SearchVoatBot ago

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letsdothis2 ago

Well, is Puritan's Pride Trying to get any company information on them is very, very difficult. I think it's a front for something else. They are listed on this FOIA along with Herbalife which is a notorius pyramid scheme linked to the CIA

Heather Podesta --- On The Board of the Washington DC Police Foundation

Heather's firm is not averse to dirty tricks. Her firm represented Herbalife. documentary, Ted Braun's film "Betting on Zero," focuses on activist investor Bill Ackman's quest to portray Herbalife as a pyramid scheme and profit from shorting its stock. Heather Podesta's firm bought half the tickets of the movie being shown at a film festival 'Double Exposure'--all in an effort to ensure the movie WASN'T seen by the public.

letsdothis2 ago

Former Washington Ballet director Septime Webre weds Marc Cipullo at Halcyon House

The crowd included dancers and prominent arts patrons such as Peggy Cooper Cafritz, Mary Haft [wife of Robert Haft] and Victor Shargai.

letsdothis2 ago

Heather Podesta --- On The Board of the Washington DC Police Foundation

Heather's firm is not averse to dirty tricks. Her firm represented Herbalife. documentary, Ted Braun's film "Betting on Zero," focuses on activist investor Bill Ackman's quest to portray Herbalife as a pyramid scheme and profit from shorting its stock. Heather Podesta's firm bought half the tickets of the movie being shown at a film festival 'Double Exposure'--all in an effort to ensure the movie WASN'T seen by the public.

NeverGiveUp ago

"Execution Ltd. was the employer of Will Draper, the financier of the Hampstead cult. He is a shareholder as well"

Really heavy shit !😵

Another intresting Will Draber on linkedin

YALE then 18 years at McKinsey, now on a sabbatical holiday 🙄

letsdothis2 ago

Here he is talking about Common Core

Common Core = Common Purpose in the UK

‘Execution Ltd’ and the ‘Dream Mill’: Looking after children?

ARK itself is getting funding to support this programme from ‘Execution Ltd’ who ‘felt that this programme fitted in well with the Trust’s focus’. Another organisation, ‘The Dream Mill’, researches the behaviour change of the participants in the associated ‘Teens & Toddlers’ programme - the names themselves should give most parents nightmares. Our research has undercovered a trail of worrying “new initiatives” in schools, particularly those associated with the new NuLabour ‘Academy’ schools programme. Initiatives range from regular ‘counselling’, to unspecified ends, to the sexualisation of children. In the background, the UK Column is finding reference to The ‘No Outsiders’ project, being run by Dr Elizabeth Atkinson at Sunderland University. This is about ‘challenging homophobia’ and ‘challenging heteronormativity’. For those readers unsure of this ‘psychobabble’, to challenge heteronormativity is to challenge heterosexual activity as the norm for society.

Execution Ltd. was the employer of Will Draper, the financier of the Hampstead cult. He is a shareholder as well :

Who's who of Common Purpose (apart from Rothschilds, Cameron, Brown, Mandelson, Blair et al) : List includes: Nigel Morris Jones of Execution Ltd

ARK received a grant from Execution Ltd for Teens and Toddlers programme

Related: London Council's Edward Lord, 'non-binary' Freemason, and his pedophile hero Professor Plummer

More on Peter Mandelson (Derek Draper's former boss) : Bahamas Tourism Ministry TV Ad Attempts to "Normalize" Child Sex Trafficking, Featuring Illusionist David Copperfield | He is a Resident and Owns Musha Cay Resort | Named in Epstein Document

Execution Charitable Trust

Give and Let Give: building a culture of philanthropy in the financial services industry

Another shareholder of Execution is Bill Osborne-Young . Wife played the mother of Harry Potter.

