DeepDiver ago

Since you mentioned Charles Lindbergh, and since intrepid YouTube researcher George Webb has also mentioned the case recently coining the term "Lindbergh Baby back door" I just thought I would drop this here

Was the Lindbergh Kidnapping an Inside Job?

JonBenet Ramsey. Madeline McCann. Why do these bizzare cases keep occurring?

mooteensy ago

fogdryer ago

Wow I'm impressed !

carmencita ago

We must get more attention on SOCIETIES. They are BEHIND IT ALL

HighLevelInsider ago

Jesuits are controlled by the Freemasons now.

carmencita ago

WELL, Lookie Here. An odd thing I decided to look up Knox College where JP went. I check the Alumni List. 6. Matt Berg '00 was named one of Time's "most influential people in the world." He developed ChildCount+, an open source mobile health system; created the Last Mile Initiative, which brings basic information and communication technologies to rural African villages; and was director of information and communications technology for the Millennium Villages Project at Columbia University's Earth Institute. His currently chief executive officer of the social enterprise technology company Ona. THEN THIS 10. Alison Snyder-Warwick '00 uses her surgical skills to help children with facial paralysis, cleft palate, and other conditions as director of the Facial Nerve Institute at St. Louis Children's Hospital and assistant professor of plastic and reconstructive surgery at Washington University School of Medicine. ALSO THIS 11. Ismat Kittani '51 came to Knox from Iraq, helped establish our Honor Code, and went on to become president of the United Nations General Assembly. THESE are 3 things we are researching right now. Connections to Hospitals dealing with Children in larger cities especially. A Possible Red Flag, I wonder why he chose KNOX? It could also have a connection to St. Louis. Maybe.

carmencita ago

This needs to be UPVOATED. Big Time. How else will we be able to get this out there. There are slews of these societies everywhere. The one has 3K places throughout the globe. Lord Help Us. Spread This Everywhere Please. EDIT:

carmencita ago

Thank You to @ben_matlock for bringing up St. Louis. There is a wealth of information there to be uncovered. The fact, yes, that there are 3 temples in such a small area shows that they know they are invincible. Until now. They are being noticed. We need to keep pulling back their covers. Keep posting and spreading their existence. That is the last thing they want. Keep It Coming. Upvoat4U

2impendingdoom ago

@carmencita, @WolfTrail for connections to St. Louis.

carmencita ago

I am here, have been on and off for 3 hrs. Am trying to get others to join in.

mooteensy ago

Reporting for duty, friend.

carmencita ago

Thank you! Have at it. We are discussing Moolah Shriners, but actually have delved and dabbled in others.

carmencita ago

Yes, I and @Wolftrail7272 did much researching on St. Louis. That is not one of the societies I have info on. I worked on mainly the Jesuit Orders and on one called the Veiled Prophet which opened up all kinds of info for me. Too long to go into. But believe me, almost all the societies are Masons. There are a slew of them in every larger city and they are in smaller towns and cities as well. There is one the is the @deMolay that Bill Clinton belongs to and it is the National HQ in St. Louis, With a Chaper in Racine, Wi. And the Beat Goes On.

HighLevelInsider ago

The Freemasons have hundreds of different side orders and appendant bodies. This enables them to maintain the facade of being a respectable group, while the appendant bodies run drugs, pimp out children, and do political blackmail.

The Veiled Prophet Ball is related to the Mystic Order of Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm (MOVPER), also known as the Grotto.

carmencita ago

Thanks for that Grotto info, remember seeing that now. Am reading over. Yes, the MOVPER should be researched. Ugh. There are so many of them.

carmencita ago

On December 22, 1972, in Kiel Auditorium, the most dramatic event occurred when Gena Scott slid down a power cable and unmasked the Prophet, who that year was Monsanto Company executive vice president Tom K. Smith, according to the St. Louis Journalism Review.[9] But newspapers at the time refused to print his identity, although likely at least 100 people saw him. The papers claimed that the unmasking was too brief but, according to Spencer, it has been documented that their editorial policies led to suppression of customary journalistic reporting.[8]In continuing reaction, Scott's car was bombed near her apartment. Her place was vandalized numerous times.[8] (Lucy Ferriss explores these events in her memoir, Unveiling the Prophet. Her aunt Ann Chittenden Ferriss, was selected as the 1931 Queen of Love and Beauty). The unveiling of the Prophet was the most dramatic disruption in ACTION's long campaign (1965-1976) to encourage the many CEOs in the VP Organization to hire more minority workers at their businesses. While VP spokesmen said they took no notice of ACTION, its leader Percy Green had been laid off in 1964 and never was able to get another job for a St. Louis corporation.[8]

2impendingdoom ago

OMG, c, you've really been plowing through all this. I've been out most of today but will try to get back on it tonight. Nice work!!

carmencita ago

When you get time I just submitted a post on Whether the State Should Choose Parents for Babies. It is from Medical Kidnap Thank you.

