blumen4alles ago

We have seen that many things are the exact opposite of what they claim to be. An organization with the stated intention of helping a certain group, when in reality they are exploiting that certain group. Hiding in plain sight.

Imagine if you had hard evidence how quickly you would be arkancided.

I see where you are going with this, please be careful out there. Trust no one.

ReeceHolland ago

Trust no one. I needed a good reminder. Thank you.

SuckaFree ago

Nooooo!!! Not the Shriners, too?!?!!! Have actually thought about this and will look into it now

Veridic ago

My daughter got help from the Shriners when she was about 3. The docters were volunteers or full time but under paid. The orthopedics dept was amazing. The waiting rooms were full of kids, with parents, who really needed to be there. They always encouraged the parents to stay with the kids the whole time, because it's kind of scary for little children.

From my experience with them, they were really good.

bushka ago

You speak the truth.

ReeceHolland ago

So in your mind there is no way a group that solely focuses on disadvantaged children would have child predators in its ranks?

bushka ago

Most of the members of the Shriners have no contact with the kids. Of course it is possible for any organization to have child predators in their ranks but Shriners are not a front group masking a pod of predators.

ReeceHolland ago

The secret meetings, dressing up as clowns, cryptic language. It just seems over done for a charity group.

bushka ago

They only dress up as clowns for parades, not at meetings. It's not creepy like you're thinking.

bushka ago

I don't know the history of the Shriners. What I do know is the Shriners raise funds for the Shriners Hospital while getting nothing material in return. They are not pedophiles or organ harvesters, but everyday men in the community who belong to a charity group. I'm sure there's corruption in the organization somewhere but their mission is honorable.

The_Raven ago

Yeah because you have to be part of a secret society and make secret oaths in order to be charitable. /s

bushka ago

So kind of like college fraternities only they fund hospitals

The_Raven ago

All frats and sororities can go to hell too.

bushka ago

Antifa is that you?

The_Raven ago

Are you fucking serious? Guess you're a fan of Skull & Bones, and the homo rape/humiliation culture.

Dsciexterminationist ago

Youre pretty dumb

bushka ago

Or maybe I have direct experience and I know this is bullshit.

Dsciexterminationist ago

Found the pederast

bushka ago

Sorry, can't be true.

Dsciexterminationist ago

What if I told you I have direct experience that says it is indeed so, true? Sorry, can be.

bushka ago

Then you are among the corrupt in the organization or an enabler. Very sad.

Dsciexterminationist ago

What proportion of an organization's membership must be corrupt before the organization itself is considered such?

Gothamgirl ago

I think they're basically masons, except leaning more towards the muslim side.

ReeceHolland ago

Will do thank you.

The_Raven ago

@ReeseHolland Here's a book you may want to buy or have a library order for you.

ridleychozo ago

Could be pedophiles or blood and organ harvesters due to their ties to hospitals. Or both. Probably into mysticism as well. Shriners are often older than most Masons it seems. Pedo wizards.

bushka ago

Shriners are older than most Masons because you have to be a master Mason to become a Shriner. That takes time.

sugamari ago

this bad math like real bad.

The_Raven ago

I wouldn't doubt that their hospitals are involved in that sick stuff. And why only burn victims? Maybe because Hell is full of fire? I don't know really, just speculating. I do know that the Shriners are the highest level you can reach. They are the 33rd degree.

ReeceHolland ago

Organ harvesting. Did not even cross my mind. Wow.

bushka ago

This is what you base your premise on? You can't really be serious.

The_Raven ago

You're blind, or covering for your brothers.

ReeceHolland ago

Thanks for the lead. They really think we are too stupid to put this shit together.

The_Raven ago

You're welcome, and of course narcissists, sociopaths, and psychopaths will always believe they're untouchable.

ReeceHolland ago

So you’re saying the Shriners are strictly a good group, if so, why the mysticism? Surely they would know that brings suspicion. Cryptic names for gatherings, Saturn symbolism etc. just a coincidence?

The_Raven ago

Where do you see that I'm calling them a good group? Your take away is miles away from what I'm trying to show you.

ReeceHolland ago

That was meant for the bushka character, my apologies.

The_Raven ago

Ah, gotcha. No worries and carry on!