crystalclearme ago

@shockdoctrine101 I upvoated this about two weeks ago and then happened upon some interesting information I was thinking you may be able to confirm or look into with your notes. Robert Wadman who was a key player and partner in the disgusting Franklin/Boystown scand and went scot free (involving of course more coverup and connections) went on to become a PhD and professor at Weber University. In this article it mentions his work with ICITAP and his part in training police in Albania, Poland, Haiti and Nigeria. He was eventually not re-hired on account of his past but I would love to see where his involvement was and was it with Dyncorp?

ShockDoctrine101 ago

This is very interesting, I had no idea that Wadman was involved in International Police Training (ICITAP).

From the link in the article you provided it clearly states that ICITAP works very closely with the State Department / USAID and other gov. agencies. The majority of contracts awarded to DynCorp come from State Dept. / USAID / i think there's a good chance that he worked for or with DynCorp. DyCorp have had contracts with Haiti / Nigeria / Kosovo-Bosnia (Albania's right there) but not sure about Poland.

Thanks for this, I see if i can make anymore connections with my notes.

Edit / Add-on

Found this interesting article about ICITAP in Haiti (1995)

And this looks interesting but it's behind a paywall

Table of contents - "Failed in Iraq" - "Failed in Haiti"

crystalclearme ago

Thought you'd find it useful. Now also this- Sandusky/Penn/2nd Mile also related to Franklin & FBI: Graham Spanier (Pres of Penn State at time) long time good friends with none other than Ronald Roskens ( confirmed & outed perp of Franklin Scandal & very close friends with Bush) Roskens ended up HEAD of USAID. Spanier also ended up with US gov't job dealing with National Security (never confirmed what) !!!!!

Mad_As_Hell ago

Excellent work. Related - someone pointed out on another thread that Edmond Mulet, MINUSTAH's head of mission, was charged with human trafficking offences in Guatemala He's now UN Chief of Staff to Ban Ki Moon

allconnected ago

Great work OP. I don't think the public are aware just how much corporate welfare is given to companies such as dyncorp and all to go into these countries and set up basically a police state. The government is counting on public ignorance because the obvious question is why is billions being spent on opening prisions etc in Haiti, and other such countries? I think we need to pull this information together in a way that can bring attention to this and raise awareness among the public. We need the public to start asking why are dyncorp etc getting tax dollars to set up a police state in haiti? I think most of the public we just give humanitarian aid. Once they get control of the countries legal, police, and prison system - how is it that rapes, trafficking, etc increase exponentially?

RecycledUser ago

Has anyone sent George Webb the link to this OP? It and the comments are great!

followthemoney ago

Guess who else trains police... Tavistock.

doubleherpes ago

If I started a charity to fix all this stuff (secure, shelter, feed, educate, and economically empower poor Haitians), who would donate?

Imagine there being an autonomous region in Haiti whose people owed their freedom to Pizzagate! That would be a real contribution to the future of this planet I think.


Why the fuck is it necessary for euroethnic communities to 'educate' subsaharran cannibals on shelter, food, eduction and economic empowerment... subsaharrans cannibals have been a culture 1000s of years longer than the European continent was even populated, cultural ways do not change, are Europeans just retarded or is their some weird shadow force manipulating their emotions and logic, every time a new baby is born, they are going to have the same innate cultural instincts as from meliniums past, no matter how much you pretend to train their parents!

doubleherpes ago

First of all, take a deep breath. You're gonna give yourself a rage stroke.

Secondly, Tell me the history of Haiti in a paragraph, so I know that you understand what you're talking about. What was the Arawak name for the island? What was Columbus's name for it? Who is Jean Bertrand Aristide?


Those political details are not pertinent to my discussion of basic cultural value!

doubleherpes ago

How will we know that you're right until we've established that you've even checked at all?


Do you have a point our are you just babbling?

doubleherpes ago

I do have a point! That you came to the wrong conclusions, because you're unaware of particular events and historical relationships.

What was the Arawak name for the island? What was Columbus's name for it? Who is Jean Bertrand Aristide?


I am discussing culture, you are discussing political history, these subjects are not the same!

doubleherpes ago

They are related in a very important way that you don't realize yet because you didn't study it.

What was the Arawak name for the island? What was Columbus's name for it? Who is Jean Bertrand Aristide?

It's very strange to talk to someone who is actually afraid to learn something new. What are you scared will happen if you look up the Arawak name for Haiti on Wikipedia? It's silly.


