con77 ago

obama let in thousands of these pieces of shit secretly through tijuana in the last couple months of his treasonous reign

111_onlythetruth ago

their only doing jobs americans won't do. shit-skins

RevDrStrangelove ago

Wrong Siraj Wahhaj but the one in the flyer is anti-American and anti-white like a motherfucker.

RevDrStrangelove ago

You really have a problem with facts. You're like a fountain of caps-locked bold faced misinformation. Facts are like Kryptonite to you. Seriously, you need to step away from the keyboard and just read.


I put it in caps since that appears to be your preferred method of communication. Also if you bother to look UP you'll see that mcgee and I were talking about them being father an son - 8.5 hours ago.

fuckfacemcgee ago

DailyMail a few hours ago said fuckfacemcgee is correct !

Lol, I would have laughed my ass off if the article actually quoted "Voat member Fuckfacemcgee"

We've been infiltrated like a motherfucker. The Liberal left is trying to destroy America from within. We're going to have to start hanging these cocksuckers so they understand we're not fucking around.

fuckfacemcgee ago

There's speculation that this is his son.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Absolutely. I was looking in to that myself. They're both American blacks, they are the right age to be father and son - that I can verify. I haven't gotten around to going farther down the rabbit hole with this but it's certainly plausible.

sk8_4_life ago

Hidden from american citizens because you don't see this stuff on the news

1Iron_Curtain ago

When Europe begins putting stricter restrictions on illegal African immigration to their countries(Europe will have to realize this in about 50-200 years or they will perish demographically) all those illegal African immigrants are going to be heading towards the Mexican border.

North America is the go-to place for all the worlds immigrants, whether legally or illegally speaking. Its not necessarily because there is so much opportunity in North America, but rather our approach to illegal immigrants have become relatively passive. If they can get in they will. I know this is not a case of African Muslims willingly trying to get into North America, but its going to rise especially since Africa's general population is exploding(which means that if Europe is willing to take in the maximum there is going to be a lot that are going to have head elsewhere).

I don't envision this population will make up more than 5-10% of the American population in 100-150 years, but perhaps my numbers are conservative considering how many Somalis have flooded the upper Midwest. People don't quite get it that some of the cartels in Mexico have ties to international terrorists, some with links to Al-Qaida, and ISIS would assuredly like to get into the game too. A lot of these people have connections with people in the inner cities of Europe(London, Paris, and Berlin especially) and in areas such as North Africa(Algeria and Morocco especially).

This is why Trump's wall needs to be built and new immigration laws need to be instituted. The current politicians seem rather hostile towards protecting the basic aspects of our national security.

The reason why they don't is because three factions win from this, the corrupt corporate internationalists, those who need cheap hard-labor(new "plantation" society), and politicians who are Republicans but crypto-liberals and believe democracy is a universal system that should embrace everyone(the neocon party) and like the fact that America will become more "bipartisan" when it demographically changes.

BistroPalin ago

You guys are bickering about dumb stuff and are completely missing that the two men who were involved in an armed standoff with police are the son and son-in-law of the WTC bombing imam. The women are their wives. The 11 children are the grandchildren of the WTC imam.

You are also missing that this whole group has connections to Clinton insiders.

viperguy ago


some are grandchildren of the WTC imam! :

Gorillion ago

Make a new thread for this. Include links etc. Sounds like it's worth spreading around if true.

InnocentAngels ago

Can you post a link or show proof of this?

BistroPalin ago

I figured it out on my own just by googling around. Media and police should catch up in a few days, then you'll get confirmation and article links from third parties you trust at that point. I know all their names, relationships, and why they were hiding out and who from. Also, there's probably a hit out on them by this point and if the FBI doesn't figure this all out and take over the case immediately the two men won't last long in prison.

InnocentAngels ago

I'm amazed how right you were about this. You can understand how I could doubt you without further proof. Bravo to you!

viperguy ago

EVERYTHING BistroPalin SAID IS eerily now TRUE as a few hours ago! BistroPalin is a buddy of Q ? refer to daily mail a few hours ago :

RevDrStrangelove ago

I've googled the shit out if this and haven't come up with anything other than the fact that the two Siraj Wahhaj's are the right ages to be father and son and they are both black. Outside of that, nothing. I'd love it if you threw me a bone.

Rawrination ago

Google is owned by the CIA. Stop using them in every way possible.

Use Starpage, Duckduckgo, hell even Bing is better for these kind of searches.

BistroPalin ago

Sure, the WTC connected man posted several months ago that there was a family dispute and all these people, including his son, had gone missing and asked the muslim community to help him find them and contact him with info. From the info you find there, and social media crawling, you find all the names and relationships between everyone. Then go back and read all the articles in Georgia about the original case from last year, the updates throughout this year, and, if you happen to have access, search the New Mexico state property records. Also look into the statements by their neighbor in New Mexico about his conflicts with them. Then go back to the WTC connected guy and start reading his entire history and the people he has influenced and what his whole deal is. Then you'll have a very clear picture of everything that has happened her.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Searching for Siraj Wahhaj or Jeffrey Kearse?

