17138352? ago

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15605592? ago

Please God, we need these monsters who would harm children stopped Today! I call on all the powers of Heaven to bring these evil animals down! I can't even stand to look at (AS) or hear/see his name mentioned without cringing!

15602022? ago

Schitt=TRAITOR! "Q"

15600686? ago


This link from the twitter has an article about employees dealing with a man and two ' nieces' who wanted to check in and not pay because Mr. Weishaupt always took care of payment. Then in the comments someone linked to wikipedia article that Mr. Weishaupt is a founder of the Order of the Illuminati. - so present day illuminati activity at the hotel?

15600129? ago

What Adam Schitt is a bad boy!??

Q told us, and more

15599769? ago

Does anyone know why is the hotel sign in this link upside down?


The website of the californian hotel where podesta's smocking party was supposed to have taken place also has inverted text on their website.

Just got up, still tired, hope I'm not losing it haha!

15596760? ago


Report: Evidence Exists To Charge Schiff With Treason – Qanon https://www.teaparty.org/report-evidence-exists-charge-schiff-treason-qanon-288996/

Q Anon - Standard Hotel, Adam Schiff, Helicopter Crash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BkzaKbio8-M

SOMETHING NON-STANDARD IN WEST HOLLYWOOD? – QANON FINGERS THE STANDARD HOTEL AND ADAM SCHIFF http://thephaser.com/2018/02/qanon-fingers-the-standard-hotel-adam-schiff/

Qanon posts point to Adam Schiff running protection for Standard Hotel and Archdiocese for Miami scrubs a helicopter crash victim from their list of donors! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efIXwR6lToE

‘Tragic loss’: 3 people killed aboard helicopter in Newport Beach crash are identified https://www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/news/tn-dpt-me-crash-update-20180131-story.html

EVIDENCE EXISTS TO CHARGE SCHIFF WITH TREASON – QANON http://www.1776again.com/2018/02/07/evidence-exists-to-charge-schiff-with-treason-qanon/

There's more...

15600194? ago

Q ONLY POSTS ON 8CHAN as Q posted This post is suspect

15605352? ago

They dont claim to be Q, they reference Q drops

15596548? ago

Hohoho. And what do you want for Christmas little Adam Schitt? A deep hole maybe?

15596234? ago

Just checked Bills Twitter, looks like he hasn't been able to tweet since that post

Must have been "hacked" again

15595483? ago

Wow, if any of this is true, S for brains is in deep dd.

15594685? ago

Q657 Q653 Q655 Q656

15600248? ago

Q post #325 "Blunt & Direct Time Adam Schiff is a Traitor to our Country Leaker.... Q"

15594666? ago

A pedo ring run out of the Standard Hotel plus the pefos were blackmailed?

15600257? ago

What's a 'pefos

15602848? ago

Sorry for the typo, I meant “Pedos”

15594465? ago

There are also reports of a body (or bodies) being dissolved in a barrel of acid used for cleaning their swimming pool. The hotel has also been said to be the center of a major pedophile ring, with Shiff covering up a lot of it. There was much about this on the Chans, Q, etc a while back. I am sure someone still has the sauce. Look at Q posts #653-657. https://qmap.pub/

15599490? ago

right ..

15594291? ago

I can't WAIT until December 21st when the Government Shuts down. These POS are in their single digit midget days of power. The shut down is the trigger that we have all been waiting for. God Bless and WWG1WGA!

15594019? ago

Interesting. 1+1=2

15593623? ago

All who harm children should be executed immediately! No trials, no wasting of time! Execution on the spot of identification!!!

15594000? ago

If we did that, there would be no pediatricians left. Vaccinations probably do more harm to children than all other causes added together.

15595668? ago


15593479? ago

Bill it the man. Big fan.

15593315? ago

Crazy that Bill tweeted this out? Q told us about this a while back. Why is this being brought up now by a clean cut commentator like Bill? Something leak? Hammer about to drop?

15596588? ago

Well, we now know the CF was not a charity. Hmmm... what was all that money about then?

15600150? ago

Human Trafficking Selling Children to pedophiles and more. Epstein Island

15597103? ago

  • Likely Money for political favours - CF being a suitable money laundering vehicle

  • If HRC stayed in power, then noone would have questioned the lack of tax audits etc

  • The Haiti connection was providing child transfer pipeline for celebrity adoptions / and probably more nefarious uses (think pizzagate)

Personally glad to see this noxious smiling assassin [HRC] being lit up first by the spotlight of truth - wont happen soon enough for my liking. Personally need to turn the setting up a few notches to 'Strength of 1000 suns' imho and totally light up both her and Billy "the rapists" misdeeds. Whatever the punishment they eventually are given, will never be enough for these power hungry jackals.

