ESOTERICshade ago

Great Post!

Howard 'Howie' Rubin, 62, is accused of sexually assaulting three women, two of whom are former Playboy bunnies, at an $8million penthouse in Manhattan in 2016 which contains a secret 'dungeon' of sex toys, masks and BDSM 'apparatus'.

Ol Hugh Hefner, too bad you are dead already and won't have to pay...

Millennial_Falcon ago

yournewswire is not a trustworthy source.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Please use that source instead of yournewswire. Yournewswire is widely considered to be a disinfo site, and I flair yournewswire links accordingly. Thanks.

letsdothis1 ago

Okay, I've replaced it.

Millennial_Falcon ago


letsdothis1 ago

Meghan Markle, future wife of Prince Harry, is besties with Misha Nonoo, the ex-wife of Paddle8 cofounder Alex Gilkes

Oh_Well_ian ago

First off.. Meghan Markle, like most famous double 'M' names is pure occultism. Secondly, names like 'Nonoo' are likely given to children who are initiated into the Pedocult, and have personal meaning. Princess 'Eugenie' ?? as in Eugenics ? Yeah, more than likely.

letsdothis1 ago

Interesting, as Meghan's real first name is Rachel.

DonKeydich ago

Lmao, uh check it out:

Blacks never marry Jews. Jews however help blacks for divide and conquer reasons. Ergo this woman is from yet another intergenerational pedophilic Jewish family just like her fiance and is now being used to promote race-mixing: if a half black half Jew can be celebrated as BRITISH ROYALTY a Muslim mayor of a half-Muslim British capital city, clearly "being British" means PRECISELY NOTHING.

You know who's SUPER AGAINST RACE-MIXING AND MUSLIMS in their own community? FUCKING JEWS.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Good God, that brochure is scary.. ' The future is in the mind of a child ' ( and when they're tortured their pineal gland creates adrenachrome that we drink for vitality and longer life ! )

Written 'testimony' about child >> name: Annabella << they love this name and it's a RED FLAG every time

ESOTERICshade ago

name: Annabella << they love this name and it's a RED FLAG every time!! Annabelle was the name of the older 'sister' in the ToyFreaks YouTube channel and also the name of the 'killed' daughter of the Pastor of the Texas church.

Anna gives herself over to the dominion of Satan, or Baal (Bel)

The root-verb חנן (hanan) shows up all over the Semitic language spectrum in meanings from to grant a favor, to be gracious and to favor. In Arabic this verb means to feel sympathy or compassion.

The name Bel is closely related to that of Baal, the patron deity of Canaan, and both names simply mean Lord (or owner, husband, etc):

The verb בעל (ba'al) means to exercise dominion over, or to be lord over. One group of usages deals with a man "marrying" a woman, and it should be noted that men marry women by means of the verb בעל (ba'al) but not the other way around (Genesis 20:3, Isaiah 54:1). The other, smaller, group of usages deals with owning or ruling something (Isaiah 26:13).

letsdothis1 ago

Any idea who owns ?

Oh_Well_ian ago

it's based in Miami and tied to Art Basel

something tells me Art Basel is a meeting of Pedo's

letsdothis1 ago

Interesting. Artsy had some backing from Peter Thiel of Paypal and Palantir

Factfinder2 ago

Basel is also the home of the BIS (Bank of International Settlements), the untouchable organization at the top of the global banking pyramid.

In this video, whistleblowing Dutch banker Ronald Bernard tells how BIS operates, how it occupies land that is independent of the country it occupies (Switzerland) and has absolute immunity from all worldly rules.

About the BIS:

BIS website:

letsdothis1 ago

Thank you .. that helped me to track down the CEO who originally worked for NASA as it happens. I'm not surprised as I'm smelling intelligence services with the Artsy platform. The CEO is Carter Cleveland

Art Basel has dissociated itself from Artsy..but I'm sure that I've read voat threads in the past about them:

letsdothis1 ago

Thank you. Funny that I was just searching for any Marina Abramovic connections and they just tweeted this a few minutes ago:

Oh_Well_ian ago

wiki the artists and their connections, where they went to school and the content of their art; look at the benefits and auctions; look at the favorable reviews, full of gobbly gook platitudes and newspeak. The Dunham family is a template of twisted, familial and professional relationships that weave through art, the elite, MSM, and Hollyweird

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Seth MYERS not rich.

letsdothis1 ago

Lol. Thanks, I'll fix that.

derram ago | :

Wall St. Millionaire's Secret BDSM “Sex Dungeon” Exposed in Lawsuit - YouTube

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