SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @septimasexta.

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UselessWorm ago

Make sure your translators are switched to ON and be sure to view friends, it's a ring. Read and screen shot posts carefully... They'll probably be gone soon (not just the posts) Httt//

htts:// (also conning Americans for cash)







Http typos on purpose so they don't find this via Google.One American might be taking a trip to visit one of these "godly" men whom she thinks is a white American. Please find out what you can, I can't stop her and even if I convince her she'd forget by morning.

kazza64 ago

samantha boardman is married to aby rosen

kazza64 ago

lisa belzberg, samantha boardman, ruth cohens son peter cohen and edgar bronfman jr are all in epsteins little black book

kazza64 ago

edgar bronfman jr is in epsteins little black book

carmencita ago

Listed Under Pantheon

Annette de la Renta

Annette de la Renta (born 24 December 1939) is an American philanthropist and socialite, the widow of the Dominican fashion designer Oscar de la Renta. She was named to the International Best Dressed List Hall of Fame in 1973.[1]

On 26 July 2006, Annette de la Renta was appointed temporary guardian of the 104-year-old Brooke Astor, a long-time friend, in the wake of elder abuse allegations being made against Astor's son, Anthony Dryden Marshall.[citation needed] On 13 October 2006, de la Renta became permanent guardian.[citation needed] On 20 October 2014, her husband, Oscar de la Renta, died of cancer, at age 82.[12]

De la Renta serves on the boards of the Metropolitan Museum, the New York Public Library, the Morgan Library, the Animal Medical Center, and the Engelhard Foundation. She also served on the board of directors of ROCKEFELLER UNIVERSITY for 25 years, and now serves as a trustee emeritus.[13]

She and her husband had a close relationship with Bill and Hillary Clinton and a couple of other names listed.The Kissingers, Charlie Rose and Barbara Walters

Hillary Clinton and Henry Kissinger: It’s Personal. Very Personal.

What Clinton did not mention was that her bond with Kissinger was personal as well as professional, as she and her husband have for years regularly spent their winter holidays with Kissinger and his wife, Nancy, at the beachfront villa of fashion designer Oscar de la Renta, who died in 2014, and his wife, Annette, in the Dominican Republic.

The Clintons and Kissingers appear to spend a chunk of their quality time together at that de la Renta estate in the Punta Cana resort. Last year, the Associated Press noted that this is where the Clintons take their annual Christmas holiday. And other press reports in the United States and the Dominican Republic have pointed out that the Kissingers are often part of the gang the de la Rentas have hosted each year. When Oscar de la Renta died in 2014, the New York Times obituary reported:

Over Christmas the Kissingers were among the close group who gathered in Punta Cana, including Barbara Walters, Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Charlie Rose. “We have two house rules,” says Oscar, laughing. “There can be no conversation of any substance and nothing nice about anyone.”

This gathering of the Clintons, the Kissingers, and the de la Rentas seems to occur most years. In 2011, de la Renta, a native of the Dominican Republic, told Vogue that he built this seaside estate so he could host his close friends, and he cited the Kissingers and Clintons as examples. “At Christmas,” he said, “we’re always in the same group.”

Please note her connection to Rockefeller University. Recently we had a post by @NOMOCHOMO about an Elite Pediatrician and Sexual Abuse

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagatewhatever comment by @letsdothis3.

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septimasexta ago

Great post. Key players. Why the Dominican Republic? Oscar was WELL connected and talented. He is a key to all sorts of relationships. Here is an excellent in-depth article on his life. MUST READ. Here's some info on his house in Dominican Republic : “He loves their house in Kent, Connecticut, where he’s created gardens that supply “the most spiritual and purest of joys,” and the house in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, where he has built an orphanage and day care center that serves more than 1,200 children." "Their dinner parties – in their homes in Manhattan, Connecticut and the Dominican Republic – were legendary, mixing old and new money with fashion, entertainment and politics." "“He works side-by-side with his stepdaughter, he dotes on his adopted son Moises, and he has an enormously wide range of close friends, all of whom say pretty much the same thing that Nancy Kissinger did years ago: “Oscar and Annette are the two most thoughtful people I’ve ever known.”"

"In June 2001, he created a garden for Lord Jacob Rothschild at Waddesdon Manor, the turreted French château-style home built for the Rothschild family in Buckinghamshire, England. Read more about it here." " Life in the social world’s elite advanced for Oscar when he became the third husband of Françoise de Langlade in 1967....She had been a mistress of Baron Elie de Rothschild, and married firstly to French businessman Jean Bruère, and secondly, diplomat Nicholas Bagenow."

septimasexta ago

SHOULD HE BE ADDED TO THE BODY COUNT? "Chelsea Clinton reveals designer Oscar de la Renta personally knit a dress for her nine-month-old daughter Charlotte just weeks before he died The former first daughter, 35, told an A-list audience at the CFDA Awards that the designer sent her a knitted pink dress for her baby Chelsea said the gift, which she received weeks before the designer died, was 'among the last - if not the very last thing - he ever made' She also credits Mr. de la Renta, who made her wedding dress, with helping her to be less of a wallflower " REMEMBER, CLINTON FOUNDATION PAID FOR CHELSEA'S WEDDING....

