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Piscina ago

@crensch you are a pathetic little nobody who needs to lie and degrade people to puff himself up to feel better about himself. I challenge you to provide ONE example of my calling in anybody to 'Voat brigade'. You can't because it's never happened. While you, insignificant spineless bottom crawler that you are, constantly ping others to come to your defence. You cannot stand on your own two feet. You cannot argue an issue without crying out for your mommie mod squad.

Vindicator ago


Crensch ago

It's almost like they think we're a bunch of amateurs that don't back up what we have to say. It's a little unnerving that they keep acting like we having proven this to them time and again. I guess that's just part of being a Jew.

Piscina ago

Says the moron who's now turned to working for the luciferians.

Crensch ago

Notice how my claims come with evidence, and yours are pulled out of your ass?

@Vindicator @think-

SchlongKeyhote ago

Not against me, faggot.

Jumping into a comment thread SPECIFICALLY ABOUT ME BEING SOME GUY'S ALT to point out we don't even share the purported behavior is not evidence we're in fact the same.

It is actually quite predictable, which is why it I did it the previous time I faced said accusation.

To which you say "he made the same huge mistake of not switching alts, twice."

No one would believe that, particularly over MY evidence:

  • pages of DMs between me and my supposed alts over months
  • screencaps showing that far from brigading, I don't even upvote, ever, period.
  • totally different writing habits from the account you claim I mistakenly thought I was still using

Your game is up, kike. The idea you could swoop in after providing zero to this sub and jew a brilliant researcher like me with your untenable for-women's-consumption gaslighting is typical KIKE arrogance that gets you stuffed in ovens.

Crensch ago

No one would believe that, particularly over MY evidence:

Strangely lacking.

Your game is up, kike.


The idea you could swoop in after providing zero to this sub and jew a brilliant researcher like me with your untenable for-women's-consumption gaslighting is typical KIKE arrogance that gets you stuffed in ovens.

Writing autobiographical fanfiction?

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie

Vindicator ago

Writing autobiographical fanfiction?

I would say that is exactly what is going on, here. Did you notice how DonkeySchlong replied to your comment to Piscina? You tell Piscina "she" is pulling claims about you being a Luciferian out of her ass, and Donkey shows up out of nowhere and replies "Not against me, faggot" -- again like he's defending himself against an attack. Yet it was Piscina being challenged, deep in the comments of an old thread.

This is exactly like when as auralsects he replied to comments directed at ES.

They are getting sloppy and burning these alts. The question is, why?

719380264 ago

just look how retarded @srayzie is. This is what you (pretend to) actually believe. You are presenting yourself as retarded as she is, with zero shame.

she thinks an alt-farm is a list of NEAR IDENTICAL NAMES WITH NO ATTEMPT TO DECEIVE LOL

srayzie ago

That was a retarted reply. They were the same person. Along with many others thst are not like that.

719380264 ago

misspelling "retarded" is classic srayzie. jesus Christ what a figure.

719380264 ago

wow I just keep making the same mistakes. and youre just so clever at catching them, right? LMAO.

my name is in the OP, I can browse "new" in this thread and chime in whenever the fuck I want in any comment string I want, faggot.

'shows up out of nowhere' to point out hes lying about bringing falsifiable 'evidence' even after the addressee, Piscina, had already replied a day prior.

that makes no sense, DIPSHIT. you're just gaslighting for dumb cunts as usual. what a loser.

Why did I admit this is an alt in its very first post? Because I don't play your faggot internet games and shown yall I don't even upvote, which is the accusation in the OP.


Vindicator ago


Oh? That's pretty funny, coming from a guy who has to rotate multiple alts in this thread because he's so full of shit he is torching his CCP like a cuck blowing cash at a titty bar. Donkey, everyone is onto you. You should go back to Reddit where you blend in.

srayzie ago

he is torching his CCP like a cuck blowing cash at a titty bar.

😂 Fricken awesome! Hahaha @Shizy

719380264 ago

sounds like an admission that you brigade me to force creation of further alts to then use them as proof that im deceptive even though I don't hide them LMAO

hence the constant pinging of 4-5 worthless niggers when we argue

every single comment no matter how innocuous or helpful


also you didn't counter a single point, just deflected with a lame insult.

you are NOT INTELLIGENT dude. people see right thru you.

Vindicator ago

sounds like an admission that you brigade me to force creation of further alts

Nice try. You're the puppet master using these alts to spew venomous BS. You deserve every downvote they earn you. I can't brigade you, dude. I only have one account. It's interesting that you expect your speech to have no consequences.

In fact, it's interesting how you make this (((victim))) claim. I've archived it.

719380264 ago



Vindicator ago

No one is using sock puppets to multi-downvote you, Donkey. It's just that everyone who sees it disagrees with your point of view. Speech has consequences. We're each entitled to our vote. You have more alts than any ping list I've ever made, by a multiple of at least five. You choose to speak -- often in hidden locations. We choose to keep each other apprised of your trashy contributions and exercise our right to respond. That isn't brigading. That is voting.

Your attempts to equate us responding to your shit talk with those who run multiple alts to attempt to force their will on the subverse through deception is (((unsurprising))).

719380264 ago

'hidden location' XD

That isn't brigading. That is voting.


voting is for retards who rely on peer pressure to evaluate a message. i.e. women. It is bizarre that you feel so good about 'exercising your right' to do something so pointless and gay.

we must assume then that you are an actual faggot, and a kike, and you have never made a contribution as good as my worst. you are entirely outclassed, and you know it.

Vindicator ago

If voting were pointless and gay, you wouldn't need 18 alts to spread your downvotes over.

you have never made a contribution as good as my worst

Voaters appear to disagree with you on that, Donkey.

twistedmac11 ago

Funny how that happens. Hypocrisy at its finest.

srayzie ago

Donkey would do that with his alt Equineluvr too

@Crensch @Vindicator @Think- @Shizy

SchlongKeyhote ago

accusing me of incompetently switching alts, even though the writing styles are clearly distinct, is just accusation.

pages and pages of DMs over months showing we're not alts is PROOF.

what I cant understand is why you think anyone would trust your judgment on anything, bitch. like for real

Vindicator ago

You see. :-)

Crensch ago

@srayzie @think-

I appreciate you pointing this out. I don't believe I would have noticed.

Personal side note, I'm never taking a vacation again. My Edge has been dulled entirely too much.

Vindicator ago

:-) I doubt that. It's that the shills are so damn boring.