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ESOTERICshade ago

@crensch, about a year ago when I figured out that you had the v/pizzagatemods sub set so that only

a) you or your alts


b) you and a few people you knew about

could down vote in v/pizzagatemods, I knew you were playing dirty poker. You had the sub set with a 10 CCP minimum to be eligible to downvote. That means the way @puttitout had the code written that NOBODY could ever gain those 10 points needed to downvote except you and either A or B above.

I knew you were the person/s down voting people in that sub when nobody else could down vote. You also treated people that dared raise a concern about how v/pizzagate was being run like total shit. That was some low ass shit, in a sub trying to save children, bro.

Here you are, squatting on v/pizzagate as an Owner, and abusing the fuck out of people that dared to go into v/pizzagatemods and express an opinion. There was an Emergency thread started in v/protectvoat because of your management. That thread still exists.

You were told to undo your little shitty ass nigger rig abuse game in v/pizzagatemods.

THEN, next you almost allowed the Q-Army to swarm v/pizzagate into a state of destruction BUT I put a stop to that because SOMEBODY had to save v/pizzagate. If you had the capacity you would be appreciative. It was ALSO against EVERY RULE in the sidebar.

You can leave this revenge thread up for eternity and it won't change what you did.

I did a noble deed by saving v/pizzagate from ignorance, it is still intact, and the Q-Berts are now in their own space.

Your holier than thou ass..... You can leave this thread up until hell freezes over and it won't change the facts. I barely scanned this scorn piece once and then have paid no attention to it.

You fucked with the wrong person, get over it. To use your language you got "bested" and I know it hurts. Grow up, make better decisions, learn from it.

I would like to believe that you learned enough from this experience not to put v/pizzagate in jeopardy again because it is a precious resource that the world needs. For longer than I wanted, I was willing to help you protect this valuable resource.

You tried to start a poker game with me. What you didn't know is that your amateur ass was starting a game of "Go Fish" with a "Texas Hold Em" master. I learned how to play "Go Fish" before you were ever a thought in your parent's minds.

I will never bail this sub out again.....I won't do it again. You're welcome :)

Crensch ago

Everytime you post you motivate me to start posting Q stuff here. If I'm not too busy when I get home, I will start doing that.

You failed. You failed at everything and you will continue to fail. There is no future left for you here there is no Legacy that you will leave behind.

ESOTERICshade ago

Everytime you post you motivate me to start posting Q stuff here. If I'm not too busy when I get home, I will start doing that.

Knock yourself out. I won't say a word.

You failed. You failed at everything and you will continue to fail. There is no future left for you here there is no Legacy that you will leave behind.

If you ever leave a legacy, you can thank me for it, because if I had not saved your bacon, this place would be trashed.

Crensch ago

I know you were paid to destroy this place. You know it only worked as long as it did because I didn't get involved.

I bet it hurts knowing that your operation has now been so fully compromised that you can do nothing but try desperately to cling to any legitimacy you might have on any of your accounts.

What I like is that panicked Jews make lots of mistakes.

ESOTERICshade ago

Argosciv is an admitted blood drinker. crensch knows this.

@Vindicator @srayzie @kevdude @puttitout

And anybody else with a sane mind that gives a shit about v/pizzagate. Apparently we might see a butt hurt scorched earth scenario here by crensch. I hope not because I invested a lot of my soul in this place. Might be time for some intervention?

srayzie ago

Argosciv is an admitted blood drinker. crensch knows this.

We know this. I myself have talked to @Argosciv. He’s really trying to make improvements in his life. I’m not defending what he did. But I am defending the fact that this was in the past. He’s a human being. Everyone deserves a second chance.

What is it that’s bothering you? That’s he’s a mod on ProtectVoat? That has nothing to do with Pizzagate. He’s been respectful. He knows to not talk about religion around me and others. He’s respecting boundaries.

I hope not because I invested a lot of my soul in this place.

So have a lot of us.

Might be time for some intervention?

Are you serious? You don’t think things have already reached a ridiculous point? Do you just want to destroy pizzagate once and for all? Do you not have a past? All this bullshit needs to end.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

My my, you are a real phony. We know he drinks blood like the pedo Satanist we expose, but he is trying to improve his life and we support him. Ok, you are really stupid. Not because I think you believe he is not one of them, but because you put that paragraph together as if it was plauasable that you could be so clueless. PG investigators should not be dealing with proudly admitted blood drinkers in here. Which tells me you are not a PG investigator. Ped pedo pedo shills.

srayzie ago

More on my stand point. Take it or leave it.