notagame ago

Only wonder what they would have found in Arizona if they'd looked.

carmencita ago

That is always the problem, if they only had looked. Here is exactly why they didn't.

notagame ago


Those poor kids.

YogSoggoth ago

Gulf of Tonkin was a woozy for the kids of the 60's. They had to get the heroin flowing. That would be his dad.

new4now ago

The 3 yr old boy has been missing since December

The boy has seizures, development and cognitive delays and is unable to walk due to suffering a Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy ( HIE) at birth

on Dec 23rd, Father and son, with 7 other people, were in an accident in Alabama

they told Police they were going on a camping trip to New Mexico

The group was picked up with a box truck that was registered to Lucas Allen Morten of Atlanta Georgia

I don't think the boy is alive anymore :(

sounds like these guys are Finders

Shizy ago

Sounds a lot like how the finders operated and kept the victims. The mothers were also present in the finders case as well. Very eerie similarities.

new4now ago

remember looking up things when Arizona hit the news, theres a network of military tunnels up near the border in NM, leads into Arizonia

also Epstein has a huge ranch in NM

have to look back and see if anything that came up before has ties to this area

Shizy ago

Oh really? I didn't know that about Epstein. That's worth looking into.

new4now ago

also look into Bill Richardson

Governor of NM from 2003-2011

he went to North Korea with Eric Scmidt

carmencita ago

I am afraid to admit that it has occurred to me that he may not be with us anymore. There are many sad details to this story and hope more will come out. That father had no concern for his son's needs, medical or daily survival needs of water and food, nor for any of the others. Yes, Finders comes to mind.

YogSoggoth ago

Finders, yeah. I grew up in similar conditions just because we were poor southerners, minus the being in the middle of a desert in a buried trailer! The pictures make me wonder if these people are not some kind of Muslim brotherhood types too. Right or wrong, things made a lot more sense in the 70's. They would have been pulled over in every county just for looking out of place. They would have looked out of place even in a big Georgia city. I remember getting our coolers checked for out of State citrus on the way back to Florida in 1982. There is something strange going on out there.

YogSoggoth ago

Thanks for the link, but my computer is not allowed to access facebook. Pretty sure it will come out in the wash now that they have been apprehended.

letsdothis2 ago

I posted the whole thing here:

YogSoggoth ago

Thank's, been busy, and it will get worse for me. If only the Jewish community would take a stand like that. Some have with bad results, true, but it only hurts them in the long run. I am all for being yourself, yet moving to a new country with no intention of assimilating and even taking over by force is just wrong, and has proved to be a futile plan by history. Rome would hire someone else's army('s) to take over a region close to them (usually a rival). The promise would be that we will help you win, and now it's a part of the Roman Empire. The gain for them would be defeat of the rival and all they can plunder, pillage, and rape. This served the purpose of the Empire by mixing tribes customs, religions, languages to a point where neither have any real coherency so as to be easier to rule in 20 years. Surely it worked for a great while, but everyone who has ever read a history book knows how that turned out, and it's legacy around the world.

new4now ago

odd that the Father picked him up on Dec 1 and the Mother didn't call in till the 10th

A boy with that many problems, you would think the Mother would have stayed in touch

carmencita ago

I hate to say this, but maybe she was glad to be free of the problems. We don't know what her life was like. We can see he would not help out with medication or his care, she may have had her hands full with him for a husband. But gee, how could you let your child even leave with a man like that. Yes, if he abducted him it's a different case, but maybe she has health probs of her own. I hope they do a followup on this. This is so very obvious a traffic op. And not a small one. Many are connected to others.

Pizzalawyer ago

I cant believe they found those children. I have driven thru that area on vacation from Albuequerque to.Telluride and it is so desolate and parched that it is spooky. Even if a child could escape, that child would have perished in the elements.

carmencita ago

That is surely the point for the location. If a child does escape he will never live to tell his story. Horrid.

Shizy ago

Here's another article on the story. It has pics of the losers who were arrested. I hope there are updates as the case progresses.

carmencita ago

Another thought of mine was that in this country there is enough food and water to remedy this situation. Also for the richest country, this is beyond shameful. There is enough food, water AND money. This should not be happening.

Shizy ago

It sounds like that happened not because of poverty but because these are sick people who were hiding their victims.

carmencita ago

This is not just some little story if DM has picked it up. Yes, there is reason to keep watch.

abcdefg222 ago

I agree. It feels big.

carmencita ago

There are many trafficking encampments I feel. Part of small and larger rings. Also since there are fewer kids avail. now due to the boarder security and drying up of the supply, they have to come up with new ideas. Slum Camping for the poor should be a tip off. If people see these groups, immediate reporting is advised. But even these people have surpassed poor. Just God Awful.