carmencita ago

Yes, we have learned to read between the lines. Orphanage, day care center, 1,200 Children. His adopted son Moises. His wife Annette was not very kind to the son. I wonder where and how did he find this boy? What was their relationship. I also read that Oscar was involved with sugar plantations. A dirty business. The connections with the Rothschilds do make one wonder how far this all goes. These people make me sick. Their gardens and chateaus. I read the Mother Jones article about 2 years ago and was shocked. Walters and Rose? Really? Now look what has become of Rose. He and Kissinger are very good friends, very close. They deserve each other. Kissinger is beyond old. He needs to go. Wonder what makes him live so long when he looks as he does. Hmm.

fogdryer ago

barb walters is dirty. I wish more would come out on her

septimasexta ago

Moises de la Renta: Oscar's adopted son....

"Oscar de la Renta snubbed adopted son in will

Moises de la Renta, adopted by Oscar from an orphanage in their native Dominican Republic, was left a relatively threadbare portion of his dad’s $26 million estate — and was warned that if he ever tried to contest the will, he would be cut out completely, court documents show. Moises, 30, had angered his dad by launching his own women’s fashion line in 2005."

"Oscar said he adopted Moises, then just 24 hours old, after his first wife, Francoise, died of cancer. “I never thought I would get married again. I thought my son and I would have each other,’’ he said."

Piscina ago

Strange that his father disowns him for following in his footsteps. Most fathers would be proud. Oscar set up Casa De Los Ninos in the Dominican Republic.

TrustTheTruth ago

What was Mike Shinoda really doing in Haiti?

How is Tom DeLonge linked to the Podestas and the I-94 Project?

What is the Headwaters Relief Organization?

How is USAID involved?

Where was Tony Podesta "MADE"?

What is Hillary's Model for Community Policing and what is the net result for black men?

Who owns the patent for the Zika virus, what is it a test for, and who benefits?

Who legitimized the Art in Embassies program?

What is the World's Most Valuable Resource in The World?

What is Satan's Ability?


septimasexta ago

"What is the World's Most Valuable Resource in The World?" WATER

"Who owns the patent for the Zika virus" ROCKEFELLER

"Who legitimized the Art in Embassies program? " "The Art in Embassies Program (AIEP) of the U.S. Department of State was created in 1964 to promote original artwork by U.S. artists in the residences of United States Ambassadors worldwide, including the New York residence of the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. These residences serve as centers for official state department functions. AIEP also provides artwork for the residences of principal representatives to United Nations and economic agencies abroad...All loans are requested for a period of three years; and AIEP staff arranges for and provides crating, shipping, and insurance coverage for all works of art. "

septimasexta ago

"What was Mike Shinoda really doing in Haiti?"

PEDOGATE - Mike Shinoda, the Clintons and Haiti (Linkin Park #ItEndsNow) #pizzagate #pedogate

fogdryer ago

Headwaters Relief Organization is a Minnesota-based, non-profit disaster relief organization that organizes volunteers to support the emotional, cleanup and rebuilding needs of families and communities ravaged by disaster. Our mission is to bring hope and build resilience to people and communities following a natural disaster. Headwaters seeks to inspire passion to serve others. We forge connections between those who are being served, the Headwaters team and the community at large. We work to ensure that every volunteer, regardless of age, background, skills, or experience, feels valued and motivated to continue to serve others. Our volunteers learn to recognize, respect, and value differences. In doing this work, Headwaters volunteers build stronger communities and a better world for all.

Haiti Philippines River of Hope Mental Health Resource Center Nepal

septimasexta ago

"Headwaters Relief Organization traveled to Haiti in March, with a medical team performing clinics in a remote part of Haiti and seeing nearly 350 patients in 4 days. Members of the team also conducted research studying the impact of disaster on children, a research project being done in conjunction with Georgetown University. The team of doctors were also able to visit our sponsored orphanages to see to the medical needs of the children who live there."

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Source, or it didn't happen.

TrustTheTruth ago

We are The Source.

Why can't you answer ANY of these questions?

Do you not Know Anything?

Why are you so afraid of The Truth?

Do you Denounce Satan and The Mark of the Beast?



shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Merry Christmas Sunshine!

Don't ever change your fucknutty ways.

think- ago

Haha. :-) :-) :-)

letsdothis3 ago

Ezili Danto, NY/Haiti human rights lawyer is reporting the following (I have no way to validate, but she often seems to be "in the know"): "There's a DECHOUKAJ (uprooting) list circulating everywhere targeting corrupt politicians and repugnant oligarchs to clean the swamp."

