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letsdothis3 ago

Further to @Lansing-Michigan's comment re Duke University, just putting this here for future reference: : Roughly a half-decade later, Epstein approached David R. Gergen, a Harvard Kennedy School professor

Alex Jones confronts David Gergen in New York during the 2004 Republican Convention

Confirmed Bohemian Grove member David gergen says Trump should be impeached

David Gergen

David Richmond Gergen (born May 9, 1942) is an American political commentator and former presidential adviser who served during the administrations of Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, and Bill Clinton.

David Gergen was born in Durham, North Carolina, to Aubigne Munger (née Lermond) and John Jay Gergen, the chair of the mathematics department at Duke University from 1937 to 1966.[7][8] He is the youngest of four children, and one of his brothers, Kenneth J. Gergen, is a psychologist and professor at Swarthmore College. One of his other brothers was Stephen L Gergen.

Gergen was educated at Durham High School, a former public high school in his hometown of Durham, North Carolina, where he edited the school newspaper, Hi-Rocket.[10] After high school graduation, he went to Yale University, from which he earned his B.A. degree in American studies in 1963, and was** a member of the Manuscript Society**. At Yale, he was managing editor[11] of the Yale Daily News, whose staff at the time included later senator Joe Lieberman, Stephen Bingham, Robert G. Kaiser, and Paul Steiger.

Kenneth Gergen

Kenneth J. Gergen (born 1935) is an American psychologist and emeritus professor at Swarthmore College. He obtained his Bachelor of Arts from Yale University (1957) and his PhD from Duke University (1962). He is currently Gil and Frank Mustin Professor Emeritus of Psychology and Senior Research Professor at Swarthmore, the Chairman of the Board of the Taos Institute, and an adjunct professor at Tilburg University.

Gergen is married to Mary M. Gergen, Professor Emeritus at Penn State University, and a major contributor to feminist psychology and performance inquiry. She is the author of over 50 articles and is the co-author (with Ken Gergen) of "Social Construction". They publish the Positive Aging Newsletter.. Gergen's earliest studies challenged the presumption of a unified or coherent self.[clarification needed] He then raised questions about the value of altruism, by exploring the ways in which helping others leads to the recipient's resentment and alienation. Gergen's work is associated with social constructionism. Other major interests in his diverse works include analyzing the effects of technology on social life, examining connections between social construction and theology, and promoting a more optimistic model of aging.

Taos Institute

Board of Directors: Kenneth and Ann Gergen; Sheila McNamee

The name of the Institute was derived, in part, from the fact that one of its founders, Diana Whitney, lived in Taos, New Mexico, and provided a geographic center for possible meetings. In 1993, the Institute held its first international conference in Taos.

Voat posts re Taos:

What about...Santa Fe? Epstein territory. Can anyone dig further?

Heritage Hotels & Resorts, Inc. (I just noticed the logo of another place there called the Lodge...) ... within that group of hotels is a subset for Taos

voat post: Isaac Kappy 'live trolling' David Brock or is David Brock trolling us? A look into the Kappy family

Dream Tree Project,43019 .. The Emergency Shelter provides homeless youth ages 12-17 a safe haven for up to 90 days. It’s regularly near or at capacity — a distinct indicator of the need in the region. Often, the residents move to DreamTree’s Transitional Living facilities, where they begin to solidify their lives with an eye toward independence. The Transitional Living Program now has 16 units — eight on-site at the La Posta facility and another eight scattered around Taos.

New Mexico Sheriff-Compound Searched-11 Kids Removed/Possibly Trafficked

Check out Hansjorg Wyss

Daughter Amy Wyss, co-founded the Twirl Toy Store in Taos, New Mexico. Check out the site: ... Haven't looked any further here, but that swirly logo (pedo-symbolism combined with DNA?) suggest there is more to be found here

letsdothis3 ago

Manuscript Society

The Wrexham Foundation is the society's alumni arm. Since 1956, the foundation has underwritten a scholarship in the humanities for a "senior who shall be judged to have written the best senior essay in the field of the humanities." Administered by Yale, it is given in memory of Wallace Notestein, M.A. 1903, Ph.D. 1908, Litt.D. 1951.[3]

Manuscript briefly played host to the 1991-92 classes of Skull and Bones, who were temporarily locked out of their own tomb by alumni who objected to its undergraduates' decision to offer membership to women.[1]

It holds the number 344 to be sacred.[1] The Society supposedly holds Enlightenment ideals, and the sun and sunflowers are both important symbols to members.[4] The society also retained close connections with the campus literary society Chi Delta Theta in the early 1950s.