YogSoggoth ago

Comes in useful here, Rehoboth Definition and Meaning - Bible Dictionary Probably, however, the words "rehoboth'ir" are to be translated as in the Vulgate and the margin of A.V., "the streets of the city," or rather "the public square of the city", i.e., of Nineveh. These dictionary topics are from M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition, published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Search domain www.biblestudytools.com Thank you for doing my job once again. Do not get discouraged by death, because that is only temporary, so they say.

letsdothis2 ago

Peter Rosenstein, Congressman Barney Frank, and David Brock at Bo Billups and David Brock's Birthday Party. - Camp Rehoboth

he One Thing No One Is Mentioning In Their Barney Frank Tributes: The Prostitutes "In 1989 it was discovered that Barney Frank's boyfriend, Stephen Gobie, whom Frank had once hired as a male prostitute, was running a male-brothel out of the Congressman's home. Frank claimed he did not know about the prostitution ring in his home, but he did use the power of his office to "fix" 33 tickets for Gobie. And he knowingly wrote a misleading letter to Gobie's probation officer in Virginia. Frank received a "reprimand" for fixing the tickets. Gobie maintained that Frank knew about the prostitution ring operation in his home."

letsdothis2 ago

WP article from 1989

Gobie's dream has come true. His accusation that Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) knew that Gobie had operated a prostitution service out of Frank's Capitol Hill apartment became national news after it was first reported Friday by the Washington Times.

Frank, one of two openly gay members of Congress, confirmed Friday that he paid Gobie for sex, hired him with personal funds as an aide and wrote letters on congressional stationery on his behalf to Virginia probation officials, but Frank said he fired Gobie when he learned that clients were visiting the apartment.

Gobie's craving for public attention also has produced an uproar in Montgomery County. Gobie said he maintained a relationship with Gabriel A. Massaro, the principal of Chevy Chase Elementary School, and used an office at the school in late 1987 to make telephone calls and have one client meet a prostitute.

Both Davis and Mossaro denied any children were involved in the ring

This school is very close to Comet Ping Pong

letsdothis2 ago

HRC Chefs for Equality:

Sam Loutfi, Bo Billups

Chad Griffin

Chad Hunter Griffin (born July 16, 1973) is an American political strategist best known for his work advocating for LGBT rights in the United States.

Griffin got his start in politics volunteering for the Bill Clinton presidential campaign, which led to a position in the White House Press Office at the age of 19. Following his stint in the White House and his graduation from Georgetown University, he led a number of political campaigns advocating for or against various California ballot initiatives, as well as a number of fundraising efforts for political candidates, such as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

In 2012, Griffin was appointed president of the Human Rights Campaign, the largest LGBT rights organization in the United States.

letsdothis2 ago

Michelle and Barack Obama are expected to make SoCal a post-White House home

According to reports, the Obamas may have purchased a home in Rancho Mirage. It has no doubt been a long and stressful eight years for Barack and Michelle Obama, so a West Coast house adjacent to extensive golf courses and other relaxing amenities makes sense.

Rancho Mirage comes with presidential precedent. It was the post-White House home of Gerald Ford, as well. And, according to the New York Post, the rumored Obama property won’t be too far from the famed Annenberg estate known as Sunnylands that has served as an occasional California getaway for President Obama and seven of his predecessors.

If this is in fact happening, which the First Family has yet to officially confirm, the assumption is that the house will be furnished and decorated by interior designer Michael S. Smith. Smith has his own place in Rancho Mirage that the Obamas have visited and he was their choice to update the White House décor when they moved in. The L.A.-based designer’s partner James Costos was also President Obama’s appointment to serve as U.S. ambassador to Spain and Andorra, so they’re probably all pretty close friends.

Link on Annenberg: Wallis Annenberg PetSpace, a super high-tech pet adoption center, is coming to Playa Vista

The two-story, 30,000-square-foot Wallis Annenberg PetSpace is slated to open next summer in Playa Vista. The high-tech Silicon Beach complex will be much more than just an adoption center, with spaces for educational classes and training workshops as well as a full-fledged research facility. Between 25 and 30 full-time employees will care for the resident animals, with room for volunteers as well.

On the research side, the on-site Leadership Institute, a human-animal studies center, will pull in experts from the University of Oxford, University of Nottingham and Loyola Marymount University’s Center for Urban Resilience. PetSpace will also be partnering with the California Science Center for a traveling exhibition about the science of dogs, due to open in 2018.

Welcome to Annenberg PetSpace

darkknight111 ago

Those stolen guns...

This absolutely STINKS of a false flag being plotted.

Weapons trafficking heist. Similar crime to the one in December of last year.

Very similar to a set up for the attempted Super Bowl false flag last January.

Large number of guns stolen suggests a LARGE number of culprits (think shooting massacre worse in scope than Vegas).

If this is like the Super Bowl, then the target of the false flag will be a major sports say the World Series.

