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cantsleepawink ago

There is a connection with the Hampstead Case !

Tzu Chi Hospitals use volunteers from another buddhist sect of the Supreme Master Ching Hai.

The parents of the Hampstead children, both Ricky and Ella, belonged to this sect. Ricky even worked for them producing videos.

The Supreme Master Ching Hai sent money to the Clintons during Bill's impeachment:

Some suspect her of intelligence links. Now I finally begin to get an idea of the links that this cult has. Mind blown.

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In the research community, there have long been suspicions that Ching Hai works for the CIA. Supreme Master Ching Hai is also connected with the United Nations and, under the impunity afforded to ‘Peacekeepers’, is involved in many of the same activities as DynCorp’s contractors — in particular, crisis and disaster intervention, a role that places her among the world’s most vulnerable children.

Former members of the sect say involvement with Ching Hai has proven to be disturbing and dangerous, while allegations against the sect include institutionalize child rape, child pornography, child trafficking, prostitution, mind control, ritual torture and murder involving children and animals.