Manuscript is part of a four-society "Consortium" with the Aurelian Honor Society, Book and Snake and Berzelius.

Designed by King-lui Wu, Manuscript's tomb is mid-century modern, unusual amid other societies' elaborate mid-to-late-19th century buildings. It appears from the outside to have only one level, yet conceals several subterranean floors. The tomb holds a vast collection of notable modern and contemporary art.[7] The Yale University Art Gallery is said to have temporarily stored pieces there.[1] Wu said that he designed the building "for privacy, not for secrecy." Dan Kniley was responsible for landscaping and Josef Albers for the brickwork intaglio mural.

CNN broadcaster and journalist Anderson Cooper (1967-) was a member of the class of '89.

Zzzmmm333 ago

The doona cover has the swirl on it, yet the swirl is quite a common theme in design.. can't make out what the rest of the picture is but could be a hand holding a giant dick lol

letsdothis3 ago

He's also on the Congressional Arts Caucus

The Congressional Arts Caucus was created in the 1980s as a way for the various members of Congress interested in the arts to be able to influence art legislation and to promote the National Endowment for the Arts

n 1996, Congress cut the NEA funding to $99.5 million as a result of pressure from conservative groups, including the American Family Association, who criticized the agency for using tax dollars to fund highly controversial artists such as Barbara DeGenevieve, Andres Serrano, Robert Mapplethorpe, and the performance artists known as the "NEA Four".

Andres Serrano :

Andres Serrano (born August 15, 1950) is an American photographer and artist who has become famous through his photos of corpses and his use of feces and bodily fluids in his work, notably his controversial work Piss Christ, a red-tinged photograph of a crucifix submerged in a glass container of what was purported to be the artist's own urine. He is also notable for creating the artwork for the heavy metal band Metallica's Load and Reload albums.

septimasexta ago

Good art connection. Didn't Alefantis feature one of these artists in his short-lived first gallery? (forgot the name)

Lansing-Michigan ago

Comet Ping Pong had at one time two doors , one said Well , the other Come. Burroughs Wellcome, HQ in GB and Raleigh NC has links to Tavistock. A Citizen journalist that I trust stated there was a corridor from mid NC to east Tenn with rampant pedophila.... David Koresh recruited women for Waco from mid NC to the mountains of NC...mostly from Seventh Day Adventist Church...My neighbors in the NC mountains had a family member to die there and several others left, escaped. One who got away said Koresh lived on the second floor housing all the members. When the girls turned 13, they went to his room. She objected and left when her daughter came of age. Waco was a govt . hit..........Koresh could have been taken as he walked to town alone at times. CIA experiment? Duke University has been named , central NC in the corridor. as MKultra training facility...the school attracts students of the rich and famous.i.e Gayle King's son...Oprah gave the commencement address when he graduated. .. the reputation for the hospital is quite good. Ted Kennedy went there for his brain tumor treatment..kept quiet.Joe Ryan , who started the parapsychology dept at Duke was CIA and my father's good friend. Also CIA. His dept is well known and world renown. My father was in a pedophile ring of Duke doctors , local well known lawyer.......Ft Bragg is close to central NC and also known to be MK ultra training facility. Several big pharma HQs in the piedmont. Used to be 2 huge state mental hospitals also there .....even though the state was very wide and the two large mental hospitals in the piedmont did not make sense.NC has been noted for the largest number of KKK in the US.....this type of population seems to be chosen for their political inclinations.Although I am too old for the true MKultra movement....born in think it was beginning even then..One of my father's best friends was a hypnotist and obstetrician who delivered babies under hypnosis. When I told that my father was sexually abusing me at the age of 12......was taken to Duke for an exam to see whether it was true. It was negative and no one ever mentioned it to me after that...have been told a wealthy aunt paid the doctor for his diagnosis. her husband was also a is multi generational in both sides of the family.Was told that I "busted up" the ring...never understood how a poor child could do that. ...except for one thing ..have no memories of abuse with the exception of 3 times, at home, with my brother watching. Now I wonder if I was I am very easily hypnotized to this day. Do remember visiting the doctor's children who delivered babies under hypnosis...........the children all wore their underwear in front of their parents. I did not like them ......did not go back.

