InnocentAngels ago

Decided to post this on your post so I could ask you WTH is happening here? Was this done intentionally to break us up? I just don't know what to make of this. You are one of the few that I feel have good intentions here. I just don't see why it was necessary for her to go there. She is considered to be dead, so what difference did it make in the end for her to reveal that she believed her to be disinfo. All because she didn't want people to see her as a martyr. Doesn't make sense.

carmencita ago

Well that’s the whole thing in a nutshell. Why Exactly? Hard to know and it really upset me only because She was one of us. Degrading her has angered many. I find it quite shocking Make a note of those that Tore Her Down. It wasn’t pretty I expected more from them. I expected a same discussion now so knoe that was asking too much. My question is Who’s Next. Could be any one is now.

InnocentAngels ago

I didn't like how she was attacking others that didn't agree with her. If someone chose not to believe what she claimed,that's their right. Really disturbing. She hardly ever came back on this sub, but felt the need to do this. I always thought her to be nice, but she can really go off on someone. I believe Jem may be in protective custody, and her death was faked. Of course just my opinion. Someone can agree or not agree, but no need to rip into someone over it. Geez, this is crazy!

bopper ago

Hi Innocent, we've talked before. I have to run but @srayzie is solid, I can vouch for her. She's actually one of the most solid persons I've met here. Carmencita and her are friends, I think this Jem thing is dividing you guys. Jem was a little shaky and I quit talking to srayzie about Jem cause she seemed a bit confusing (Jem did). You guys shouldn't fall out over this, srayzie was trying to add some needed balance to the situation. Hope that helps. Goodnight.

srayzie ago

Thank you @Bopper

bopper ago

Well it's crazy, I think these little cliques form and everybody feels they have to choose a side. The truth is the only side we need to worry about. I understood why you felt like you had to make the post. People get invested in something and it's hard to see clearly. But Jem was a little off in some things, I saw it myself, before you and I ever talked about her. It's so sad what happened to her, I hope the truth comes out for you guys' sake. As you know, I never followed her or Webb at all. Goodnight.

srayzie ago

I have had nothing but notifications. There has been posts made on oizzagate mods saying Vindicator should be demodded. It’s ridiculous.

bopper ago

I hope it slows down for you.

"Just because somebody throws you the ball doesn't mean you have to catch it."

Vindicator is the best and fairest mod here, has been for almost two years.

srayzie ago

I’m under attack too. Not just him.

srayzie ago

I am nice. I’m not a monster. There is more to the story. My goal wasn’t for it to blow up like this, but for people to not just believe everything ever posted by Jem because I knew what she did. I was gearing mad because I’m being accused of being a shill and even worse.

Jangles edited what he said and saw that I wasn’t being vindictive. I made these comments showing behind the scenes things that were going on between Jem and this shill/stalker Sarah. It’s gone on for a year. I wasn’t even going to go there but people acted like I was lying.

These are part 1 and 2. I never said Jem was bad. She did a lot of good. RIPJem is Sarah. People started trying to twist what i said and my intentions. GothamGirl started spreading lies because she’s also connected to Sarah.

I’m not evil and vindictive. Especially towards someone who died. I’m surprised how many people have shown their true colors. Some that I thought were my friends.

Yeah, I’ve been mean back. I’m defending myself. I thought Carmencita knew me better than this. How easy some people turn on another really surprises me. It shows me who I could count on. Not her.

I didn’t have bad intentions when I made that post. It got blown up once RIPJem stirred up drama. 😫

carmencita ago

I agree it went way overboard I am shocked also. We owe one of our own more respect than what was given. Respect for the dearly departed. Wherever she is God Bless Her.

InnocentAngels ago

People hate so easily now. I really hope she is alive, but if she's not, she does deserve respect. I don't believe in speaking ill of the dead. Not right.

carmencita ago

My exact thoughts. We think alike. It seems like trying to divide us idk. Very disappointed in some. She helped me at the beginning and encouraged me RIPJem.

InnocentAngels ago

It upsets me so much too. Glad to chat with you about it. Guess we'll see what happens now going forward. I am also wondering about the future of this site. They're really going strong after all sites that are not totally left wing or considered conspiracy.

carmencita ago

This could be orchestrated for infighting. Someone is trying to rile up people Hmm Wonder who.

InnocentAngels ago

I think so too. We already knew we had deceivers. Are we sure even said as much early on. There may be more than we know. That's one thing that has always bothered me about it. And then there were the rumors when Voat went down.

carmencita ago

I have made a list of all those that were mean. This is new and strange but I really am not surprised anymore. Bullying is what it seemed like to me. Sad and unfortunate. From people that I thought I could trust. 😇

InnocentAngels ago

Feel the same.Good idea about writing those down. I may have to reread and do the same. Getting tired and may sign out soon. Hope this doesn't break us. We all need to be strong and remember why we are here.

carmencita ago

I agree Take Names and get back to work 😴 sleepy 💤

InnocentAngels ago

OMG, I figured out who RIPJEM is, it's Wisconsin is Corrupt !! I knew when I read RIPJEM's most recent post from that thread, He always talked in WE instead of I. It's him!!

carmencita ago

Yes, I believe it may be OR someone that works with him. He always has said WE and I have spoken to him in comments and he has hinted that there is a group. More than just him. So he is probably working on this with others. Some kind of activist group against the NWO is my thinking. Srayzie has just put out another comment about Jem and it implies something not very nice about one of our members. This really has gone too far. This seems like a vendetta. I am going to go about my business now and do my postings this is taking away from my research.