26) She states: "The illegitimate government is facing the fiercest resistance since Obama-Clinton stole the election for them. Kenneth Merten and his career economic hitmen are scrabbling to stop Trump from cleaning the swamp with his own solution."

27) She states: "The demonstrators have burnt the Clinton edifices in Haiti, including the Oasis Hotel, the Best Western Hotel, the Digicel building was attacked. They pummeled the NATCOM building. The airport is barricaded with trucks and flaming tires.


60) More reports from Ezili: "The U.S. State Department, headed by former CIA head, Pompeo are talking to the "key" opposition to the current government. They are not opposed to getting rid of the Obama-Clinton travesty, however..."

61) Ezili: "there are also, career diplomats with nearly 40 years of career machinations to maintain Haiti's poverty, chaos and indirect occupation which has never stopped since 1915. Men like Thomas Shannon, Kenneth Merten, Larry Swing, and..." #Haiti

62) Ezili: "Thomas Adams, who have worked for both Bill Clinton & the Bush Dynasty Administrations are still in play in Haiti and running things for the global oligarchs, Deep State, and big business. The current Trump Ambassador comes out of this heritage & held UN titles also."

63) Ezili: "So, it's against this background you have these "meetings" happening between the usual suspects to "calm the streets," or otherwise buy off the so-called opposition "leadership." We've seen this hundred of times." #Haiti

Bolux ago

Great work my friend lots to look into.

letsdothis3 ago

Thank you.

letsdothis3 ago

More about Samantha Boardman here: Data dump and some speculations on Art Brut and Brutalism Architecture- From Podesta to CEMEX

[wife of Aby Rosen, co-founder of the Core Club]

think- ago

The Rothschild connection to CEMEX is clear. Bronfman E.L. Rothschild L.P., a wealth management firm for high net value clients, owns a substantial share of the concrete giant:

They sold most of their shares (IIRC at the beginning of this year??) though.

Interestingly, Soros bought more CEMEX shares around the same time, almost as many as the Rothschild's sold IIRC.


Soros is a Rothschild front.

they are just reorganizing for plausible deniability

letsdothis3 ago

November 2018, Bronfman E.l. Rothschild, L.p. reports 60.14% increase in ownership of CX / Cemex S.A.B de C.V.

CEMEX builds the tunnels and launders the drug cartel money

PEMEX does the deep underground drilling for the deep tunnnels and deep pocket funding

TELMEX spies on people making sure nobody finds out (the pretty much have a monopoly)

Rothschilds and Carlos Slim pull the strings, contracting murders and smear campaigns on anybody who gets in their way.

think- ago

Damn, what did I read back then? I actually did some research at the time. :-/

TrustTheTruth ago

The weak link in the entire global chain of command is:

Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons

Where is the World's Most Valuable Resource and the ROOT of All Evil?

fogdryer ago


letsdothis3 ago

Thank you for those very useful links. Just saw this as well: The First Pizza Hut Pie Delivered to the White House Was Ordered by Barbara Bush -

carmencita ago

Back on Earth, Pizza Hut has guest-starred in more than 19 movies and was even the first pizza ever delivered to the White House — and the recipient was none other than the late Barbara Bush. The order was made in 1989 by the then-first lady, who was throwing a pizza party for her “Reading Is Fundamental” program, the largest nonprofit children’s literacy organization in the country. (Pizza Hut has a similar reading program called “BOOK IT!”)

Reading is Fundamental (the largest nonprofit Children's literacy org. in the country) This should be looked into. Especially since she has been linked to Rainbow Cultural Garden (Rainbow Cult-ural) and her just being a Bush Also the Book It Org. These both involve Children and that is frightening to me. A Bush involved with Kids and a Pizza Co. with Kids. Scary.


J.J. Johnson Secretary Executive Vice President, Govt. Relations & Public Policy Group FIDELITY INVEST.

Christina Wire Vice President, Global Operations YOUTUBE



BOOK IT! motivates children to read by rewarding their reading accomplishments with praise, recognition and pizza. The program is simple, flexible, fun and free to use in your classroom! BOOK IT! was created in 1984 and currently reaches more than 14 million students and 37,000 K-6 grade schools annually. One of the Partners IS RIF - Who Knew

letsdothis3 ago

From Ezili Danto's Facebook page: https://www.

"Whip up a Haitian special, extra cheese" (????!!!)

Pedophile ring connected to Clinton Foundation and Podesta, Hillary Clinton's campaign manager -https://

This is (Jimmycomet) James Alefantis' Instagram account- Alefantis owns the Comet Ping Pong pizzarea in DC where disturbing pedophilia allegations and connections are made through #pizzagate research and from info revealed from the Podesta emails

derram ago : :

Wealthy Seagram heir Matthew Bronfman divorces his third wife after having an affair | Daily Mail Online : : :

‘NGOs masturbating on our pain & they must leave’ – Haitian human rights lawyer SophieCo - YouTube

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