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think- ago

Anon to v/QRV - "Mods Vindicator and Srayzie on the Pizzagate sub defending satanist pedophile Michael Aquino. Attacking another Pizzagate Mod think- and she resigns in protest.": |

I assume that the poster is @youllrememberme, who showed up in no time after I stepped back on the stickied EsotericShade thread. He should maybe have had the grace to ping me, although I'm not interested in his shill drama.

I didn't leave a comment there.

@argosciv: After reading the post today, I wondered whether you might have left comments? Specifically the comments defending Michael Aquino? Just askin'. Thanks.

argosciv ago

I've opted not to reply to you here yet so as not to provoke anger in you, but, since you ask.

I did not. I've nothing to do with posting that submission or any of the comments therein - .

I was alerted to it by someone(good) and the only thing I did in regards to it was archive it and look for timestamps/comments in the ES thread which might indicate who did or might be connected to whoever did post it.

Whoever is behind it, is trying to play both sides and cause good folk to turn on each other(no doubt in my mind that it connects back to YRM and co.) - which is absolutely not something I'm interested in doing.

As I've said, I have no interest in even talking about Aquino, let alone defending him if it's true that he's abused children. The 'konformist' link you posted the other day was worth taking into account and I've taken the time to follow up on a couple of the sources in it, though it's still not something I'm 100% sure on, one way or the other.

think- ago

Ok, thanks for replying. I asked because my suspicion was that M. Aqui. himself was the anonymous writer who commented. I guess he has a google alert, and shows up whenever his name is mentioned in forum posts.

The 'konformist' link you posted the other day was worth taking into account and I've taken the time to follow up on a couple of the sources in it, though it's still not something I'm 100% sure on, one way or the other.

The FBI stopped investigating him at some point, but later an investigator stepped forward, and said the FBI division in question had links to Aquino's Temple of Seth, and this was the reason the investigation (Aquino's role in the Presidio daycare abuse scandal) was closed.

After the FBI closed the investigation, the Army Crime Investigation Division opened a new investigation. They came to the conclusion that there were reasons to assume he is guilty. He was titled (= tagged in the army files) as an offender. He appealed against getting titled, but lost the court case. The Court decided that the investigation of the CID and him getting titled were legit. It stressed that the CID had pointed out that his alibi wasn't convincing.

It found that he lied when he said that nobody called him 'Mickey', like the children had said he was called.

LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan called him 'Mickey'.

It found that his allegations that the CID was instigated by an anti-Satanist senator wasn't true, because the timeline of events were not like Aquino had pointed them out.

The Court also found that he wrongly accused the pastor-father of one of the girls accusing him (the one that @Vindicator mentioned in his comment) of harassing him via mail.

It also found that Aquino lied about the girls age, in order to make it seem impossible that she was in the daycare centre at the time the CID said she was.

TL;DR: There is an Army Criminal Investigation Division Report that says he has to be seen as a sex offender.

There was a Court that said the CID investigation and their results were legit.

There was a former investigator who stepped forward later and told the FBI that closed the case was compromised.

I'm just sticking to the facts here, not to my personal interpretation.

I will do a post about the case.

@kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter

srayzie ago

You publicly resigned as a pizzagate mod due to @Argosciv’s becoming a mod of ProtectVoat. Am I correct? Is this all based off of Argosciv’s beliefs in regards to Aquino? If not, I would like clarification. Thanks.

think- ago

You publicly resigned as a pizzagate mod due to @Argosciv’s becoming a mod of ProtectVoat. Am I correct?

No, I didn't. That I resigned had nothing to do with him becoming a mod of v/ProtectVoat in fact. That was a discussion I had with him and @kevdude the day (IIRC) before, and which had already ended.

I wrote in my resignation comment why I resigned in public. You might want to read it again. You asked me why I resigned in public, for some strange reason you insinuated so many things, but somehow ignored what I had actually explained about my resignation.

I resigned because @Vindicator attacked me in public. I had written a PM to him five hours before, saying I pondered to step down, which he ignored, instead he rushed to the thread to defend @argosciv.

I cannot cope with the cognitive dissonance anymore that is caused by seeing people I really cared about defending @argosciv, and acting like he is a normal user like everybody else. This is why I resigned in the first place. I came here to fight pedophilia and Satanism.