InnocentAngels ago

Okay, also her post came out right when people were going to look into his posts again.

carmencita ago

Exactly. Since this started almost all of my comments have been down voated. That should tell you something.

InnocentAngels ago

I had 2 or 3 of my comments down voted from our conversation we just had, unless it was you???

carmencita ago

NO WAY! Would never down voat you. They are following us by going into our comment history, then they can go to that post and voila! they can down voat us. This happens to me all the time.

InnocentAngels ago

Just when you think going to an older post may be unseen, it's not. Hope you didn't get upset about my asking that, just had to know for certain. I just got done reading her part 2. I believe Jem was working undercover. Those statements made me believe it even more so. Just because you think someone is a brilliant person doesn't mean you think they are a good person. She had to keep the facade going to gather information..She did tell her not to give her her real name. I wondered why Srayzie always put her Twitter out for all to see, when most of us keep our identity private. Wasn't wise. I'm not saying Srayzie is a bad person. She was manipulated too it appears by this Sarah. I just don't believe Jem was in on it with Sarah.

carmencita ago

Srayzie is trying really hard to make us believe things about Jem and Sarah. For what purpose. It just keeps coming. If anything, I think that Jem having such an Open Heart, got taken in by Sarah, wanting to help her, Sarah is and was a Fake. All I can say at this point, is that this has all gone too far. It needs to end. I gave you a bunch of up voats earlier. I have all along when my weary brain thinks of it.

InnocentAngels ago

I'm just trying to figure it all out. I don't believe Srayzie in that Sarah is RipJem. It has to be Wisconsin. The style is just like his. I really want to believe that she felt threatened by Sarah and that is why she felt she couldn't trust Jem. Along with her distrust of Webb. I still find the timing of her post troubling. Thanks for up voting. I do so on your posts too when I remember.

carmencita ago

I noticed the upvoats <3 Yes, well I also think it is WIC or a fellow supporter working with him. I think he is not alone. Also for some reason, I remember him saying that he had lost people as well. So possibly there are people working against things in Racine and around the area. I think there is more than one at least. I agree the time is distasteful. Disappointing.

InnocentAngels ago

Time to just watch and stay on guard. Hopefully time will tell.

letsdothis2 ago

The militant Jihadi training camp and its horrific child abuse discovered in the small, quiet town of Amalia, New Mexico is not an isolated incident but rather is the tip of the proverbial iceberg of Islamist radicalization in America.

It is unconscionable that major media ignore the bigger story here on Imam Siraj Wahhaj, Sr. and his connections to so-called “mainstream” American Islamist organizations.

AIFD has been closely following the recent reporting regarding the five adults arrested for child abuse in New Mexico after they were found with 11 children held captive in third-world conditions. Every day more information is being released about the situation including the fact that this separatist compound was a terrorist training facility for Islamist radicalization that not only abused these children through starvation and torture, but apparently had plans for terror operations that included attacks on American schools by these radicalized children. This entire situation is straight from the ISIS playbook.

According to a number of sources, including the New York Post, five radical Islamists, three of which were female, were arrested including Siraj Wahhaj, 40; Lucas Morton, 40; Jany Leveille, 35; Hujrah Wahhaj, 38; and Subhanah Wahhaj, 35, including 11 children ages 1 to 15 that were found abused in the facility. The ringleader of the operation was Siraj Wahhaj, son of Imam Siraj Wahhaj, Sr. who was accompanied by four of his relatives.

We bring this story to your attention from our perspective as a reformist American Muslim Organization, the American Islamic Forum for Democracy, not only because of the horrific treatment of these children but because of the deeper connections their captors have to the organizations that are thrust upon American Muslims as so-called “mainstream Muslim organizations” in the United States like ISNA, CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), MAS (Muslim American Society), and ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America) to name a few. One of America’s most prominent Imams, Siraj Wahhaj, Sr. is a leading fundraiser, speaker, and Ideological leader among a host of Muslim Brotherhood legacy groups in the United States. Currently, there are no known, direct connections or implications that, Imam Siraj Wahhaj based in Brooklyn, New York, had anything to do with the training camp or the horrific conditions in Amalia, New Mexico, other than that the camp was run by his son. But most importantly here, is that this compound cannot be relegated to the status of “just another whacky cell” in order to continue to protect the reputation of leading American Islamist organizations and their Establishment heads from scrutiny. Honest Americans and Muslims cannot ignore the connection with Imam Wahhaj’s long-standing separationist Islamist ideology and his role in radicalizing Muslims in all of the organizations he has influenced across the country for decades.

Our founder, M. Zuhdi Jasser, had written about Siraj Wahhaj in his 2012 Simon and Schuster book “A Battle for the Soul of Islam“, and on pages 84-87 described his first interaction with America’s largest Muslim organization, the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)[1]. In those pages, Dr. Jasser detailed an experience he had as a Naval officer on leave while attending ISNA’s annual convention in which Imam Siraj Wahhaj keynoted the opening of the conference. Wahhaj expressed his desire to replace the U.S. Constitution with the Qur’an and proceeded to direct that it is the duty of Muslims to bring the Qur’an and its teachings and legal system to the United States in lieu of its current constitution. He stated: “Can you imagine someone wondering if a document made by humans would be superior to a document made by God,” as he held up the Qur’an which he said should be the Constitution of this country. Dr. Jasser then went to the microphone and publicly voiced his horror with Siraj Wahhaj Sr.’s separationism and the acquiescence of the audience and the leadership of ISNA to his seditious point of view and commentary.

