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letsdothis2 ago

Developing Critical Consciousness is the official tagline for PolyDallas Millennium as of 2018.

Critical consciousness, conscientization, or conscientização in Portuguese, is a popular education and social concept developed by Brazilian pedagogue and educational theorist Paulo Freire, grounded in post-Marxist critical theory.

voat post:

How do you challenge traditional European cultural norms? You redefine who the oppressors are. T

I would add that reading "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" by Paulo Freire helps explain what is taking place in academia.


George Soros and Pope Francis: An Unholy Alliance

Pope Francis has been influenced by The Pedagogy of the Oppressed, a book that sought to spread Marxism among the peasants of Latin America. The Alinskyite left in America regards that book as a classic. The author of the book is the late Paulo Freire and Pope Francis has made a point of visiting with Freire’s widow. The meeting was set up by Cardinal Hummes, the Brazilian whom Francis credits with inspiring him to name himself after St. Francis. Pope Francis “considered the meeting with me because of the writings of Paulo, because of the importance of Paulo for the education of oppressed people, poor people, black people, for women, for minorities,” Ana Freire said.

letsdothis2 ago

Did you take a look at Lord's partner? Dr. Meg John-Parker

Meg-John Barker (born 23 June 1974) is an author, speaker, consultant, and activist-academic. They have written a number of anti self-help books on the topics of relationships, sex, and gender, as well as the popular comic book Queer: A Graphic History, and the book The Psychology of Sex. They are the writer of the relationships book and blog Rewriting the Rules, and they have a podcast with sex educator Justin Hancock.

Barker is currently a Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the Open University in the United Kingdom with a focus on psychotherapy. Barker holds a PhD in Psychology from the University of Nottingham, and is also a UKCP accredited psychotherapist specializing in sex therapy and relationship counseling.

Barker has written and/or edited some of the first academic collections on open non-monogamy, bisexuality, non-binary gender and BDSM. They were editor of the journal Psychology & Sexuality from 2010 to 2017, and lead author of The Bisexuality Report and the BACP document on Gender, Sexual, and Relationship Diversity.

Barker's pronouns are singular they/them.

There's a group called Poly Dallas who recently had a conference on Meg John-Parker's book Rewriting the Rules. Take a look at the logo.

Here's a discussion on MumsNet :

and here:

And here's a Twitter thread calling out her/their (?) connections with the pro-paedophilia lobby :

The author of the @BACP woo-woo Dr. Meg John Barker is a champion of queer theory, in particular two of the core queer theorists - Pat Califia & Gayle S Rubin.

Dr. Barker has drawn and celebrated Rubin in her 'Queer: A Graphic History'. Alongside Rubin, Dr. Barker has found Pat Califia's work particularly helpful. Califia was in a sadomasochistic relationship with Rubin and celebrated being published in paedophile journals

And provides a link to Califa's article: Feminism, Pedophilia, and Children's Rights

I didn't have the stomach to read the whole thing through. These are some seriously disturbed people.

Another point: note her links to Nottingham University. That's one place that keeps coming up again and again....

Piscina ago

I have noticed that a lot of the partners of IITAP (International Institute for Trauma & Addiction Professionals), who are associated with this BS, have freemasonry symbols such as the key, capstone, sun or star.

Piscina ago

As someone on mumsnet said:

How long before safeguarding children is banned because its ....phobic?


Ray Blanchard, professor of psychiatry at the University of Toronto, who led the APA’s (AMerican Psychiatric Assoc) working group on the subject, said that unless some other way was found of encompassing hebephilia in the new manual, that was “tantamount to stating that the APA’s official position is that the sexual preference for early pubertal children is normal”.

Piscina ago

Pat Califia is a trans man pornographer and wrote this book entitled Doing it for Daddy.

Pat also asks for money from the public--about $20,000 of it.

Here is Pat supporting paedophiles in a long rant and her thoughts on child porn 'moral panic'. THis is what she says:

Gay men who have sexual relationships with boys (and the boys themselves) are the real victims of the kiddy-porn crusade.