It wasn't me who started to discuss this issue in public, it was @Vindicator. I would have preferred to discuss this in PMs. He chose to attack me like that, although I was a close friend and his close fellow mod. I was all in tears when I read his comment. I felt I couldn't mod one minute more, I felt so exhausted.

I pinged a bunch of users because I was serving the community as a mod. They had the right to know that I resigned. And I did it on the thread because I was so tired, and was crying, I wasn't sure I would be ablet to write a post on v/pizzagatemods. And anyway, they should also know why I resigned.

You might have forgiven @argosciv, but I haven't forgotten that he harassed you with Satanic music videos, that he trolled the sub with Satanic music, that he refused to answer whether he is a Satanist when @Shizy asked him twice, that he admits he drinks blood and is into sex magick. That he spread that we all got it wrong when we think Satanism is evil, that it has been all a big misunderstanding, hence his 'Roots of Corruption' series. (Please correct me if I'm wrong with anything I'm saying, @argosciv.) Someone like he doesn't belong on v/pizzagate imo, and in the very least shouldn't be accepted by the mod team.

If I get @Vindicator right, he thinks this is 'just' @argosciv's religion. Well, but we are on a sub investigating Satanic Ritual Abuse. We are discussing the shticks of the Church of Satan, like displaying a statue of Baphomet in public. They too, claim there members aren't into anything nefarious.

And regarding Michael Aquino: He has been discussed here over and over again. If a newbie thinks the allegations against him are not proven: ok. I would have sent him some old posts, and suggested to read them. But that a Satanist, who has been here for two years, says the allegations are 'not proven', although there are the results of the CID investigation, and the Court documents, is a totally different matter. It's like Are_We_Sure saying that the allegations against Hillary 'are not proven'.

And that @Vindicator choose Wikipedia of all websites, to support @argosciv's claim, and then added @argosciv's quote where he said the SRA victims just 'parroted' their abusers - as if SRA victims who broke from Satanist cults are just too stupid to see what he, @agrosciv claims, also made me very angry. There are countless SRA survivors who did research, there are therapists and scholars writing about Ritual Abuse, but he, @argosciv, is the only one who found out the truth? And @Vindicator obviously thinks we should listen to what he says.

I put so much time and effort in modding the sub, I always had your back, and this is the result? I feel very sad.


SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @srayzie.

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srayzie ago

I probably didn’t read all the fine details when you posted. I was shocked. I didn’t know that you wrote Vindicator earlier. But, you were one of my best friends. We always talked. If you and Vindicator fought, I was always the one to be in the middle talking you guys down. I would comfort you because you really cared for him. So I was shocked when I found out.

I love you. I also love Vindicator. He’s been going thru a lot and he’s hurt too. I hurt for him as well. What hurts the most, is that you didn’t even warn me. You didn’t even write me afterwards. We talked almost daily. Several times a day even. How could you go do that and ping everyone and not give a damn that you hurt me? You had to have known I would be shocked. I’ve had a mixture of emotions. From being pissed off, to being disappointed, to being sad. Look how long it is ok for you to even acknowledge me, or reply to my comments. I’ve stayed calm and reasonable. I didn’t cuss you out or disrespect you. I didn’t deserve this.

Think-, we are both adults. We’ve had different upbringings. You know things about me that hardly anyone knows. If I didn’t have forgiveness in my heart for my mom and my brother, I would have grown up a fricken basket case. If I didn’t have the love and support of the people in my life now, I wouldn’t be alive today. I understand that you deal with things differently. We all deal with things in our own ways. You can’t expect everyone to deal with things the same way you do. I know I don’t always show it, and have my sins, but I am a Christian. I believe in forgiveness.

Something my dad taught me that has helped me thru life, is that when someone hurts us, or someone was bad, look at their intentions. Was that person TRYING to hurt you? Did that person grow up wanting to have addiction overtake their lives? Did that person go thru some sort of trauma growing up, and now they are broken? Is it so bad to hold someone’s hand when they are struggling?

I know that my mom was fucked up in so many ways. But she loved me and WANTED to change. Argosciv WANTS to get his life in order. He may succeed. He may not. It may take 5 more attempts until he actually makes it. Would you rather him just keep doing those things? What is the likelihood that someone will change if they have no support and everyone is going to hate him anyways?

