pby1000 ago

"There will be no middle class, only rulers and servants. [...] The system will be on the basis of a welfare state [..] The U.S. Constitution will be abolished and become forbidden reading. [...] Marriage shall be outlawed and there shall be no family life as we know it. Children shall be removed from their parents at an early age and brought up as wards of the state; state property. [...]

Women will be degraded through the continued process of "women's liberation" movements. Free sex shall be mandatory. [...] Self abortion shall be taught and practiced after two children are born to a woman. [...] Pornography shall be promoted and be compulsory reading in every school classroom and shown in theaters and cinemas, including homosexual and lesbian pornography. The use of "recreational" drugs shall no longer be subject to criminal penalties [...] Mind-control drugs will be expanded [...] the non-elite masses will be reduced to a level of behavior of beasts, with no will of their own [...]

All wealth shall be aggregated in the hands of the elite members of the Committee of 300. Each individual shall be indoctrinated to understand that he or she is totally dependent upon the state for survival. [...] At least four billion "useless eaters" shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars and organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting pandemics and starvation. [...] The United States will be flooded by people of an alien culture, who will eventually overwhelm the stock of the original Americans who built America [...]

No national banks except the Bank of International Settlements and the World Bank shall be allowed to operate. [...] There shall be no cash or coinage in the hands of the non-elite. All transactions shall be carried out by means of a debit card [...] Attempts to trade "old" coins, that is to say, silver coins of previous and now defunct nations, shall be treated as a capital crime, subject to the death penalty. [...] Outlaws who fail to surrender to the police or military, after a declared period of time, shall have a family member selected at random to serve prison terms in their stead. [...] wars of attrition shall take place before the take-over of the One World Government, and shall be engineered on every continent where large groups of people with ethnic and religious differences reside. [...] Ethnic and religious differences shall be magnified and exacerbated; violent conflict as a means of "settling differences," shall be encouraged and fostered."

Dr. John Coleman, The Committee of 300

carmencita ago

This is frightening and scary. While people are worried about whether they will get their lattes and cheaper shipping they should be thinking about the Mark of the Beast which is what Amazon and Fox Conn will be demanding. The Tables Need To Be Turned Now. @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

pby1000 ago

My experience is that people just do not want to believe it is true. By the time they realize it, they will be boarding the cattle cars.

Committee of 300:


carmencita ago

Thank you. I am at a loss for words right now. I must take a break. Too many bad things in one day. Be back in a while. What angers me is that while we are screaming HELP they are not listening. You say they will be boarding the cattle cars, well I do not want to be boarding them because of a bunch of stupid people. We have to develop a plan of action. We can;t sit around on our laptops and quietly type. I do not have ideas right now, but we must formulate something.HELP!

kestrel9 ago

Interesting find...So James Dwyer believes the State should decide whether or not to grant parental rights to anyone, period. http://archive.is/b2Yv1

Dwyer believes the arc of family law in general is moving in his direction. Family law is "becoming more child-centered and protective in order to avoid the social costs of harm to children. A great example is the federal Adoption and Safe Families Act, which requires states to authorize termination of parental rights in some cases before a child has been maltreated, based on a parent's proven propensity to abuse children. Thus, it is now theoretically possible to protect a newborn child who is born to unfit parents from ever being abused, by immediately terminating the rights of a birth parent who has previously done horrible things to other children, thereby freeing the baby for adoption by fit parents.

"As a practical matter, that is not much different from my proposal that states disqualify demonstrably unfit birth parents from ever becoming legal parents to a newborn child."

Does his concern for newborns exist 5 minutes before birth? An hour, a day, a week?

He does advocate putting babies born to incarcerated parents up for adoption, and he does not advocate the case for 'prison babies' being raised in prison nurseries and maybe this is what he's getting at, 'don't let convicted mothers have parental rights'. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2015/07/prison-born/395297/

But that specific debate is a far cry to the slippery slope of a blanket statement of having the State be the one to hold the inherent rights of 'state parenthood' if you will, only granting license to whatever adult they decide fits their view of who should be allowed to raise children and where.


Dwyer's forthcoming article, "Zoning for Child Protection," focuses on the role neighborhood plays in child development and maltreatment. He contends "the state should zone some horrible residential areas 'no child zones' and remove children born into them. The legal system should require consideration of the community environment in which parents or potential parents live in any decision about children's lives. State legislatures should amend domestic relations and child protection laws to give explicit direction that neighborhood quality should be a factor in their decision-making." see http://law.wm.edu/news/stories/2010/dwyer-excerpt-unfit-communities.php excerpt.