Siraj Wahhaj, Sr. has since remained, and in fact grown to be, a thought leader in position, ideologically, and for fundraising among various American Islamist organizations. Apparently, it has never bothered them that he was also named an unindicted co-conspirator in the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, as he testified as a character witness for the convicted bomber, the blind Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman. Yet, as recently as in the past few months, Siraj Wahhaj, Sr. was openly described at an ISNA meeting proudly by Linda Sarsour, now a leading national advocate for the Women’s March in addition to a host of other Islamist causes, as her mentor she said “favorite person in this room. Imam Siraj Wahhaj who has been a mentor, motivator, and encourager of mine”. Siraj Wahhaj, Sr. has served in various capacities including being on the board of advisers and participating in the speaking circuit of the CAIR, ISNA, ICNA; and MAS to name a few.

It is the responsibility of every media organization and thought leader in America to expose Imam Siraj Wahhaj Sr.’s connection to what’s happening in New Mexico. While he may not have had anything to do directly with the violence or the compound, there should be little doubt that his longtime separationist Islamist ideology proven by concerned Muslims like us at AIFD at every step along the way (yet ignored by most media) very likely played a significant role in the radicalization of his son Siraj Wahhaj Jr.

NOW is the time for Americans to realize that separationist Islamism, like that of the Wahhaj family, is a gateway drug in all of its forms– violent and non-violent— to the radicalization of our youth. It is incumbent upon American media and thought leaders to cover this story and the connection of the abductor(s) and torturer(s) to his father. While Imam Siraj Wahhaj Sr. did voice his desire to have his abducted grandchildren returned safely, earlier this year on Facebook, that does not absolve him of the decades of radicalizing many, as was seen first hand by Dr. Jasser, witnessed in 1995, and that the United States has witnessed repeatedly over and over and over in his positions and ideas about America.

The discovery in New Mexico is just one. How many more camps are actively radicalizing individuals who will carry out terrorist attacks on our soil while we do nothing? Let us rally together to remove the blanket of political correctness that shields these radical leaders who continue to prosper in our denial and use our unprecedented freedoms against us.

  1. M. Zuhdi Jasser, A Battle for the Soul of Islam” (Schuster: New York, 2012), 84-87

DerivaUK ago

I’ve read that there is a known Islamist training camp near to El Paso. Someone mentioned it in a post I did a back about the whistleblower reporting the massive influx of “refugees” coming into Texas overnight by plane comprising mainly young men between 19-45 and the few women and children were separated off. I’m sure it’s mentioned in Yoichi Shimatsu’s Pizzagate series too. There could be hundreds of sleeper cells down there and Isis are known to radicalise children en masse.

carmencita ago

I have read this Entire Report. I thank you for sending it and I will forward to others and would hope that you ping others as well. Please note my names so we do not double up. I read yesterday as well about the IMAM's wish to replace Our Constitution with the Qur'an. Yes, our Media has been woefully irresponsible as far as informing the American People of this Dangerous Propaganda of Radical Islam. We need to spread this but need to make sure that Mainstream Muslims not be vilified, for they are not the ones responsible. But they do need to speak out and denounce Imam Siraj Wahhaj Sr. and his teachings, as this group has done. @bopper @Dressage2 @darkknight111 @DerivaUK @Enigmatic_Continuum @EsotericShade @exposethecriminals @fogdryer @Gilderoy @gamepawn @HennyPenny @InnocentAngel @jangles @kestrel9 @mooteensy @new4now @Narcissism @Oh_Well_Ian @Shizy @SpeakSoft @think- @TrishaUK @UnicornAndSparkles @Wolftrail7272

TrishaUK ago

Thank you will check it out, Honeybee_ did a video about this too: Might have more info to add? Siraj Wahhaj Compound In New Mexico, Kidnap and Possible Child Trafficking and Murder, Business Fronts, Children Trained For Shooting Schools, and Wahhaj's Famous Imam Father (pizzagate) submitted 2 days ago by Honeybee_

Shizy ago

Thanks carmencita and @letsdothis2 I'm fearful that based on connections, this case may soon fade from the public eye. We need to stay on it in case that happens.

carmencita ago

Oh don't worry I and someone else have been doing nothing but looking into this.

HennyPenny ago

Wahhaj's father is Imam Siraj Wahhaj, a prominent Muslim cleric from the Masjid At Taqwa, a well-known mosque in Brooklyn

In the video, that grandfather doesn't look too shook up, rather he spends time distancing himself and his mosque from his son's activities. "I'm feeling a lot of emotions right now": needs to attend a better acting school

carmencita ago

Thanks for that article, so much in it.

Adult members of the group are due back in court next week for a status hearing, according to court records. They remain jailed at the Taos County Jail in Taos. Citing their status as juveniles, authorities have not released any additional information about the location or health of the 11 children. Imam Siraj Wahhaj said he soon hopes to travel to New Mexico to gain custody of the children, some of whom are his grandchildren.