World Series takes place on the week before Halloween with game 7 being on Halloween itself. The week before Halloween is also on a FULL MOON.

Week of Halloween is a known time for fuckery in the Satanic Calader as are Full Moons.

letsdothis2 ago

Apparently the guys were caught and arrested. I do think though that it was an odd story and there's more to it.

letsdothis2 ago

Just an update on the arms theft from the UPS facility: Accused Gun Thief No Stranger To The Illinois Valley

Roland Jackson has a pending burglary case in La Salle County. He and another man from Chicago were arrested last December for allegedly stealing electronics from semis parked at XPO Logistics in La Salle.

Bradley S. Jacobs of XPO Logistics

Bradley “Brad” Jacobs (born August 3, 1956) is an American businessman. He is the chairman and chief executive officer of XPO Logistics, Inc.[1][2] and the managing director of Jacobs Private Equity, LLC.[3] Jacobs is best known for consolidating companies in the waste management, equipment rental, and transportation and logistics industries. He has led approximately 500 acquisitions and 250 cold-starts over the course of his career,[3] and raised more than $20 billion in capital. In March 2018, Forbes named Jacobs to its billionaires list, with a net worth of $2.6 billion.[

In March 2009, Jacobs was inducted into the American Rental Association’s Hall of Fame.[14][18] He was named American Shipper’s Person of the Year on November 25, 2015,[27] and was listed among the Best CEOs of the 2016 All-America Executive Team one week later.

"He sat on the board of the Pennsylvania-based Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy."

Vindicator ago

@letsdothis2, what are you saying is the relationship here between the guns stolen from UPS, and pizzagate, other than these people all know each other and are part of the same web of slime? We need a tl;dr. Are you saying the arrests point to gun-running and child trafficking in plain sight by the owners of UPS?

darkknight111 ago

This heist STINKS of a false flag. Refer to my newest post.

letsdothis2 ago

To do a tl;dr would be difficult as I cannot say that the guns stolen were indicative of gun-running and child trafficking. I'm compiling the connections we have between UPS and pizzagate. I did find the timing of the story interesting. I can see now how my title for this could be confusing.

Vindicator ago

I understand. Just out of curiosity, what made you link the two? Did the gun thing set off your radar such that you started looking into UPS and found these connections?

letsdothis2 ago

You'll think I'm nuts but anyhoo..

Logistics companies in the news alot lately - now Taylor Swift has her face on UPS trucks - Huh? Cataloguing recent accidents.

I've been noticing the increased volume of "accidents" involving transport, distribution and logistics companies in the news lately and was beginning to chronicle them.

Well, this is a bit of an odd post because it combines the banality of the entertainment industry with serious accidents that have occurred and reported in the news recently.

Apparently there's been this UPS vs Fedex dance off

UPS and Taylor Swift

HuffPost article: Now That The Old Taylor Swift Is Dead, The New One Is Slapping Her Face On UPS Trucks


Possible Corridor Through the Western US for Human Trafficking Sanctioned by Government

That entire post was interesting but I'll just pull this out...

The Road to Mandalay - Robbie Williams ...laden with messages and metaphors

Robbie Williams - The Road To Mandalay

letsdothis2 ago

Connection found between FAPE art in embassies program and Sotheby's auction house.

Sotheby's real estate division has been connected in voat posts to Podesta's pizza party on Martha's Vineyard where the pizza-related map on the handerchief was found: and potentially also to Alefantis

Now I see that FAPE (Foundation for Art and Preservation in Embassies) is also connected to Sotheby's. From FAPE's history page:

"Among FAPE’s early accomplishments are the formalization of a partnership with Sotheby’s to provide pro bono services to the State Department to inventory and evaluate historic furnishings"

FAPE has generated considerable discussion on voat as a potential avenue for shipping internationally while avoiding inspection. Here is some excellent @swordfish69 research on that:

We still don't know whether Sotheby's is actually shipping to embassies overseas for FAPE or whether FAPE's arrangement with them is still ongoing.

letsdothis2 ago

Michelle in Spain with Costos and Smith

letsdothis2 ago

The hilltop home has sweeping views, a private tennis court and trapezoid swimming pool. Despite temperatures above 100 degrees, Obama was able to golf at two nearby courses — Saturday at the “Sunnylands” Estate and Sunday at the “Porcupine Creek” Estate owned by software billionaire Larry Ellison.