Are you a subsaharran?

doubleherpes ago

I'm forced to conclude that you haven't researched history in any meaningful way. Your arguments don't have any credibility now.

Imagine how convincing you would sound if you had been able to talk coherently about Haitian history! You would have sounded so smart and informed! Oh well.


You sound retarded, what is your game, are you a subsaharran cannibal?

doubleherpes ago


Freemasonsrus ago

This is a world wide issue but there are certainly areas that are more ripe for the taking, (see: poor) Make sure to do your searches on these subjects including subsidiaries of Dyncorp. A guy I knew used to be the CEO of KBR, another govt contractor and sub of Dyncorp. KBR was taken to court over a case where they had lured 13 Nepalese men to Iraq with all kinds of promises. Took their passports once they arrived. And then sent them to work in a very dangerous area, which the men had NOT signed up for. On the way, their vehicle was attacked and 12 of the men were killed. The 13th lived to tell the tale. My point is that the trafficking going on is not just for women and children. The reason I got curious about KBR is bc years ago (around the time of article below) the CEO said that a "good" day was when only 1 or 2 people died. I couldn't figure out at the time how that many contractors could die and it not be reported in the news. I have a much better grasp of the statement now.

Jem777 ago

Just to let you know KkR is once again part of the military industrial complex dedicated to topple governments. Creating havoc and hell and death for its citizens so it can make money off of war profiteering. DAVID Patreus is de facto leader with Henry Kissinger and Neil Brown (that's right married to the missing CEO of Clinton Foundation Eric Braverman(identified already as possibly a noc as was His partner Neil Brown. This corruption is disgusting. Involved Dyncorp/CIA as usual. Child trafficking.Organ harvesting see George Webb YouTube. Also prayer for our nation.

Freemasonsrus ago

Are you referring to KK&R? That's a different co than KBR. I've watched all of GW's videos and have t heard him mention KBR. (Kellog Brown and Root) Similar to Halliburton, also a sub of Dyncorp.

OrwellKnew ago

Interesting, was thinking the same

snooooze ago

#PrayForHaiti has never been so relevant...

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Fantastic post, one of the top ones, thanks for the effort! So the Haitians among others are being robbed of their lives, homes, resources, sovereignty, dignity, freedom, and the final insult, their fucking children. Good god

strix-varia ago

I wonder about the likes of Sean penn who has a charity set up there. Don't hear the degenerate celebrities speaking up about it.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yea I don't trust Sean Penn for a second, and fucking Wyclef Jean, taking Clinton money to run for president, he wud have sold his countries resources for pennies on the dollar? Wtf is wrong with these cunts?

strix-varia ago

Money, money, money, power, power, power, control, control, and more control.

Jem777 ago

Check ou Sean Penn's connections to DyncorpCIA. Also the El Chapo capture this followed Obama and Holders fast and furious to run guns into Mexico to turn gangs an each other. And give Sinola all power. Some of this guns game back even killed Border Agent Brian Terry.? Those guns are on the loose now supplied by Obama administration. El Chapo was just out along with Carlos Slim of bankrolling all the recent Hollywood movies which are a depiction of this horror. Notice how Sean Penn "somehow" gained acess to El Chapo while he was FBI most wanted. Onto the Hollywood connection Eyes wide shut, The hunger games a spin on their human hunting of children. It is worse than we ever thought.?

remedy4reality ago

Good Luck finding a Haitian with something good to say about the Clintons. They know what is up.

Vindicator ago

Well put-together post, ShockDoctrine. Thanks for all the links. Maybe we can drill down to some specific individuals in charge of this stuff?

ShockDoctrine101 ago

My Apologies!

I just checked the links and they no longer connect.

Please see the link at the top, the images uploaded to are still functional.

I read about and being compromised yesterday.

Maybe someone here can give me a hand and suggest some alternatives?


Jesus. I saw in a recent webb YT video that the new movie Trafficked gives a good overview of this kind of work...

derram ago :

UN peacekeepers sexually abuse hundreds of women and minors in Haiti in exchange for food and medicine, new report will reveal | The Independent

This has been an automated message.

RecycledUser ago

"UN peacekeepers sexually abuse hundreds of women and minors in Haiti in exchange for food and medicine, new report will reveal | The Independent" As if that's not bad enough, George Webb's videos today (Day 86), say that part of the process is harvesting organs there too.

Koched_Up404 ago

I saw day 86 today too...he spcifically talks about the possibility that prisoners are being harvested for their organs.

Jem777 ago

We have to let Trump know to stop Dyncorp/CIA...trafficking...