I may not be the smartest person, but my life has given me wisdom. Hopefully you can someday see our points of view. We’ve all had different journey’s in life. We’re all at different stages in terms of growth. My life was fucked growing up. I myself have screwed up many times. The best thing I can do, is to learn from it and grow. To take what I’ve learned and use it for good. It made me a stronger person and a more compassionate person. I am glad I was able to reach this point. It took me years to reach this point. So, by you choosing to just up and run and not accept me for being the kind of person that I have strived to be, is really unfair.

You know I didn’t even like Argosciv when all this started. Just because I have chose to support Argosciv, does not IN ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM mean that I am ok with Satanism, blood drinking, etc... It means that as long as someone is willing to try to improve, then we should be there for our fellow brothers and sisters. They are only human.

I would have totally disagreed if Argosciv became a mod of pizzagate. That’s different. That’s where a lot of people were upset by the things he said. There are many victims there. But, he’s not a mod there. He’s a mod of ProtectVoat, and he’s damn good at researching and finding the fuckery going on here on Voat. Not only does it help us, it’s keeping HIS mind busy. It’s keeping him out of trouble. I’ve witnessed his positive changes first hand.

I am not trying to change you. I accept you for not having the same beliefs as me. But I don’t accept you expecting us all to believe the same as you. You totally dropped me out of the blue. You would even ping Vindicator. You and I didn’t even fight, and all of a sudden, I see you avoiding me. Now you’re buddy buddy with shewhomustbeobeyed. It shows me that we weren’t as close as I thought we were.

My doors always open if you choose to enter. I know you’re a good person. I hope you’re doing well. Xoxo

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I'm sorry you don't like me. Anything I can do to reassure you that I am not against you?

srayzie ago

Nooo. It’s nothing like that. Nothing against you at all. I’ve talked to you before and I did like you. My problem is with Think-. Sorry if I made you feel that way. I’m glad she has someone. I was just sad because I had no warning and it’s like she just moved on and replaced what we had. It’s not your fault.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I’m glad she has someone

I don't know who that would be, you know her much better than I do.

It’s not your fault.

I know, but thank you for saying so. :)

think- ago

I probably didn’t read all the fine details when you posted.

Well, you better had before insinuating I had sinister motives. :-/ /is angry

He’s been going thru a lot and he’s hurt too.

He's hurt that he attacked me? /s He owes me an apology.

You didn’t even write me afterwards.

You think you can attack me in public like that, and I will just continue our friendship as if nothing had happened?!

Look how long it is ok for you to even acknowledge me, or reply to my comments. I’ve stayed calm and reasonable. I didn’t cuss you out or disrespect you. I didn’t deserve this.

Ah, now I am getting bashed, because I wrote my responses 'too late'? /gets really angry now

My laptop is out of order, as I wrote @Vindicator - in a comment here on this thread, and I have been ill. That's all. So instead of appreciating that I defended you against 'youllrememberme', you are turning this against me now? WTF?

but I am a Christian

Well, I am too. And I don't accept Satanists on a sub that is meant to fight Satanism, and Satanic Ritual Abuse.

You can forgive @argosciv all you want. But this is not a self-help group for Satanists, or a therapy group. Many SRA survivors come here, or are lurking. Do you realize how they must feel when they see the mod team being buddies with someone like @argosciv? I don't care with whom you hang out otherwise. That's not my business. I don't have to like your buddies on Voat.

But when I was a v/pizzagate mod, it was my damn business to tell you that it doesn't look good that you hang out with @argosciv.

I PMed you. It was you who choose to take this to the public. The day before, when I had the convo with @kevdude and @argosciv, I suggested you might want to PM me, too, but you choose to reply to me on the public thread.

I read what @Vindicator wrote about @argosciv's beliefs, pretending it's just a matter of Free Speech, as if this was a religion like any other religion. This is really, really TERRIBLE for a v/pizzagate mod. We are here to fight Satanism, not to endorse it as a religion. FFS.

So, by you choosing to just up and run and not accept me for being the kind of person that I have strived to be, is really unfair.

You didn't even try to understand my point when I PMed you about my problems with being friendly to @argosciv. I didn't just 'run'.

