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cantsleepawink ago

I hope you don't mind me leaving a few comments here with links. But I think you might be on to something and I hope we get more eyes on this.

Here is a link with a Chicago Tribune article during the Haiti earthquake crisis listing a number of NGOs and other aid agencies. The list includes the Tzu-Chi Foundation, Beyond Borders, Clintons, and others. I somehow feel this list is very informative in terms of our investigation.

On the list is an airline Spirit Airlines

Here is an image of the current CEO Robert L. Fornaro

EDIT : Web page with title 'Spirit Airlines Accused of Human Trafficking' but video is missing,

Article: Reports of ‘Sweet Smell’ on Spirit Airlines Flight Leads to Investigation at LAX

2impendingdoom ago

They can afford cheap those crazy fares if the planes are going anyway for cargo payload. It also provides "cover". Is it a CIA airline?

cantsleepawink ago

Good question.

dreeeg ago

Please.. I have been watching George Webb. this feels familiar

cantsleepawink ago

Exactly !