Costos had “no experience” in Foreign Service or being an Ambassador and “does not speak Spanish”, yet alone the Castilian dialect. Costos has a full time job as a “VP at HBO” in global licensing, retail and marketing division. A job he presumably intends to keep.

Larry Ellison

Larry Ellison (Oracle) has ties to Livermore and the DIA/DARPA: SMART METERS at UC Berkeley/FEMA/DHS/UCD; REAL ID w 2 KGB Generals at DHS/Livermore; and Mormons

letsdothis2 ago

More on the American Museum of Natural History

Gala Chairs for the evening were Jodie and John Eastman, Tina Fey and Jeff Richmond, and Alice and Lorne Michaels.

Jodie Eastman - International Rescue Committee Board Member

Member; Leadership Council, New York Stem Cell Foundation

voat: I followed the rescued and found the money and the cards. And surprise! We the taxpayers are paying for their evil

Lorne Michaels SNL Creator Lorne Michaels: We Ignored Harvey Weinstein Scandal Because He’s From New York

SNL’s justification for this, according to the show’s creator Lorne Michaels, is because Weinstein and the show both originated from New York City, per the Daily Mail. '

'SNL went so far as to compare Trump’s so-called “locker room talk” comments to Penn State’s child molestation cases. '

Hollywood Elite Scum Robert DeNiro Tied to International Underage Call Girl Service with Connections to Middle East Arms Dealers and Snuff Films

carmencita ago

UPVoat! What a compilation of connections connecting to the CF and their possible arms and child trafficking connections. We need to now work on getting closer to UPS and their many containers they use for shipping. Remember when we used to research shipping containers? Do they pick up things at ports? Some other co. gets it to the port and UPS pick up complies. Or do they have a Port PU Service? Hmm.

LOOK at this UPS Location in Louisville KY. Right nr. the Ohio River Easy Waterfront PU. That is their address.

325 Main St. Waterfront Plaza

letsdothis2 ago

Bryan Peter Torres : IT Manager at the American Museum of Natural History

Voat post involving the museum:

Howard Rubin - Sex dungeon owner, accused of human trafficking, worked for Soros, connections with of Paddle8 and the Child Mind Institute

Last Thursday night, the American Museum of Natural History hosted their largest annual benefit dinner with more than 700 guests attending. The evening was hosted by Seth Meyers, with a dinner menu designed by Mario Batali, and a performance by Michael Buble. Lorna Kelly of Paddles8 conducted an auction that raised more than $500,000, which was matched by an anonymous donor, bringing the evening’s total funds raised to over $3.5 million.

letsdothis2 ago

Lorna Kelly and Mother Teresa Mother Teresa and to work with her sisters, the Missionaries of Charity

While at Sotheby’s Lorna was inspired to travel to India to work with Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity tending to the poorest of the poor on the streets of Calcutta.

Those three weeks led to a close personal relationship with Mother Teresa and Lorna served as a witness for her beatification.


Hillary Clinton attempted to set up an orphanage with Mother Theresa

Mother Teresa' s Sisters of Charity Investigated for Adoption Trafficking (2011)

lamplight ago

Oh how sad to see Hillary Clinton and Mother Teresa in the same sentence. There goes another one of the most admired women (Mother Teresa I mean) down the tubes into depravity. After learning so much evil that has been going on under our noses, I don't think I will ever take anyone's word for something being a "charitable organization".

letsdothis2 ago

Common Core is Agenda 21

Common Core is an integral part of UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development: globalization is the standardization of systems.

Agenda 21 Animal Rights connection

Former HSUS member reveals the Animal Rights political agendas and why One World Order guru Maurice Strong is on the HSUS Board Of Directors.

HSUS and the Clinton Foundation

letsdothis2 ago

@carmencita lol, I forgot to mention the one person that led me this post involving Rehoboth Beach was Monica McLean, Christine Blasey Ford's bestie. Christine Blasey-Ford Friend In Delaware Was Career FBI Agent and Likely Together During Accusation Letter Construct…

carmencita ago

Bingo! There you go. You have found another hidden cover up to their method of madness. They will stop at nothing. I have said to my husband all along, this is a Contrived Plot.

It smacks of the Roy Moore accusations that I still believe were a Contrived Plot as well. II can't bring this up anywhere, I get the Most Bazarro looks. You have 3 heads look.

