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18637801? ago

Not surprised for Disney is a satanic POS that had me fooled most of my life until recent years. I wouldn't go or take my family there if they paid me. They also have made Americans train foreigners to replace them but when you look at their ties to the C_A it says it all.

18639530? ago

He was involved with masons and blackmail? Who are the Shriners? ? Freemason Shriners secret sub-group, the "Royal Order of Jesters" The Shriners, Freemasons Royal Order of Jesters, the Lucis Trust, the United Nations Alliance for Civilizations and DynCorp Prostitution, embezzlement allegations fly in lawsuits involving Shriners St. Louis University and the Moolah Shriners Ancient Arabic Order of the Mystic Shrine. Controls SOBIB and Royal Jesters and Shriners. Founded by Mohammad relative in 7th century. All are dedicated to Islam I've read the Shriner's initiation ceremony. The initiate pledges allegiance to Mohammed and Allah which surprised me I must say. I thought Jah-Bul-On was their thing but clearly as you go higher up, the rules get more fluid. Researching The Shriners and The Royal Order of Jesters it appears that both orders are controlled by an exclusive branch of the Jesters named The S.O.B.I.B. The Arabic title translates as The 'Order of Brothers in Blood', the 'S' for 'Secret'

With only 254 members in 2008, this handful of men are said to dominate both the Jesters and The Shrine. The SOBIB 'Confidential Membership Roster' from 2008 including members names and addresses can be found at the link below.

Let's get it before it goes; it's not archiving. blackmail?

18642948? ago

Wow thanks for all great info. Pure evil.