15593893? ago

Bill has been quietly following and hinting a Q for a while. Mainstream Mike or Terrible Travis tweeted about his apparent "dishonesty" on the subject.

Nice to see that Bill is one of the good guys and not another neocon talking head.

15593270? ago

Damn lol is that schitting I'm hearing in schiffs pants

15596619? ago

Liddle Schitt has two options: turn himself in for protection or suicide himself before they do it. Not attractive options but funny thing, I don't feel any pity for him.

15593113? ago

Can anybody answer his question?

15592927? ago

I'm surprised Bill hasn't been banned yet.

15595320? ago

He had some fuckery with his account. Couldn’t log in or someone was changing his passwords.

15592808? ago

A known politicians had secret rendezvous there. A white male politician hooked up with a black male hooker. A politician checked in with 2 underage girls posing as his nieces. I can’t remember where I got these details. Perhaps some came from CDAN. I think Adam Schitt was involved in the killing and helecopter crash.

15593177? ago

Also maybe I remember he used to drug the shit out of the black guys, near fatal levels.

15594509? ago

This is different story from the one I read about the black male prostitute at the Standard Hotel.

15592686? ago


15592646? ago

If you harm one of my little ones...open source research it. Sexual predator and murder in America.

15595798? ago


15592511? ago

A child was slaughtered and then ADAM SCHITT tried to cover it up. The manager's helicopter went boom, he dead. The end.

15601510? ago

Wasn’t an excessive amount of pool chlorine also involved?

15593895? ago

Whoa; sauce?

15595278? ago

I’m pretty sure there is lot out there on it. Do some searches. Apparently a lot of bad shit would go on in that hotel. General Manager died in helicopter crash January of this year. Great timing.

15598014? ago

She was one of the few who knew about the mysterious account number in this CDAN blind. https://www.crazydaysandnights.net/2018/02/todays-blind-items-account-number.html

15593049? ago

So Adam Schitt is a child abuser and a murderer?

15596327? ago

You just said that. No one else did. We don’t accuse until we research. Asshole. Saw that coming from 17 miles away. Lawyerfags now on here.

15600111? ago

your a bitch,

15598136? ago

You're a pussy little faggot, aren't you?

15598353? ago

Ask your father. He knows very well. Thanks for caring

15597650? ago

I asked a question. I never accused. I'm not a troll, shill, etc. I'm only a curious individual looking for answers.

15596954? ago

Looks like a(?) To me.

Settle down cowboy. Hold your horses.

15596570? ago

Whoah, but someone does have the evidence.

15592968? ago

not the end. there is more to come, future will yeld more :O

15592784? ago

I'm guessing that cost taxpayers $7.8 million from the Congressional slush fund?

15592469? ago

Liddle Kids Foundation al over that Twitter thread.

Liddle Adam Schiff

Trolling the media is fun.

15593997? ago

Trump tweeting that gives me more faith that something will be done than anything. The God Emperor knows.

15595775? ago

God is no emperor, you need help to the bathroom or something?,I mean really wtf are you thinking?

15602305? ago

it's a joke bruh.

15601250? ago

He is a vessel of God which by extension makes him much like the Holy Spirit.

15601352? ago

Your religion lied to you, there is nothing "like" God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit.The Trinity is perfection

15601368? ago

"my religion" lied to me? How pious and sanctimonious of you. You a moloch worshipper?

Like Abraham and David, good choose vessels got the Holy Spirit to radiate through. The poster above is a Satanist trying to steer you away from the Word and that Trump is a vessel of God In Heaven.

15592382? ago

I'm pretty sure its a millstone around Adam Schiff's neck and he's about to be thrown in deep water.

15593030? ago

He would be better off should that be his fate.

15596942? ago

That statement sounds familiar ... where have I heard that before? :-)

15595820? ago

according to the Bible, but I don't think this guy is going to get any mercy from us or God.

15592045? ago

https://archive.fo/ZI2g4 :

Bill Mitchell on Twitter: "What is the Standard Hotel Incident? @RepAdamSchiff"

This has been an automated message.

15595154? ago

The Liddle Kids Foundation... "We touch alot of kidz"!

15594393? ago

This is a great lake really helps us connect the dots we will do this one. At a time thank you so much for posting it