septimasexta ago

Thanks for telling your story. So sorry for the abuse. Because of history and certain people I know, your description rings true, even if anecdotal. Duke was/is indeed a center for psychology, even before WW2. Wright Patterson AF Base in Dayton, Ohio was also doing research in the early '60's. Might have even involved "remote viewing." ESP research was also big at that time.

You might find this documentary "Bright Leaves" interesting. It's about two early competing families in the N.C. tobacco industry, the Dukes and the McElwees. The Dukes won. The film is by a McElwee descendant. The novel referred to in the film, BRIGHT LEAF, coincidentally, was written by a distant relative of mine.

septimasexta ago

More on Wright Patterson AFB REMOTE VIEWING program:

"1975 – 1979 – Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Foreign Technology Division (FTD)

According to FOIA documents, as reported by Gary Bekkum at his website:

“A summary of activity requested by Senate Appropriations Committee via Congressionally Directed Action states:

‘The U.S Air Force National Air Intelligence Center, formerly the Foreign Technology Division (FTD), initiated its program by asking whether the phenomena existed and whether it could be used to collect intelligence … [redacted service or agency] research effort focused on the use of RV [remote viewing] to collect intelligence data …’”

According to Dale Graff’s book Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness: An Exploration of Remote Viewing, ESP, Precognitive Dreaming, and Synchronicity – in 1975, Dale Graff was an applied aerospace engineer and physicist with the Air Force’s Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton. His primary work was monitoring the latest research into the various applications of sensor devices. In the course of this work with the Air Force, he reviewed alleged Soviet research into this area, and recommended that the Air Force should looking further into the phenomenon and its future potential."

"According to Dale Graff’s book Tracks in the Psychic Wilderness: An Exploration of Remote Viewing, ESP, Precognitive Dreaming, and Synchronicity – in 1975, Dale Graff was an applied aerospace engineer and physicist with the Air Force’s Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton. His primary work was monitoring the latest research into the various applications of sensor devices. In the course of this work with the Air Force, he reviewed alleged Soviet research into this area, and recommended that the Air Force should looking further into the phenomenon and its future potential.

Subsequently, the Air Force tasked Dale Graff with looking into remote viewing research being conducted by Harold Puthoff and Russell Targ at Stanford Research Institute. Graff was asked to look into their research and its possible applications of interest to the military. Graff’s report was positive, and SRI remote viewing became secretly funded by the Department of Defense."

"The government science research conducted at Air Force FTD was certainly extensive, according to the accounts that we could find.

One example was in 1977, when Dale Graff gave a small contract to the SRI research team to test the Soviet hypothesis that PSI was transmitted via ELF (extremely low frequency) electromagnetic waves. Stephan Schwartz (former Navy officer and psychic researcher) procured a submarine for the SRI experiments (Schnabel, Psychic Spies, pg 207). Another example was in March of 1979, when allegedly remote viewers working with Dale Graff at WPAFB and with SRI correctly located downed Soviet TU-22 reconnaissance aircraft.

According to to the 2002 “RV History” chronology printed by Paul Smith in Aperture, in 1980, the Air Force Chief of Staff cancelled the Air Force RV program, and Dale Graff then joined the DIA’s RV effort as “principle staff officer”."

septimasexta ago

"Stargate Project was the 1991 code name for a secret U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and SRI International (a California contractor) to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic intelligence applications. The Project, and its precursors and sister projects, originally went by various code names—GONDOLA WISH, GRILL FLAME, CENTER LANE, SUN STREAK, SCANATE—until 1991 when they were consolidated and rechristened as "Stargate Project".