Boy-lovers often take pictures of their youthful partners (doesn't everybody take pictures of loved ones?)

Piscina ago

Wow, Polydallas is clearly the pedo logo. They invite people who are into kink/bdsm, and anybody who's 'sex positive'. This means those of us against pedophilia will now be labelled 'sex-negative' and we'll be told we're 'kink shaming'.

letsdothis2 ago

They are all in it together:

Maldives hires top lobbying firm to woo US -

(Note image includes McCain and Amal Clooney)

In 2015, Maldives had employed the services of another Washington based lobbying firm Podesta Group before hiring Omnia Strategy, a legal consultancy firm chaired by Cherie Blair, the wife of former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair.

letsdothis2 ago

More on Peter Mandelson (Derek Draper's former boss) : Bahamas Tourism Ministry TV Ad Attempts to "Normalize" Child Sex Trafficking, Featuring Illusionist David Copperfield | He is a Resident and Owns Musha Cay Resort | Named in Epstein Document

That Old Black Magic

A BRAZILIAN witch doctor has said that Peter Mandelson once held a chicken while he cut off its head as a sacrifice to a pagan god in the Candomble cult. Later the voodoo practitioner was, it appears, asked by Mr Mandelson's friend Reinaldo Avila da Silva to do something to make Charlie Whelan "who is always trying to harm Peter" disappear from politics. The magic man was sent a photograph of Mr Whelan, and - hey presto! - his bad vibes evaporated and Mr Mandelson was restored to the Cabinet.

letsdothis2 ago

British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy -

The British Association for Counselling grew from the Standing Conference for the Advancement of Counselling, a grouping of organisations inaugurated in 1970 at the instigation of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations. Membership was extended to include individuals when in 1977, with the aid of a grant from the Home Office Voluntary Service Unit, the British Association for Counselling was founded.

Notable members of the BACP : Derek Draper: Psychotherapist, former lobbyist and former editor of the LabourList website.

Derek Draper

Derek William Draper (born 15 August 1967) is an English former lobbyist. As a political advisor he was involved in two political scandals, "Lobbygate" in 1998, and again in 2009 while Draper was editor of the LabourList website. He has worked as a psychotherapist.

Draper began his political career in 1990, when he became the constituency secretary for Nick Brown. In 1992, he left this job and went to work as a researcher for MP for Hartlepool Peter Mandelson.

In 1998, while still working as a director at GPC Market Access, Draper was caught on tape, with Jonathan Mendelsohn, boasting to Greg Palast – an undercover reporter from The Observer posing as a businessman – about how they could sell access to government ministers and create tax breaks for their clients.

Palast later stated that the subsequent media coverage got his original story wrong, and that it was not primarily about boastful lobbyists: "the real story was about Tony Blair and his inner circle".

Related voat posts:

Chair for the Council of Trustees of Oxfam, Caroline Thomson, has ties to multiple global scandals, including the Jimmy Saville BBC pedophile scandal, as well as the UK's Lobbygate scandal

But the biggest scandal associated with Thomson just might be the one that's connected to her husband, Roger Liddle: Lobbygate. In this political scandal of 1998 in which lobbyists Derek Draper and Jonathan Mendelsohn were secretly recorded boasting that they could sell access to government ministers and create tax breaks for their clients, British political figures including Liddle and Tony Blair were exposed as little more than puppets of the lobbying industry an a cabal of 17 elites. Sound familiar? Their organization was informally known as "The Circle".

Beneath the murky world of human trafficking, a tangled web of PR and lobbying firms ranging from Washington DC to London

Here is an article on mandleson and blair - child sex rings - etc.

Mandelson was also involved in NSPC, which is an organization to protect children. Cheri founded the Matrix chamber, which primarily focuses on human rights, sex trafficking, etc. Ironic, in light of what you posted above about Cheri. I think we can assume attorneys from Matrix chamber working on UN sex trafficking etc are there to give the impression to the public something is being done, while slow walking anything that could really damage all involved...