The Imam plans to get those children? Really. He wants custody? After saying he wants to get rid of our Constitution and instill his beliefs? Also, those children need to be deprogrammed before they reach adulthood. The older ones will be difficult to change and will need stringent help. NOPE. They should also be taken out of Soc. Serv. in NM for they have had complaints of sexual abuse by juveniles in their care. There are a whole host of problems here. It's a Bleeping Mess.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx for the ping. Situation looks worse than fishy.

carmencita ago

Yes, and there are more questions than answers. Certain things don't add up. Still working on it.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks for pinging me, and I'll definitely check out the report. Crazy stuff indeed!

carmencita ago

I goofed up the pings. So bummed. Yes, crazy indeed.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Don't sweat it. Yeah, this entire situation is bizarre. I think there's a hotbed in Brooklyn. I'm not saying these stories are connected, but you have this one where the Imam is from Brooklyn, then that recent story where the baby was discovered floating near the Brooklyn Bridge, then the Mack trial going on in Brooklyn. Maybe it's nothing, but it sure seems as though there's more to that place than meets the eye.

carmencita ago

Oh, I get your drift. There are quite a few places that I feel are really controlled with a lot of strange things going on there. I did not hear about the baby floating. Will see if I can find. Really Bazaar.

carmencita ago

TY. It's disgusting. What did he do to that boy that he had to kill him? He was perfectly fine according to the Mother. I don't want to think. There are sick people that will marry to get a child. I think it was wonderful what that man did, taking the Little Boy out of the water and trying to revive him. What a horrid thing that must have been. As ugly as this whole situation is and was, we must remember someone had a Pure Heart of Kindness to try and help give back life. Sadly it did not happen.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Yeah, the story of the baby found floating turned out to be the father who did it and fled to Thailand. He's been arrested and they haven't said how the baby died, but it was obviously alive before he took it into the apartment, but not when the father was exiting the apartment with the body.

carmencita ago

Is he the biological father, or did he adopt or foster? Many are doing this now.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

As far as I could tell from the article, it's the bio dad, but you know how accurate reporting is these days.

letsdothis2 ago

Carmencita, I may be wrong but I think only the first four names you ping actually get a notification.

carmencita ago

OMG!!! I knew that but I had just started by coffee and was not fully awake! OMG, now what to do. Darn!

letsdothis2 ago

just break it up into chunks. Hit reply and ping 4 people at a time.

carmencita ago

TY, should have figured that out :)

carmencita ago

Thank you. Am checking it out. I discovered clarion last night.

InnocentAngels ago

I have been aware of them and visited their site a couple of times. Went to check them out again after seeing this guy from Clarion on Fox tonight talking about the compound in NM.

carmencita ago

They had a good one about how the FBI maybe caused the boy's death. They could have invaded sooner. They knew.

InnocentAngels ago

I caught that too. It was local sheriff's men that decided to go in, not F...B...I. Also, their connections to security companies., along with fraud. Scary that he thought they may have planned for a school shooting the start of the school year.

carmencita ago

Possibly part of their False Flag Ops. FBI not moving is highly suspicious.

new4now ago

guess who lives in Taos?

@carmencita @Shizy

carmencita ago

Wow. All of them? Taylor, Beyonce, Rhianna, Miley AND Shakira? There must be a really good reason they are all there. I shudder to think. I am going to look up John Denver and Roswell.

new4now ago

something going on there

carmencita ago

Absolutely Agree.

new4now ago

wonder what is going on in New Mexico

look at all the people

look at these names

carmencita ago

Just amazing. I answered you already, but forgot to mention all the sports people. So many! What's that about. Very odd indeed.

InnocentAngels ago

Just saw this on GreatAwakening.....

Shizy ago

I really hope they nail this POS for murder and the NM has the death penalty!

InnocentAngels ago

He's more than likely just part of a ring. Hope they catch all involved.

Shizy ago

So then that leads to the question, who was helping to protect him? Maybe that's why the police/authorities didn't swoop in on him sooner?

InnocentAngels ago

I wonder about that too. Like Carm said, maybe they didn't evict them because F B I had them under surveillance. Another thing I thought about is how the men didn't look malnourished. Were they starving the children as a form of brainwashing.

Shizy ago

Good points! It's hard to tell for sure since the women were wearing such clean lookin white tablecloths, but they seemed pretty well nourished too judging by their faces.

InnocentAngels ago

Just saw video of the men in court, and they didn't look like they ever missed a meal. Saw pics of the women and they had chipmunk cheeks. They were only starving the children. Amazing how white and clean those tablecloths were!

Shizy ago

The table cloths were a stark contrast to the description of the tattered rags the poor kids had to wear.

InnocentAngels ago

I know, it's terrible what they did to those poor kids.

carmencita ago

At a news conference in Taos, Hogrefe described FBI surveillance efforts in recent months that included photographs of the compound and interviews. He said the images were shared with the mother of Abdul-ghani but she did not spot her son, and that the photographs never indicated the boy's father was at the compound.

He said FBI officials were invited to the news conference but declined to attend. An FBI spokesman did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Aleks Kostich, managing attorney in the Taos County public defender's office, said the office was gathering information and assigning attorneys to the defendants. He declined to comment on their behalf, saying the case was in its early stages.

However, he questioned the "legal sufficiency" of the criminal complaints filed against the men and women, saying they were vague.

"I'm not sure how much investigating has been done," he said. "I'm not sure how much law enforcement knows and how long they've known it for."

I am not saying this for sure, but maybe the owners of the property, the Badgers, well maybe the judge did it because the FBI was investigating what was going on there and watching them. But really that makes me absolutely furious, because if true, they made those children go through horrendous suffering and maybe could have stopped the death of that little boy.

InnocentAngels ago

Had company pop in for a bit. Yeah, that could be a possibility. If that is the case, it is sad that maybe the little boys life could have been saved. From the article images were shared with the mother ,but she did not see her son or the boys father. Have it on CBS. They just showed a preview for it for tonight.

carmencita ago

Just saw the training of school shooters on my local. It's been on twice now. I just called my friend and she saw it too. She is mortified.