Stargate Project work primarily involved remote viewing, the purported ability to psychically "see" events, sites, or information from a great distance.[1] The project was overseen until 1987 by Lt. Frederick Holmes "Skip" Atwater, an aide and "psychic headhunter" to Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine, and later president of the Monroe Institute.[2] The unit was small-scale, comprising about 15 to 20 individuals, and was run out of "an old, leaky wooden barracks".[3]

The Stargate Project was terminated and declassified in 1995 after a CIA report concluded that it was never useful in any intelligence operation. Information provided by the program was vague and included irrelevant and erroneous data, and there was reason to suspect that its project managers had changed the reports so they would fit background cues.[4] The program was featured in the 2004 book and 2009 film entitled The Men Who Stare at Goats,[5][6][7][8] although neither mentions it by name."

Found Dr. Joseph (Ryan) Rhine:

"In 1911, Stanford University became the first academic institution in the United States to study extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK) in a laboratory setting. The effort was headed by psychologist John Edgar Coover, and was supported by funds donated by Thomas Welton Stanford, brother of the university's founder. After conducting approximately 10,000 experiments, Coover concluded "statistical treatments of the data fail to reveal any cause beyond chance."[34]

In 1930, Duke University became the second major U.S. academic institution to engage in the critical study of ESP and psychokinesis in the laboratory. Under the guidance of psychologist William McDougall, and with the help of others in the department—including psychologists Karl Zener, Joseph B. Rhine, and Louisa E. Rhine—laboratory ESP experiments using volunteer subjects from the undergraduate student body began. As opposed to the approaches of psychical research, which generally sought qualitative evidence for paranormal phenomena, the experiments at Duke University proffered a quantitative, statistical approach using cards and dice. As a consequence of the ESP experiments at Duke, standard laboratory procedures for the testing of ESP developed and came to be adopted by interested researchers throughout the world.[31]" READ ALL

septimasexta ago

CIA, Hypnosis, MKULTRA: "George Estabrooks was a Harvard University graduate, a Rhodes Scholar, chairman of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University and an authority on hypnosis during World War II. He used hypnosis to help spies have split personalities to not actually know they were spies in case of capture. He stated it was easy to create and easy to cure using hypnosis.

He joined the First Canadian Division in his teens and at the age of 19 became the youngest commissioned Officer. Later in life, he became a 32nd degree Knight Templar Mason..."

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you for your comment. I am sorry that you had such experiences. Your information has provided some very interesting clues for leads. I just did a voat search for "Duke University" and the compilation ties in with some information that I was looking into yesterday. The rabbit hole/network is incredibly deep.. involving DU, Adam Schiff, the Standard Hotel and that whole network, the Wellcome Trust in the UK, the Chinese espionage scandal with Huawei, Homeland Security... I'll have to do a write up.

septimasexta ago

" I'll have to do a write up." Looking forward to reading it.

letsdothis3 ago

He's also a member of the Afterschool Caucus :

Afterschool Caucus – Afterschool Alliance

On March 3, 2005, Members of Congress announced that in order to build support for afterschool programs and increase resources for quality afterschool care, they would establish the first-ever Afterschool Caucuses in the Senate and the House of Representatives. Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN); and Rep. Nita M. Lowey (D-N.Y.) serve as current chairs of the bipartisan Caucuses.

Voat posts re Sen. Lisa Murkowski :

Is Lisa Murkowski's (R-AK) dad a pedophile? by @Eov382

While the information in that thread was not substantiated, Murkowski is certainly a controversial figure:

It's Time for the Blackmail DS has on Lisa Murkowski to be Exposed

Remember this little interplay with Feinstein during the Kavanaugh hearing ?

