crystalclearme ago

awesome job- thanks

SturdyGal ago

The First National Agreement link is extremely revelatory. Interestingly, it was archived six days ago:

SturdyGal ago

Updated Dec 15, 2016, the Supreme Master in Haiti (Love in Action)

Within five days of our arrival at Port-au-Prince, we were able to bring vegan food and daily necessities to four orphanages that were in an urgent and desperate situation. The children in the orphanage called Zion, in Arcahaie, had been hungry and praying for many days. Fortunately, God seemed to have heard their prayers and sent us to help them.

Gods Direct Contact in Haiti

Archived link

SturdyGal ago

The Supreme Master Ching Hai was a nurse and

Came under scrutiny during Clinton's "Asian money" fundraising scandal in 1997, when Little Rock restaurateur Charlie Trie delivered $600,000 in bad checks and money orders to Clinton's legal defense fund written by fellow followers, at Ching Hai's urging. Much of the money was returned to the donors. Building an illegal island-complete with an aviary-by importing boulders and hacking through a mangrove forest in Biscayne Bay National Park, FL. She owned the adjacent property under the name Celestia De Lamour.

Hyphen Magazine

But wait, now Supreme Master has had a revelation that she is Tim Qo Tu (the Lord Who Loves All Worlds =The Lord Who All the Worlds Love) so she may be tricky to track if she has another revelation. 2014 Video Apologize for not archiving, but is giving me fits right now.

cantsleepawink ago

From Tim's Facebook page (she likes swirls)

cantsleepawink ago

Good stuff SturdyGal. The Supreme Master has a number of aliases then. No wonder she is hard to track. Celestia DeLamour is hysterical.

cantsleepawink ago

Interesting dots. Thanks.

cantsleepawink ago

There is a connection with the Hampstead Case !

Tzu Chi Hospitals use volunteers from another buddhist sect of the Supreme Master Ching Hai.

The parents of the Hampstead children, both Ricky and Ella, belonged to this sect. Ricky even worked for them producing videos.

The Supreme Master Ching Hai sent money to the Clintons during Bill's impeachment:

Some suspect her of intelligence links. Now I finally begin to get an idea of the links that this cult has. Mind blown.

................................................................................................................................................................................................ Edit:

In the research community, there have long been suspicions that Ching Hai works for the CIA. Supreme Master Ching Hai is also connected with the United Nations and, under the impunity afforded to ‘Peacekeepers’, is involved in many of the same activities as DynCorp’s contractors — in particular, crisis and disaster intervention, a role that places her among the world’s most vulnerable children.

Former members of the sect say involvement with Ching Hai has proven to be disturbing and dangerous, while allegations against the sect include institutionalize child rape, child pornography, child trafficking, prostitution, mind control, ritual torture and murder involving children and animals.

cantsleepawink ago

I hope you don't mind me leaving a few comments here with links. But I think you might be on to something and I hope we get more eyes on this.

Here is a link with a Chicago Tribune article during the Haiti earthquake crisis listing a number of NGOs and other aid agencies. The list includes the Tzu-Chi Foundation, Beyond Borders, Clintons, and others. I somehow feel this list is very informative in terms of our investigation.

On the list is an airline Spirit Airlines

Here is an image of the current CEO Robert L. Fornaro

EDIT : Web page with title 'Spirit Airlines Accused of Human Trafficking' but video is missing,

Article: Reports of ‘Sweet Smell’ on Spirit Airlines Flight Leads to Investigation at LAX

2impendingdoom ago

They can afford cheap those crazy fares if the planes are going anyway for cargo payload. It also provides "cover". Is it a CIA airline?

cantsleepawink ago

Good question.

dreeeg ago

Please.. I have been watching George Webb. this feels familiar

cantsleepawink ago

Exactly !

cantsleepawink ago

That's quite an email Do you think it links in with Ben Swann's Tzuday ?

It's pointing to organ harvesting.

Some excerpts:

The tragic death of a four year-old child abuse victim in a Taichung hospital January 24, has led to media calls for reform of the health care system.

In a surprising move, and after a direct appeal from the former Minister of Health Li Ming-liang, the parents of the victim agreed to donate the girl's organs. Organ donation, while legal in Taiwan, has not been encouraged by the government. DOH maintains an organ database, but for religious and cultural reasons, organ donations are not popular and there is a serious shortage of transplantable organs in Taiwan. Many patients reportedly travel to China or the US for transplants. The Tzu-Chi Foundation, a respected Buddhist charity, has been advocating organ donation and has established a bone-marrow donation center. Interestingly, about half of the donations go to patients in China.

The US unit of the Tzu-Chi Foundation:

Maybe worth a look?

dreeeg ago

Part 6 from WikiLeaks release... Tzu-Day maybe?

The Tzu-Chi Foundation, a respected Buddhist charity, has been advocating organ donation and has established a bone-marrow donation center. Interestingly, about half of the donations go to patients in China. DOH has begun to consider allowing organ donors to be identified as such on their National Health Insurance Card. The decision by the parents of this little girl to donate her organs resulted in some positive publicity for organ donations, but was tempered when the mother refused to donate the girl's corneas for fear she would not be able to "see the way home."