I had an ongoing discussion with @Vindicator for four months. Four months ago he did exactly the same thing: Ignoring my PM, instead he rushed to the public thread, defending @argosciv. This is just unbelievable. You too seem to forget that we have users who are survivors of SRA.

And btw, where the heck has @Vindicator been when we discussed Michael Aquino? When we discussed over and over again that Wikipedia is not a reliable source when it comes to articles about sexual abuse? When SRA victims told their experiences with Satanism and Satanic Ritual Abuse?

I would have totally disagreed if Argosciv became a mod of pizzagate. That’s different.

I already explained to you that it wasn't him becoming a mod of v/ProtectVoat that made me resign. Why didn't you read what I wrote in my earlier comment today?! He systematically groomed the mods by bootlicking, and made himself 'useful'. That's why I made my earlier remark to him at the time on @Crensch's Esoteric sticky thread.

it’s keeping HIS mind busy.

I don't care.

But I don’t accept you expecting us all to believe the same as you.

When it comes to endorsing Satanism, you better should, otherwise you will loose your credibility as a v/pizzagate mod. If you choose to support @argosciv as a mod team, you'll have to continue modding without me. I loved being a mod. But I cannot cope with the cognitive dissonance that my fellow mods are either shitposting with @argosciv, sending him congrats to his anniversary on Voat in public, or are accepting his beliefs as a religion as any other, like @Vindicator does. I just can't.

I see you avoiding me.

Again: Do you think you can attack me in public, and I will just ignore it, and carry on as usual?

Now you’re buddy buddy with shewhomustbeobeyed. It shows me that we weren’t as close as I thought we were.

What is the background story to this? I was on friendly terms with her before. I helped her crossposting from v/pizzagatewhatever to v/pizzagate in the past. If you don't like @shewhomustbeobeyed, what is the connection to our relationship?

It shows me that we weren’t as close as I thought we were.

I will always cherish the friendship we had, @srayzie. If you think that 'we weren't as close as' you thought we were, that's up to you. I don't even understand what @shewhomustbeobeyed has to do with it.

I feel very sad that you choose to attack me in public, and now are turning it around. I feel gaslighted.

I borrowed a laptop today, but will leave soon, and will not be online for the next couple days, so please don't expect an immediate reply if you choose to answer to this comment.

srayzie ago

Part 2

Here is my 2nd comment. This one was posted AFTER YOU RESIGNED. I was shocked, my feelings were hurt, and I hadn’t even begun to process it yet, and I STILL stayed calm and wrote you publicly like you had been doing with everyone else. Screenshot

This is how it began...

I love you think-. You’re one of my favorite people. But, this isn’t going to be like my usual message to you. You chose to publicly disrespect every single one us mods.

Then I calmly told how I felt. I’m entitled to my feelings as well.

I ended with this...

Well, you’re my friend. I care about you. I’m always here if you need me.

YOU were the one that was harsh. I poured out my feelings to you, I explain my view on this whole situation, so you could see that my intentions are good. I had hopes that we could be mature enough to remain friends, even if we don’t have the same beliefs. Just like we were able to do regarding Q. My feelings didn’t matter to you at all. You took my feelings being hurt, and twisted everything I said.

Examples of you twisting things...


I see you avoiding me.


Do you think you can attack me in public, and I will just ignore it, and carry on as usual?

I’m the bad guy. Think- did everything right. Show me where any one of my comments was attacking you. Maybe you should read them again after you clear your head.


You didn’t even write me afterwards. Look how long it is ok for you to even acknowledge me, or reply to my comments. I’ve stayed calm and reasonable. I didn’t cuss you out or disrespect you. I didn’t deserve this.

Remember, I was the ONLY one you were no longer even pinging. Because my messages were “public attacks.”


Ah, now I am getting bashed, because I wrote my responses 'too late'? /gets really angry now



Do you realize how they must feel when they see the mod team being buddies with someone like @argosciv?

At that time, I wasn’t even talking to Argosciv very much, and I wasn’t buddy buddy with him. He’s been helping identify shills. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m having doxing attempts and all kinds of shit. That’s practically all we’ve talked about. He had that little celebration thread for his Voat birthday. I made a couple of comments. That’s it. It seems like the shills have everyone hating pizzagate mods anyway. We can’t win for losing.