ClairesDeLuney ago

OAN was doing the story on it today (technically, now yesterday) & there was a picture or video still showing underground tunnels at the compound! Did anyone else see this? I'd read various news articles, but this was the first mention of tunnels found here. No Captain Obvious needed to determine what's happening. I'd like to know who's above these scumbags they arrested. Surely they have bosses in a network.

carmencita ago

I have tried to find that article but no luck. I did find this one that says there were open trenches If you find the OAN one, please send link.

ClairesDeLuney ago See if this works. Went to 'video' on the OAN site, which this directs to their YouTube channel. I found this statement particularly chilling: "...smaller developed tunnel system below ground..." . The video clearly shows it, too. How could one find out who owns that area of land? This is a common, recurring theme among elites: seems like each circle of friends has a buddy who owns a vast stretch of land, smack out in the middle of nowhere. Epstein included in NM, there's of course the infamous Cibolo Creek Ranch of TX, where Judge Scalia passed (we all remember the shady crap researchers found about that place). Now look at the states that border Texas. I believe there's likely a tunnel system running throughout most, if not, our entire country. These elitists buy up the remote areas just as the fox guards the henhouse. I've seen some of these vast, barren areas first-hand in Texas & New Mexico. You automatically wonder (rhetorically) why anyone would or could ever live out there. And that's exactly their thinking, too.

carmencita ago

Thank you so much! Could you please put that comment into my new post? There are also answers there saying who owns the property. I will look at the video.

carmencita ago

I don't trust LE either. Also why didn't the missing boy's mother respond. You hear nothing of her and supposedly he has been missing since Dec. Thanks for that bit of news. I am going to check other articles and OAN. We need to find out if all those children were born of those women that were also arrested. Could be breeding children? I put nothing past traffickers. Also their name is connected to someone in NY of the same last name. I am busy today but will try to see if I can find it again. Thank you again.

Cc1914 ago

Oh this is horrible ! A trailer buried in the ground ? Poor babies 😔 praying for their safety and recovery and that they land in the right hands .

carmencita ago

Oh God Yes. How many of these are we going to have to read before things get better. This stuff has been going on for decades and each decade it got worse. If not for the internet, we would not know. Prayers yes, for a good outcome. Someone there has to care. Please.

Cc1914 ago

The powers that be use all walks of life to do their dirty deeds . Imagine all the “ nobody’s “ they have blackmailed ? 😮 just like the guy who said voodoo donuts owners are pedo satinist yesterday. He said it’s not all big names . He was abused by some nonamers that were getting paid by upper people . We have no idea what type of people are actually planted in rural areas !

carmencita ago

Exactly. If they are working like mad to corrupt as many of Our Children as they can, they will have an army out there to poison as many as possible, as quickly as they can. When I first saw those donuts I knew right away. pe-donuts. It someone has a pic of those donuts please post. OMG. LOOK. They have three locations in Portland now and this bit of Big News.

Tres and Cat Daddy reveal the origins of Voodoo Doughnut and what to expect when you visit one of our shops. Learn about how their relationship with Universal Studios Hollywood began, and the opening of Voodoo Doughnut Universal Resort Orlando this spring! Which doughnut will you try first?

I am in shock. They will be all over the country before we know it. They have teamed up with Pedo-Wood.

Oh_Well_ian ago

shades of The Finders:

The adults and children appeared like "refugees not only with no food or fresh water, but with no shoes, personal hygiene and basically dirty rags for clothing

carmencita ago

I had the same thought, the shoes always click for me right away. Strange vibes is what I got too when first reading it.

3141592653 ago

Good find

carmencita ago

The sheer disregard for any food or necessities is what bothered me. I guess people that are selling children are pretty low so I should not be surprised, but really, it was the very bare minimum. What also worries me is that they were turned over to CPS. Hopefully this will not be one of those frying pan into the fire situations. And that little 3 yr. old boy............

carmencita ago

the boy had been at the compound fairly recently.

Was he possibly sold off already. I hope to God they find him Prayers are in order.

Shizy ago

He was the son of the apparent ring leader. Not that these people are all that loyal to their own children, but my first thought is the boy has died. He has a siezure disorder and takes medications. I don't see dad of the year here providing the care and meds this kid needed. Living in those hot and filthy conditions probably makes it even worse for the little guy. I hope they find him well, but I'm so worried this will not turn out well.

new4now ago

Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj No photo available

No photo available

Missing Since: Nov 29, 2017

Missing From: East Point, GA

DOB: Aug 6, 2014

Age Now: 3

Sex: Male

Race: Biracial

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Height: 3'0"

Weight: 22 lbs

Abdul-Ghani was last seen on November 29, 2017. He may be in the company of his father, Siraj Wahhaj. Abdul-Ghani is biracial. He is Black and White. CAUTION: If located, do not approach and immediately contact law enforcement.

carmencita ago

This story just went to the Next Level. Getting Really Wonky. I am working on another post right now.

carmencita ago

Unfortunately like you, I don't hold out too much hope for good news. Not from the looks of that place. Where did all those kids come from though? Both of those men have former charges. which does not bode well for this whole situation. CPS, another problem. Yes, let's hope the best for that little tyke.