InnocentAngels ago

As much as I hate to say it, this is what it takes to wake some people up.

carmencita ago

Sadly I agree. :(

carmencita ago

Thanks for that article! The person behind this could be either his father the IMAM or Soros or both. It's easy to just jump on the Islamic jihadi answer, but we know that Soros is probably behind all this School Shooting False Flags. But like I said the father could also play into this. @new4now @Shizy WOW.

InnocentAngels ago

I did not expect to see that at all. We did believe possible terrorist connections, but I would never have imagined that it was a training camp for children, their children. This requires the F B I to investigate it now. I saw in some of the articles you and others listed they were not involved yet.

carmencita ago

The FBI was watching them. They refused to be at the briefing. Something strange about that. They maybe are still investigating and plan further charges. Hoping this blows up, or MSM will try to cover it because they are part of the False Flag Op. Can't believe what some people do to their children. They will need Serious De-Programming.

InnocentAngels ago

Just like Isis training children to kill. Isis is here as well as others. If someone doesn't believe it they are in deep denial. Any other time the abc agency would be there. Very strange indeed. I know last night on PBS news they didn't bring up anything about the men's connections to the Imam. Just focused on the missing little boy and the other children. All of these news programs only give you tidbits of a story. That's why people are so distrusting of them now.

carmencita ago

They won't be able to hide it for long though. People are reading this stuff and if Fox had it they will cover it, at least I hope. I will be watching my local news later. Keeping my fingers XXX.

new4now ago

a go fund me page was started in January

carmencita ago

Abdul has returned to Allah? WTH? What is going on? I thought he was still alive. This is getting super wonky and a big mess. If she is collecting money for his funeral then she is Bleeping Lying. SMDH because I am in a fog now. What are your thoughts on this?

new4now ago

something going on

terrorist network?

coming in from mexico?

money ran out when Trump started watching border?

I think the father doing something down there, he kept family close?

I thinking more terrorist then child trafficking

but that area is protected because of the trafficking

what ever he doing, he got so full of himself that he either thought he could cure his son with prayer, or he wanted child dead because a man like him shouldnt have a son like that

what I find really odd is that Mohamed was an epileptic

had he not had visions, he would have been force to leave his tribe

I leaning to terriost, illegal, coming through border, maybe drugs and arms

carmencita ago

I read that a neighbor had said that at one point the shooting had stopped so wonder what happened. The FBI was on to something though. And the policeman that was talking in all the articles said he even didn't have the whole story. So the FBI was watching him for a reason, and it wasn't because of how the kids were treated. Why don't the police know who sent that message about no food or water? Odd. They must have an email address or phone # from a text. Holding back info for sure.

carmencita ago

He said FBI officials were invited to the news conference but declined to attend. An FBI spokesman did not immediately return a call seeking comment.

Aleks Kostich, managing attorney in the Taos County public defender's office, said the office was gathering information and assigning attorneys to the defendants. He declined to comment on their behalf, saying the case was in its early stages.

However, he questioned the "legal sufficiency" of the criminal complaints filed against the men and women, saying they were vague.

"I'm not sure how much investigating has been done," he said. "I'm not sure how much law enforcement knows and how long they've known it for."

These statements are really fishy. They intimate that FBI was in on this and watching them. What for? If they new the father had taken his boy across state lines, why did they not arrest him. Were they onto something entirely different? Also if there is legal sufficiency in charges, does it mean they are too weak? Why? Also there are interesting statements by Tyler Anderson the neighbor. About how when they first got there the family had money to buy many things like food, construction materials. At some point the money ran out. He had helped them set up solar panels. But the FBI and the legal charges are my main worry. AND as we all know the fact that nothing came of the court evicting them, well that is super sketchy. @Shizy @new4now @InnocentAngel

Shizy ago

Here's another article I found. What was interesting are the comments from the neighbor. He said they were the kindest and nicest people!?! He would take them on weekly trips to get food and water but never thought the children weren't being cared for.

carmencita ago

Don't know if this will work,50931 That was an odd statement indeed. We saw on tv and articles that there was hardly anything. And there were streams and rivers as well. SMH. Edit: link doesn't work.

Shizy ago

Something weird with that link. Thanks for trying though. I thought it was a good article.

carmencita ago

It was. Others will have to do what we did.

InnocentAngels ago

What really stuck out to me is how concerns over the welfare of the children by the land owner and other neighbors was ignored. Even when he went to court over them residing on his land the judge declined to evict them. Sounds like someone was paid off to allow them to stay there.

Shizy ago

Yeah that's weird how it all played out. The landowners seem really vocal and willing to speak out about what happened. I don't doubt they were causing a stink before all of thosnto get these people off their property.

carmencita ago

I don't know if you know, but Ted Turner owns a huge parcel of land not far from there. He pretty much controls anything that goes on there, I am sure. Money talks.

InnocentAngels ago

I saw where you posted that. I had to look to see how close Amalia and Vermejo Park Ranch were to each other. The ranch is said to be just west of Raton. I wasn't able to tell how many miles apart, but it is in that general region. I believe what you posted about his influence it that area very likely.

carmencita ago

Get ready for this! We have also discovered that there is a Boy Scout Area right next to his farm.

carmencita ago


TAOS, New Mexico– The remains of a young boy were found on a compound in rural New Mexico where 11 emaciated children were discovered last week, authorities said Tuesday.

But it is unclear whether the remains found Monday are those of a missing Georgia boy, Abdul-Ghani Wahhaj, who was nowhere to be found after authorities stormed the complex on Friday. The boy’s father was suspected of abducting him eight months ago from Clayton County, Georgia.

