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ESOTERICshade ago

This is @vindicator new friend that he is defending. Welcome to the new v/pizzagate

Crensch ago

Envious that he has friends and doesn't have to register them himself?

ESOTERICshade ago

Envious that he has friends and doesn't have to register them himself?

Nahhh, I just have an allergy to people that tell women to "gargle cum" or whatever all he said, in the middle of a debate. It sort of rubs me the wrong way. My parents never taught me to talk that way, I guess I was deprived of real civility and learning huh?

Crensch ago

Why don't you register a friend to agree with you?

ESOTERICshade ago

Why don't you register a friend to agree with you?

That seems to be important to you. I guess that is why you ping your down vote army so often. I don't judge information by how many people I can ping into my atmosphere, I judge information by what I can justify by the surrounding atmosphere. This is why you deal mainly in insults, accusations, and slander instead of discussing real world events. You can't hang in a real debate, because.......well......lets face are obviously intelligent.....but you ain't done shit with it yet. :) You don't be knowin nuffin yet :)

Your main concern is being seen as the "smartest person in the room" because you feel inadequate. You make up for it by bashing other people, alllll day longgg. If you would take that intelligence of yours and apply it to noble causes you could be the respected person you desperately want to be. You wouldn't need vote brigades. You would not have to ping support for your comments. You could be a badass you dream of being.

Food for thought :)

Crensch ago

I can't hear you over the sound of your sock puppet accounts.

ESOTERICshade ago

I took your stolen valor, threw it under the bus wheels, exposed you, and threw what you had left in a dumpster. You are done.

Crensch ago

Do you hand your keyboard to your retarded, meth head brother or something sometimes? How fucking stupid is this comment? It's so far out in left field I can't even accurately judge how stupid it really is.

Stolen valor? Kek.

ESOTERICshade ago

Today is a new day. Go start some shit with somebody on the internet that you disagree with, insult them, ping your alts and down vote army, feel good about yourself.......rinse and repeat.....rinse and repeat....rinse and repeat.......

Me? I"m gonna go help a lady with a fence because thieves keep coming in her yard. I do shit like that to make me feel good.

I'll take my life over your miserable heaping steaming pile of shit any day.

ESOTERICshade ago

whats wrong nigga? can't find a teenage girl to talk into letting you drink her blood today? sick fucker

think- ago

can't find a teenage girl to talk into letting you drink her blood today? sick fucker

As much as I despise him, you never backed up your claim that he drank the blood of teenage girls, or had sex with teenage girls.

That makes look everyone retarded who believed your claim at the time.

@Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @shewhomustbeobeyed @EricKaliberhall