BistroPalin ago

His social media's under the former. Latter birth name comes up generally in older bios and general info, I didn't use it.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Thank you.

InnocentAngels ago

So it's just speculation on your part. It really doesn't make sense either. Why would the children be treated so horribly if they were hiding them to protect them?

Shizy ago

To us the children were kept in horrible conditions, but to third world dwellers this could be seen as normal.

InnocentAngels ago

I can see that as being so. I remember hearing they were tipped off by a detective or law enforcement officer in Georgia that someone connected to them( someone in the compound) had informed them they were starving. This is just horrific. I still can see the little 4 year old in my mind. Poor kids had to endure that.

BistroPalin ago

No it's not speculation at all, it's research. The children weren't being treated horribly intentionally. The group was in hiding not only in the most remote place they could think of, but complete with impromptu bunker using the truck they drove out there. They ran out of money and food, which is what happens after nine months when you build a bunker and have 17 people and only six months of provisions.

viperguy ago

EVERYTHING BistroPalin LEAKED IS eerily now TRUE as a few hours ago! Dailymail says all BistroPalin's wild claims are solid facts today :

InnocentAngels ago

Blown away by his knowledge about this. Incredible! My apologies to you too, if you know what I'm talking about.

Alex_Jones ago

Dude that is like some deep dive shit. I appreciate the information, firstly. Can you work on some fact pattern imagery. As in, get the WTC imam, and what it was about. The Georgia news, with updates. And the info from the social media networks. Grab the land records from new Mexico.

It's a lot of work. Let me know, I can try to help.

BugChasingFaggot ago

Oh these niggers get my blood boiling so bad sossooooooooooooo bad fuck these apes god damn it!

freespeechwarrior ago

Why make up shit that you can't confirm? The story's weird enough as is. You very well may be right but all you're doing by posting inflammatory titles is making people think you're an idiot once they read the article. People like you, whether on the left or right, are a disease on the internet. You're also the tenth person to post this story today so you're wasting bandwidth too. If it comes out that it was a kiddie sex ring, tell everyone, but until you know what's going on, you're just discrediting yourself with the clickbait titles.

viperguy ago

Remember the previous remote desert earth berm fortified child restraining holding camp in the desert in June ?

Eventually a teen skull was found 19.5 miles away, photo :

The sex slave bunker last month was demolished by black vans, before the ex Navy seals could take more videos. It was also heavily protected by Clinton Foundation connected armed guards after discovery.

freespeechwarrior ago

That sure looked like a crackhead hobo camp to me, and all of the "facts" about it are coming from shady propaganda sites. I don't doubt that shady shit is going on but making assumptions makes it look like someone's larping.

viperguy ago

It had underground holding cell with opening only big enough for a child and childrens clothing, and a "alert string" running along a distance for a scout to pull. Hobo way in middle of desert.... sure !!!! Right!!! hahahahahah

RevDrStrangelove ago

This is NOT "way in the middle of the desert". This is right off an interstate highway in the middle of civilization. This is a very short distance away from Tucson International airport.

This is the GPS co-ordinates 32.128759, -110.988011

freespeechwarrior ago

Obviously you've never visited AZ or NM.

viperguy ago


HAH! He was an african Muslim : confirmed, the kids are not the DNA of the captors : confirmed , the land was protected from law enforcement meddling and hard to get search warrant : confirmed, the kids are destined to go back to mexico. for sex or coyote purposes? some are for sex. The article mentioned they are already BRAINWASHED.\

freespeechwarrior ago

"Facts" are a shady concept these days.

carlip ago

don't you get it? the agenda won't push itself!!!1!

freespeechwarrior ago

I get it. ;)

People spreading bullshit to push agendas need some lead injections.

carlip ago

9mm aspirin is surprisingly effective against migraintions

freespeechwarrior ago

That would burn like a motherfucker!

RevDrStrangelove ago


viperguy ago

As I mentioned, abc news (the article source) wont tell you about the "child trafficking holding camp" angle.

The camp is to hold them for pickup towards mexico after sale. The article conceded the kids were brainwashed and malnourished.

RevDrStrangelove ago

The reason why they won't report the "child trafficking holding camp" angle is because there probably isn't one. You're representing baseless and unsubstantiated hyperbole as "fact". You're not helping anything. They are 'brainwashed' because they are fucking muslim extremists - not because of some child trafficking hysteria. This appears to be a tiny wanna-be ISIS camp. Also it appears they are Americans - is in straight up grade-A American nigger.

viperguy ago

abc news wont tell you about the "child trafficking holding camp" angle. The camp is to hold them for pickup towards mexico after sale.

viperguy ago

Remember the previous remote desert earth berm fortified child restraining holding camp in the desert in June ?

Eventually a child's skull was found !, photo :

The sex slave bunker last month was demolished by black vans, before the ex Navy seals could take more videos. It was also heavily protected by Clinton Foundation connected armed guards after discovery.

RevDrStrangelove ago

This is right off an interstate highway in the middle of civilization. This is a very short distance away from Tucson International airport.

These are the GPS co-ordinates 32.128759, -110.988011

drstrangegov ago

Feels like we were tossed a bone. These people need to be ended. Not good enough.