Taos County Sheriff Jerry Hogrefe said the positive identification of the remains is pending an autopsy.


The boy’s mother, Hakima Ramzi, could not be reached after authorities announced the discovery of the remains.

Hours earlier, Ramzi told CNN she knew her husband wanted to rid their then 3-year-old son of his medical problems. But she had no idea he’d disappear with their son for nine months, only to be found across the country with 11 other children living in squalor.

“I haven’t seen my son in nine months,” Ramzi said on Tuesday.

“My husband said he was taking Abdul-Ghani to the park, and didn’t come back. That was in November 2017. When I would ask him where he was, he said he was on his way, he was coming soon, he was just keeping him for the night. But I haven’t seen him since then.”

She said Abdul-Ghani has hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. “He cannot walk and suffers seizures and requires constant medical attention,” Ramzi said.

An arrest warrant affidavit for Wahhaj said the mother claimed Wahhaj “wanted to perform an exorcism” on the child because he believed Abdul-Ghani was possessed by the devil.

But Ramzi clarified to CNN that her husband said he was planning to perform a ruqya — an Islamic practice involving prayer that is believed to help rid a body of illness.

“It’s not an exorcism. That was a translation issue in the court,” Ramzi said. Wahhaj “just wanted to pray for Abdul-Ghani to get better.”

So it has been MisReported It Was Not An Exorcism. It was an Islamic Prayer called Rugya to rid him of his illness, as the Mother says.

@new4now @Shizy @InnocentAngel @fogdryer @Indigo

Shizy ago

Ok I have started looking more into the landowners: their last name is Badger, and it appears that they did NOT allow this group to use their land and instead they basically squatted on it! They were living on a neighboring plot and then took over the land belonging to the Badgers. The couple has been trying for months to get these people off their land and even went to court. They report seeing a child who they believed to be the missing 3 year old. They previously reported this to authorities.

These people sound pretty pissed about how this whole situation was handled. Rightfully so!

carmencita ago

Yes, and I think there is more to that couple. Most of the land in that area has been owned by families for a long time so possibly there is more to the story. I read that the the family owned a piece of land but carelessly took over the wrong lot. When the others discovered, they tried to get them to exchange and switch but they refused. That's when they went to court and lost.I think since Turner owns a huge piece of land there, that whatever he says goes. I am sure nothing happens or doesn't happen without him knowing.

Shizy ago

Oh no, that's just awful!

carmencita ago

Horrid and oh so disappointingly sad. Also how CNN twisted the mother's words to mean exorcism instead of an Islamic prayer. I was going to do a post on it, but if it turns out to be him or not I will do a continuation then. Some of the land in the area is and has been owned by families for over 200 years.

Shizy ago

I noticed that too about the prayer vs. exorcism.

I was going to look into this more, and you may have already begun to do so, but I saw several articles where the owner of the land was interviewed. It left me with a lot of questions about what he may have known, how often he checked on his land, and if he put the trailer and other junk there or if this little group did it. Also, I know some people have commented about the trailer being described as buried and a burm present. It sounds odd, but in the New Mexico high desert it wouldn't be too unusual to do that to keep the dwelling cooler in such a hot/dry climate. Now the tunnels (if true) deserve a bigger look!

carmencita ago

Look what I found read down and you will see that there is land owned by Ted Turner. @new4now

carmencita ago

At some point we left the Valle Vidal and entered onto the Vermejo Park Ranch owned by Ted Turner. This ranch encompasses 590,823 acres (923 square miles) and is said to be the largest privately owned, contiguous tract of land in the U.S. @new4now

new4now ago

A small portion is used for the Rich Cabins camp for the adjoining Philmont Scout Ranch.

carmencita ago

That whole area has been created and is for The Rich. Aside from fishing there is game hunting. What else do they hunt? Also look what else they have

Philmont Scout Ranch camps are a group of backpacking camps located in Philmont Scout Ranch, a large property in Colfax County near Cimarron, New Mexico, owned by the Boy Scouts of America and used as a backpacking reservation.[1] Philmont operates from one large Base Camp which includes camping headquarters, the Philmont Training Center and Villa Philmonte, the Seton Museum, fire response facilities, cattle headquarters, and an administration area.[2] As of 2014, there were 76 trail camps and 36 staffed camps. Philmont's camps are generally set no more than a couple of miles apart. Old camps are closed or relocated and new camps are opened every few years. Some camp sites are closed due to changing safety protocols. For example, camps were once located on top of Urraca Mesa and in the Baldy Saddle but these are unlikely to reopen because the locations are at risk for lightning strikes.

Boy Scouts of America


Shizy ago

Oh no!!!!

carmencita ago

Yep. And we know about Epstein too. The two of them may be controlling all of NM.

Shizy ago

And I found an article about Ted Turner fighting with the country so he didn't have to pay the full amount of property taxes on his ginormous ranch! I thought libs like him love lying their fair share of taxes????

carmencita ago

I think people on both sides are not what they seem. What we used to attribute to liberals and republicans doesn't describe any of these perv criminals. They all talk a good game, but in the background, they are not what they seem. They are elitists, and don't want to play by the rules, no matter their party or religion. Like McCain, he is just the opposite of his party. They are as we say, wolves in sheep's clothing. BAA!!!

Shizy ago

That's exactly right! I guess my issue with Ted Turner and his ilk is that they pretend they care about the poor and paying taxes yet when it comes down too it they care about their own interested and and asses more. They are guilty of the same thing they criticize the mean "rich" republicans of doing. It's all such a sad joke.