Epstien Dinner Guest list: Mort Zuckerman, Google co-founder Sergey Brin, David Blaine, Donald Trump, Leslie Wexner , Peter Mandelson, Bill Clinton aide Doug Band

Piscina ago

omg, they're all connected. I'm assuming they're all friggin freemasons.

letsdothis2 ago

From Barker's website Rewriting the Rules - Kink Awareness Exercise

Yesterday I ran my training session on kink/BDSM (bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadomasochism) to a group of sex and relationship therapists and it reminded me that I’ve been meaning to blog about the exercise I use in these sessions. ..

An individual gets a rush out of being put in terrifying situations which makes him scream and cry out in fear. He engages other people to put him in a special device which will result in these effects. When his time in the device is up, his face is white and he has tears in his eyes, but he begs them to let him go through it again...

Finally, it is worth pointing out that many of the activities mentioned are far more risky and non-consensual than the many of the most common kink activities (spanking and bondage, for example). In the training session we go on to explore the evidence against various common myths about kink being inherently dangerous, pathological and abusive.

From that twitter thread I pointed to:

The @BACP best practice guidance has another sinister undertone running through. People needing therapy for trauma are, in best practice, to be educated that kink-play such as BDSM is a way to work through one's history of sexual abuse, that 'sex work' is just another kind of relationship and sex for survival is normal. With regards to entering the porn industry or kink-play being an @BACP endorsed therapeutic method for those undergoing therapy for sexual trauma see @SuzzanBlac 's work Huge Trigger Warning

And believe me, that link provided is very NSFW

All of this stuff endorsed by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy

Piscina ago

Pankhurst's tweets are very eye-opening.

Kink and BDSM are straight out of the porn handbook. Some men get turned on by seeing women in pain. That's why BDSM exists. If you go to any BDSM 'education' evening (and yes they exist) it's a bunch of dirty old men telling young, curious women that pain is good, and how enjoyable it is to be tied up and tortured. And some young women fall for it. imho, they are lost and probably have had a traumatic childhood. They teach men how to tie up women, hang them from the ceiling, sometimes upside down. They tell women how exciting this is. I've seen photos of what they do to women. It's sadistic and it's dangerous. They have 'safe words' but I've seen women using the safe word, and the torture not stopping.

The proponents of BDSM/kink are evil, as are the supporters of 'sex work'. They propagate the exploitation and abuse of women. I know Suzzan Blac. She does amazing work and she knows how sick these people are.

Yes, the BACP if rotten to the core.

Vindicator ago

@Piscina, we need a direct supporting link for this claim, not just a generic link to his blog:

His idea of 'inclusion' is ensuring that men who don some lipstick can access women's bathrooms, toilets and refuges.

Also, you need a statement of whatever your Pizzagate thesis is, here. Are you saying he is a pedophile hiding in plain sight? Or that he is actively working to normalize pedophelia through his engagement in politics and sports? Or that this is evidence of a freemason project to corrupt society by normalizing pedophelia and incest? It's not clear why you are putting him forward as a person of interest.

Flairing this per Rules 1 and 2. Thanks for editing.

Piscina ago

The nexus is pretty clear: here we have someone in a position of authority and influence in one of the world's most influential cities, London, lauding and championing a self-proclaimed (and probably practising) pedophile and former PIE member, Professor Plummer of Essex University. This is evidence not only that there are people in positions of power, the elite, those running the show, who espouse 'man-boy love' and would not turn a blind eye but obviously encourage it and most probably partake, but also that it's only a matter of time before the scourge of pedophilia of legalized.

Vindicator ago

Great summary. Please add it up top, and we'll remove the flair.

I don't know how folks in the UK tolerate this stuff. :-(

think- ago

here we have someone in a position of authority and influence in one of the world's most influential cities, London, lauding and championing a self-proclaimed (and probably practising) pedophile and former PIE member, Professor Plummer of Essex University.

@Piscina, could you please add this sentence at the top of your post? I think that @Vindicator's edit request will then be fulfilled, and we can remove the flair. It's a great post, thank you for digging this up.

Piscina ago

done. thank you.

think- ago

Thanks @Piscina. I will remove the flair.