2impendingdoom ago

I I noticed it and will get there eventually... am checking out QK's Awan post with one foot out the door...

carmencita ago


2impendingdoom ago


carmencita ago

Thanks this post deserves it.

carmencita ago

Yes, they set up hospitals, schools, all kinds of children's help centers and they are all linked to the societies. The Masons are behind so many of the Children's hospitals. There are not enough of us to dig into all of them. There are some in S.t Louis.

HighLevelInsider ago

You don't need to dig into them all. You need to catch one of them in the act.

carmencita ago

This is the problem. What we need is a real plan. Someone to carry it out.

ben_matlock ago

wow, going through that VP wiki it appears that actress Ellie Kemper (Erin, from The Office) was the Veiled Prophet Queen in 1999. i remember going to the old VP Fair when I was a kid, no one ever gave it any thought as to why it was called that.

carmencita ago

Yes, and I forgot his name, but the head of Monsanto was crowned as it's head. But his head was covered, I believe with a bag. A lot of times people don't know what they are seeing. That is probably what they meant by their given name...The Veiled Prophet I don't know how I finally arrived at the answer, by just long hard research I guess, that one of the ancestors of the members was responsible for a hospital being built that contributed to the start of Tenet Healthcare. It is so complicated and intertwined. You know how it goes, one thing opens up that leads to another, and so on and so on etc. Unfortunately I lost all my info during a blitzkrieg on my laptop. Sigh. I am awful at the tech stuff. Did you read the article about what happened to the protester at one of the parades? Her car or house was set on fire, I believe. The stuff gets fuzzy after a few months of so much more info entering your overloaded brain.

2impendingdoom ago

Lindberg is equally famous for having his child kidnapped.

ben_matlock ago

egad, failed to make that connection! the Lindbergh baby is the original Madeline McCann, one could say. actually ended up being more like the McCann case and the OJ trial wrapped up with one of Jean Benet Ramsey's bows, with the legendary H.L. Mencken calling it, "the biggest story since the Resurrection."

and, holy crap, check out this from wikipedia: "The crime spurred Congress to pass the Federal Kidnapping Act, commonly called the "Lindbergh Law", which made transporting a kidnapping victim across state lines a federal crime." the implications of this are profound with regards to the #pg investigation. we need to revisit this case from a fresh perspective. what if the whole kidnapping was staged to ensure the law's passage? sounds awfully false flaggish imo..

carmencita ago

M.S. Facebook site : There is so much on here. They are pictured with children and Col. Sanders was a member .. Also a Quote from Dave Thomas: There is NO double in my mind that Masonry is the Cornerstone of America. WHAT? OMG. Well in a way they are right. It is all over America. This must be checked out. They have many fund raisers and I wonder where all the money is going. Contributions? Probably and then some.

carmencita ago

They are having a Car Show to Benefit the Shriner's Children's Hospital This Sunday Here is the Flyer IT SAYS....Driving Our Cars, So Children Can Walk. WOW they are really good at Tugging On Those Heart Strings.. Amazing.

2impendingdoom ago

I think that you are probably right, the kidnapping was more than just the one guy. Look at Ann's family:

Anne Spencer Morrow was born on June 22, 1906 in Englewood, New Jersey.[4] Her father was Dwight Morrow, a partner in J.P. Morgan & Co., who became United States Ambassador to Mexico and United States Senator from New Jersey. Her mother, Elizabeth, was a poet and teacher, active in women's education,[1] who served as acting president of her alma mater Smith College.[2]

carmencita ago

I can't for the life of me understand why this has not gotten more upvoats. The societies are what are behind all the problems and what we are researching. Perplexing to me.

ben_matlock ago

Possibly because I posted this in the middle of the night (I'm on the other side of the planet)

carmencita ago

Well, I am trying. Some are probably at work and cannot join in. I have an interest in this I guess because of the researching I have done in St. Louis, but they are all over the country. @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt has told us over and over about Societies and how they are embedded in Racine Wi. Well they are all over the world. This must be our main objective spreading the word about Societies and what THEY are up to.

2impendingdoom ago

and yet the baby was found near the house.