While child abuse and the issues he discusses is a no brainer, there already are laws, and the state, time and again, has failed to protect the kids that fall under those existing laws (although banning entire neighborhoods from having kids in them is somewhat novel). Again, a lot of goals sound good in theory, but the "State" does have a propensity to either overreach, or make things worse. In highly politicized climates, such as we have now, what would the requirement be? 'You're neighborhood is too white', 'You attend a non State sanctioned Church', 'You don't agree with the UNs Trans Protocol, and aren't amendable to having the State mutilate your child's genitals'.... Permission for Parental rights status-Denied!

carmencita ago

Thank You for your Reply. That is a stupendous write up. The points you have brought up are scary at best. Taking away a mother's child because she made a mistake and must spend time in prison, is beyond cruel. So I propose that if Chelsea were to get convicted (Lord Let Us Pray) then it would be just fine to have taken her children? Oh, Oops I forgot, the fine upstanding grandfather would be glad to step in. No that would not happen. So what we have here is pure racism again. We know whose children will be removed or stolen, Black Brown Asian and Poor White Children. We have had cases like this posted here before. If we do not fight for these Children, All of Ours except those of the elite, will be in danger of being removed. And yes, Our Parental Rights Will Also Be Denied.

kestrel9 ago

James Dwyer's idea went beyond taking away a mother's rights (which can happen under current Child protection laws in cases of abuse, endangerment, neglect). No, what he's saying is that NO ONE gets 'mother's' rights to a newborn child unless the State gives the okay.

This is typically one of the "Big Sticks" used under Communism...everyone belongs to the State. Parents are silenced and controlled by being 'allowed' to retain custody to their kids, as long as they don't criticize the Government and follow Government imposed social engineering and attitudes.

And the implications for a pedophile invested government? They can take any child they want and give that child to whoever they want.

carmencita ago

What you have just written is what we have exactly been afraid of, down the road. But with him coming forward and blatantly announcing the taking away of anyone's children is shocking. We know they have taken "certain" children, but now he is coming right out with it. And hardly anyone is paying attention. Lock your doors. Not to give up, but to have meetings behind closed doors with relatives and friends. Get to your library and pin up flyers for meetings and hand out more flyers on corners. Also make calls to your senators and congressmen and let them know that you are not on board for any of this.

kestrel9 ago

All the social engineering that Hillary and Obama were working for on behalf of the Global powers that be, would have snuck up on everyone as people were still fighting over toilets...and would be happening. Now we at least have a shot of talking about it, to convince people not to vote for giving away our country to the cabal at the UN.

carmencita ago

The post has been deleted by MF Reason 1. I don't understand, if it was incorrect in some way why was it even moved to the HOT page in the first place. I am so mixed up. I so wanted all this info and what was in the comments to reach others.

kestrel9 ago

It falls into politics, without really specifying a direct case example to pedophilia. Good topic for PG whatever?

carmencita ago

Well, that is a thought, but not too many will see it there and newcomers will never go there. I will think about it.

carmencita ago

Yes, but talking is not enough. We have to do more, but I cannot come up with it. My mind is so very blocked by things I have read lately. This is frightening.

Amino69 ago

We live in an age where things such as this can be publicly espoused and the reaction to it is both supportive and rejective. It is a startling illustration of how humanity has become Satanically possessed and I mean that in the most literal sense. In time the support will grow and the rejection will dilute until we literally have a BNW scenario run by the Talmuds. I give thanks for being born when I was!

carmencita ago

I give thanks that I am strong enough to fight what this guy is espousing and what they have in mind. I am totally against what he says. It is an interesting time to be alive if you are against this Satanic Push and Take Over of Our Children.

merica_fk_yeah ago

the thought of this really BURNS me up. No one would take my child nor would i let them. These people are sick and they would ruin the kids and the kids are more susceptible to abuse.

carmencita ago

That is their plan. To get as many away from parents as possible. This is how they will create more pedophiles and also split up families. Stress and horror all around. This guy is from William and Mary College in Va. Big Surprise. He has been well trained and I am afraid there are more of them.

merica_fk_yeah ago

its the most frightening thing imaginable. Also Hillary's Book, "It takes a village" i think was a primer for that idea. She scares me, but the more i learn, the more i know they are all just the lower tier puppet masters to enact these things.

carmencita ago

I know. It scared me too. The comments from others that offered more information, really scared me even more, because the are right. There is much in store if we do not win this fight. People are not waking up fast enough.

carmencita ago

I get emails from @MedicalKidnap This attracted my attention and the more I read the more furious I got. We know there are problems already with CPS and their literally "taking" people's children out of their homes for bogus and made up accusations. They then many times have been placed in abusive foster homes. Please Read for this Mr. Dwyer is going to be able to dictate his policies regarding YOUR children. Scares Me To Death.

TippyHome ago

Probably won't surprise you, carmencita, that Comey is class of W&M 1984. He got has BA in religion and poly-sci. He got has law degree in Chicago, so I guess that's where he got his contacts started with the Dems there. The school started getting really liberal in the late 70's, thanks to a Democrat congressman who was also a history professor who had the board of visitors' ears and could push it.

carmencita ago

I used to be shocked by information about these disgusting scumbags. I am no longer. Yes, I am sure they all have connections in the opposite party. They are so greedy they would sell their own mother at this point. I have a feeling there may be some or a couple that might want to get out of the vicious cycle, but there is no way out. So very sad for our people and our country.