Sen. Tina Smith :

After Mondale lost a narrow electionto Norm Coleman, Smith began working as the vice president of external affairs at Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

Financial disclosure forms for Minnesota senator Tina Smith, a still little-known lawmaker who inherited her seat last December after Al Franken resigned, reveal an investment valued at between $500,000 and $1 million in a hedge fund based on the island territory of Bermuda, one of the world's most notorious tax havens.

The offshore asset is held by her husband, Archie Smith, an independent investor who had a prolific investment career working for various funds—he was once named the Wall Street Journal's stock picker of the year.

AP in trying to defend her financial interests, adds some interesting details in this article:

THE FACTS: The Housley campaign’s claim that Smith profited off the opioid crisis through investments is misleading. Smith’s husband, Archie Smith, is a successful independent investor, focusing largely on health care and medical companies.

Housley’s ad claim is based on two of Archie Smith’s investments — one in Abbott Laboratories, the other in Johnson & Johnson that are listed in the senator’s financial disclosure forms . The forms reveal the Smiths are worth between $5 million and $12 million.

Smith’s husband has between $250,000 and $500,0000 invested in Abbott, which marketed OxyContin until 2002. The painkiller has been blamed for escalating the addiction crisis that has left more than 340,000 Americans dead since 2000. But Archie Smith only acquired the stock last year, well after Abbott Labs quit marketing OxyContin and had divested it’s involvement with the painkiller Vicodin in 2013. He received the stock when Abbott took over Minnesota-based St. Jude Medical Center last year, which he had initially invested in, Smith’s campaign said.

In 2014, the hospital opened the $255 million Northwest Tower,[3] which along with the Southwest Tower built several years earlier, created beautifully-designed, private patient rooms. Key areas of expansion included three entire floors dedicated to maternity services and another floor encompassing 14 "smart" surgical suites, including a "hybrid" cardiovascular suite with robotic c-arm imaging, and a dedicated neurosurgery suite with intraoperative MRI. Additional surgical technology includes da Vinci surgical robots as well as the superDimension robotic system for lung cancer treatment.

I reckon we need to take a closer look at St. Jude, specifically St. Jude Children's Research Hospital :

Nita M. Lowey :

Lowey strongly considered running for the United States Senate in 2000, but stepped aside when First Lady of the United States Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy. [2] Lowey was considered a top contender for appointment to Clinton's Senate seat after Clinton was nominated to be Secretary of State, but in a December 1, 2008, phone interview with the Associated Press, she stated that she isn't interested in giving up her senior seat on the House Appropriations Committee.

Her voting record on mass surveillance earned her a "D" on the Stand Against Spying Congressional Scorecard, which was created by a coalition of organizations and individuals from across the political spectrum advocating for transparency and an end to mass surveillance.[

Early in her Congressional career, Lowey sponsored an earmark for the purpose of "dredging the Mamaroneck Harbor."[7] According to the local newspaper, The Journal News, the dredging was proposed because "the harbor was becoming too shallow 'to accommodate the larger yachts.'"

She was strongly critical of the Stupak-Pitts Amendment, which places limits on taxpayer-funded abortions in the context of the November 2009, Affordable Health Care for America Act. Because of the rancor and disruptions which marked so many of the so-called Town Hall meetings held in the summer of 2009 to discuss Health Care Reform, Lowey chose to present her point of view on Health Care Reform in a telephone conference call, the effectiveness of which was questioned by some of her constituents.

Lowey Celebrates Planned Parenthood Victory -

septimasexta ago

Looks like Congressman Schiff has had his hand in many pies. Thanks for the extra research and connecting it back to Big Pharma. Regarding free speech, here are some other interesting developments: (Trump's Free Speech Executive order)

septimasexta ago


septimasexta ago

A good You Tube review of original story:

"...Standard Hotel, Adam Schiff, Helicopter Crash"

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

11 hours and the vid is gone. Those fuckers.

septimasexta ago

All that does is CONFIRM our suspicions. LOL! I guess they think it is MSM "fake news." TAKE DOWN ALL OF CNN WHILE YOUR'E AT IT!

Wonder if Buck's fishing is named for the Congressman's friend and DNC donor named Buck.

Never forget, THE TRUTH WILL OUT.