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letsdothis2 ago

Here he is talking about Common Core

Common Core = Common Purpose in the UK

‘Execution Ltd’ and the ‘Dream Mill’: Looking after children?

ARK itself is getting funding to support this programme from ‘Execution Ltd’ who ‘felt that this programme fitted in well with the Trust’s focus’. Another organisation, ‘The Dream Mill’, researches the behaviour change of the participants in the associated ‘Teens & Toddlers’ programme - the names themselves should give most parents nightmares. Our research has undercovered a trail of worrying “new initiatives” in schools, particularly those associated with the new NuLabour ‘Academy’ schools programme. Initiatives range from regular ‘counselling’, to unspecified ends, to the sexualisation of children. In the background, the UK Column is finding reference to The ‘No Outsiders’ project, being run by Dr Elizabeth Atkinson at Sunderland University. This is about ‘challenging homophobia’ and ‘challenging heteronormativity’. For those readers unsure of this ‘psychobabble’, to challenge heteronormativity is to challenge heterosexual activity as the norm for society.

Execution Ltd. was the employer of Will Draper, the financier of the Hampstead cult. He is a shareholder as well :

Who's who of Common Purpose (apart from Rothschilds, Cameron, Brown, Mandelson, Blair et al) : List includes: Nigel Morris Jones of Execution Ltd

ARK received a grant from Execution Ltd for Teens and Toddlers programme

Related: London Council's Edward Lord, 'non-binary' Freemason, and his pedophile hero Professor Plummer

More on Peter Mandelson (Derek Draper's former boss) : Bahamas Tourism Ministry TV Ad Attempts to "Normalize" Child Sex Trafficking, Featuring Illusionist David Copperfield | He is a Resident and Owns Musha Cay Resort | Named in Epstein Document

Execution Charitable Trust

Give and Let Give: building a culture of philanthropy in the financial services industry

Another shareholder of Execution is Bill Osborne-Young . Wife played the mother of Harry Potter.