DerivaUK ago

Hasn’t Fiona Barnett names Ted Turner as a paedophile? I know I’ve read it recently and I’ve read tons of Fiona’s stuff - she’s posting everywhere like crazy right now

Shizy ago

Yes she did name him. I want to say the abuse involved a plane. Someone else may have a better memory than me.

DerivaUK ago

Disneyland - after closing at one of their pedo parties - 13 sec clip: Https://

Shizy ago

Uggg, sickeneing! Thanks for finding that.

new4now ago

interesting that they buried the boy there

carmencita ago

I just thought about it, and that if they buried him there, they must have felt pretty confident no one would find him, at least not soon. Now it will be murder.

Shizy ago

And also they seemed to be not doing very well financially. They may not have been able to travel too far to try and bury him elsewhere.

carmencita ago

True. Also he probably did not want to go to far, danger of being seen. That is some really strange area. And yes, so many questions about the owners.

carmencita ago

We have to wait for the answer, but I am pretty convinced it will be him. RIP Dear Little Angel.

Indigo- ago

I remember them mentioning tunnels and they showed two tunnels coming off from one entrance. This was shown on uk news, and I remember thinking the mum didnt look upset enough to me.

carmencita ago

There is some serious criminal activity that went on in that compound. Tunnels and the arms and the horrible mistreatment of those children, and most of all, that missing little boy, those children asked for none of what was going on there. I only worry about the older children and that they may have been radicalized by the adults. There is special help to turn it around.

Indigo- ago

Such a shame for the poor innocent boy, it breaks my heart, makes me want to wrap my kids up in cotton wool. I'm so much more protective with them now x

carmencita ago

t's hard to know what to do with your children. If you protect them too much then if they encounter some danger, will they be able to to what to do? But then I agree, I would probably do the same. Hold them tight, they are grown too quick.

con77 ago

obama let thousands of african muslims in secretly through tijuana in the last months of his treasonous reign!

carmencita ago

Another giving us the finger present. No wonder former Presidents need such heavy security. I have a feeling when the American people find out how they have been wronged, it will be us and not those muslims he has to worry about. Not a bit surprised.

con77 ago

with the wisdom of hindsight I can see that we have been lied to and manipulated. Especially during and since WWII.

carmencita ago

Yes. I have come to the same conclusion. It's really sad. We knew that some things they told us were not true, but THIS? Even though I know, it is still shocking and hard to process. But that's it in a nutshell. I have no sympathy for any of them or any one in their families. They have all been profiting off of Our Children and us for decades, at the least. Shameful and Beyond Evil. They need to be banished from the earth.

carmencita ago

This is an in depth description of the condition of the area in the compound and you will also find this. Don't know if this can be considered tunnels, but I had a message from one of our own saying he thought he saw tunnels in one of the news reports. This is the closest I have come to them.

The property also has "open trenches and pits, with numerous trip hazards and wood with nails sticking up and broken glass and bottles litter around the grounds," Hogrefe wrote.

Deputies said the ramshackle dwelling appeared to be "built underground," including a small camper trailer that was partially buried, Hogrefe wrote in a separate affidavit for a search warrant last week.

The station visited the compound with a couple who own the property. Owner Justin Badger told KOB that there was also a 150-foot "escape tunnel" that crossed property lines. Firearms, a tactical vest, video cameras and a laptop were at the site as well, the couple told the station.

@Shizy @Innocent Angel @new4now @fogdryer

MolochHunter ago

did you all get the memo that this Jihadi son of a bitch imaam is Linda Sarsour's idol and mentor ? (Linda the USA so called feminist and anti-islamophobia campaigner who was the co-chair of the pussy-hat Women's March against Trump just after his inauguration )

@Shizy @InnocentAngels @new4now @fogdryer

InnocentAngels ago

I'm aware of who she is. Wasn't aware that he was her mentor, although not surprised at all by it. I don't understand how people can be that stupid to see her as an inspiration. She is a traitor to this country. Makes me sick knowing people like her are here.

MolochHunter ago

my post wasnt fully clear - one of 2 men arrested at the camp is the SON of Linda Sarsours Imam, who she is on record as describing him as her 'favourite person'

InnocentAngels ago

I knew about that too. Also, in one of the articles it said the other man was the Imams son-in-law. Wonder how many other training camps are here? Hope this discovery leads to more arrests.

Shizy ago

What the??? No I missed that memo! Be prepared for this case to magically disapear from the public eye!

new4now ago

ohhhh thats a good one

wonder if he middleman for terriosts coming over mexican border

carmencita ago

Yes! I saw that. Thanks for reminding me/us about those kitty hats Disgusting Name after they broiled DT for using the word. Yes, what a joke, their collaboration. And now that they have announced that the father was teaching the kids to shoot up schools, what next.

new4now ago


there were 3 women there who is claimed to be Mothers of the children

it wasnt even their property, and when owners went to court they are still there

what is going on here

carmencita ago

Well. we know there are trafficking camps and since we have heard radical muslims have been coming over the border, we can only imagine. Possibly trafficking camp and Fox News has intimated that it was a terrorist training camp. Both are frightening. Something is definitely odd about the court results. Possibly they have someone looking out for them. So many answers. But which one is right.

InnocentAngels ago

I am just shocked about this. The main reason is this thread from 2 days ago and comments by BistroPalin who stated this, and how the media would catch up with this story and prove him/her correct. I thought this person was full of you know what. Sorry Bistro.

carmencita ago

I just checked it out and yes, this is the second one I believe. Also I saw a news blurb about a couple of Muslims that smuggled a few Yemin refugees over the US border. I am looking but can't seem to find.

