sad, really. Because asshats like Zuckerdouche come in and take over prime property. Soon it will only be elites and extremely poor people waiting on them hand and foot.

17040353? ago

Ted Stevens