ESOTERICshade ago

I bet it took some hours to follow that spiderweb. And that is pretty much what the pedo network looks like, a spider web.


What does this have to do with stolen rugers?

letsdothis2 ago

We're in a political fight at the moment. Use your imagination :-)

Sophrosyne42 ago



How about you just answer my question instead

letsdothis2 ago

Some people think that the robbery at the UPS facility was an inside job. This post is looking at the UPS associations and affiliations.


Yeah and they've identified the nigger who worked there and stole them and his accomplice is in custody. If they are trafficking children through a ups facility they aren't going to do it in a cardboard box where the $12/hr nigger with a ged is handling it. They'd ship it with special handling instructions in a wooden box like it was something fragile and expensive.

If any laborers at the facility are in on it then it would be the shift managers and the union stewards. Ups is a publicly traded company and has to disclose all kinds of shit, you should be looking into the teamsters union. Unions are secretive as fuck and have a long history of corruption.

carmencita ago

So basically UPS, founded by Casey, who also runs AECF is connected to Arms Trafficking and Child Trafficking and connected to CF. WOW. Not surprised that Brock and Soros are in the mix. Rehoboth has been on here before. Biden visits there to an Ice Cream Shop and it is touted as a very well known Gay Magnet.

Joe Biden visits Rehoboth Beach on his B-day - You can't make this stuff up.- Did he wear his B-day Suit?


Joe and Jill Biden Purchase Home in Rehoboth Beach

Rehoboth Beach Delaware - A Very Gay Friendly Resort

So the Bidens live near this Whole Mess & a Gay Mecca.

letsdothis2 ago

Joe Biden joins a child protection foundation and partners with BUCKS County Health System ..ahem..

The Boys and Girls Clubs of Delaware document

This year’s Kids Fest proved to be all about kids and building safer communities. In collaboration with the Beau Biden Foundation, National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the Cal Ripkin Sr. Foundation, we launched the statewide program “Safe to Compete”. This partnership will enhance and expand the background procedures for Club staff and volunteers. Safe to Compete will provide child sexual abuse training through Stewards of Children workshops and childfocused online safety resources through NetSmartz for staff, volunteers and parents so they can better protect children under their care.

Blacksmith21 ago

Rehobeth Beach has been known as the "gay beach" for as long as I can remember.

carmencita ago

I just heard about it researching this year, but to many I presume it is well known around that area.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's been known as the gay beach for 40+ years.

letsdothis2 ago

Nicely summed up. Also all this Rehoboth Beach gay mafia stuff is closely connected (in my view) to the occult, CIA, Podestas and all the research on the Process Church etc

carmencita ago

That whole area seems to be one of those Controlled Areas. I agree with the Gay Mafia connection as well. I wonder if Beau's death was somehow mixed up in all of this. People have said that his cancer was caused by some kind of chemical probs in Iraq, but I wonder if we will ever know the real truth. Not saying that couldn't have happened, but with their track record, who really knows.

truthdemon ago

Wow, good research... But is it if any use...i very much doubt it...the pedos are guarding the pedo empire... ..any way keep up the research

letsdothis2 ago

I think you underestimate the influence of the research on this forum. :-)

carmencita ago

I don't know why but that Judge's name sounded familiar and up pops Beau Biden's name. This is added to the mix. As if we need more.......

Beau Bide defends Judge as she gets threats for her decision in that horrid child rape case. It gets ugly, imo. This is a horrible case.

letsdothis2 ago

IBM Board of Director - Michael L. Eskew

Mr. Eskew, 68, is IBM’s independent Presiding Director. Mr. Eskew joined United Parcel Service in 1972. He was named corporate vice president for industrial engineering in 1994, group vice president for engineering in 1996, executive vice president in 1999, vice chairman in 2000, and he was chairman and chief executive officer from 2002 until his retirement at the end of 2007. Mr. Eskew remained on the board of United Parcel Service until the end of 2014. He is a director of Allstate Corporation, Eli Lilly and Company and 3M Company. In addition, he is chairman of the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

derram ago :

400 guns stolen from UPS facility in Memphis, Tennessee, by two people in U-Haul truck, ATF says - Washington Times :

Gov. Jack Markell of Delaware on Common Core - YouTube :


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