InnocentAngels ago

This person either does really extensive research or has insider information. Hope you find that other post too.

carmencita ago

Still have not found that story, but I did find this. Open trenches found.

InnocentAngels ago

Wow, the property owner tried to have them evicted from his property, and it was refused in court. Unbelievable. They built this place like a fort preparing for battle. The owner said they had been there since the first of the year. Wonder if all the children were there from the beginning?

carmencita ago

Wow is right! I was amazed by this article. I think it also points to a training camp for terrorists. A firing range. If there are tunnels it could possibly be training camp and trafficking camp. Two birds one stone. First of the year makes sense since the child was reported missing in Dec. Yes they must have been for their mothers were there too. I am reading it for the second time now.

InnocentAngels ago

It does sound possible it is a training camp. The thing I'm trying to figure out is what Bistro said about how they were in hiding from the Imam.?????

carmencita ago

Possibly they were trafficking those kids, or I think I remember in the article they had a camera. Were they making CP? I am just guessing here of course. The Imam is his father so who knows what issues they have with one another.

InnocentAngels ago

I saw that they had a laptop there too. So no electricity, but maybe generators? Ready to find out more on all of this.This Imam may play a big role in whatever is going on.

carmencita ago

I am hoping there will be more to come. Sometimes they let these stories drop with no further info. I will try to keep up on it. Yes, I agree there is something strange with the laptop and possibly that Iman has involvement in their criminal ops here.

new4now ago

had came across the Imans name, wow, related

Thanks for following this, wonder what else they are going to find

carmencita ago

I hope to keep checking and report. I hope this doesn't just fizzle out, I mean burying it. I felt there was something more to the story.

3141592653 ago

When they say "terrorist compound", my gut says the truth is child trafficking compound.

carmencita ago

Your gut could be on target. Possibly they are trying to hide something much bigger than it seems. Someone mentioned a tunnel in a news report. I will see if I can find it.

Criticalthinker615 ago

Reminds me of the camp that was found in New Mexico with the rape trees and whatnot.

carmencita ago

Yes. I believe there are many of these. But the terrorist connection is scary. Could be more of trafficking than jihadi connection.

Criticalthinker615 ago

The amount of children found there sure seems to point towards trafficking.

Shizy ago

They are Muslim and they breed like rabbits so it's hard to say for sure

Criticalthinker615 ago

Well, our rabbits have At least 6 babies with each pregnancy. And the mother rabbit does the best she can to care for her offspring unlike these "people" . I'm not aware of any Muslims that have that ability so the idea that 11 children were left in these conditions is quite the clue. I don't think that i can dismiss the idea based on that thought

Shizy ago

Yeah I guess it's unfair to rabbits to compare these people to them.

carmencita ago

I agree and many in both of my posts are saying the same thing. I hope they dig deep on this one.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

ISIS traffick drugs and I have a hunch that they traffick children and work in tandem with intelligence agencies.

carmencita ago

Totally believe it and I am sure I have seen that in articles and posts on here. Yes, besides MS-13 we now have ISIS as well. .

Shizy ago

Thanks for the added info on this awful case! Honestly can't say I am surprised by any of this.

carmencita ago

Shocking! At least the tie to the Imam Dad. The Compound Training part WAS also surprising. I wonder how far this will go.

Shizy ago

I just read that they are searching the compound today with dogs. I'm assuming that means they are trying to find the body of the missing boy. So sad! Poor baby would have turned 4 yesterday.

carmencita ago

I read that he had leg braces in addition to all his other problems. That father should be charged with murder if they little boy turns up dead. He did nothing to keep him safe and denied him his medication which was his life saver.

Shizy ago

The dad allegedly told the mom he wanted to perform an exorcism on the boy because he thought he was demon possessed. How many kids have we seen turn up dead as a result of what goes on during these exorcisms (which seem to be excuses to beat and perpetuate violence on a little child)?

carmencita ago

This father seems to be totally mixed up. Do Muslims even believe in the devil? Yes, I have heard that exorcism has had horrible outcomes. Also he didn't seem to care to much about the boy's welfare, so who knows how well he performed the exorcism. A possible Crazed Performance.

MolochHunter ago

yes, they have this monument in Saudi Arabia of Satan where they pilgrimmage to each year and throw stones at it

carmencita ago

I am advising you read all of the comments there are some really surprising discoveries by all of us here. Property owned by Ted Turner, etc. The mother of the little boy set up a go fund me in Jan. VIP comments. Well, that is one good thing, throwing stones at Satan. We need to spread that news about Sansour and the Imam far and wide.

MolochHunter ago

i just posted it in Great Awakening as there's no clear child sex abuse

carmencita ago

OOPS. Want to thank you for spreading. The more eyes the better.

carmencita ago

Yeah, I haven't seen any child sex abuse either, but waiting, maybe there will be more coming out about those kids taken in by LE.

Dig4Dutroux-Holland ago

“Djinns” is what they call demons that posess people. Drug addiction, homosexuality, mental disabilities, all Djinns. English uses the similar “genie”, which is derived from djinn.

carmencita ago

Thanks for the info! We always learn so much from each other. I am starting to think there are more and more people that have demons within. The internet is a wonderful thing, but we are learning some things that we wish would just go away. Possibly it was always there, we just didn't know. So hopefully these djiins can be driven out.

derram ago :

Sickos busted for abusing kids at compound linked to controversial imam Siraj Wahhaj

This has been an automated message.

carmencita ago

Thanks! Very good wording.