But when I was a v/pizzagate mod, it was my damn business to tell you that it doesn't look good that you hang out with argosciv.

I have certain values when it comes to how I treat other people when they are down, that I am not willing to change.. You do what you feel is right, and I will do what I feel is right. If @Crensch or @Vindicator want me to step down, then so be it.


When it comes to endorsing Satanism, you better should, otherwise you will loose your credibility as a v/pizzagate mod. If you choose to support argosciv as a mod team, you'll have to continue modding without me.

I’m not ENDORSING Satanism. I’m fine with you resigning if that’s what you feel you needed to do. But you could have warned me! At the very least, you could have pinged me. Didn’t you feel attacked by Vindicator? Well you still wrote him.

You tell me this...

My laptop is out of order, as I wrote Vindicator - in a comment here on this thread, and I have been ill. That's all.

You could have taken a moment for me when you wrote him.

So instead of appreciating that I defended you against 'youllrememberme', you are turning this against me now?

Geez... Did you not see me say thank you? I think you want me to be the bad guy, so you don’t have to take responsibility for how you handled things.


Now you’re buddy buddy with @shewhomustbeobeyed. It shows me that we weren’t as close as I thought we were.


If you don't like shewhomustbeobeyed, what is the connection to our relationship?

Wow. You sure twisted the fuck out of my comment. Where did I ever say that I didn’t like her? All I know is that you’re now pinging her a lot and stopped pinging me. That would hurt your feelings too. This has nothing to do with her and you made her feel like I didn’t like her.


I feel very sad that you chose to attack me in public, and now are turning it around. I feel gaslighted.

Well if that’s not the pot calling the kettle black.


It shows me that we weren’t as close as I thought we were.


I will always cherish the friendship we had, srayzie.
If you think that 'we weren't as close as' you thought we were, that's up to you.

No, that was up to you. I’ve tried to be here for you. I’ve tried to explain things in a calm manner and having a civil conversation like adults. You clearly have a very distorted view of me, and how friendships work. I’ve said my peace. You’ve never attempted an apology. You’ve continued to not give a damn about my feelings, and now you’re being just plain mean. There’s nothing left for me to say.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you for the ping, I hope you don't mind if I did't read it and skipped to the part that pertains to me (much too private imo)

You said this

Now you’re buddy buddy with shewhomustbeobeyed. It shows me that we weren’t as close as I thought we were.

Regardless of what your intent was, this is the phrase that leads me to believe you don't like me. Not anything that @think- has said.

I am sad for you both, hope you can work this out soon.

srayzie ago

What I meant by that, was how she said I attacked her and stopped pinging me. She’s a pinger. I didn’t even attack her. She resigned and she didn’t tell me and we were close. I guess I’m expected to have no emotions. Then it was like she was avoiding me. She pinged everyone, even Vindicator, but didnt ping me anymore. She always pings. I just kept it to myself.

Since she replied, i tried to tell her she was hurting my feelings. I didn’t mean to make that part sound as if i didn’t like you tho. But I saw that now she’s pinging you and others. It’s not about you at all. It’s that I don’t think she’s being fair right now.

I’m only pinging you because she was. That way you see the whole story.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I understand and do want to know when it concerns me, but let me be clear.

It is not my business, I washed my hands 2 days ago.

Please work this out in private, and not in a sub called LAMP SHADE MATERIAL.


srayzie ago

It is not my business, I washed my hands 2 days ago.

Oh I didn’t know that. I thought she was keeping you updated because you wanted to be. Ok well no problem.

Please work it out in private...

Tried that remember? Take care.

srayzie ago

Part 1


I PMed you. It was you who choose to take this to the public. The day before, when I had the convo with kevdude and @argosciv, I suggested you might want to PM me, too, but you choose to reply to me on the public thread.

First of all, that is not what happened. I received NO PRIVATE MESSAGE from you telling me that you were resigning. I didn’t hear from you at all that day. You voiced your frustrations with me about @Kevdude, @Crensch, and @Vindicator. But that was a day or 2 before, and it was nothing extreme.

What happened is you pinged me to this comment that you made, where you publicly disrespected Kevdude. Doesn’t that mean you started the public fight? You don’t think that shit show helped turn even more people against us Mods? Out of all threads, you sure picked the best one.

To Argosciv you said the following...

Congrats' argosciv, you slimed yourself up kevdude's butt, so that he made you a mod on v/ProtectVoat? Wow. Just wow!!

Then you said this to Kev...

And you can be sure that I will be after your boy argo the minute he starts to push Satanism again (even if it's only by posting Satanic music crap) or is going to defend pedos like Michael Aquino or the OTO. Or promotes 'sex magick' or drinking blood. This is everything I have been fighting against.

Should that have been said publicly? I’m just one to believe that drama between mods should remain private. Especially on subs like Great Awakening and Pizzagate, where we know that deep state and paid shills are looking for even the smallest sign of weakness between us mods, so they can spring the next wave of lies, accusations, and attacks against us. In the long run, it effects the whole board. You’ve started things publicly a few times. One of the times, was directed at Blacksmith21, and it got him de-modded. Each time, you would get upset for making Vindicator upset.

So when you pinged me to the comment you made directed at Kevdude and Argosciv, I even asked you if you wanted me to tell you what I thought. I think you knew that I wasn’t going to be happy. You said I could do whatever I felt like, but please be aware that you were in an aggravated mood because of argosciv, and that you weren’t sure whether I would prefer to PM. | Screenshot.

Since you had been airing things publicly, I decided to respond publicy. I was very calm. I was respectful. This is all I said...

Well since you guys talked about it publicly, I will say it here...

I think Argosciv has shown a lot of improvement and he has been helping with things behind the scenes. He’s not a mod of pizzagate. He’s a mod of ProtectVoat. I could understand your concerns if it was pizzagate.

You know I’ve had my problems with Argosciv as well. But, he has been respectful. He knows that I am a Christian and hasn’t sent me satanic music or anything in a long time. I think people deserve second chances. I have fucked up many times in life. Thank God, I got another shot or I wouldn’t be where I am.

It’s not like someone is under contract. If at anytime Argosciv did something wrong, Kevdude could de-mod him. Technically, since it’s not pizzagate, and it’s a free speech site, he can pretty much talk about Satanism all he wants if he chose to. I wouldn’t like it and wouldn’t get along with him either if he started that shit. Hopefully that won’t happen. But, I’m in support of giving him a chance.

☝🏻That was an attack?

The next time your name popped up, it was because people told me you resigned. How nice of you to give me a heads up.

You didn't even try to understand my point when I PMed you about my problems with being friendly to Argosciv. I didn't just 'run'.

How can you say that? I understood your reasoning. I was trying to also help you understand theirs. Being a friend isn’t always about telling you what you want to hear. I didn’t get rude with you or anything. Our goodbye to each other was like normal.

I had an ongoing discussion with Vindicator for four months.

I know. When I brought up that you were acting more distant, you would talk about it a little bit. But not like you were at your breaking point. I also know Vindicators side, and that things that were going on in his personal life. I felt bad for him too because he was stressed out. I was trying to be a good friend to both of you.

Much of your reply is about Vindicator. I’m focusing now on you and I. What gets me, is how you much you have misinterpreted everything I have said. I NEVER attacked you. I made sure to stay calm and not cause the situation to escalate. For whatever reason, you’re choosing to see me as the bad guy here. Now I’m not going to sugar coat it. You’ll twist my words anyway.

See part 2...

srayzie ago

I don’t think I pinged part 1 in the right place...

@Shizy @MolochHunter @shewhomustbeobeyed @Think-

Shizy ago

This just sucks all around! I feel like crying 🙁.

think- ago

Well, I cried for days after @Vindicator and @srayzie attacked me. :-(

Vindicator ago

When did anyone attack you, think-? When? Show me the evidence of that.

You've been the one on a rampage. You attacked argo and kev. You filled my inbox with angry messages for several weeks, to the point where I didn't even want to log onto the computer. You scoffed at every response I made. When I asked you for evidence that argo was advocating Satanism or Aquino, you gave me nothing that clearly showed that. Nor did you point me to any detailed information about Aquino supporting your vague claim that his crimes were so terrible even a neutral position would irreparably harm all the survivors on the board.

And now you are attacking me saying I should have known all about it. Well, I didn't. My job is not to have exhaustive knowledge of every little detail reported on this board. Christ...if I tried to achieve that, I would have burned out from this sick shit in the first two months! Hundreds and hundreds of sick, evil assholes have been documented here. I make sure posts follow the rules, and dig deeper into those that don't pass the smell test. I don't read deeply on most subjects because this is a marathon through Hell! The fact that you expect that from me and are now trying to weaponize it as evidence I'm a bad mod just blows my mind. That is exactly the argument Esoteric always uses to attack me.

What. The. Fuck.

After you decided to jump on this thread and publicly accuse the entire rest of the mod team of being corrupted by "Argosciv bootlicking", I felt I had no choice but to address that claim publicly with my findings regarding whether Argo is dangerous to research or researchers here. I did it in an objective, rational way. I linked to what I had found.

You didn't even have the grace to read what I wrote. You had a tantrum that I dared to disagree with you. And then, instead of behaving like an adult, you ragequit and pinged everyone you could think of to your outburst. Justify it however you want, but you acted in a mean, vindictive manner with zero regard for the consequences.

You never once questioned you might be wrong.

You never considered anyone's point of view but your own.

You never once stopped to consider you were becoming a tool of the shills.

And it's not just about argosciv. You behaved in the same way when you imagined I was trying to defend an accused pedo a few weeks ago. It was complete shit.

No sooner had we put a stop to the lies and smears of ES and his crew, than YOU, a mod who should remain professional and objective, picked up their campaign yourself and continued it, in this very thread. Claiming you were attacked by me. By srayzie.

You've been gaslit alright, but it hasn't been by me. You have been weaponized by the shills, just like Jem apparently was. You're doing their work for them. That amazes me.

srayzie ago

Attacked her. Wow.

think- ago

You asked me whether I wanted to split the mod team, or get the team being attacked by shills.

That was an attack, @srayzie. How do you think I felt reading this? After we were so close, and I always had your back, you insinuated I might have intended to harm the mod team? WTF?!

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @MolochHunter @shewhomustbeobeyed

srayzie ago

You asked me whether I wanted to split the mod team, or get the team being attacked by shills.

You aren’t dumb. Whether you did it out of anger or being emotional, you made Vindicator and Kevdude look bad. You used an old comment of mine for a reason. The mods already saw it. Argosciv already saw it. Therefore, showing an old argument between Argosciv and I, was for the users. You want their support. I can understand that. But, not at the expensive of others.

That was an attack, srayzie. How do you think I felt reading this? After we were so close, and I always had your back, you insinuated I might have intended to harm the mod team? WTF?!

How do you think I felt, when after I replied to you the other day, and did not attack you in any way, you responded with this shit piece twisting everything I said?

Vindicator didn’t go after you first. It started with you being rude publicly to Kevdude and then using my old comment while fighting with Argosciv that made Vindicator respond, because he was pinged when you quoted my comment. He stood up for himself. He couldn’t believe you were starting drama involving mods again publicly. So you resigned for the following reason...

Ok, Vin, that did it for me. I will step back as a mod, immediately.
That the allegations against Michael Aquino are 'not proven' is ridiculous. Maybe you would like to read the post HugoWeaving did some time ago as a starter.

You started it that day. You did it in the thread that you knew would cause a shit show to occur. You knew that you were painting us all in a bad light. When it came to posting my comment, you wanted to prove your point that “you were right” and Srayzie “changed.” You are playing victim like you were attacked, when the truth is that you threw us all under the bus publicly, which was a shitty thing to do, and you refuse to take responsibility for it.

I’ve tried being nice about it, I’ve tried sugar coating it so that I didn’t hurt your feelings. All you did was twist my words. So, I’m not sugar coating it anymore. I’ve had your back always too. You are the one that chose to walk away and look like the victim. Not us. We’ve tried on multiple occasions to talk to you. Just keep using manipulation by playing victim, and pinging your friends to this subverse, so that the shit show continues.

@Shizy @MolochHunter @Kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator

srayzie ago

Oh and I always had your back as well

srayzie ago

You didn’t let me know that you were resigned, or that you DID resign, before. Ever even wrote that.

think- ago

@shewhomustbeobeyed: please see parent. Thank you.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you for speaking my heart.

I'm gonna git U 4 making me cry, U claivoyant girl U

think- ago
